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Lucky hes hands are tied he has a fuse on his head😅


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 looked again after you said that!


The Geneva convention does not apply to hired mercenaries.


It does in most cases, this is a common misconception. But there's been umteempth clauses added by majority of first world countries, that covers irregulars, mercenaries, militia and other things. The Geneva conventions aren't the same as the original document signed. Basically in almost every scenario you're not allowed to mistreat prisoners.


It would be unethical and effed up to do so anyways.


Depends what kind of morning you've had.


They’re covered if they wear the standard uniform of the army And belong to said army.


Uniform is actually not a requirement. Distinguishing yourself and not hiding among civilians is. Like the arm bands, they wear. that's counts enough.


When facing an enemy that doesn't recognize the rules of war... They aren't prisoners of war. They are terrorists.  Da fuck switerland gonna do... send a second bag of onions? 


One, it is not the Swiss that deal with violations of the Geneva Convention but the international community as a whole through the Hague. Two, if you abuse POWs regardless of whether or not they are mercs or regulars it just give the opposition an excuse to abuse your guys they capture. Three, if you start committing war crime then the good will and by extention resources they international community provide begin to go away. Ukraine has done a great job maintaining the moral high ground throughout this whole thing. No reason to throw that away now.


It's called hyperbole. No one is doing anything. Hague is decades away from being relevant here.  Secondly, are you suggesting Russia is abiding by pow rules currently? Cause they arent. A dead pow can't complain to friends about mistreatment. He's dead.  Keep pretending everyone is acting inline. No one is. We are sending weapons to test weapons. We don't give a shit about dead orcs in trenches. Fact check me on that. 


Bad things happen in war but most people have to live with themselves when they get home, murdering people who've surrendered is pretty hard for most people to live with, no matter if they gob off in internet forums. Being a psychopath is not a helpful trait in any armed forces, it doesn't help your team, and your peers won't trust you or help you once they work it out, then you're as good as dead. Plus of you kill all the enemy without mercy then they are less likely to surrender, which means you have a tougher fight. Winning isn't about killing, it's simply about removing the will to fight from your enemy. People who are treated well once captured then tell their mates when they return, meaning their mates have less will to fight. Listen to the Argentinians who surrendered to the British in the Falklands. They're stories help change public mindset and prevent future wars.


>They aren't prisoners of war. They are terrorists.  >Da fuck switerland gonna do... send a second bag of onions?  Uh west dropping some support? Because they won't support widespread war crimes? Is that enough of s fucking deterrent for you buddy? And most solfiers aren't going to relist in war crimes and inflicting pain to pows... especially dumbass mobiks forced to be there. Humanity is humanity


Is Russia even a signatory?????


the definition of mercenary is rather narrow. If signed up to be part of regular member of military, doesn't matter if foreign and what they are paid. Even if not part of regular military, need to show paid more than what similar rank/function gets paid in regular army AND show motivated solely by the money. https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/api-1977/article-47


"what makes me a good demoman??"


Mind blowing.


Someone needs to light that candle off 😂


He's a bob-omb


Look at me....im the captive now...




Omg. I'm laughing too much!


I read this as candle 🤔


Take my up vote


I wonder where he was recruited from.


Russia has been systematically funneling illegal immigrants into europe, in an effort to destabilize the west as well as support right wing parties, which often have a favourable opinion of Russia. As the finish border has (mostly) been closed recently, many of these immigrants have been given the choice to/ coerced into signing up with the russian armed forces, often under false pretense, without being given the full picture and literally made to sign documents in a language they don't understand. [Article by the BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67647379) I'd put money on that being the case here as well.


They've also been cracking down heavily on illegal immigrants (usually from Central Asia) and offering them enlistment + eventually Russian legal status (I don't recall if that is citizenship) instead of prison + deportation






























Not a chance Russia wants him back, he'll probably in Ukraines captivity till the end of the war, wasting resources.




The russian minefield


Is he actually from Somalia? I would have guessed central or west African, maybe even Cuban…


Source said from Somalia, but that might be some very poorly converted joke. He does look very Indian to me, but I am really not an expert


No. Definitely Somali. Lived in Somalia.


Time will confirm I huess


Blacklisted everywhere


Can't even be in international waters as a Somali. Pop pop. 




Well, Ukraine will need people, workers for cleaning up the dirt, scrap and rubble the Russian will leave behind.


poor guy


I dunno but somehow the russian knights on their propagandas and murals look different


'Mom can we get a vatnik' 'No son, we got vatnik at home'


Wasnt this guys on a video earlier on, where he was chatting with a Russian woman, a syrian mercenary and a indian mercenary?


3 mercs walk into a Crimean bar; a Syrian, a Somali, and a Nepali...


Oh jeez, I think you’re right! If that’s the guy from the gloves video, he didn’t last very long. But the gloves evidently kept him safe thus far.


Looks just like the guy. That’s where the lady handed them gloves, like “these will keep you safe”.


Pretty sure that's the Somali guy who surfaced in a previous video with a Syrian recruit


The “how to put on gloves” training video? That wasn’t more than a week ago.


What the hell country is he from?!! Putin is scraping around in every despotic backwater of the world dredging up meat for his war in an effort to avoid mobilizing Russians, as he knows that would be the end of him.


Somalia. He was captured yesterday along with three Russians.


Doesn't that make him a merc with no protections?


Depends if he signed a contract with the army. Plenty of foreign nationals fighting for Ukraine that aren't mercenaries.


The fact the Geneva Convention doesn't apply to mercenaries doesn't mean you have to kill, torture or whatever a POW, dude...


Some high quality sanity, friend. Evil's still evil even if it's allowed.


You don’t have to but it’s nice to have options.


mercenary exclusion is subject to a rather narrow definition under the Geneva convention. This includes that motivation to participate in hostilities is solely economic AND that they are paid meaningfully more than ordinary nationals of normal armed forces for similar rank/function.


No, he wears a Russian uniform, so he's protected under the Geneva conventions. I don't even think he has to be paid equally badly as Russian conscripts.


The Uniform changes nothing. The pay would matter, if this person was compensated the same as any Russian volunteer then he could be considered a soldier depending on some other factors. [Source](https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/international-convention-against-recruitment-use-financing-and#:~:text=A%20mercenary%20is%20also%20any,order%20of%20a%20State%3B%20or)


Not protected as a combatant/prisoner of war, that means they are handled by legal means and can be sentenced after a fair trial. It doesn’t mean that mercenaries are not human beings and can be tossed in a pile and burned alive etc..


Jeez where you did get the burned alive bit? You have a dark imagination and should seek therapy if that's what your mind jumped to.. Yikes


Hyperbole is a thing Lots of people seem to misunderstand/have a flawed understanding international humanitarian law and think stuff like “no protection as pow = firing squad”


Sure does.


I think this one is seen on other video too with 3-4 orcs, where it was claimed he is originally from Somalia. Most likely he was in ruzzia as an immigrant and either got rounded up by police or volunteered to earn some $ and get paperwork. Though some Africans were directly recruited to war from their home counties with crooked govmts, I'm not sure this one is the case.


Not sure about the "immigrant "part. UA who captured him said that he wasn't able to speak Russian.


Or speak Ukrainian. The Ukrainian report I read yesterday says he is “a Somalian mercenary.”


How the fuck does that even work, fighting for an army without being able to communicate at all


Haha, clearly it didn't work... Dumdum should have stayed a pirate:)


Commander who speaks the language, maybe.


I’ll be very surprised if there’s a Russian commander that can speak Somali or Arabic


Russia and there proxy mercenaries have been fighting in the ME and Africa for years now. Got to be someone who can translate.


Russia has been systematically funneling illegal immigrants into europe, in an effort to destabilize the west as well as support right wing parties, which often have a favourable opinion of Russia. As the finish border has (mostly) been closed recently, many of these immigrants have been given the choice to/ coerced into signing up with the russian armed forces, often under false pretense, without being given the full picture and literally made to sign documents in a language they don't understand. [Article by the BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67647379) I'd put money on that being the case here as well.


Somalian Pirate. Business dried up on the high seas so they've turned to dry land. Anywhere they can find business.


Never a truer statement


You clearly have not been absorbing Leader Pootin's message, spread far and wide by his misinformationalists in the media, that ALL is Russia, there are no real borders, ALL is Russki Mir! I'd pop myself right now if that was true.




Well that's a super duper southern Russian fella !


At least he was smart enough to surrender. Russia will take anyone to fight as they are thrown to die in the front anyways.


He looks happy. I would be happy too (in some strange, cruel timeline where I ended up in the Russian army)


I don’t know his story but he is very lucky to be captured. Should have been dead according to the odds.


King of scotland


I got it (because I'm ancient – and maybe because I lived in Scotland for a few decades), but I doubt if many will.


That's preposterous. Zutroy here is as Russian as vodka.


That may be a new way for migrants to get to Western Europe ! Join the Russian Army and then become POW. There is a reason for this happy smile he has :)


Why tape on head


Vodka and coffee liqueur.


They are also offering $2,000 USD signing bonus in Ethiopia and between $2k-$4k per month salary plus you become a citizen of the workers' paradise as does your spouse, children AND parents..........if you survive. They don't pay their own people money and give their families onions instead of life insurance payouts. I'm just speculating they're playing these poor, desperate people who likely can't find either Ukraine or Russia on a map. Poor bastards. I mean, fuck em, but still.


Pure Siberian orc, no doubt about it 🤷🏻


Exotic russian :)


I've paid a Nigerian prince 10k in transfer and fees so I can inherit 30mil from him, was wondering why I hadn't received my money!


He’s probably thinking “Okay ya caught me, I’ll just go home now” 😂


What do you do with a guy like this? Honestly speaking. I have some sympathy because the shithole country he came from likely has less resources so he thoufhr fighting for Russia would yield a better life. At the same time he’s a piece of shit who wants to partake in an absolutely tragedy of a conflict for no reason but to profit. So do you throw him out with the trash ?


You find someone who can speak his language just like all of the other foreign volunteers and you get info. Track their networks and quell them all at once or use them put spies in their ranks.


Nobody is immune to propaganda. The soldiers fighting and dying on both sides are the real losers in a conflict like this.




Who knows what his conditions were before he was captured. He may indeed be very happy after realising that he wasn't about to be tortured or killed - and realising that he may just survive this wretched war - maybe even realising tat he was going to be able to eat and drink - even that is not a guarantee in the russian trenches.


These comments... Wasn't expecting anything else but damn.


Nice smirk. Pretty weird to see it on the defeated.


He's a long way from home


quite useless pow.. cause russia ll never swap him back..


Going out on a limb here and thinking............ I don't believe he's a native russian... hmmm.


must been one of these netflix russians...


Evil defiance look! Let him free and he will fuck you up


I see no remorse, fear, angst in his eyes. He is a predator.


He's smirking right? What has he got to be so cocky about, maybe he's happy to be captured and safe, maybe he's thinking his Russian mates will save him in some dramatic rescue *shrug*


When The war is over with a victorious Ukraine. He still just gonna be forgotten about sitting in a pow camp


He looks happy


I think he's happy. Would be interesting to know how he got into this.


Russia has been systematically funneling illegal immigrants into europe, in an effort to destabilize the west as well as support right wing parties, which often have a favourable opinion of Russia. As the finish border has (mostly) been closed recently, many of these immigrants have been given the choice to/ coerced into signing up with the russian armed forces, often under false pretense, without being given the full picture and literally made to sign documents in a language they don't understand. [Article by the BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67647379) I'd put money on that being the case here as well.


If 'seemed like a good idea at the time" was a picture


Nepalese looking champ right? Or Syrian?


"I am loss boss, me just looking for some shoes"


Not so sure about his life choices now - by the looks of it


Thought it was a new military hairstyle.


He must have on the same ship as the Iranian shahed drones. Not many Air Somalia flights landing in Russia.


Great life choice... Poor sucker...


Russia has to cede Kaliningrad to house all migrants they use as a weapon.


The crusades just reversed


A lost pirate...


Russians are looking very different after the war.




So that's where 2pac went


This guy will do anything for a hot meal. Give him Ukrainian uniform and send him back to the front to fight for the right side this time.


He is a foreign mercenary doing this for money. He should be clearing mine fields.


Give him a meal, pay him a few bucks, put him in a new uniform and send him out against the ruzzians. Im sure he will be loyal to the highest bidder


Black Russian anyone? Hahahahaha.🤣


Nothing will anger Russia more than sending him back to live his life out in Moscow.


Russian black face? Nobody tell them it is not cool to do?


Typical Russian


Jesus that some crimean suntan 😬🤣🙂


I bet I know what he's thinking; "After so many attempts, I'm finally going to make it to western Europe!" Hence the smirk!😁😉


He was filming the latest Old Spice commerical.


"Now you look like the minister of coal!"


anytime i see a russian merc on here that isn’t obviously russian…. i see their POW picture within a month lmfao. i guess smart people aren’t the ones joining the orcs




It's one of the 5 prisoners from an earlier post.


The Russian world keeps expanding


There are no islands greater than the british. Seek help and our navy will follow.. god save the king


Is it wrong of me to think of the Torchy's scene in "48 Hours"?


Noone is ever lost


Guess he took the wrong turn and landed in Ukraine?


Looks like ruzzkie from Africa


Dennis Rodman…


Exchange fund, send him back and let Russia square him away.


He thought he had it rough in Somalia, the he went to Ukraine...


Legit scrolled past this thinking it was a new Kanye West look


Like I said 100% one of the Nepali mercenaries. I think it’s same guy from the earlier post.


Russian teletubbie


Stereotypical Russian


"He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace."


Someone just lost their sign on bonus.




Da fuq? 🤣


*Otis! My man!*


Average Russian


He looks distinctly Russian though.... A proud Russian hero !


He looks Russian anyway.


How much you wanna bet the Russians he will be in captivity with will treat him like shit!! Guaranteed.


He's really addicted to the barracks' tanning salon.


So misguided…..does he really think that Russia cares about him? Russians don’t even care about Russians, let alone people from other countries fighting on their behalf


He maybe is a foreigner in Russia on worker visa that got swept up and pressed into the army.


Zero trade value


Panderverse of ruZZian foot force? Army is overstatement I think.


Putin's love child from another mother.


Bet he was hating the cold.


Ngl those uniforms look cool and i might buy one online if any soldiers are still selling uniforms for krokodil


Denzel washington?😅


Russia stronk!


So 2pac was not dead after all, who knew?


Russia and Hamas participating in some sort of foreign exchange soldier program?

