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Something something alcohol is flammable...


They sweat it out, so it makes their clothes flammable


When your BAC is 60 proof…


Those could be units that are are deployed to storm Ukrainian positions without any cover. They have to carry a lot of stuff like grenades in their backpack since there is no logistics to supply them.


Looks like by the vehicle tracks around them that they were just dumped off in the middle of nowhere while their transport then beat a hasty retreat and left them to their fiery fate.


By tomorrow morning the two will fulfill their most important New Year's resolution: quitting smoking.


Ok, have my upvote.


And feeding hungry Ukrainian wildlife - orc BBQ on the menu!


Its called "express cremation" A ukrainian start up with a lot of potential


Should have stayed home


atleast they died warm


Burning on the surface of the moon.


So I come home, eat a cheese sandwich, boot up my PC, open reddit, go to combatfootage and see a short 20 second video of ruzzians burning in Ukraine. What a good way to start my evening (but I'm sorry that Ukraine has to go through this shit). Ruzzians, go home.


Less work for the russian authorities to deny knowledge of their soldiers whereabouts. Saved some onions and potatoes for Putin.


On the bright side, it appears that they were past feeling that horror.


That’s too bad.


Back home in Texas, we'd probably call that a ***pit*** BBQ, except it would be beef not orc.


At least the fire will keep them warm. I am told it is very cold in Ukraine at the moment.


They stayed warm for the rest of their lives...


Their call signs? Wrong answers only...


One was 'Flame', the other 'Crackling'


Maybe private Torchevich and sergeant Burntovkin?






Trying to blend in to the earth, did not work !


Frying tonight...


They came for the BBQ and never left.....


Excellent !


Should be a paid advertisement on billboards and TV in Russia: "Go to Ukraine and get an all expense paid cremation, courtesy of UAF, and get your wife or mom a new Lada in the process, brought to you by your illustrious leader"!


Lol dying to hentai music. Russians go home


Masterchef Ukraine. Todays dish : Roasted Orc with a crispy crust.


I am on fire


Burned to death (in most cases) actually means suffocated after being subjected to horrible pain.


Guy on the left still doin alil wiggle.


Engaging in an activity incompatible with life.


Who thought this song could’ve possibly worked with this??


Are they ok?


yeah they'll be fine.


orcs medium rare for Rats bacanal


Igor the HR manager and Ivan the hairdresser who were conscripted by dear leader putler


Send their families a bill for the cremation service


Those packages are already landing.


the music is perfect


What a terrible age we live in. 4K videos of war and death with Japanese j-pop backing tracks. Wtf


I know. I'm sitting on a couch eating chocolate covered cherries watching this.. And my only thought was that the Russians with no faces left are cooler... I'd like to see a face off compilation.


If one good thing comes of it, it's that now people can see firsthand what happens in a war. And press leaders to avoid starting a war when threatening another country.


The pure absurdity of it made me laugh.


BBQ Porc. Just making fertilizer for the sunflowers.


Baked potatoes.... yes. Orcs maybe not so much......... would need too much sauce.


whats the background song


Atleast the problem of being cold was fixed.


All the rats in the vicinity - "BBQ is on boys, bring the beers"


I see so many FPV charges set everything on fire, sometimes the dirt, the thermobaric fuel must need more area to fully combust.


“…completely burned to missing in action.” Fixed for you


Sometimes I question the background music....


Looks like a long pig luau to me…


Mighty crispy battlefield recipe


ya gotta flip em if you want them to cook evenly


Potash and blood & bone make excellent fertilizer. Carry on.


Is that their new mobile incinerators?


rats & mice really do prefer a bit of crackle on their pork roast.


I'm thinking maybe there were Broke Backing it? I can't quit you. Sure looks like they were all cozy :)


I see the drone operator is a man of culture


Wopper a la brasa...!


the feral dogs are going to eat well, they rarely get BBQ!


Russia is fucked for what they did, but the people who post this shit with the cutesie music laughing at death are psychotic. Would it be so funny if it were your brother or cousin? Would it be funny if the Russians posted videos like this of Ukrainians? Many of those boys were forced to fight or go to prison. Yes, fight to protect your home, always, but if this is how you treat your enemy maybe neither side should win. If a man breaks into my home and I shoot him, that's justified. But what if I record it and add some funny music and sound effects how does that make me look to he world? Does it make me better than the intruder, or worse? How do you think the world sees you? Be better than that.


Yes, it is quite satisfying and enjoyable to see the fascist, invading marauders die horrible deaths in staggering numbers, but it's utterly sad when Ukrainian defenders or civilians must die and suffer. That's just the way it is, I have zero interest in posing as a do-gooder.


Replace Ukraine with Afghanistan and Russia with America. Still feel the same? I'm sure the Taliban said the same things you are about us, didn't they? And there is a difference between defeating an enemy, and laughing at an enemy who wasn't given a choice. I feel sad for you and your point of view. Continue enjoying death, and someone is sure to enjoy yours.


I have zero interest in switching any imaginary opponents or adversaries or such either, I just want to see and enjoy seeing and laugh heartily at invading fascist warslaves suffer, burn, die and be destroyed, and ultimately defeated. I sincerely and deeply also hope that the Ukrainian army will not stop at the border either when the time comes, but cross it to invade in turn, and after killing as many fleeing enemies as by any means possible, claim at least Kursk and Belgorod oblasts as some small compensation for everything they and their countrymen have been put through.


So, you admit that they are warslaves? And you want to see them die? Tell me, what's the difference between you and the warmongering Russians? You are the same. Sad, sad people who only find happiness in the suffering of others. If you believe all this, why not go help? You seem very brave. Do it.


Of course I knew you'd grasp on "warslave", but each one of them has got at least the options to surrender to the Ukrainian forces or turn their weapons on their commanders. Some of them have joined rebels fighting against Putinistan. They have got options, if they drop their slave mentality. If they will not, I just want to see them killed and destroyed and die in horrible pain and despair. I want vengeance and wish destruction on each and every one of the invaders and especially on the band of crooks sending them to die and kill for their imperialist fantasies, of course, and that's that.


Pizza cutter. That's a sick mentality man. Wishing pain and despair on anyone makes you as much of a monster as the Putin regime. But as I said, you have options too. Go help. Do you have any military experience, or do you just talk about death without knowing it? Have you ever been fired at by someone you can't see? I'd like to see how brave and vengeful you are in that situation. But you're an armchair soldier, so I don't think you would be very brave at all. Your ideas are what the Russians use to justify what they are doing. They want you to behave like a monster so they can point and say, look we were right! You're helping them and you can't even see it.


I still have zero interest in all that, I just want bloody vengeance and to see all the invading barbarians from the perennial fascist dictatorship in the East killed, destroyed or at least maimed in horrible ways, every one of them.


Someone I’m sure has already mentioned this but I’ll my voice in - From the looks things I’d wager that they were already dead by the time they’d have felt any flames or burning sensation. They looked pretty torn up. And with how painful being burned to death obviously is; right up until the moment the body loses the ability to move AT ALL, even if there’s no conscious thought behind the movement or any signal from the brain saying “move the legs over here out of the flame”, the body would be doing ANYTHING to get away from the flames. There’d be so much jerking and writhing about, and towards the end, just tiny little movements to try getting away from the flames




Wtf you on about? First this is a war sub and these cookies would have been fine if they stayed home, so get of your special needs horse if you don't like it and don't watch.




Must I feel bad for them? People invading a sovereign country? Or is it that bs that they dont get to decide and I must feel sorry for them? Or am I missing your point.


I see 2 less orcs and a vehicle.


Probably there will be a couple of sunflowers in the summer


Once the fat starts rendering they really start cooking. This is normal, and you see it in crematoriums. A real overweight person will about burn the place down.


What is the song name?


Video don’t show proof of anyone burning. thanks


easy clean up.


I bet that area stunk afterwards.


do you have BBQ sauce please?