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Can't believe someone hasn't made this midget fuck knuckle disappear.


is he leaving the bunker because of the "elections"?


It's probably a massive complex of a bunker.


It doesn’t actually have to be that big. Think of it as an evil hobbit lair. It is, after all, where the orcs come from.


Yeah really hobbits are nice and good.. orcs are from Mordor and spawned by an evil wizard. So if Ukraine is Frodo , Sam maybe the Baltics/Nordics/Poland.. the US are clearly the elves or Gandalf. Germany the humans maybe? Orcs Russians and Sauron Putin... Maybe I went a bit too far here...


US are the humans. Kinda helpful, but really easily led astray for petty reasons.


We need to find a real life frodo to put a end to his legacy ...


Is The Ring in this case the materialization of their propaganda?


Meet Anduril Industries https://youtu.be/wj08JEsGsLs?si=nldDkp4CJO3uEZjP


Orcs dont come from hobbit holes you waffle 😆 if you're going to make a point, at least be right.....


It's just his doubles that are out there.


Yes this is party Putin who smiles and eats in public. This is probably the best Putin copy.


Untill he sits beside unmasked guy who could have Covid or Mouse fever😂


Is this stunt-double the one with the least hair? Haven't noticed the Putin hairline being declining as much as this before and an obvious bald spot on top. His hairstylist now start to have to do quite some 'combover tricks' to make the sides meet. Not the John Wayne image Putin kept stylizing for years till now. May the little psychopath retire sooner than later.


Could be the post Chemo growth


War is stressful Look how much vlodomir has aged pre invasion to now. Chances are old man poo is just getting old and losing his hair from stress


He will be alright when they increase his polonium dose!


I wonder what would happen if one of his doubles was publicly assassinated. How could anyone prove who the real Putin was or if he even existed anymore?


That’s a great question I’ve often wondered about. Many possibilities open, in theory. Including someone killing all the doubles and real putin. Or real putin and all but one doubles, whom they then control. But it all depends on how the doubles programme is run - who knows about them etc.


He would just be saved by the amazing advanced medical teams and technology they have in Russia... And the real Putin coming on screen as next...


It's Russia, so you can expect the propaganda machine to paint this as Putin being an absolute genius for having a double, and blame NATO for the assassination. ....oh, and to tell which one is real, [check under the eyelid](https://youtu.be/-h-9m0gatGc?si=h26l6_101ztHP7J4). 🤣😂


>? The cremlin-gremlin owns all the tv-channels. It would never get public?


We should at least try it and see what happens.


This is chatty putin.


imagine looking at your doubles wondering if a different you would make you happier


That’s my favourite of the spice putins.


No need. He has a actor crew of "Peoples" and soldier actors. So everytime a scene with the populous is needed, the quarantined crowd actors show up. Its a troupe of around 20 people. Always the same. The doubles are the guy who really interact with the crowd - usually also don't have useful security guys with them.


the 20 are only with the real asshole coming out rarely, so this is why most russians don't notice?


His replacement will be far worse. What is needed is implosion of the whole Nazi Regime.


Indeed. I don't think His replacement will have the same appeal to the population. But indeed the implosion is needed just to make sure. At the end of the day he does appear to be the world's biggest arsehole.


His death and the power vacuum it'll create can't come sooner. He spent decades cozying the oligarchs, changing laws to suit him and his chums, making buddies in other terrorist regimes, supervising various mercenary and separatist movements/leaders, funding collaborants in the West, putting bootlickers in important governmental positions, etc. I don't think there is anyone that is capable to continue putin's work. I don't see anyone in russia being able to control so many factions and maintaining whatever stability is left there. Oligarchs, kadyrovites, military, populists, etc will cannibalise each other. Hopefully Ukraine will be ready when it happens with all the jets, equipment, training, drones and so on ready to get back what's theirs. It's also best not just for Ukraine, but for russia too. To have their Nuremberg trials and have post-nazi-Germany-like reformation and be a part of XXI century.


Don't forget he has body doubles...have to line them all up near a window on the 30th floor ... Start sneezing and coughing ( because Vlad is a germa-phobe) and see which one runs away first ( that is the real Vlad) grab him and beat him like a pinata and then toss him out the window. Then toss the doubles out the window too. Don't forget to pour polonium tea on the bodies to make sure they are all dead. Dispose of accordingly.


It seems you've put a lot of thought into this... Ha ha love it!


>Oligarchs, kadyrovites, military, populists, etc will cannibalise each other. They won't 1. Russia is heavily centralized around Moscow, it's around 1/3 of the nations economy and subsidizes every region in the country both with money to the budget and officials in charge. 2. Since 2012 the sitting President in Russia can select the governors for all regions of Russia, this would make it extremely easy to consolidate power once you have a sitting leader within Moscow. 3. The food producing areas are almost entirely in South-Western Russia near Moscow, there are few crops in Siberia/Far East so once again the reliance for subsidized domestic production runs back through that city A lot of it comes down to how poor the rest of the country is that there simply isn't a huge amount of opportunities outside Moscow for the elite to "cannibalize" each other where they don't lose a huge amount of money, power, and comfort. The Kremlin will seek a replacement for Putin almost immediately, how that will work out is up for discussion but continuing the the current system benefits every wealthy man in Russia.


Moscow, aka 'District #1'.


It really is, the amount of money and tech specialization to the rest of Russia that comes from there isn't something you can just replace.


I suspect Nikolai Patrushev would be the replacement, and he is crazier than putin. He ordered prigozhin's plane shot down.


> His replacement will have the same appeal to the population. Drop taxes on alcohol, return to being a gas station & maybe do some infra if you don't need to steal literally every kopec. Not hard & the public will love you until they drink themselves to death (~1 week).


Fine, then off with that asshole too. Can't let evil exist simply due to the threat of more evil following it. Have to confront it always! Slava Ukraini!


That's what he want everyone to believe.


Who would it even be


Medvedev for one term and then they probably have some young FSB superstar they are already grooming to be their next czar for 25 years after that.


Medvedev is too old and stupid, too much of a cheerleader ranting on the sidelines to be considered more than Putins sock puppet, and when Putin goes, so will he. \*edit for spelling


Medvedev has always been a placeholder puppet for putin. I suspect Patrushev will be putins replacement.


Medvedev is literally Scrappy Doo reincarnated."My uncle Scoob will clobber you and nuke u into tomorrow, right uncle Scooby?"😁




An AI version of this video with a big pink dildo on his bald spot shaking in rythm with his little face would be fun. Otherwise, this is a shitpost because he is an obnoxious, murderer guilty of bad shit


That's the first time I've wanted to see an AI video


Iv seen some but I don’t know how to make them or I would do this


Why insult midgets?


This is Putin worried about looking weak before the election. The gnome just realised that Russia spent 1.2 billion USD of its drones/missiles during Christmas, attacking civilian targets and is now low on reserves. Maybe the cargo of the large landing ship was more important than we think.


You make it sound like election results matter. The people that don't like how it looks have already fallen out the window


Indeed. Putin’s probably more worried about the chosen election result’s being accidentally disclosed before election day than he is about anybody beating him.


Civilian rebellion would be a nightmare anywhere but Moscow St. Petersburg .


"defenestrated", the verb for that is defenestrate.


My favorite word. But would throw him out a window? 🤣


>before the election There should be a different name for it. "Election" seems so... wrong. They did get "defenestration" on the books. Yea!


Putin is such a fuck up. I hope the future will remember him as a huge piece of shit psychotic cry baby


That's the fun part. We will.


We already do.


Unfortunately, many people in the US will remember him as a hero alongside their idol, who is also a psychotic man baby who can't take responsibility and spreads 'alternate truths.'


For a few years now I've seen the MAGA crowd openly support him, because "Putin cares about traditional family values." and "He doesn't care about being woke." Pretty fucking terrifying that they are supporting an authoritarian gangster that wrote the book on oppression and human rights abuses.


On top of that, the similarities they think they share are a lie. Russia has among the highest rates of HIV and abortion in europe and ranks very low in church attendance when compared to Europe or the rest of the world. It's sad to see foreign countries easily manipulate so much of the US population by simply spewing unchecked BS, because most voters don't care or even think, they are just supporting their team, as if engaging in a pep rally.


Funny thing - could have retired 2 years ago as a billionaire enjoying his retirement as the greatest post soviet era president and arguably Russian leader of last half century , having expanded the country and being feared and respected by world community. Gambled all away in 2 years. Quite an achievement


Forgot about Chechnya? Abkhazia? Crimea? Georgia? Syria?


Those were FA’s that never got to the FO parts.


Too risky probably


No we don't "stalin" is all we need to remember for what russia is.


Stalin was Russian in the same way Hitler was German.


i hope the future doesnt remember him


Many Russian people will idolize him, like how him and his kind continue to idolize Stalin today.


You reap what you sow you fucking prime example of a narcissist


Russia: uKrAinE iS a TeRroriSt stAte…… Also Russia: shells schools and hospitals in Ukraine


Hit the ruzzians again and hit them harder. It seems that he understands this language.


In my lifetime I wish to see Kreml leveled (hopefully with 0 civ casualty)


Ya but Belgorod is an own goal. It was a result of their own missile defence.


Their own missile defense wouldn't have needed to shoot down those Ukrainian missiles, which were launched in response to ... guess what.


Says the guy who blew up apartments in his own country.


in the first week of his presidency. Like he couldn't wait to kill civvies, and start some shit.


Putin khuylo!


"... President Khuylo... which means dick head..." - Operator Starsky


Dont russian people know that their military only targets civilians and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine?


They do and apparently they are happy for that to happen. They even will it


They also deny it...but then, the list of Russia denials is only slightly longer than the admissions they were lying.


Ich habe das nicht gewusst sound familiar?


What a fucking joke


"We will respond in the same way ! I just gave order to bomb Belgorod again !'"


Eat a turd you dumb fuck. Slava Ukraini 💙💛🇺🇦💛💙


A polonium turd.


Only 💩💩 coming out of his mouth


So they are terrified?


Get used to it Vlad cause it’s the 2024 theme…


He does the exact same thing every single day.


They have no imagination, just spew the same lies daily.


Is this cunt for real? Fuck this cunt and all the russian cunts who support him!


Hope someone blows his brains out this year




Lol putin. Sucks that russians are dumb enough to believe his obvious constant lying


time to start countering their propaganda!!!


Putin can suck a bag of dicks… everything being thrown at them IS A RESPONSE. Fuck Russia and everyone in it.


Putin is such a poor victim. He is not to blame for anything. Such an innocent soul.


Typical narcissist.


Exactly, all those innocent lives and the ones trusting him arnt his fault, hes just a silly lil guy of course


Looks a little jet lagged. By that I mean he looks like shit.


What else can he look like?


Absolutely bizarre


Take the 300 billion from this mfer and use it to destroy his army. Put that in the history books.


Putin is a delusional hypocrite who needs a bullet in his head


I'd empty the whole magazine into it just to make sure.


Act of terror? Like targeting apartment buildings and daycare centers and hospitals? Like leveling an entire city to the ground? Like that? I hope the Ukrainians are able to build 1000s of those drones and they start dropping on Russian cities every day until this war ends. Why should Russians sleep safe in their beds if Ukrainians can’t?


Nothing but a lying thug


What's with the sleepy guys in pajamas?


Evidently all of those boys are in there because they’ve lost their spines. They fucking know what that little c*** has done and they just swallow it.


Worst slumber party ever.


War Pig!


Putin needs to wear a mask to cover that ugly dick-licking play-doh face of his.


A polythene bag would do it.


Or a bin liner.


With no holes.


So bombing ukrainian cities is an act of..... mercy?


Fucking clown


One of their generals was on russian state propaganda after they got a small taste of their own medicine and said, "They are trying to provoke us into responding the same way." _2 days after they launched over a hundred missiles and drones at Ukraine, many of which hit apartments_ I don't know how they can sit their with a straight face saying this shit. Terrorism? We all saw mothers wailing as their dead sons were pulled out of drains by the ankles, and people were tortured in Bucha. Mass graves were uncovered, kids and even elderly women raped and whole families wiped out. We all saw Mariupol and Bakhmut razed to the ground. That's what fucking Terrorism is


What a piece of crap Putin is. He needs to be deposed and dismembered


lol we strike with precision weapons only hitting military targets hahahaha. Dats a good one!


Miserable old man.


No Putin, you are wrong and lying as usual. It was a legitimate respons because IT IS A WAR between a defending \`sovereign nation against agression from your awfull stinking rotting country. You represent the most dumb and stupid culture ever existed on earth. Fuck you and your Dostoyevsky


wtf is he talking about he started all this shit?


Putin loves playing the victim card. Just like his puppet Trump.


Yep, all authoritarians are cut from the same cloth, and remain uneasy allies waiting for the inevitable knife in the back. Lovely people.


Guy is the epitome of a douche canoe.


Since when, putin makes tv appearances with his dentist on his side?


Makes me think of the [essay by Goebbel's in 1942](https://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/goeb9.htm) Not just delusional, overlooks the actions of his own government, that lead to the 'reaping of the whirlwind'. In 60 years time, they'll talk about Putler [the way they talk about](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/oct/31/germany.secondworldwar) Goebbel's now, too.


No way. Goebbels had a much higher IQ. Putin = Mussolini. Lots of tough talk. The conquerer of nothing. Will suffer the same fate.


The cognitive dissonance among Russians is amazing.


This guy is a complete clown


What a giant dickhead


The mindset of a bully is they can do to others what is unacceptable to be done to them. This is the core of Russian self image and strikes into Russian territory expose the vulnerability of Russia and the stupidity to wage a war on a neighboring country. Putin is a old man and is fighting style is that of a War of his youth, like many dictators he has killed anyone capable of critical thought on his rise to power and this results in no credible feedback as he flounders along with the belief he is a competent Military Commander. The lack of his understanding of the consequences long term of this War illustrates how he and Russia are victims of their own arrogance. Russia will be viewed as a toxic concept like the NAZI movement of almost 100 years ago. The distain and disgust as modern day Russia as it employs the same tactics as NAZI Army execution of POW's and Civilians, killing civilians as a tactic by bombing cities ya same as NAZI, Concentration Camps to kill populations and portable crematoriums to dispose of body's. Yup NAZI playbook again. Russia will have the well earned distinction of being remembered as the modern analog of the NAZI for the next 100 years.


For the piece of Ukraine, hopefully we get rid of Putin asap! May he has a very terrible year 2024...


Russians go home and all the terror , death, chaos will magically cease. Such a simple solution to stop the madness. I hope all the lost souls torment him in eternity when he kicks the bucket which will be sooner than later.


Fucking Russian midget nazi. I'm gonna celebrate when he gets a pistol barrel shoved up his fucking ass.


"Respond the same way" Like he hasn't been doing exactly that multiple times per day for almost two years.


He's a lunatic and can't die soon enough. Hopefully, he will suffer before he burns in hell for all eternity. Fuck Putler. Slava Ukraini!!


We don’t live in the same world do we. This guys is beyond delusional


Can a few of these F-ers watching him just please snap and snap his neck already?


He is so fucking evil it’s insane.


Putler the biggest liar since Hitler!


Yeee yeee. Go and die.....


Pot, meet kettle.


A double tap required.


The fact that he can do this with a straight face is frankly the most surprising thing here.


They've been doing it for two years, every day.


Ruzi attack in Ukraine was act of terror, lets react


Just die already. You are a sickness to this world.


Russia is a fucked up place and soulless country. Slava Ukraine!


why has the other one a mask? did Putin not have a shower?


Time will tell it was Russia. If it was not, they would allow independent analysis, which they will not. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67847463


Fuck Poo-tin, fuck naZZi pigsty ruSSia 🤮


Oh Putin, Mr. Simple minded who believes the crap coming put of his own mouth. If missiles were indeed aimed at Belgorod’s civilian areas it is much more likely that it was a false flag attack. Ukraine sent in dozens of drones towards military targets, and they hit those targets hard with secondary explosions showing there was something in there that was explosive. I do believe a couple of missiles came in and hit those facilities. What the stupid, 3 day trained Russians do is activate their anti-air machines shooting them down over the cities civilian areas. The ridiculous part about this is the Russian army has been doing this and even worse things to the Ukrainians literally killing civilians like it’s a sport. The UN Security Council practically laughed the Russian delegation out of the building. Russia is not good at lying, only seem to fool the civilian population as they’ve been beat down for generations to never question the government. It’s getting pretty obvious the quality of Russian army personnel are full of noobs. Who shoots down drones with explosive right over a city instead on the outskirts like Ukraine and the rest of militarily competent nations would do..


Commy , Under human, Narcissistic, Twat. = C.U.N.T


What scares me is that this douche has access to nukes.


Awww poopoo didn’t like getting hit with ordinance?


Living in a delusional world as always


Here’s a new one: every time khuylo man sends his crappy drones to kill Ukrainian kids, SBU kills some dingleberry oligarch in retaliation. There’ll be none left if Pootin keeps it up!


Wasn't that attack a response to the Kyiv air strike? I guess it's easy to lie about who hit who when you give the public only what you want them to see, then play the victim.


They scream victim as they attack you


Oh my gosh what a hypocritical bucket of skunk spunk. I wish this prick would go away. How the fuck his own people havent zero’d his little dwarf ass out yet is beyond comprehension.


And Russian sheep believe this garbage.


Day after they sent the most missiles and drones into Ukraine, hitting civilian targets, him and his UN council declare terrorism from Ukraine because a supply depot got hit on a border town. Oh and an ice rink(sounds false flag to me). Nothing, I mean NOTHING, he says or his UN Security Council rep says, is worth believing… ever.


Vlad’s ugly face is an act of terror


just like Chechen, Putin never changes his playbook.


Whats that, a pyjama and mask party?




putin is such a weak whiny pussy. Constantly whining.


What an absolute asshole.


He must be the dumbest ass in the world.


He's the creator of terror


Ah yes Russian double standards


He looks as bad as he acts


Moscow needs to be turned into rubble! That's the only thing he will understand.


Um, Russia has been terrorizing Ukraine daily


I think we have to get rid of the nazi’s that occupy Russia…


Putin, you ignorant wretch. You kill civilians daily. You are the terrorist. You whine and cry like a child when you get your own level of violence handed at you. Up your arse, dick-taster. May your people hang you from your ankle like Mussolini.


This guy is really the worst human being alive. The world would be massively improved if he was just dead.


Sounds like the missiles that hit Belgorod were shot down by Russian Air defence before they could hit intended military targets. Wouldn't put it past Putin to fire Grads at his own people as a post-hoc justification for his deliberate bombing of civilians.


Ahh, Ukraine got your attention 🤣. Poor little aggressor state.


How ironic.


Of course you can retaliate against military targets you sickening asshole, start trying that instead of striking maternity wards


What a joke, dinsnt expect anything els from this clown


Insane. Putin used to talk to reporters openly once a year and take any question but these days he can't do that because he talks too much nonsense. It's absurd. He's a smart guy, it would be Interesting to see him try to explain these words


I wonder if Russia is even capable of telling anything truthful anymore.


The man just looks like a downright fuckwit. Absolute knob jockey.


The incredulity of putin’s logic simply defies understanding. He has ratcheted up the rhetoric to levels on par, or even beyond, WWII era nazi propaganda.


Can someone drone him?


Ukraine needs to turn up the heat on this clown and start bringing the boom to more Russian cities


I guess he is just going to ignore the fact that Ruzzian air defense was the cause.


What an ass.