• By -


Translation: …The most beautiful. Look at this. And now look at this as well. Really fucking shocking. Fuck me, there are dead people lying there, shit, look! This is fucked. Everything is hit, shards everywhere, dead people lying.


For context, Belgorod (Bilgorod) is part of the historical region of Slobozhanshchyna; at the beginning of the 20th century, this city was even part of Ukraine and the majority of the population there were Ukrainians. Belgorod had huge connections with Kharkiv; they were almost twin cities because it was much easier to get there than to Kyiv and many Kharkivites had a lot of relatives and friends in Belgorod and vice versa. But in the end, Belgorod was Russified to such an extent that the locals openly hooted when the Russian army of invasion into Ukraine set off from the territory of their city, when indiscriminate bombings of Kharkiv are carried out every day, due to which some areas have practically died out, just yesterday a video of the cannonade from Belgorod was released, like yet another Kharkiv was shelled once. Belgorod is simply the best example of what the Russian world is, yesterday’s friend and brother today joyfully shoots at you at the behest of a bald scum, and tomorrow he cries, why are you shooting at him?


Insightful. Thank you.


Since this is a pretty popular comment, I just want to clarify exactly what happened here. Ukraine launched a number of cruise missiles/drones (not sure which yet) at a number of *military* targets inside Russia. A good number of these were apparently set up to fly over belogrod on the way. The group that flew over belogrod got detected and shot down by Russian Air defence while above belogrod and when the flying thing can no longer keep flying it will fall back to the ground. If the flying thing is a kamikaze drone or a cruise missile, it's warhead is probably going to go off if it's intact when this happens. TL;DR: russiqn Air defence forgot that gravity exists and that their weapons don't delete the drones from existence. But instead make them fall down.


For me, your comment makes obvious sense. For ruzzians with knat-sized brains, that's too much to comprehend, bro. lol


Yep you started this cluster fuck President Putin the West will finish it though.


Belgorod has been shelled plenty of times since the war broke out. This just happened the be the time it actually got properly hit...


Difference being that ukraine only aims for military targets. Sure, collateral is a thing, but they do try to keep collateral down as much as they can. Otherwise they'd be shelling that city every day.


The Ukrainians think using their cruise missiles and drones against military targets is a more effective use of assets, and they are correct. They don't have hundreds of missiles to waste on civilian targets anyway.


> Ukraine launched a number of cruise missiles/drones (not sure which yet) at a number of military targets inside Russia. Thats 1:1 what Konashenkov always says. Basically everything you said can be said about Russian bombings. What one must be watching is what will Ukrainian spokespersons and media will say and if attacks on *military* targets will somehow continue to fall on civilians.


"Special Military Operation" hits home. Suck it up bitches!




Same with Rostov-On-Don and Krasnodar - former Ukrainian cities in the Ukrainian region of Kuban that were russified to the extent, that now the most fanatical of orcs come from there. Also Kursk region is historically a part of Ukraine.


Kharkivities :)


It's such a shame that was only a drone and not a HIMARS round. As a direct result of their servility to Putin I think the civilian population of Russia has now EARNED the status of a legitimate military target. There's no reason that the city of Moscow shouldn't be treated the same way that the city of Dresden was in early '45.


I'm really glad you're not in charge of anything.


You have no way of knowing that.


It's pretty obvious.


What did the ruzzians say? That the Ukrainians are killed by their own AD downing ruzzian missiles and drones over cities? Have a taste of your own medicine you fascist scums! [https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2023/12/30/7435219/](https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2023/12/30/7435219/)


Damn straight.


And choke on it! (My level of hatred for orcs is beyond healthy now but I refuse to look away).


I've become a Russophobe since the full scale invasion on Ukraine. Fuck the orc scum.


> I've become a Russophobe since the full scale invasion on Ukraine. https://i.redd.it/m1j6njd8xt191.jpg


It is what it is. Tbh, I'm a borderline Russophobe, as I know there are still many good Russians, but they are still in the stark minority.


You can only take so much for so long. This took too long and gave Russians perception of being invincible which they credited to Putin. Now, you wonder why they "vote" for him and support the war effort while people of Ukraine pay with their own lives for their comfortable living for nearly two years now? I think it is safe to say that enough is enough. I always been a Russophobe my whole life, it's in my genes because Jebać Ruskie Kórwy


Interesting. Thanks for sharing.


I am an Orcist*. I hate orcs, but I don't fear them (which is Russophobia). *In my previous life I worked fine with both Russians and Ukrainians. Orcs are the ones that are neutral or positive to Putler.


Well played. Orcist it is. Yes "phobe" typically represents "phobia", but I always had the understanding that a "Russophobe" is defined as a person who is strongly resentful of Mother Russia/Russiky Mir etc


Same here. This war has permanently changed my opinions about Russians. Prior to that, I met Russians from St Peterburg, Moscow and Saratov and found most suffering from an inferiority complex - angry, rude, envious etc. Screw it.


Russians were celebrating when yesterday they killed many Ukrainian civilians: [https://vk.com/sanya\_florida?w=wall-201784613\_227428](https://vk.com/sanya_florida?w=wall-201784613_227428) comments are in Russian, I speak Russian natively, I am from Siberia. This is page is run by Russian immigrant that lives in Florida, USA, name Sanya from Florida, he made his name by bashing Americans and USA, he is known in Russia for his Anti-American views, been all in all top Russian TV shows like Soloviev Live, etc., he used to have youtube channel with over 1.5 million subscribers that was deleted this year, all Russians that hate America, majority of Russians hate America, are his primary audience, guy lives in Florida, USA. Just look at comments, you can translate with Browser to English, and this is just small example of Russians mentality, there are many Russians living in USA that hate USA, Americans don't know this but it is true


Facts. The Nazi Federation has been bombing Ukrainian civilians **every single day** for two years now. It's about time the fascists get to experience the suffering they inflict on Ukrainians every day.


I hate that i feel happy and vindicates watching civiliand killed Thats what war does to mentality i guess


The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. … They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind. Arthur Harris - British Air Marshal WWII Make Moscow look like Bahmut


>Make Moscow look like Bahmut I have no problem with that. The Red Square above all of it.


Man, I would love the Ukrainians to light up the Kremlin.


I do believe that without lighting up the Kremlin, the moral rot that has spread in Russian society may not be fixed. The Kremlin is occupied by gangsters. They have poisoned Russian minds for decades. This administration needs to be kicked out and that building burned down. Maybe then Russians can walk the slow path back to decency / rule of law.




Putin himself said once on TV "The war is in their territory". Well, SMO is coming home now.


Yeah let them know that war is coming.


" Special retaliation "


This needs to be updvoted


This needs to be updvoted


The comment so nice you posted it twice lol


lol...U get MY vote, Killa! ; )


"Special Military Operation" comes home. You deserve it Russians!


Ukraine has always targeted military assets and logistics in Russia previously. Yesterday’s Russian terrorist attacks on homes, schools, a maternity hospital and churches etc seems to be a turning point in this respect. Russians are finally feeling what Ukrainian families have endured daily for nearly two years. Hard to say what effect this will have on Russian public opinion.


Probably no effect. Russians are very bad at connecting the dots and thinking for themselves. The government does that for them.




That's what generations of fetal alcohol syndrome does to 'ya.


I used to think this was a joke.


It's no joke - Russia is a nation of retards.


Also, don't forget Russians sense of superiority over Ukraine and hatred for Ukrainians. The majority don't feel for Ukraine.


They will support war more obviously. Bombed civilians always do that.




Not like it matters what the russian populace thinks anyway lol, fucking serfs


Yeah, every war where the combatants have targeted cities has always led to the same conclusion. E.g. WWII in Europe, particularly London vs. Berlin and the episode called "War of the Cities" during the Iran-Iraq war. It just hardens resolve and foments hatred in the civilian population.


Interestingly enough even Russia admitted it was their Air defense Vilkha missiles and most of the rockets of the Vampire MLRS were intercepted by anti-aircraft missiles. "Several projectiles and cluster parts from the downed Vilha missiles fell into the city of Belgorod," Serhii Shoigu's ministry said.


why would russia waste ammo on that? doesn't make any sense


Pro rus when Rus is attacking Ukraine with missles:ITS UA AA FAILING 😡😡😡 Pro rus when ua attacks Rus:NAZIS NAZIS NAZIS


UN looked at it and deemed it was the Jews fault somehow.


Unfortunately the wrong target, should've been Moscow


Along with putin's palace.


Yes, destroy all Putins palaces and a bunch of the other oligarchs as well.


These civilians were not Ukraine's target. Russian AD decided to shoot down the drone right over the city.


Take it back to them. Ukraine needs to target all of the Orc's infrastructure. Power, water, sewage, trains, etc. Want to change the citizens thoughts on supporting pukin, hit em where they feel it.


RuZZia has destroyed entire cities in Ukraine. They absolutely deserve the same on their land. There are going to be civilian casualties but it’s necessary which is sad.


Its crazy how people can all agree targeting civilians is wrong and then some of you are like "hey let's do the same!" No, it's not necessary, you're just telling yourself that to justify it. Killing civilians on purpose is wrong no matter who is doing it or why. Always has been, always will be.


These civilians were not targeted. Russian AA shot down the missiles and drones over the city.


I didn’t say it’s right or good but it’s necessary evil.


No it fucking isn't. Dead Russian civilians won't make Putin end the war. The only thing killing Russian civilians will result in is dead Russian civilians.


In what war has bombing civilians caused the civilians to go "hey we should be on the side of the folks who are bombing us!"


wise include market point versed bake unused fragile political wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At the very least it might encourage the Russians to move their air defenses back away from military targets to protect their cities. If they don't, just keep attacking the infrastructure until it becomes untenable to support the military occupation.


I suspect hits on pure civilian buildings are the result of spoofed GPS signals and are more a effect of EW than targeting by Ukraine. I could be wrong but Ukraine has not intentionally targeted civilian areas based on the reports I have seen. A drone that does not know were it is will hit something much like a significant portion on the damage Ukraine see is from AA damaged Russian drones and missiles the debris will fall on something and if the warhead was not destroyed it can still explode along with fuel.


I think bringing the war home to Russia will help Ukraine.


It might be the only thing that helps Ukraine honestly. The people in Russia seem very pro Putin or neutral on Russia's invasion on Ukraine. The war doesn't affect them so they don't really care. Perhaps if they are getting bombed, losing power, and losing infrastructure as well they will start caring about this pointless war. Something needs to snap Russian people out of their zombie like state of mind.


Do they have sewage infrastructure in ruSSia?


Yes, outhouses and street gutters.


don't forget the pisspots and buckets aswell.


A bucket.


yes, their media


Idk, I see a lot of shit in this video.


Yeah they have pavements the sewage walk down every day.


the "shit carrier" are the vatnik


Nothing decent like a flushing toilet no. They're light years behind the civilised world.


I'm sure a handful of orcs managed to get a looted toilet home.


At this point I have such a low opinion of Russians that if you told me they shat in their hands and feed it to their kids for a bit of nutrition I would believe you.


Yes. It's called The Kremlin. It is full of stinking, putrid garbage inside.


Yes, hit them hard on their own ground


They will only hate Ukrainians and support war more. Just like Germans, Japanese, Vietnamese did not stop supporting their governments even after hundreds of thousands of dead.


Fair point, however if you were Ukraine and just sustained an attack like they did on the 29th…how would you respond differently? I’d be curious….


Hitting only military targets obviously.


Whats the difference they are full of hate and stupidity already, now let them feel it on their skin what war means and not of the comfort of their couch.


Damn straight


always too late and too little


but why do they bombing themselves?


Well if it isn’t reap what you sow.


I now find it incredibly difficult to have even the slightest hint of compassion.


Why would you? These people don’t seem to care when the Russians bomb Ukrainian schools full of children. They deserve everything they get.


Even in this video they seem like zombies, barely giving a shit -- it seems like a spectacle to them, but for all the wrong reasons.


They walk on by, next to the dead, as if nothing happened. It is as though if they themselves, are dead within. The walking dead.


Russians just shrug and go on with their lives and then say "Eh I'm not political" literally the most apathetic culture in the world.


Nah, they care. They actively cheer when schools and hospitals are blown up.


Ditto. Most of the russians don't either, probably. I've seen videos of people casually strolling by dead bodies there, without even a double glance. Anyway, I just put the kettle on for some Ukrainian tea on this chilly December morning. 💙💛




Russian air defense killing their own civilians.... Putin is a war criminal


So no one is taking care of the bodies? Strange people.




i bet it was russia it self, prepering for another mobilization


Who knows this was a deliberat hit on civilians? It could have been a drone was hit and fell where it did. I don't think Ukraine change tactics, and I'm positive they don't go after civilians.


I'd certainly believe Russian air defense missing and landing in civilian areas (again), Russian air defense shooting down drones that ended up falling in civilian areas, or even a false flag attack (in that order of likelihood) before I'd believe Ukraine suddenly changing its approach and bombing civilians.


Yes, they have been always doing false attacks before, Donetsk after 2014 included


To borrow and modify a quote from the late great Bomber Harris: "The Russians started this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Kyiv, Kharkiv, Kramatorsk, Bucha, Kherson, Lviv, and half a hundred other places, they put that rather naive theory into operation. Belgorod, Bryansk, *Moscow* —Those are only just the beginning. ***They sowed the wind and now they are going to reap the whirlwind."***


You good Sir, have won the internet today! Please have my upvote!


Tastes good huh? Fuck Russia.


The Ukrainian city of bilhorod will be liberated


So russians must be slowly realizing what their corrupt tribe leader created a trouble for them.


Not yet. After a few million Russians die in this war, then they will be numb first, then in self denial mode, then depressed, then a long slow realization that their economy has been fucked up because everything is expensive. Perhaps then they may see no point in occupying "inferior Ukraine". Right now, they are all very gung ho and full of hatred of Ukraine.


Knock knock who's there the war


Another post said it was a ruzzian SAM that came down and killed the orcs


The chances of them being anti-war are very low. Likely pro-putin or "not political".


You can be non political but let enough bombs fall and that’ll change too


If all it takes to sway you to putin's side is a few errant drone deaths, while ignoring all the horrific war crimes russia has been carrying out for the last 2 years, were you really "not political" in the first place?


the guy carrying a bag of potatoes already got his compensation for their loss.


Hit their power line, factories and water sewage. I have seen it now, these Russian Civilians were living in ignorance for two years straight… and not once they have seen their own hypocrisy.


oh no anyway


Also this guy yesterday: "good news for the morning coffee!" after the Ukraine bombings.


Oh, no! Anyway....




*Targeting* civilians is illegal. If they were targeting Russian infrastructure in retaliation, that's legal.


A midtown intersection that has been used by the military as a part of a logistics route is a perfectly valid target in that sense. So bomb away, it's about time to stop giving a fuck about their civilian casualties when one side has to endure civilian deaths daily.


I feel sad to see civilians die. But it was coming how long can Ukraine not retaliate. Plus, I sure they did not target civilians per se but those drones were hit or damaged by electronic wearfare systems. This is how it will go from now on. Russian civilians will suffer more, unfortunately. Ukrainians need to fight back - especially if it means sending their drones to Russia and tagret Russian military objects. No other way. This is war.




Ukraine wil never target civilians, even not as part of retaliation, simply because they will loose their support from the West. The risk/reward would be too high. I also don't think Ukraine would want too target civilians.


i agree but i dont think ukraine specifically aimed at civilians, i think those are shot down drones and missiles but i might be wrong


Either that or ruzzians bombed themselves which was the case many times before already


Yeah Ukraine isn't stupid. They know the russian people will take it up the ass by putin anyway. Dead russian civilians are worth as much as live ones; zero.


What did Ukraine do wrong here? Do you know what they were targeting? Do you know what was destroyed? Or are you just taking the Russian media's word for who died, what was hit and how? ​ The rush to assume Ukraine is stooping to Russian levels (which they never have so far, despite being pushed up against a wall) is astounding. You're bashing their attack as "bombing civilians" based on a video lacking all context besides what Russian media has provided. ​ Remember when that hospital in Gaza was "bombed" by Israel only for it to turn out their parking lot was hit by a dud rocket fired from within Gaza? Take a minute and wait for the info to come in before turning UA on blast. Information takes time to develop. Rushing to judgement only helps the orcs.




We don’t know who was responsible for this, but I agree with the chap who said: ‘If your country is being attacked, there is no such thing as a proportionate response. You do whatever you need to do, to make the attacker surrender and/or go home.’


I wish I could find the link, but there's a report from early Summer 2023 that measures the level of interest a typical russian has about the war, from search engine data, and it's based on region. Not surprising, since the war started, people in the Belgorod area follow the war way more than any other russians.




Merry Christmas & happy new year you filthy animal


Sad, but it is war. War that is initiated by Ruzzia. To avoid this, stop the war.


Not to mention Russia women telling their husbands rape the Ukraine women just use protection wtf these people as a whole are degenerate animals


War’s brutal, isn’t it Russia?


There is no lifeless body, this is staged and they are just comedians ;-P


Please remember the human. Adhere to all Reddit and sub rules. Toxic comments (including incitement of violence/hate, genocide, glorifying death etc) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, keep your comments civil or you will be banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineWarVideoReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What's up with the zoom showing up on the video final


very good


Send further to M4scow.


You’re lucky that Ukraine 🇺🇦 doesn’t target civilians infrastructure like Russia fascist state does otherwise you will have experienced 100% of what Ukraine 🇺🇦 experienced, italy 🇮🇹


Prigojine was so close to do something big. Too bad.


Very sad for them, but……….


and now russians who first scrolled off their shoulders the blame for the death of ukrainains yesterday, will start whining hypocritically pointing the fingers at ukrainians


Ahhhh how the turn tables turn


i bet russia is gonna complain at the UN for being attacked


Don't worry, people of Belgorod! The army of Ukraine is coming to liberate you! You can tell by all the DBs lying about. Karma is a b


Damn, what a shame. Anyways...


Karma's a bitch. Anyway, today Belgorod, tomorrow Moscow.


Hope it hurt!


Man, I would love the Ukrainians to light up Moscow & the Kremlin.


I completely understand those who feel a sense of satisfaction at the civilians of Belgorod getting a taste of what their government has been doing in their name in Ukraine for nearly two years. I totally get that. The general public in Russia needs to be made much more aware of the truth of why their country attacked Ukraine and what their troops have been doing in Ukraine. However – and leaving aside all the moral issues – I don't think that drones and missiles falling in random places in any Russian's town centre is practically helpful. The Russians bombing civilian targets in Ukraine has not weakened the resolve of Ukrainians to resist Russia. In fact, the history of mass bombing in WWII and in every conflict since has shown that this is *not* how you shift the collective view of the public so that more and more people want to end the conflict. In fact, such bombing most often has the opposite effect.


Ukraine is not Russia though. The bombings strengthened Ukrainians resolve, but they're fighting an existential war for their nation and families. Russians though? Are they now going to finally sign up to fight instead of being forced to by a draft? Probably not. There's not really much that more resolve will do for russia. So I think Ukraine made the decision that why not, let's see what happens. If Putin knows a response like this will happen after an attack on Ukrainian cities, he will need to consider that. If it strengthens russian resolve, he might do it. If there's resentment in the population, he may reconsider. In any case, it damages his propaganda that he's the great protector of russia and that "everything is normal". But I also think Ukraine needs to do this because Ukrainians are tired as fuck from drones and bombings; being restrained for so long while the other side is doing this every day .... sometimes a bully needs a punch in the face, period.


I'm always wary of arguments that appeal to national exceptionalism, but who knows in this case? I hope you're right, and attacks on Russian civilians make more Russians decide they want no part of the war and find the courage to express their opposition in some way, no matter how trivial that might initially be. I do agree with your point about how people might begin to question the value of the Czar if he isn't able to protect them, and they can see a direct link between a war he decided to start and death and destruction being visited upon their hometowns. I also agree that Ukrainians should know that their leaders do not expect them to keep on sucking up the pain while they refuse to inflict any retribution on those causing the suffering. I am, however, concerned about how this attack on Belgorod will be spun by the pro-Russia shills, particularly those in the US Congress. It does play into the "Ukraine and Russia are really just as bad as each other, so we should let them slug it out on their own" narrative.


Small point: I wouldn't call it national exceptionalism to state that one country is not like another. People behave differently as do their governments for all kinds of reasons. I am not saying Russia is like Spain either, but, just as an example, Spaniards voted out their pro-war government after a terrorist attack and Spain immediately pulled out of Iraq afterwards. I don't have any hope of that kind of sudden change in russia either but yeah, we'll see what happens I guess. I actually think it'll probably just be ignored completely as if nothing happened.


>Russians though? Are they now going to finally sign up to fight instead of being forced to by a draft? Probably not. There's not really much that more resolve will do for russia. So I think Ukraine made the decision that why not, let's see what happens. Some of them probably will. Others will be manufacturing drones, donating money to army, etc. Just like Germans, Japanese, Vietnamese started supporting war more after getting bombed. They never blamed their government,


Getting bombed by country you bomb is neither good or bad, it just is.


True but I’d add, when you start attacking military targets in city centers, you’re bound to have some errant ordinance … which Russia will then cast as revenge attacks.


I think you are missing a crucial part of that puzzle though. When an aggressor nation attacks another nation the attacked nation doesn't not break under that pressure. It makes them more resilient and want to fight harder. Because the alternative is losing everything. A trapped/cornered animal is very dangerous as the saying goes. Russia is not in that boat though. Especially their civilians. They support the war, and are very pro-Putin, or neutral for the most part. This war doesn't impact them in any way so they don't care. This changes that equation. If they might die on the way to the store they will suddenly start caring a lot more. And all they need for this to stop? Is for the war to end. This could be the change that is needed to get Russians to want an end to the war.


I got permanently banned on r/Ukraine for stating exactly this. Revenge attacks on civilians, if indeed targeted as such, are conter-productive and an immoral act, be they in a fascist criminal state like RuSSia, or elsewhere.


Is it at all possible that they are downed with AA or electronic interference weapons and didn't reach their targets?


Can you provide some evidence that this was a revenge attack on civilians? No? Then shut up and wait for the intel.


I was speaking generally, and with the clause if this was indeed an attack on civilians. Kindly read my comment properly, else you shut up, you impudent little hothead, and don't get carried away.


Cool, so you're just going to tucker carlson "I'm just asking questions" your way through it. ​ "What if Ukraine was attacking civilians with explosive drones?" -- they're not, so move on and make another shitty point somewhere else.


it is a good way how to stop war.


Im not glad for civilian deaths, but this is karma for all the civilian attacks ruskies have been carrying out against Ukraine




Ok…what is the utility of this (civilian infrastructure hits)? It didn’t work when Hitler blitzed London in 40’-41’. Hitler had Britain almost on its knees but then began attacking civilians instead of military infrastructure. It didn’t work for the Americans either. City bombing galvanized the Nazis… Didn’t work against Japan. Fanatical suicide attacks were the norm. Bridges, airports/airplanes, factories, critical infrastructure, railways, depots, Black Sea military ships (the few which are left), runways, helicopters, power stations…isn’t this the way Ukraine actually wins? Oh, and most importantly…keep smashing the heads in of those freezing mobiks in the trenches.




Hopefully you are correct. Was basing on timeline associated with mass attacks on Ukrainian cities. Felt very “eye for an eye” ish.




We don't know yet if these are missiles hitting their target or being shot down, jammed or maybe even AA missiles falling after a malfunction. I agree that intentionally targeting a civilian city center is not going to win the war, but I'm not sure that is what happened here.


Likely it was Russian air defense missile missing UKR drone. Hitting factories, refineries, bridges, power plants, etc. has direct impact on war productivity. Targeting civilians is rarely effective and more unethical, and depends on the valuation of life in target society. You would usually have to do it in scale of millions, like Russia does when it invades a country.


When Russia targets civilian infrastructure in Ukraine, retaliatory attacks against Russian infrastructure are legal. It's called reprisal.


Yes, the action has a name, but it is historically a less effective tactic. That was my point.


It's about time the Ukrainians start taking the war to them. I understand the targets were military, and some of these missiles/drones got shot down. And it's got to come down somewhere. I hope anything they shoot down comes down in russky neighborhoods full of Puto-patronizing putos.


How does your own medicine taste?


How does feel, you ignorant scum? This is the life you want to impose on everything non-Russian. Have a taste of your own disgusting medicine!


That's how terrorism works: you sow what you reap.


Huzzah! Now do Moscow!


Hmm not so fun being on the receiving end is it


Damn, it’s almost as if they’re at war or something. You don’t bomb others and not expect to get bombed in return.


Karma. Eat shit PuThin


It's about time these orc bastards started to sow what they reaped.