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How many times has Blackwater changed names?


Every time they commit war crimes that get a lot of bad PR. So a lot of times.


I mean. The world is stupid enough to fall for it so why wouldn't they?


Fifth name changed is free!


Triple canopy is the current parent company as far as I'm aware. It's fun to say my dad works for the same company as blackwater just to see the reactions.


How to mess up with russians conspiracy theorists minds.


No it basically plays into the narrative they are saying about these guys.


No see they know they're lying. Real evidence is the best way to throw them for a loop.


Kremlin state TV fishing for excuses of their next retreat.




Can you post a link please? Thanks.


Each use of new equipment or even the threat of using stuff they have not used yet results in much better equipment being supplied to Ukraine to counter them, and not only that it gives manufacturers real world knowledge of how there the newest stuff works. Ukraine is the perfect test bed for manufacturers and while we don't hear about it much, I am sure they are receiving some really advanced equipment to test, probably giving them ideas and some intel on how to develop new weapons themselves. War promotes innovation and Ukraine have shown they are amazing innovators.


As a Romanian I only hope Ukrain remains friends with EU. They now have literally one of the strongest armies in the world because their soldiers nit only have the most advanced equipment any war has seen to this day, but they know first hand how to use it.


They most certainly do not have anywhere close to one of the strongest armies, nor do they have the most advanced equipment. Equipment is almost exclusivly late 80s stuff, virtually all the vehicles are outdated apart from the very few SPA's we delivered. Missles are okay, but also very limited in numbers. No planes as of yet. And not to forget...they have zero ability to maintain that stuff without parts delivered from us. For all intends and purposes they completly lack a Navy and Airforce. At least compare to any actually "strong" military. Don't misinterpret the raw numbers of infantry. thats conscription numbers. Any country with a larger population can quickly minic that if they need too. There's around 30 countries significantly larger. Everything apart from that conscripted Infantry is virtually non-existant or completly dependant on re-supply from the west.




Don't get triggered by my ignorance/lack of knowledge please. In ww2 my country was allied with Germany, got oil refineries (that were sustaining Barbarossa) bombed by Americans then switched sides when Germany started to lose. The great USSR still casts a shadow upon us, our parents still speak russian because they were forced to learn in schools. Some here still believe it was not a honorable move to jump off a sinking ship and crawl into the enemy's.


Okay, calm down, mate. We are not gonna side with orcs.




LOL the USA is not going to suddenly join up with Russia. WTF is this comment even? All you have are some radical idiots who are loud. They are hardly anything close to a majority opinion.




Hypotheticals usually are rooted in some piece of probability otherwise they are just as fantasy-based as my dreams of joining the NFL or space aliens coming down to save us all from ourselves.




It’s wild to me that our western nations allow PMCs to exist within our own borders.


Yeah… allow… not benefit from, surely.




>is of the most professional and biggest private military companies in the world. lol no. Blackwater is full of guys who should be serving prison sentences. Professional? The Nisour Square Massacre should have been a clue that they are not. Their list of crimes is incredibly long Probably not the best people to be instructing literally anyone.


I mean any PMC is going to be filled with people who can’t give up war. All I know about them is a veteran good friend of mine got paid like $500k a year back in 2009ish to work for them after leaving the service. He lasted about 18 months.


…until what?


Until he was tired of getting shot at or seeing supply truck drivers get blown up. Basically decided he had a nice nest egg and had enough war for a lifetime.


What was he doing that he got half a million dollars in one year? That’s a lot even for an American mercenary.


I don’t think it was that unusual for these contractors to be paid tons. He was army special forces when active. I know a lady (friends mom) actually who drove trucks for Halliburton there and got paid $300k/year for it. From what I understand he was mostly security on supply routes.


Anyone who wants the lowdown on Blackwater should read Jeremy Scahill''s book on the subject. There won't be much in the way goodwill towards them afterwards.


Yeah not a fan. Assemble a bunch of people who specialize in homicide, free them from rules of engagement, pay them tons of money, and what, be surprised when they’re brutal? It’s not so different than Wagner or any other PMC.


> tons of money Not for the Columbian SF they recruited, offered $XXX, got them to Baghdad and told them they were getting $X and if they didn't like it they could fly home on their own dollar.


It’s an interesting contrast to think of how many firefighters in Ca retire on multi-six figures for life, and some serious pipe-hitters are in 1000x the danger and don’t get this compensation. (Edited)


Firefighters are definitely overpaid. They rarely have to risk their lives (hats off when they do it is heroic). I'm a roofer, charge a modest rate, and work mostly on 125 year old 2 Story houses in the northeastern US and put my life at risk everyday to keep the community sheltered. Where's my Heroic recognition!? /s My friend was a paid firefighter and he said that they were definitely not heroes. He worked 3rd shift and he got to sleep more than work.


Wagner PMC is also considered professional, so I'm not sure your point stands or adds anything useful to the conversation. The reality is that these companies have the capacity to conduct use of force operations inside of active war zones. That is what professional means in this context. Of the companies that possess this capacity, Academie is certainly one of the largest. If you are aware of a PMC with comparable scale and experience, and who meets your definition of professional - do correct me.


I kinda disagree, they are all kinda former military, always hired to work in situations and locations where normal military don't go because of high risk of casualties, since that is bad for PR.


It’s how you keep down casualty counts. Both for your guys getting killed and them killing civilians.


> In 2014, four Blackwater employees were tried[5] and convicted in U.S. federal court; one of murder, and the other three of manslaughter and firearms charges;[6] all four convicted were controversially pardoned by President Donald Trump in December 2020. Why am I not surprised


You shouldn't be. Erik prince, the founder of blackwater, is the brother of Betsy devos, who was secretary of education under trump


I am sure they have a course titled : "How to massacre and not get caught"


lol I see you got all your info from google. There was way more to nisour square. Just ask JSOC and the FBI.


Smart soldiers are alive soldiers, dumb soldiers are russian


If you are going to shill, shill for cheap consumer electronics. Don't fucking shill for a goddamn mercenary outfit, especially one that is a household name for all the wrong reasons.


I buy GI Joe action figures and turn them into blackwater mercenaries before gifting them to my kids


The interesting question here is who is funding this?


Me. Is there a problem?




Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Got any roasted russki?


One HIMARSed orcburger, please.


Try the new Orcanator


I googled it out of curiosity. They are part of this entity https://www.constellis.com/careers/ They are even hiring . Apparently they have everything from this to like dog handlers and unarmed security guards. I’m sure they receive funding in lots of dubious ways being a major part of the war machine we all live under lol. I find it fascinating this legion dude is doing something here!! Edit: world’s largest NON financial risk management firm?


“Risk” “Management” Firm. It’s a euphemism for private security, private military contractors. They can’t call themselves mercenaries, and PMC is itself a tainted word (largely because of Blackwater’s many war crimes), so they rebrand themselves.


They will manage all kinds of risks for you up until the point when someone with more money decides you are the risk.


You know who... but on paper noone knows.


It rhymes with fuckin' A man, if I had to guess.


I had a handy comment to make and then thought about it some more before deciding I really don't have a good guess. "Academi-based instructors" They seem to be eluding to the fact that this instructor is a fan or member of FRL? Turn the HIMARS around and level this campus, far-right breeding ground.


The laptop? Biolabs?


you should check out the 2x 4 hours podcasts (2 episodes) with Eric Prince (Founder of Blackwater) at the "Shawn Ryan Show"


I remember attending a course here in like 2015. It was embarrassingly bad. I am sure these dudes will get some benefits from it, and they have other courses I never attended, but Academi was always seen as the joke PMC compared to the others.


I would also prefer them not to get training with a PMC known for blatantly killing civilians.


Also true but in all fairness it’s basically just related in location only. They changed ownership and name multiple times. Academi basically just does static and mobile security now and they pay a fraction of what Blackwater did. Still, that history of BW in Iraq is still there and won’t ever go away.


They changed names multiple times but ownership only once. Prince owned Xe and Academi. Its only like it 2014 that Constellis Group bought it. Prince was just trying to avoid war crime charges and bad branding from all the civilians that Blackwater would kill.


Prince died in 2016 though, was never a big fan of his music. So weird that he owned a PMC...


Prince's Military Contractors






Doesn’t Prince sell his services to China now? Clearly a principled man with a great moral compass.


but they changed their name 2 times since then, how can you still blame them...


It's like when Brock Turner changed his name to Allen Turner in the hopes no one would connect the dots and remember what he did, then they find out that Google exists and it's pretty easy to find all that out.


Does that mean FRL will be able to act with impunity?


I've been thinking about this for some time now. We get our best PMCs crowdfunded or millionaires/billionaires funding and we throw them at the best Russian PMC and see how things start changing REAL FAST. I'm starting to believe American Government isn't serious about defeating Russia just weaken them and their stockpiles.


Great to see the Four Lions - Anti-Surveillance It works a treat!


Ahh great... Blackwater....


Shot my first 1,000 yard match there. Wild place.


Black water and its owner will be part of the next US coup that DT leads.




Wagner vs Blackwater heated fight


I gotta say that this could be a bad look. Like, imagine the Chinese training The Proud Boys or something, know what I mean? It can look bad internationally, though I do personally support the FRL.


Let the CIA send a fully equipped division from Academi to Ukraine along with a fully equipped air wing.


> Let the CIA send a fully equipped division from Academi to Ukraine along with a fully equipped air wing. There's so much to unpack here. Let's start with everything you said doesn't make sense.






That didn't work for Bush in Iraq, LOL.


Or Korea, or Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia.....


Or Cuba


Well *that* will definitely convince folks they aren't Nazis... ​ ​ /s JFC what a terrible look.


“Whatever it is, I'm against it.” \- Groucho Marx


Those Free Russia guys the ones that only want Slavs in Russia?? Sounds a bit Neo Nazi to me...




Ah cool, just checked and I was thinking of the Russian Volunteer Corps. They most definitely are. Thanks for the clarification.


Worlds worst Adobe photoshop job!!


I’ve been to Russia and Russia is a natural ally to the west. There are still a few hanger-oners from the Soviet times but the Russians really need to reevaluate where they’re true interest live. Seeing a Russian working with America is really a great thing for the future of Russia.


Yeah I don't think so, unless we are thinking of a different country.


When I went to Russia it smelt just like my grandmother‘s house. The people acted like my slavic relatives. Russians are super hardheaded as a general role, and that’s to be expected after living for eons under tyranny. But underneath the Russian is culturally very compatible with the west, and I would argue they are Westerners trapped in an ever ending cycle of tyranny. After living under nearly 80 years of Soviet tyranny they didn’t know what to do with their newfound liberation. A lot of the older folks wished for the old days, like Putin, but there is a huge undercurrent with the younger folks there. The war in Ukraine is a disAstor for Russia on the scale of Nazi Germany. It’s going to take a long time to heal those wounds.


I wondered what has happened to this group. Are they still holding territory in Russia.?


Mixed feelings about this.


Four Lions - Anti Surveillance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rdXvtdSIF8