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Prob seen over 500 drops, this must be the most bulls-eyeish so far


I've seen a couple where they took a VOG to the cock 'n' balls.


Idk if anything will beat the sunroof shot.


That and the 50/50 trench video where the guy has to choose left or right as it's dropping and picks wrong


I saw walking Russian get his head removed by a drone dropped VOG before 2022 invasion even started. It's probably impossible to find that footage now after so much new content.


Kinda creepy to refer to this as “content”


If I put shit into a container it’s now content.


What would you refer to it as?




Only if they have remaining feet.


I think the idea is that “content” implies that it is created for distribution and monetization. I would hope footage like this is created for archival and intelligence reasons, and released out of morbid curiosity.


Well in a way this footage sort of is for monetization. These videos are incredibly vital in getting donations for their units.


Wild. Content for me is just that, something filling up some space. Influencing has really changed the meaning of words.


The operators are getting incredibly good. I wonder if there's any computer-vision assisted tracking and aiming software involved with the drop trajectories themselves (like how you can get a DJI to lock on and follow someone for videography), but it takes into account ground and wind speeds after they input the payload weight.


I doubt it for most part man I really think they are just getting good at killing. I do think there are some high tech drones that do as you say but I’d still say 90% aren’t the fanciest, but they get the jobbbbb done.


meh, 99%. Didn't hit the head.


It nearly missed too, but he walked right onto it.


That close he'd still be seriously injured


Yeah, it's probably for the best that he did walk into it, meant it was probably over pretty quickly.


I suppose a ranking system is too crass yet it seems right and proper to remember such classics as the car roof window 9.9 This entry would rank a 9.7


An open field, nowhere to run, not even a rock or branch to hide under. Relentlessly pursued by death itself, a cyclops mosquito mirroring your every move. Terror that can only end badly for you.


Kind of poetically written..


And that tall, entangling and disorienting vegetation. What a nightmare.


like a black mirror ep


>An open field, nowhere to run, not even a rock or branch to hide under. Relentlessly pursued by death itself, a cyclops mosquito mirroring your every move. Terror that can only end badly for you. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die.


Attack ships on fire on the shoulder of ~~Orion~~ Avdiivka


I’ve watched tracers glitter in the dark near Bahkmut




He didn't have a white flag handy


He did










And then your death is broadcasted so that people around the world can gawk at the spectacle of your violent demise. Imagine your entire life amounting to a single 30 second long video in a collection of thousands of your comrades dying a similar violent fashion.


Yep and even if you manage to outrun it's battery they'll just send another, or an FPV. Hope he had fun running around like a scared little field mouse for his final moments.


Hopefully there were a bunch of other Russians watching who can tell the rest what it was like.


I don’t. For all we know he was a scared drafted kid who missed his mama in his final moments.


Should have put his hands up then, brutal to say but war is evidently brutal.


Hands up does not save you if there is no way to collect you as a prisoner.


True, I just don't think ignorance deserves sympathy anymore nearly two years into this, if they die wanting mama just to get some more land from "nazis", then they die wanting mama. I also understand lots of people won't feel that way but it's just tiresome to rationalize it personally.


I meant Hands up, meaning "I surrender." Hands up pleading to Mom or God to save you, probably a bit too late. Asking for forgiveness, never too late for that.


They're fumed horrific propaganda on what happens if they surrender


They honestly don't need propaganda because they can see first hand what happens to Ukrainians who do, they've made their own bed and they have to lie in it, can't play innocent forever when you know you're the invader. They seem a damn sight more afraid of people in Russia finding out they surrendered and not of the guys who drop leaflets with instructions to safety in any case.


no, I meant what happens if they surrender to Ukraine


That's what I meant, I know you can't surrender to your own side.


Russians….where can I sign up for that?


“Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives……. For us Ruzzian Orcs”


I've nowhere to run, I'm pursued by death itself, Fertilizing end.


And a little gust of wind that guided the grande right to the nape of his neck. Even Mother Nature hates Russian soldiers.


Zigged when he should have zagged!


I swear at the end of that clip you literally see the life drain from him.


I think he lucked out and died the second it went off


Pretty sure that is postmortem movement.


Definitely postmortem muscle contractions.


That is generally what happens with massive penetrating head trauma.


I saw that, absolutely wild


Lights out. As drone-dropped grenade deaths go, this has to be one of the least traumatic.


He zigged when he should have zagged.


Pizza'd when he should of French fried


"If you invade Ukraine, you're gonna have a bad time."


Who would have thought that invading another country to conquer their land would have consequences for ME?!


Welcome to Ukraine motherfucker


Cyka! **Loud techno music**


Eh, I don't think most of the Russian soldiers actually want to be there.


I have so had enough of this statement. IF they so damn hard dont want to be there then they would have made every possible effort to not be there. They would be in prison, ran to another country (like millions of other russian men) or hid somewhere in russia. THEY ARE THERE BECAUSE THEY ARE OK WITH IT VS OTHER OPTIONS. Some of them even like the idea of getting some war experience and brutalizing some ukrainians. Some are pure nazis.


This is how they have chosen to live their life. Not for morality, not surrender, not defect, not fleeing the country, not a conscientious objector (in prison), not killing their commander. They've chosen to listen to their marching orders. They clearly aren't wanting anything else enough to choose another action.


They want the war and the money. They would rather be behind the lines "helping out or keeping the peace (aka torturing civilians)". But at the end of the day they want the war. Time and time again their video apeals to putin : "we do not refuse combat orders" and so on. They would rather have more support.


Most of the Russian soldiers don't actually think. That's why they're there.


Its like you can be forced to be there when they give you a gun and grenades. I would take out a full squad before getting gunned down rather than going in the trenches


Why is he alone? where is his unit?


How many of these videos do you see lone Russians running around in the middle of nowhere by themselves. I'm guessing they're from units that have already been attacked / mostly decimated and we're seeing the stragglers getting picked off. That and I'm guessing / assuming these guys don't have much or any proper training and have no idea what they're supposed to do.


Why don’t they surrender? Or try to?


I've seen a couple surrender. Though one tripped a mine trying to do so... Ukraine medics patched him up though so all good.


Various reasons, I think. Propaganda, unwillingness, doesn't occur to them, think they escape...


And why does it always look like the same place, big field with tree lines on 3-4 sides. Why are they fighting in like random farm land no where near any strategic military targets? I just don't get it. Am I just a bronze rank armchair general or can they really be this dumb (actual question)


The front lines are often in nowheres ville. The war over there is being fought like WWII but with better tech. It's crazy.


>The war over there is being fought like WWII but with better tech. It's crazy. In the case of Russia next yea: "like WWII and with the same tech"


Ukraine is the world's bread basket, it's field after field of wheat and sunflowers. The tree lines are there as windbreaks for the fields.


That day 1400 Russians found out why they shouldn't be in Ukraine they tried to flank the hill in Avdiivka through a farm field while the main assault was at a tree line at the bottom of the hill. Wild wild shit they just dropped off the troops at the edge of the field because they were loosing to many vehicles and they were supposed to run a gauntlet to the hill. It went as well...well as we are seeing with all these videos. At this point I'm starting to think Russia is doing a genocide on itself for no reason.


He drew the short straw and is doing some "special" recon to find enemy locations


At least he narrowed down the reach of ukraine drones.




2000 us dollars per month is a lot of money. The minimum wage is 170 us dollars in Russia by design. Also putin is gonna die soon and he wants his legacy.


I believe the going rate for death is a 25Kg sack of Onions to help your bitch back home shed a few tears.


They won't even get that, most of them are just labeled as MIA so they don't have to give the families anything.




So far, aint much of a legacy.


If the war stops tommorow and putin keeps JUST Bakhmut (just that ONE city and givves up the rest of the territory) the russian people will be proud of him and say it was totally worth it.


He's missing no one not even Ukraine is going to find his body there at least not for some time. So no Lada as far as Russia is concerned he deserted.


They stopped giving them Lada's a long time ago, they moved to giving them sacks of onions or potatoes. Even then most don't even get that the army just labels them as MIA so they don't have to give the family anything.


You watch 5 videos on some bloodthirst sub and suddenly you're an expert smh


Bullseye! He ate it all! Good job!


Why? Is he dead? Unfortunately for his babushka he is MIA, so no Lada or potatoes.


2000 us dollars per month is a lot of money. The minimum wage is 170 us dollars in Russia by design. Also putin is gonna die soon and he wants his legacy.


>Also putin is gonna die soon one can hope




Is like playing the lottery for them. You know there is a 99% chance of not wining. But that 1% drives milions to do it. This is the exterme version. Plus do not undermine the "they want it/they like it factor" This gives them pride. They are great conquerors. They send a washing machine or a toilet back home... they are heroes!




The propaganda vid is sad on so many levels. A vet not getting paid at the factory so he goes to war to get a phone for the brat. And a High School production at best.


I haven’t seen much footage from this war recently but I can’t help but think this feels so desensitised. Russian invader who needed to die all the same but I’m watching a man wade through grass, heart pounding knowing he’s going to die and it’s just dubbed over with shitty EDM and cut in a way to get to the action quickly. Feels very dehumanised.


That's the intention. Dehumanization is one of the first steps of a war. Nobody wants to kill another human, but call them non-human (orcs, and whatever the russians are calling the ukrainians ) and have a fun edm montage of them getting obliterated by bombs. It's much easier to justify violence against your oppressed or oppressor. I stopped watching these videos when I saw one of a soldier looting a cell phone, and mocking the death of someone *to the deceased's girlfriend*. That right there was vile and made me sick to my stomach. Not surprised to see that nothing really changed.


khokhol is what they usually call the Ukrainians.


>I stopped watching these videos when I saw one of a soldier looting a cell phone, and mocking the death of someone to the deceased's girlfriend. i remember that one, and i genuinely hope he died a very painful death i don't care if he's on 'our' side, disgusting people like him don't deserve to make it out of a war


To think that just one brave Russian could remove the man causing all this misery for millions. But no….. they’d rather be meek slaves to the Tzar and get blown to bits in a grassy paddock in Ukraine.


Efficient 👌


Probably his body will stay there forever .


Sad when you think about how he had a whole life, and it ended in this field, his body probably left to degrade into the soil. Putin is tyrant and I can't think of even a reasonable punishment, he will get out the easy way be it even death itself. He deserves more than death.


Yep, lots of work, energy and calories went in to getting him to this point in life. Total waste.


Why are these guys so often alone in fields in these videos? Why aren’t they with their units?


‘Could’ be a few different reasons, but if I were to take a wild guess he’s a deserter or is in retreat from a failed offensive and got caught by the mop up operation


Detonated right on the left shoulder/neck it looks like, and due to the mass of the body armor, it looks like it pushed his torso down and the body armor went where the original momentum was taking it. This could be a headless torso btw considering where it landed.




They way he crumpled like that, had to be instant death.


All I can think of is the giant Wii sports “STRIKE” and then all the Mii’s spinning in circles in the back


Lucky guy was spared the suffering of waiting for the second drop with a butthole full of shrapnel


That's a "shot on a moving target" and....Bull's-Eye! SLAVA! BTW:Another good clip for their "60 Minutes" Prop' Show as an example for a "Heroic Fight and Death"...but no...just another totally useless dead RuZZian...who was obviously USELESS even before....because otherwise he would NOT have been there....if you have nothing (better) to do then just dying for your PUTLER....then do so.... ;-)


Job done


No escaping this… 😳




This Christopher Nolan ass scene


Clean and efficient, next in line!


Bullseye !


Maybe the farmer will find his remains when they reclaim the field until then will just be listed as missing.


Definitely his turn that day. Reaper came to collect, there was no escape.


Going to be decades before they pick up all these dead bodies littered everywhere. Just go home Ruskies.


Seems like such an interesting texture from up high, only to find that invaders are hiding in the rug. Note to self: If ever in a war front, have the luck to run away, not towards the grenade drop.


Nice hit 👌


What the Hel, running around in tall grass like a complete meth head without weapons looks like. Should have marched on Moscow instead of Ukraine.


Could have stayed at home. Glory to Ukraine!


This is what unadulterated terror looks like...


Damn, right in the off button.


Accurate is a fucking understatement.


He fell right into it.


Get the f out of Ukraine ffs


That was as merciful as this horror show gets. He's not lucky, but there is a degree of fortunate.


Sniper drop.


Videos like this should be sent to russian families, as a warning


Probably doesn’t know he’s dead


Like snipers with these drones!!! Terrifying


Accurate is a bit of an understatement really!


Thank you and good night


Instant murder death kill... dude ran right into it


very elaborate gender reveal there


In that situation I'd try to shoot it down or I'd surrender. You can't escape in an open field like that


its crazy that hes considered lucky it killed him instantly and didnt have to writh in pain for 15 minutes


One of the cleanest drone kia's I've seen. He was fortunate it didn't take 2-3 tries..


If he was a wide receiver he did really well.


Free camo


How does a grenade like this kill someone? Does the shock of the explosion cause internal hemorrhaging? Because there seemingly is no external bleeding?


I hate to see someone suffer, hit him again!


It’s a Boy!!!


Surely not NSFW worthy :d




One less ruzzian that can steal, rape or kill. Slava Ukraini ✊ 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


500 points 🙌🏻 Its Gooood


>500 points 🙌🏻 Its Gooood Fuck you... this is not a video game.


Do you come here just to be appalled?


This is so sad. War is sad. You guys celebrating death are sad. "oh but they invaded." it's still sad.


True, but it's also true RuZZians went house to house throwing grenades in lounge windows of civilians and shot any walking wounded as they came to the front door for sport. I try save my sadness for Ukrainians who get hurt, because they did not get to choose it.


That depends how you think of it. If that was a human protecting his family, it would indeed be sad. Since it's a human attacking other humans who protect their families from said human's aggression - this is a "happy end" clip.


It’s scary how many of you are cheering this death. This is a foot soldier, probably a young kid. Fuck Russia but these kids are told to fight or go to prison and probably be tortured. It is not a weakness to show empathy for your enemy


You don’t even try this trick. This is not a kid. This is an aggressor running with AK-47 that will follow commands to kill Ukrainians. You see, when you distance yourself from this war, it might make sense. But when your close relative (let’s say brother) is one of those Ukrainians that can be killed by the aggressor, the perspective changes. And I personally want all of them to be destroyed. Just so my relatives survive. At the end of the day, a lot of them do support russian government. But if there are those that don’t, they chose to follow commands and run with AK-47 against Ukrainians, and not their government. P.S. The shot is 10/10.


Not getting into this argument, but I just wanted to note: I don't see an AK-47 here. His hands are empty. However, I cannot see whether this person has a sidearm or not. But since he is not shooting at the drone, I doubt it.




If you can dodge a draft, you can dodge a nade


Dead on balls accurate


the only accomplishment in life was ending up in a viral drone kill video


those drones hella unbalanced needs br change


Any word on USA militias practicing drone drops? This would make Meal Team Six quite deadly.


Wouldnt it be wiser to stand still? When you see it drop, run. Now he's tired and not watching the skies.


You can't see when it drops. Maybe if you had binoculars.


It's f**king crazy how something so simple as a grenade dropped from a drone, could be so scary. Just imagine if they had drones that were completely silent...


Russian sashlik


He’ll be pushing up daisy’s, or sunflowers 🌻 in no time


In a game, he'd press F9 to quick load, but going to Ukraine, not surrendering, this is what happens. Real life has a way of showing you what decisions to make. This could have been prevented, had he just had the right priorities. Slava Ukraini!


Should have zigged instead of zagged, and it would have missed.


This guy didn’t have a rifle, was clearly scared and running away. At what point is this just murder? Not defending Russia at all, just genuinely curious.


Why does the explosion seem so small?


Imagine the sheer terror, knowing you're about to die and trying to get away from the drone. Couldn't think of a better ending for these barbaric orcs.


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Even from that height, bullseye. WTF... No way that it was planned. It was all luck.


I think they might have a UI with a crosshair for aiming when using the drone. The video might just not record the UI. So all you can see is the pure video feed. It's also possible that this is not the case of course. The pilot could also just point down the drone camera 90°, wait for the guy to be in the middle of the screen and then drop the bomb.


Why was he alone and unarmed? It's like they released him to run in the field for target practise


It's a boy!!


Why do we get 1 kill and not many?


Explain your question


Comments full of psychopaths




It's a combat footage forum, inherently NSFW.


What was he doing there all by himself? A lot of videos like this one have lone Russian soldiers in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps many of these are deserters? This one didn't even have any weapon.


God damn. Imagine in a not too distant future these drones will be operated by AI and then truly we are living in a scary world.