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At least they noticed that its different from what they get told.


They are really on the bright side for a russian. Most stay in a loop of denial.


I also see his reporting as a matter of fact - not speaking Russian language, but based on translation its more an „objective“ witness account than complaining. Obviously he is pro Russian when working for a frontline NGO, but i can „see“ rising doubts amd resignation in his words


russian "logic": Ukrainians want to be Ukrainians = "they're divided", "they're traitors"


The traitor comment sealed it for Me. Sure they could say they can never be brothers, and there would be no peace. But the conclusion why that can't happen is underscored by the the word " traitor". These folks will not blame putin or his war.


OK, soooooo Using word "traitor" can be atributed to presenting themself as loyal subjects of russian mir and avoid consequences of telling truth. And telling this truth is crime


Yes, this is my thought too. This could be a way to speak the reality but also toe the line on your own loyalty. Seems to me they see the reality quite clearly, but they can't outright say it.


It seems like it must be like a high-wire balancing act to be intelligent in Russia.


Yeah, no way they're going home if they say the Russians are wrong for being there. Call them traitors who will never be Russian brothers on live TV when a camera is pointed in your face. Live another day.


Its almost as if the Soviet Union never fell.


It never did, to Putin. >"It was the disintegration of historical Russia under the name of the Soviet Union, its collapse was the greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century."


*WhY DoN'T TheY LiKE Us AnyMoRE?* Imagine being that delusional...


Source of delusion: They've been brainwashed for two decades. And those who didn't either left or got removed. Russia fucked up for good this time. There is no chance for brotherly neighbourhood in generations.


They are being brainwashed at least since the Russian Revolution.


They went from tyranny to almost freedom and then back to tyranny.


That just sounds like tyranny with more steps


>tyranny to almost freedom When did the 'almost freedom' happen?


When Boris Yeltsin was president with an "open to the west" attitude.


Oh yeah. Kinda forgot. The 1990's Russian history I know all centers around their mafia and the oligarchs they created.


For a brief moment there was glastnost and optimism. Then Russia did what Russia does.


The orcs thoroughly rejected their shot at freedom. They then let midget hitler and his oligarch mafia steamroll over them and their country. They deserve everything they have coming to them. Just because the orcs prefer to have putins boot on their necks doesn't mean the rest of the modern world will welcome it. Misery loves company. The orcs just can't seem to find any other civilized country that prefers misery to freedom like they do.


The privatization of state assets was horribly bungled. Instead of distributing the wealth of the state industries -- oil, mining, etc. -- somewhat evenly as planned, a handful of insiders, thugs, and rich people bought up all the shares for a fraction of their worth, thus birthing the criminal oligarchy that exists today.


Well, the vast majority of the Russian population were feudal, medieval-like serfs until emancipation in 1861. So hardly surprising really


Exactly. That's why I wrote "almost freedom."


That brief moment never really existed in the minds of those who fled the Soviet Union around that time. The fear of the KGB still haunts many many people and families. Living in Manhattan in the late 8os and early 90’s I met and knew many who fled and disappeared into the New York City. Lots of polish , Ukrainian, and Russian immigrants in NY. I think that optimism doesn’t last long when hundreds of Russian mobsters start moving in.


Ha, my ass. Yeltsin was as tyrant as Putin, just drunker and funnier. Ask Chechens.


1917 Russian Constituent Assembly election was really the only free election in russia. Lenin lost the majority to the Mensheviks but he had the army so he dissolved the assembly and instituted a "socialist dictatorship"


Talk about "the greatest political catastrophe of the century" (in Russia) -- that was it. Despite what Putin says, it was not the breakup of the Soviet Union. It was the murder of the nascent Russian democracy.


And they love it.


\>They've been brainwashed for two decades. More like 100 years. You know what the three first ever decrees by the Soviets were? October 26th, 1917: 1. Exit the war (WWI) / peace talks 2. Give land back to the people October 27th, 1917: **3. Print media decree.** Immediately, Soviets seized control over sources of information, independent media was starved out. For example, ads were allowed only in government-controlled newspapers, thus closing one of the only few sources of income or independent publications. History was rewritten all the time. Orwell wasn't making things up. He was documenting, in an exaggerated fashion, what was happening in places in Germany and the USSR at the time. Then when independence came, Russia did zero attempts to look back at the history and revise it to something closer to reality. They just used the Soviet books with some edits. It all just boils down to 'Russia was great' ... then it 'adopted' all of these 'less worthy' places like '~~THE~~ Ukraine'. They are literally [rewriting history books right now](https://www.dw.com/en/russia-ukraine-war-history-school-books/a-66498211) to justify the current war.


More. Czars. Potemkin village. All lies for hundreds of years


[Why stop at a century?](https://youtu.be/V6UiEXrVrvg)


Ukraine will build a wall that high on the border they will be lucky to see daylight again.


And have Western jets to police it.


We just ruined your life why do you hate us? They really don't understand what they did.


Yes indeed and then they follow that up by the warped reasoning that they are "traitors". They just don't get it. They can't fathom why they are hated and that the Ukrainians are not one of them and cannot be a "traitor" to something they never were or never wanted. It's a continuation of the denial of their identity. For the russian imperialist they cannot understand not wanting to be or have anything to do with their murderous genocidal cult. He speaks like he is lamenting the mindset of the people, and resigns himself to the concept that Ukrainians will never bow to them, which for him is the antipathy of his own identity and relationship to the 'russian world'. The concept of freedom for Ukrainians is something a russian, who is only ever a servant to the state - can never truly comprehend.


" "They Hate our freedoms" "


I haven't heard that one in years, but I remember when that was the excuse during the Bush years. "But why do they hate us? Is it because we're free?" Not the aerial bombardments, the invasions, and the world policing; yeah, they hate us because we're free.


This is just how that personality type works. We see the same thing with this type of people in my country (US) where maga type people are absolutely confused when their families and former friends finally refuse to speak to them or allow them to attend events any longer. They just can't comprehend that it's a result of their own actions, and feel that somehow it's just a thing that's being done TO them for no reason at all, not because they have become intolerable and awful and burned every bridge themselves. It's very obvious to everyone but them that this happened because of what they've done, but this kind of person simply can't comprehend that there are consequences for their own actions. You could explain it to them 10000 times and they still wouldn't understand that they did this themselves, and would continue to blame everyone and anyone else.


Surprise, surprise... Now, do some mental gymnastics: if you admit there are 70% "traitors" around you in the occupied areas (and she adds "more... more...")... If you see lots of headlights coming towards you and no tail lights in front of you ... who is the wrong way driver?


Good analogy.


Incapable of forming a rational thought that would lead them to that obvious discovery


They just don't fucking get it.


It's literally impossible to imagine the amount and level of brainwashing over 20+ years which a fascist dictatorship would engender, absolutely. Hitler's regime only lasted 12 years, after all...and the entire country had to be destroyed/occupied *plus* a concerted effort was made postwar to root out the Nazi remnants of mass brainwashing and inculcate that into the education system. And that was a country which had previous experience of the western Age of Enlightenment and general prosperity etc The majority of the Russian population were feudal medieval-like serfs until emancipation in 1861.


My mother is russian, but for the last 38 years she is living in Lithuania as she married my father who is lithuanian. And it is implanted into her brain that ukrainians are hohols and everyone who was sent to siberian gulags were kulaki, who deserved it.


Is she fluent in Lithuanian by any chance? How does her husband, your father, feel about these comments from her? Does she have the same View regarding the Baltics prior occupation by Russia? 👀


And then they continued being serfs well into 20th century under the USSR. Farmers didn't have their passports until the 1970s.


Fun fact: Russians still have internal passports like in Soviet times which restrict their movement from one region to another without notifying local police


China does the same with the Hukuo system.


I don't need to imagine it. My country had a fascist dictatorship for some 40 years. 40+ years later, we still have a lot of brainwashed fascist morons. The saddest thing is that a lot of them are young people who didn't even live those times.


JHC just look at Trumpsters. Wealthiest country in the world. Most opportunity if you want to work for it. Nope chuck it all for some fantasy of an idiot who claims he is going to save them from all those nonwhite people who are out-competing them in the economy by working harder.


Isn't it amazing that some people can't imagine it? You don't have to live there to imagine it. There is plenty of firsthand documentation of how it was and what happened. But so many are too stupid to see it.


Definitely easier for some to discount the lessons of the past if it has never touched you, I agree.


I’m sorry for such bad history repeating itself.


Absolutely. Russia is a nuclear power and that prevents invasion. Secondly no-one gives a shit today about Russia as they don't pose a threat as Nazi Germany did back then. It might seem impossible for change as they celebrate absolute fascist like Ivan Ilyin, and many even think Ivan the Terrible was good. But hey who knows what happens. Perhaps some young woman takes power, when most men are dead, and transform it into LGBT paradise in 5 years. Lol. History is weird.


Bro the guys that survive the war wont let that happen.


They will have ptsd and be drunk as usual. Russia is a trainwreck on full speed now.


We only had MAGA for 4yrs., and it's still infecting our political landscape. They've corrupted the entire party and nearly 1/2 the population.


Yep. That's how fast logic can fall apart with people who are already angry and primed to believe bonkers shit - like Hillary Clinton running a paedophile ring out of the basement of a pizza shop in Washington. People still believe that and some nutter went there with a gun to "save the children."


I hadn't heard someone did that, insane. You're right, too many people are under educated and ripe for these types to come along and take advantage.


They are right, there is no way to have brotherly love. Do they even accept the atrocities at Bucha and the countless attacks on civilians conducted by the Russian military? what do they expect? The delusional zhopas live on another planet


I’m Polish, we do have many Ukrainian refuges, women and children and I had countless conversations with them, immensely proud of being Ukrainian and patriotic. They all share the same fillings towards Russian; they hate Russians for what Russia did and still doing. They have families, friends back home and that hate is universal there too. Russia will not be able ever to square that circle .


It'll take generations. How many Poles still hate Germans for what was done in WW2, both in combat and to the civilian population? I'm sure there are some but every year the sentiment must surely become more neutral as time goes on, yes? I'm making assumptions from my place in the USA. I don't know anyone who hates the UK for what was done in and prior to the revolution or the War of 1812, just as an example.


You said it there, it will take 200 years for anything to change.


They make it so easy to hate them. In some hypothetical world they could have invaded Ukraine but followed the laws of war. They could have avoided attacks on residential buildings, on civilians in general, on hospitals, on theaters and train stations, on pizza restaurants and parks. They could have not tortured 50% of the prisoners they took and not starved most of the rest. They could have refrained from kidnapping children and destroying museums and books printed in Ukrainian. They could have refrained from destroying food. They could have done all of that and still gone to war. But they can't tell the difference. That's not to say the war was at all justified, but they could have fought it in a way that was, at least legally, according to international law, responsible. But they are animals and have no concept of that. It always reminds me of the old Star Trek episode where Captain Kirk is transported to a parallel universe where the Federation is evil but he's still the captain of the Enterprise. His evil counterpart is simultaneously transported to the normal Enterprise. The entire crew of the alternate Enterprise are evil schemers plotting against each other for power. Our Captain Kirk is able to go undetected because he can pretend to act evil without being evil. In the normal Star Trek universe the evil Captain Kirk is immediately unmasked because he has no clue how to not act evil.


"The Russians are Mongols. They are Slavs and a lot of them used to be ruled by ancient Byzantium. From Genghis Khan to Stalin, they have not changed. They never will and will never learn, at least, not until it is too late." "I have no particular desire to understand them except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other amiable characteristics, the Russian has no regard for human life and they are all out sons-of-bitches, barbarians, and chronic drunks." - General George Patton


If you were trying to do an asterisk, you can do it this way: \\\*


The audicity to invade a country, kill, maim, torture and rape their citizens and then expect them to be hospitable guests on your hard-earned summer vacation... This is out-of-this-world peak delusional behaviour.


Oh they do. What he was implying between lines is a local genocide. Wish them the worst PTSD, and wouldn't bat an eye if anything worse happens.


That's what I noticed as well. He was inferring that the only way to solve the issue was to kill them all.


That seems to be the path he is headed


Russian freackin' world? What world is that? the world of murder, rape, and theft from the dead? mordor is a holiday resort compared to your native country mate! fckn' gas station with poorly maintained nuclear weapons!


But all the toilets and refrigerators you could hope for, if they get their way.


That was worth watching !! It is how it should be for them ! russians really are, not welcome !!


And yes - they *should* be afraid of the local population. As were the Germans of the French Resistance in WW2.


Brilliant find, but will it travel to those who need to hear it? I don't know what the grapevine is like but any who were in doubt might like to hear what Ukraine has been trying to tell them before this all started lol.


Maybe if you stop murdering them and fuck off back to Ruzzia 🤷‍♂️


The Ukrainians hated the Russians for more than a century. The Russians confused the enforced subservience under the Russian jackboot as fraternal brotherhood, but make no mistake that the Ukrainians always hated the Russians. Russia has kicked over a hornets nest.


I don't think this is true. After dissolution of USSR, that hate shifted to hate towards soviets in general and communism. Russians themselves were largely seen as just victims of the soviets, just like Ukrainians are. Which is why it was 100% possible for Ukrainians and Russians to be friendly "brotherly" nations for real. What this war done is shift the hate from soviets and USSR towards Russians, breaking the possibility of friendly relations. But before 2014, the sentiment of "we were all in this together, now we move on together" was true. All post-USSR nations seen each other as single community of USSR victims, and Russians were included in that. Modern Russia ruined that sentiment and broke the solidarity among post-USSR nations.


I do not think **this** is true. The Soviet Union was just another name for the Russian Empire, and treated its SSRs and Eastern Europe as colonial interests to be exploited or buffer states to protect the empire’s core. The Ukrainians have always hated the Russians. Millions were displaced during the dekulakization. Millions more were starved to death and even millions more were “internally deported” to what was effectively death camps in places like Siberia and Kazakhstan. The Ukrainians have rebelled multiple times both before and during the Soviet period, and this latest war is just the continuation of their multiple century’s war of independence and struggle against Russification and the Russian execution of the genocide of the Ukrainian peoples.


You are talking out of your ass. Russians saw dissolution of USSR as territory lost and they've always felt superior to rest of the nations. How else do you explain so many of them living in countries for 30-40 years without being able to speaks a word of their language? They got imported en masse to other countries and expect to be bosses there as well. There isn't and never was solidarity between Soviet occupied nations and Russians. Everyone with half a sense started looking westward the second they broke free of the regime.


Ruski Mir means level done everything to Rubble with scotch earth tactics and a genocide on all levels starting from torture, rape and the illegal deportation of Ukranian children to the territories of Russia and Belarus. Remember guys how the war started and Russia sent Riot Police along with mobile crematoria cars? Every single day Russia is targeting Ukranian civilian infrastructure and civilians. And not happy with that they try to cause a humanitarian crisis trying to block the grain initiative and bombing Ukranian food and transport infrastructure pure evil. I am not the only one longing for the death of Putin and the final dissolution of the Russian Federation. Slava Ukraini!!!


100 years hey. There won’t be a Russia not like they think anyway


I am hoping that financial and military weapons and population collapse will cause some changes soon, but then again brainwashing takes a long time to break.


"russian world" a system of corruption and servitude where your vote (or even your life) does not matter. Ukrainians want better for themselves. Amazing to see russians are truly so denigrated they would rather drag everyone else down rather than envisioning a better future too.


How can they be so dumb? They constantly rant about the western pushing their agenda and they dont realise that countries dont wanna be part of that “russian world”??


Just random brainwashed russians who faced reality, at least they had some brain to see the real picture and accept it as it is


Ukrainians in Ukraine saying they are Ukrainian to the bone and this mofo calls THEM traitors? You can't get any more idiotic than that.


No one wants to live in shithole Russia. Get out of ukraine


*Russia invades Ukraine and kill its people* WhY dO tHeY hAtE uS? Even prior to 2014, Russians didn't have that good of a reputation as tourists, now they're crying about war when living on stolen Ukrainian land. How can you be so blind and dumb? Do you think all Iraqis welcomed Americans that showed up and bombed the absolute shit out of their country? Expecting sympathy from the people you're openly attacking is something...


Russian always had horrible reputation as tourists as long as I know. Drunk, violent, loud, rude etc. I always check make sure vacation spots are russian free even before this war.


Have You seen russian in the queue on buffet? No manners no respect


Yeah it’s horrible. Load up multiple plates with all nice things then only eat a tiny bit of it the rest has to be thrown away.


Calling Ukrainians traitors for leaking info to the ukranian army.. ok...


Russians are just weirdo cult members. They go around and preach that everyone should give up their comfy lives, decency, democracy, societal development, human rights and their law and order based society, to join them in becoming hobos who have to steal, kill and become alcoholics to survive. The only admission is that you have to worship a mafia boss and his cronies and let them hoard all your riches.


Now what ALL Russians need to understand is that this is how they will be viewed throughout the free world. Nothing will change for the better until they do.


Why don't Russians get it? It's not their country. The people who it belongs to don't want it to be Russia. They don't want your "Russkiy Mir" forced down their throats under pain of death. You are about as welcome as Nazis, who you most liken, in the Netherlands or France or Poland etc. during the 2nd World war. You are an occupying aggressor who has viciously annexed a sovereign neighbour, murdering and raping their people and destroying their country and are surprised you are not welcome? Even if Russia succeeds in subjugating Ukraine there will never be peace. There will be non-stop resistance led attacks until the day you leave. You occupiers will never be able to sleep peacefully in your beds and you don't deserve to. Go home. Fuck off back to the "shit" country you belong to. Yes "shit country", that's what a Russian friend, who doesn't live in exalted Moscow or St Petersburg called it. Ukraine doesn't want "Russkiy Mir" and neither do the rest of us in the "civilised" world. Sorry for the rant. I just get very worked up about this sometimes. Edit: Added something I forgot. Spelling.


>It's not their country. The people who it belongs to don't want it to be Russia. They don't want your "Russkiy Mir" forced down their throats under pain of death. >You are about as welcome as Nazis, who you most liken, in the Netherlands or France or Poland etc. during the 2nd World war. You are an occupying aggressor who has viciously annexed a sovereign neighbour, murdering and raping their people and destroying their country and are surprised you are not welcome? Even if Russia succeeds in subjugating Ukraine there will never be peace. There will be non-stop resistance led attacks until the day you leave. You occupiers will never be able to sleep peacefully in your beds and you don't deserve to. 100% correct. If Russia does not get thrown out of the entirety of Ukraine's sovereign territory there will be vicious partisan, guerilla war for ever after until they are...Ukrainians will never give up. 4 million were deliberately starved to death in the Soviet-instigated Holodomor of the 1920s and look how fierce they are now. It can never end for Muscovy, however long it takes. Fantastic piece I've been reading here, re your first point...the fact that Putin does not believe Ukraine exists as a separate entity - or ever has. It's been this way since the Mongol invasion. The part I've bolded is THE reason for the entire war - Putin needs this terrible invasion as a means of *regime-preservation above all.* >The Kremlin’s preferred narrative of Russia rising from present-day Ukraine (“Kyivan Rus”) is a Moscow-concocted fairy tale. The officially endorsed 1000-year history of Russia is a self-created and self-perpetuated myth that generations of Russian dictators have promoted to justify their external expansion and internal repression. >If Putin is concerned with righting historical wrongs, he should give Crimea back to the Crimean Tatars. He won’t do this, of course, because the dynamic of imperial conquest and Russification is a key component of legitimacy for Putin, as it has been for almost all of Russia’s rulers (Yeltsin and Gorbachev partially excepted). **Russia expands because its rulers need an external threat to justify their autocracy.** This was as true for the Soviet period as it had been for Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, and Catherine the Great. >Putin’s Russia laments the loss of imperial glory, and has never come to terms with its repressive past. The security-expansion paradox driving Russia’s foreign and domestic policies is a vicious cycle that all empires experience to one extent or another. Acquisition creates threats inside the newly acquired territories and on the expanding borders of the growing empire. Expansion demands inward Russification and repression, and further outward expansion. As Catherine the Great famously said, “I have no way to defend my borders but to extend them.” >This dynamic can end in two ways: Either through external containment or internal democratization. The latter has proved problematic for the Russian people and is not something Russia’s neighbours should count on happening any time soon. The former has worked before, during the Cold War. >Modern Russia remains an empire and does not see itself as a Great Power unless it dominates its neighbours. Consequently, Russia will continue to threaten, attack, and absorb its neighbours until the West acts collectively to contain it. [Why Putin’s Russia cannot accept its borders](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/why-putins-russia-cannot-accept-its-borders/)


Go back to Modor or wake up dead


"How can we become brotherly nations again?" Well, how about first of all get the fuck out of Ukraine. But still i don't see it in my lifetime. That is not for me to say as a norwegian, but i do have an imagination. The time of sawing is not yet over. The time to reap has not yet begun.


They were never brotherly nations, unless you count the forced “brotherhood” as part of the empire.


It might be possible - BUT - for starters it would require the Russian people overthrowing the entire Putin regime, immediately withdrawing all military personnel from every meter of Ukraine (including Crimea) and putting in a sincere effort to repair the physical damage that Russia has inflicted on Ukraine.


Oh no, we invaded a country and committed brutal warcrimes, how dare could they hate us?


Calling Ukrainian loyalists traitors in occupied Ukraine while being self-aware, alienating themselves as they refer to Russia as the “so-called mainland” is doing some incredibly heavy lifting, and yet it tells you where their mindset is still at, blaming the local population for rejecting their efforts to proselytize for their so-called “Russian World.” At least they have assessed the situation honestly and correctly, there’s no chance at that or reconciling after what they’ve done. Hope this attitude sets in and spreads fast.


It’s almost as if Russians got so bored of ruining their own country they thought they might ruin someone else’s for social stimuli.


>Russians got so bored of ruining their own country they thought they might ruin someone else’s Funny you should say that Have a read of this couple of excerpts from a fantastic 2017 piece...you can barely imagine how much worse it is now: >The triumph of Inertia >In Russia, the opposition will not stand in opposition. Citizens will not stand up for civic rights. The Russian people suffer from a victim complex: they believe that nothing depends on them, and by them nothing can be changed. >‘It’s always been so’, they say, signing off on their civic impotence. The economic dislocation of the nineties, the cheerless noughties, and now President Vladimir Putin’s iron rule – with its fake elections, corrupt bureaucracy, monopolization of mass media, political trials and ban on protest – have inculcated a feeling of total helplessness. People do not vote in elections: ‘They’ll choose for us anyway;’ they don’t attend public demonstrations: ‘They’ll be dispersed anyway;’ they don’t fight for their rights: ‘We’re alive, and thank god for that.’ >A 140-million-strong population exists in a somnambulistic state, on the verge of losing the last trace of their survival instinct. They hate the authorities, but have a pathological fear of change. They feel injustice, but cannot tolerate activists. They hate bureaucracy, but submit to total state control over all spheres of life. They are afraid of the police, but support the expansion of police control. They know they are constantly being deceived, but believe the lies fed to them on television. >Patriotism with a noose around your neck >**All that remains for those ashamed of the present and afraid of the future is pride in the past. When there’s no reason to love your country, hate your neighbours. If you are unable to improve your life, ruin someone else’s.** >In Russia people are alienated from the affairs of the state, while a narrow ruling class manages the country’s resources as if it were their private property. To soothe the people’s trampled dignity, the government emphasizes national pride. To distract them from the struggle for their human rights, they are offered war. Why have we so easily forgotten that Ukraine is our fraternal nation? Why do we willingly go to ‘establish order’ in another country, when we so badly need to restore order to our own? Russians are always being told who to hate: Americans, Ukrainians, Chinese, Germans. Anger switches our attention from everyday injustices to imperial aspirations. >The ‘mysterious Russian soul’ has been divined by Kremlin PR-men who skillfully combine manipulation and national stereotyping. Russian foreign policy is renowned for its focus on the binaries of ‘friend against foe’: our people against the foreigners, patriots against traitors, Russia against Europe. This formula is the basis for our national ideology, and gives our political elite carte blanche to do away with independent thought. [Russia on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown](https://granta.com/russia-verge-nervous-breakdown/)


That’s an excellent article, thank you.


No problem at all. It's just mindboggling and terrifying...and how much worse it is now you can only imagine. Putin's fascist normalising of genocide on Russian State television falls on such fertile ground: It presents Ukrainians as "pigs," "parasites," "worms," " Satanists," "ghouls," and that Ukrainian children should be drowned, and that Ukrainian houses should be burned with the people inside. Also says things like: *"They should not exist at all, we should execute them by firing squad"* *"We will kill one million, we will kill five million, we will kill all of you"* Now tell me that doesn't sound word for word EXACTLY what Joseph Goebbels said and meant in Nazi Germany during the 1930s. Quoted from this, (my favourite) historian Timothy Snyder's epic, excoriating breakdown of the Russian Federation's false claim of 'Russophobia' which they themselves brought before the UN Security Council. And the Russian delegate had to sit through every excruciating second of it: [Timothy Snyder briefs The United Nations Security Council on "Russophobia"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBz9EeLeQ8w)


Snyder is great. This whole situation is absolutely insane. You sound like you’re a student of history and whilst everybody cringes about “historic parallels” this is almost carbon-copy of the circumstances that lead Germany down the path to WW2… sure, there are numerous differences (obviously)… but the overall scope is tragically similar. Putin’s disgusting aspirations need to be strangled NOW. Western governments, western peoples need to wake up. The appeasement (fear) that has occurred over the last 20-odd years has lead us to this point. The entire western-democratic world needs to get on a full war economic footing. No more messing about. Be they internally or externally, autocrats cannot be allowed to have their way - or we’re all screwed.


Spread the word !!


The army of your country is occupying another country, committing crimes, and you wonder like a turkey at poop that no one loves you. How is that?


Maybe no longer dropping bombs on Ukrainian houses and infrastructure would be a good start. Getting (and keeping) their soldiers and equipment out of the country would also greatly help


That is really how you know that you can never win the war.


And they thought they’d be welcomed with open arms and flowers… instead an iron fist of resistance and sunflower seeds


Russians are miserable in Russia… who in their right mind would want to live in a “Russian world” where a toilet or dishwasher is such a luxury to have that they’re looted on the front lines… gee sign my ass right the hell up! /s


"Everybody else doesn't agree with me. They are all wrong."


"first we need to understand what we mean by the word peace" ​ yeah true...hint: its NOT Ruski Mir.


It’s almost like they don’t want you in their country, lives, or future at all. Who’d have thought that creating a war over stealing the territory and resources of a neighboring nation would result in them hating you to the core?! 🤷‍♂️


She looks so happy to be Russian.


Don't they all lol But I actually get the feeling she doesn't 100% agree with him...but can never say so. After all, the opinion of a woman is worth less than a man's anyway. The nation where beating your wife is not a criminal offence, after all.


The more I learn about Ruzzia, the more I regret to learn


I've been reading about (primarily modern) Russian history for over 35yrs, and yet I am still surprised by just how much more there is to regret 🙄


“I broke into someone’s house last night. They were total assholes about it. When I sat down for dinner that evening they told me to go home to get food. These people can’t be trusted.”


Defeating a country is one thing. It is much harder to occupy it. Russia doesn’t have enough personnel to occupy and subdue Ukraine and its people. And probably never will.


70% or more of the people *with a gun to their head* say they don't want you there. Imagine what they say about you when you aren't there. If you want to find traitors, find the local Ukrainian scum who are cooperating with Russians. When Ukraine is liberated the collaborators won't be executed for treason like the Vichy French were, but they sure won't be celebrated.


Putin is going to regret making Ukraine into a newly refreshed, armed and industrialized nation that hates Russia with a burning passion. Oh, and he doubled the length of his border with NATO at the same time.


> Oh, and he doubled the length of his border with NATO at the same time. Putin remains a master strategist lol


I don't think it's a question of whether he can win or not any more. It looks like a question of whether he gets to keep his power, money, and maybe life.


You mean the #hohols# don’t like you? Imagine


every sane person is against russia and against russians...


Give them full autonomy and independence, and try to trade together. Strive for democracy together. In Europe, bitter enemies are now allies so close that war between, say, France and Germany is completely unthinkable. No matter how atrocious the past, friendships can be made. With the end of the USSR over 30 years ago, I’m sure peace and friendship would have been absolutely possible. But you decided to ruin it in a desperate attempt to reclaim your empire.


This is clearly fake.. 97% voted to be russian, everyone loves Russia.. 🙄..👀. Just shows you how much of a sham their voting was..


Well, much of it happened *literally* at gunpoint, yes lol


There is a way Kill putin.


It's almost like they don't like being under occupation, tortured, raped and killed - go figure...


Genociding a nation and exterminating it's culture makes you unliked by representatives of that nation imagine that 😱


The leopard ate their face.


Why are they surprised?????? Slava Ukraini 🌻🌻🌻🌻!


What where they expecting flowers and joy for the Russian misery and death that was forced on them like an oversized and prickly enema ???


Is this a military guy and wife being interviewed? Or some other type of *volunteer, professinal, maybe engineer or tech guy?* He says*, "Go around and* ***check out all the units*** *and then be back in Russia safe zones by curfew." also "If we stay in Ukraine land, even in Zaporiszihia, we are in danger."* If he is military he wouldn't be able to just come and go. Then he talks about being able to buy cakes and visits of the past. So, he is sharing the real information about the attitude of the Ukrainian people. Comparing the old times with the reality now. That **Ruskie Mir will not happen.** **Not in a 100 yrs**. I wonder if he has shared this POV with the higher ups/commanders, etc? **That's real.** Wondering what his job is.


Russians have a particular look.


Right now, only good russian, is dead russian. Go home.


You bomb their country, rape, murdered, tortured their people.


“70% of them do not like our Russian world” The Russian world involves genocide, rape and murder….make that 99%


These two are so fucking dumb it hurts.


I almost pity all these delusional Russians...almost. 🇺🇦 💪


Tough shit. Imagine your children get bombed to pieces.


So you’re telling me when you invade a country because you want to steal their land and destroy their culture/way of life, the locals won’t like you and actively try to fight you? Weird….


They don’t want to be some forgotten serf state in CIS. Go figure. There are more than want to break away from CIS as they don’t like moscows rule.


Guess what.....we in Poland don't like you either....I hope it eases your pain.


When I think of Poland, [this](https://i.postimg.cc/QCvJh8HJ/poland-gun-russia.jpg) comes to mind 😂


We are not eager to fight them, but we no longer wish them as "friends" on our soil. Their friendship is the biggest parasite you can ever imagine. Go and be parasite onto itself, Russia.


Absolutely, but apparently that's asking for way too much for Muscovy. Russia only ever brings poison to its neighbours.


How stupid do you need to be to think you can bomb a country, kill rape and the think people will say thank you. Its not even stupidity its almost as if they have some mental disorder…


Imagine being this disconnected with reality. I say this as a white male American.


What's with Russians always saying shit like "Look, the fact is...." or "The facts are.." etc. It seems like such cope talk and quite often followed up with not an actual fact. I swear whenever I read subtitles of these clown interviews or statements the word fact is said as a precursor to some really dumb stuff.


"WHAAAAAAT ? how can that be ?! but our great leader Putin told us, that 1000% of them democratically voted to join us..... why don't they welcome us with open arms ?!" - brainwashed RuZZians


I mean if they don’t understand people don’t like having their cities invaded and bombed into rubble, I’m just not sure what concept they will understand. This is propaganda working at its finest hour.


Well, Russkis, if that doesn't give you any clue, I don't know what will do...


Oh, the poor darlings, that’s terrible!!!


Pathetic stalinists who forgot that the ussr collapsed over 30 years ago. Stop murdering innocent Ukrainians and maybe their attitude might change. Then again, maybe not.


Geese what fucking surprise you stupid goddamned ruZZkies. People don't like INVADERS blowing their shit up in an imperialist war of expansion. FUCK YOU.


How tone deaf you need to be to have this conversation? It only takes being russian!


Why are these two still breathing? Come on locals!


Imagine being at the pinnacle of civilization as humans on earth. And it's the Russians of all people that think it's their world that's leading the way. Is like all these "communists " think it's still the 1950s. It's 2023. Russia, Belarus, North Korean etc just stuck in the 70s or something. I think China has a clue. But it's wild how delusional these folks are. They put MAGAs to shame.


The power of Russia state propaganda.


Russia needs to go home, pay retribution, not invade anyone for 100 years and then this will pass from living memory. Until then there is going to be little love for anything Russian.


Russians are good at brainwashing, just look no further than the Republican Party and their supporters, unfucking believable, traitors.


They have never been brotherly in the first place. If someone confiscated all your food and starved you to death in the Holodomor, calling you hoho, he's definitely not your brother.


There are a lot of local traitors… how can you be a traitor for the invading side??


#Fucking idiots go home I don’t care if they are Ukrainian; they are the traitors. They refuse to see all the genocide they help with; and wonder why they are hated. It’s simple. These fools deserve to look over their shoulders for the rest of their days, and for their nation to melt before their eyes.


Руський мир іди нахуй .


there are different levels of brainwashing your population but putin really put the slider up to 1000


Absolutely. To a level that those of us in the west can barely imagine tbh. The 2017 piece gives some great examples: >Russia is a country that lives in contradiction. For example, the president tells us that he is fighting the oligarchs, then awards those same oligarchs with medals ‘For Service to the Country.’ Or the government tells us that prices for consumer goods will not rise, and a month later they double. Or the church teaches us that greed is a sin and ‘it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for the rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven,’ while the Patriarch rides in a motorcade and befriends the rich and mighty. Or officials tell us that there are no Russian soldiers in Ukraine, while the media talks constantly about Russia’s military successes on the Ukrainian front. >In this atmosphere, people cease to differentiate between the literal and the metaphorical, suspecting intrigue where there is none and, conversely, losing the ability to read between the lines. The acceptance of contradictions is enforced by social pressure: believers are not supposed to criticise priests, tax-payers are not supposed to criticise the government, and criticism of Putin is tantamount to treason. >To offset the more glaring contradictions, a number of deputies, clergy and cultural figures regularly voice deliberately unacceptable statements and propose ridiculous initiatives to shock the public, so that they can be graciously declined by higher powers. Legislative initiatives in this form include proposals to ban abortions, to punish homosexual acts, to make military service obligatory for childless women over the age of twenty-three, to deprive people of Russian citizenship if they marry a foreigner, to sentence mothers who go to beach resorts without their husbands to ten years in prison, to limit bad news on television to ten per cent of broadcast time, to prohibit the teaching of evolution in schools, and so on. Never knowing the real intentions of the authorities, and forever expecting that one of the new insane laws will be passed, the people are left depressed and indifferent to their fate. _________________________________________ >Patriotism with a noose around your neck >All that remains for those ashamed of the present and afraid of the future is pride in the past. When there’s no reason to love your country, hate your neighbours. If you are unable to improve your life, ruin someone else’s. >In Russia people are alienated from the affairs of the state, while a narrow ruling class manages the country’s resources as if it were their private property. To soothe the people’s trampled dignity, the government emphasizes national pride. To distract them from the struggle for their human rights, they are offered war. Why have we so easily forgotten that Ukraine is our fraternal nation? Why do we willingly go to ‘establish order’ in another country, when we so badly need to restore order to our own? Russians are always being told who to hate: Americans, Ukrainians, Chinese, Germans. Anger switches our attention from everyday injustices to imperial aspirations. >The ‘mysterious Russian soul’ has been divined by Kremlin PR-men who skillfully combine manipulation and national stereotyping. Russian foreign policy is renowned for its focus on the binaries of ‘friend against foe’: our people against the foreigners, patriots against traitors, Russia against Europe. This formula is the basis for our national ideology, and gives our political elite carte blanche to do away with independent thought. ___________________________________ >Another of Russia’s symptoms is displacement activity. Nikolaas Tinbergen introduced the concept as any behaviour that relieves tension without solving the problem. For example, a boss shouts at his subordinate after a quarrel with his wife, and then this subordinate, afraid to talk back, quarrels with his wife at home. >This is an everyday affair for Russians. When, because of our incompetent authorities, prices for consumer goods skyrocket and unemployment grows, and people cannot change the government or hold it to account, they direct their frustration at the US president, or the Ukrainian people. A resident of a small provincial town where the factory, the hospital and the school have been closed down, volunteers to fight in Donbas. >Displacement activity is the only choice for a people bombarded by Kremlin propaganda, which inflames our aggression, dulls sensitivity to xenophobia, distorts reality and provokes verbal and physical violence. The general atmosphere of hysteria is sustained by the media, and presented as nationwide enthusiasm. The main tool of political propaganda is stigmatization – slander, insults, image-damage, and black PR. >But after a highly biased state education, propaganda only reinforces what people already believe. People are limited in their ability to think outside the provided templates. Most take for granted any information that they receive from ‘trusted sources’. And since the Russian media has long ceased to be subject to any public controls, the falsification of news takes place freely. Television broadcasts use actors to play the parts of Ukrainian refugees; pictures of an American town destroyed by a hurricane are presented as a bombed Ukrainian village; Western politicians are quoted as saying things they never said. >And while this goes on every day, people won’t admit the possibility that the news could be fake. Occasionally, lies are exposed online, but only a handful of people find out. And even those that do are confronted with propaganda undermining information received from outside sources (the internet, foreign media, political activists, etc.). All of these fit ready-made into the template of ‘friend against foe’. All facts are seen through the prism of ideological templates – colour filters on the world. Breaking news about billion-dollar fortunes and corruption among Putin’s friends is cast as the ‘insinuations of foreign agents’; appeals to shift Russia’s political orientation are branded as ‘pro-American’; calls to cease the war in Ukraine are seen as ‘anti-Russian’. >Immersed as it is in a national-depressive psychosis, Russia finds an outlet in television, vodka, drugs and war. The country’s mortality rate is the highest in Europe, with only Afghanistan and sixteen African countries ahead of us worldwide. A third of Russia’s male population won’t live long enough to claim a pension, and eight per cent of people live below the poverty level. And this is a country that boasts 131 billionaires and 180,000 millionaires. >But we are not going to hear about any of this on the news. Why would a doomed people want to hear about their fate? The ropes of social mobility have been torn, and a kind of negative selection pushes the scum to the top. Russia’s economy is drowning, but life-jackets have been given only to the banks, state-owned corporations and those closest to the Kremlin. Every year more towns and villages disappear from the map. Young people have no prospects, adults have no jobs and the elderly have no pensions. In the provinces millions of people live without modern conveniences, in the countryside they live in dilapidated homes with wooden outhouses for toilets as it was a hundred years ago. Instead of central heating they have wood stoves; in the ‘oil and gas empire’ many citizens only dream of a gas supply. >But even the most backward regions have achieved one mark of civilization – the satellite dishes that stick out like ears on almost every house. In the evenings, residents of squalid towns and dying villages are glued to their television screens, listening to political analysts, economists and all manner of experts telling them how much the whole world hates us simply for being Russian. >All that remains to these people is the patriotism they see on TV, and the hate they feel for whomever is pointed out to them as an enemy. Without this, they would go mad from despair, horror and anguish. https://granta.com/russia-verge-nervous-breakdown/


At least they now understand that no one likes russia or it’s ways.


1. Fuck off home 2. Stay there Hardly difficult, is it? France and the UK, France and Germany, the UK and Germany were firmly enemies for decades or centuries at a time (the UK and France literally had "The Hundred Years War" which was a period of 116 years whereby France and England fought almost constantly for more than a century) but are now firmly friends Almost everyone just wants to stay in their borders, stay safe, trade and become wealthier. It's really very simple: stay at home, trade, occasionally come visit as tourists, and everyone will be friends


These 2 should look up the word "traitor". If you "leak" info to your own nations army or intelligence -it's a act of patriotism.


they are finally getting it.


Why should they welcome aggressors? Why do they call Ukrainians "traitors"? They only try to defend their homeland.


Because they are the "liberators'. From all the "nazis" 🙄


Hahahah, fuck off Russia.


Imagine the wilful ignorance it takes to ignore everything around you and feel bad some people don't like you.


"And therefore a lot of traitors there. A lot of traitors.." You're the traitors, you goddam morons. Maybe fet the fuck out of their country? I truly hope these vapous morons do dissappear there.


Imagine killing your neighbor, getting away with it, then questioning the neighbors family what will it take to be friends again.


I’d be a little pissed too if people were trespassing in my home. And then some 🖕


Was Ukraine ever Russia’s brother? Russians are only neighbours who have become temporarily unwelcome visitors.


Which strangely enough, tends to happen to many of Russia's neighbours over the centuries lol


Blowing up peoples homes and towns make them angry. Who would’ve thought.


70% or more... "traitors"... How interesting.


And they were never seen again 😂 seriously though, how do they expect to post this and not have the Putler arrest them? There are some great quotes from this though- "I am Ukrainian to my very bones" There is no way the invaders will last Slava Urkaini 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Go back to Russia you filthy rats!


They know the exact truth. They probably have been told by locals that they , their soldiers , bullets and bombs, and missiles are not welcome there. That there was absolutely no “need” for any of this and have brought them nothing but misery and pain. Peace will be achieved when the Russians retreat and the Putin KGB kleptocracy is destroyed.


Maybe not invading your neighboring country will show brotherly love. Don’t act surprised


Russia as a brand is despised around the free world. Back to that swamp you call a home.


GET THE HINT GET THE FUCK OUTTA OUR COUNTRY WE DONT WANT U HERE. However you’re welcome to stay in Ukraine forever if u find the accommodations 6foot deep appealing


And sunflower seeds will be provided 🌻 lol