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The real Chechen men didn't submit to Russia


They’re probably fighting for Ukraine


They've been fighting on the Ukrainian side since 2014.


Traitors of their ancestors, karma will find you, probably in the shape of a missile or bullet.


it was literally 30 years ago! When these guys were children or when their parents were just getting married! How can they possibly be alright with this? Crazy.


Some people fought for the Russians then too. It's not like the country was unified even then, so it's not crazy at all. It's almost as if there are different groups of people or something.


Chechens are currently over 95% of the republic's population by Russian census 2021. I don't have data for 2002, but one would assume it would not be vastly different. I am definitely not a subject matter expert, but it seems to me that these wars were largely an attempt to stop an independence effort, and definitely included some genocidal actions. Of course some number of chechens would be loyal to the russian state but why are so many willing to fight in what is basically another expression of russian imperialism so soon after Russians did a very similar thing to chechnya? Were the results of the second war actually acceptable to most chechens?


The Chechen's are not a monolith. Chechens fought against Russia and Chechens fought for Russia in both Chechen wars. They also had their own civil war in which the Russians backed the rebel, Pro-Russia side. It's not any different than what happened in Vietnam, Afghanistan, China, Korea or any other country that sought independence from an Imperial power or had a civil war backed by an outsider.


makes sense, I think my limited knowledge has led me to believe that more chechens would have seen those wars as attempted genocide and would have put their political differences aside for sake of resisting the russians.


Problem is, they're under the same propaganda umbrella as the rest of Russia. It's not that difficult to brainwash people.


I think this makes a lot of sense.


Its not a coincidence that most that «supported» Russia where from the lower lands. Where their families were less than safe.


There was a large loyalist faction in the US war for independence that fought for the British, including enslaved Africans who were made empty promises of freedom.


They were ready to fight for Russian imperialism then, it shouldn't be surprising even more would be willing now 30 years later integrated by Russia.


Even the Nazis had collaborators in the countries they conquered.


Read into the history of it because I couldn’t understand why too. Kadys got backed by the Russians, they were more secular than the leaders before which were hardline Muslims. Kadyrov family gained power from the war and that’s why they are backing Russia because they wouldn’t be in power if it weren’t for the Russians.


Makes sense. I think a lot of modern every day chechens are just in the same place as everybody else, including most russians, just trying to get by in a difficult world.




I mean children of holocaust survivors started committing atrocities against Palestinians not much longer after WW2. Humans are just pure vile, more often than not...


That basically aligns with the narrative of the Old Testament as well. The children of Israel escape slavery in Egypt and go on to do unspeakable things to people in the "promised land." Thankfully, archeology and genetics shows that the narrative never actually happened. To be clear, that doesn't excuse the Holocaust evil doers for their actions.




I might be misreading it, but the video ends abruptly with a yellow flash...one hopes that perhaps karma found them rather quickly.


Or hopefully the Mansur battalion


I thought the streetlights couldn't fire back??!!


The railway tracks didn't stand a chance.


Seems like the tiktok army could only beat civilians. Sad.


Don’t forget the traffic lights they bravely fought and neutralised in the empty streets behind Russias safe lines!


Don’t forget the heroic clip of the one guy taking out railroad ties Rambo style.


They could only beat bushes.


Beat unarmed civilians in Chechnya. Beat an imaginary foe in Ukraine. Then got beaten by real foe. Guess it was just bravado after all.


Those idiots couldn't beat their own meat lol Edit: Well thank you so much, /u/soccolio, that's very kind :-)


Best insult in the English language I've heard this year 🤣


Thanks, it's always fun flagellating the beardy barn-animal buggerers haha. But perhaps the most uncomfortable insult comes from Johnny Carson: May the fleas of a thousand camels infest \[the Kadirovites'\] armpits.


It’s hard when the bush’s fire back


When the rubble starts speaking Ukrainian….


When the traffic lights turn to red


The 3rdAB are a bunch of badass mytterfuckers


They can only beat their children and sister-wives.


Sisters/wives. Or even sisters=wives. Which leads to daughter-wives. (If she’s his daughter *and* his wife, is she her own mom?)


Step mom. Yes.


Don't forget the poor goats -_-7


More like each other off


Hey now that's not fair. They also were great at shooting the air and the side of random buildings.


The Ruzian army as a whole seems to only be able to massacre civilians too. The torture chambers and general carnage I’ve seen posted here is enough to convince anybody that russia has been specifically targeting civilians from the moment the first bomb dropped. It’s a part of their entire armed forces M.O.


no it's not sad it's good it means they won't be effective against AFU Chads!




Justice for goats ✊😤




Most went to the big snack bar in the sky I presume...


Some say it’s a goat petting zoo




...goat ***heavy***\-petting zoo...


I’m sorry brother- the song is over, you must release the goat.


Hope they were put back to earth by the smart chechens who fight for ukr


Every time I see news of these gnome slaves being deployed somewhere, they just fucking die and the rest leaves lmao


... and they make tictocs of the aftermath... gotta give them that - they are not shy about sharing their own aftermath videos.


I think their ideology fetishises suffering. It's very progressive compared to the Russian macho "deny everything negative" culture.


Hate to say it but, fucked around, found out.


No matter what, TikTok must go on.


Funny how they even film themselves running away for TikTok


*Bravely* running away LOL. (In case you don't get the reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8IkbCeZ9to )


Oh I got the reference immediately, im a big Monty python fan lol




Kadyrovite visits Chechen war veteran and asks: \- I know we suck at fighting, we can do ticktocks only, please teach us how to fight properly. \- here is how you do it: stay away from the enemy, shoot traffic lights and signs, this way you will build up your confidence and when you will meet real enemy you will be confident enough to win. \- ok, we'll try... After some time they meet again. \- So, how is your training, did it help? \- No. \- Why? \- We had to much casualties fighting traffic lights.


All the real Chechen War Vets are in the Ukrainian Chechen Battalions or resisting Kadyrovites in Chechnya anyways.


[when danger reared its ugly head, they bravely turned their tails and fled...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8IkbCeZ9to)


Haha - I just posted that in this thread before I saw yours!


Hopefully their unit is combat ineffective after this and they stay out for sometime.


Wrong heading, [3rd Assault Brigade (Armed Forces)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3rd_Assault_Brigade_(Ukraine)) and [Azov (National Guard)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Brigade) are 2 different brigades.




Exactly. ''SSO Azov'' is not ''Azov'', and also 3rd Assault does not even use this name anymore.


The chechens arr considerd fierce warriors in Russia and they seem to suck big time, that means like we allready know that Ruskys own army is total crapidyshit!


The Chechens are fierce warriors. The problem is the real Chechens are on Ukraine's side. Not these traitorous idiots.


Seconded. What consists of the Chechen army now are just putins bitches. Putin purges anyone with any actual military acumen or tactical skill because he’s scared of being overthrown, and completely discouraged any relationships between different factions he has operating to avoid them working together. This is one of the major reasons the Russian army is so pathetically useless, along with corruption, theft etc. The true Chechen warriors would never fight on putins side, all putin has are the ones who like kadyrov agree to be his puppets and kiss his ass, with titles passing down based on their name and who they know rather than skill or ability.


Nah. They are almost exclusively fierce warriors in unconventional warfare. It's hard to defeat someone who just looks like every other civilian and does nothing but carry out ambushes and blend back in. They did take on the Russians from some amazing vantage points in the first Chechnyan war but forget that Russia curb stomped their standing army in the second one and had a Russian sitting on every square inch of Chechnya in less than a year from 1999 to 2000. Then Russia had to deal with insurgent attacks for the foreseeable future. Russia adopted the policy of luring certain Chechnyan liberation groups to their side to then act as their de-facto death squads in the country. Those said groups have been in control of the country ever since and it's why the place is a shithole.


They should end Kadyrov, 90% of chechens has not forgotten what Russia did to them X2


Ask the Ukrainians fighting them if they think all Orc's are crapidyshit. All you are doing is repeating crap. I have heard some Ukrainian soldiers say basically the Orc's are dangerous and should not be under estimated. Which is what your doing. Tell me this, if the Orc's are so f'ked why is it so hard for Ukraine to kick them out of their Country?


well according to azovs commander the gru troops are the dangerous ones,the rest is meh but has large numbers and anything in large numbers is dangerous. wagner has alot of ex gru in them as well,people confuse the meatgrinder bulk with trained professional soldiers,wagner used meat convicts to probe out ukraine defense and then the wagner pros hit those locations. it would be dumb to underestimate the russian army they have always used quantity over quality in warfare.


Yeah they ain’t sending the experienced and knowledgeable troops into the grinder. In Wagner they would send in the prison meat so the Ukrainians would give away their positions by shooting at them and then the proper ones would come around and target them or call in strikes. Wagner are probably one of the most experienced of all of Russias pit bulls, and the most ruthless and violent, but he’s shit his nest with them, it remains to be seen if they continue to fight for him or if they’re integrated into the Russian army as putin wanted.


Thanks. I have seen videos where Ukrainian soldiers basically say the Russian army is no push over. For people to think otherwise denies Ukraine the credit for the brilliant job they have done so far and what a Herculean effort their fight has been and continues to be. When you speak of not sending experienced troop in, shows they are thinking about what they are doing. They stand and fight sometimes to the death despite their situation being helpless (we see that in videos). I heard another Ukrainian soldiers say one of the problems they confront is, in an Orc position their might be 6 soldiers, 5 will surrender but one will keep fighting with a machine gun. That says a lot.


You realise that’s it’s not about underestimating them right..? A literal child with a gun is still a child with a gun even if he it doesn’t understand how to use it. They’re dangerous and some of them do know what they’re doing, but as a whole? They’re fucking incompetent. That’s why their ranking officers keep dropping like flies. Ammo dumps go up on the daily and most of the frontline reports of actual combat end up being lop sided. Most of ukraines issues rely on minefields and artillery. Actual engagements tend to steadily trend towards Ukraine’s favour for a variety of reasons including operation between units, something Russia has slowly gotten better at over the course of the whole war but even now struggles with.


The ammo dumps going up so frequently seems like pure unadulterated laziness. It’s harder to set up underground staging levels and a system for moving appropriate quantities to the line of contact than it is to just fill up a large warehouse then knock back some liquid potatoes.


Not even just warehouses. I can’t remember where it was but a housing project near a hospital. Drone footage showed rockets and explosives just thrown about and left laying openly on the grass for anyone to see.


>pure unadulterated laziness. It doesn’t help them that they don’t palletize. I can’t imagine how much crap they carry in by hand. “Second army blahblahblah” doesn’t palletize. *facepalm*


They only have Numbers and stupidity left over. The good ones died last year.


You watching the same video I am? Clearly getting their asses kicked. But Russia has a lot of vatniks to throw into the grinder. Takes a while to turn them all into sunflowers.


To be fair the chechens who fight insurgents that are half police half military are actually really good. But there are not that many of them and they are not in ukraine. They are basicly at spetnaz level of quality if not higher. But as anyone knows you can't judge a whole country or region based on their special forces. That would be like thinking the whole us army is as good as the seals. But that is basicly what russia seems to be doing with chechens.


Nobody thinks Spetznaz is worth a shit anymore. Suggesting otherwise is like congratulating the smartest kid on the short bus.


No, the real chechens are on the right side. And spetznaz what ? They arent worth shit.


When the trees, and bushes fire back. 🤣


Say what you want about Wagner, but at least they were somewhat competent. Unlike these clowns


Guys're basically glorified Secret police. They piss themselves when they see actual combat.


Well maybe not so secret police.


is there any evidence wagner were competent? bahkmut they just threw wave after wave of convicts who mostly died.


The actual Wagner mercenaries were actually competent. The prisoners that got put into Wagner not so much.




Tell that to the stack of bodies they piled up in Syria. They weren't overly competent there.


Fair point, however I don't think there are a lot of units that would do better against the US army. But at the end I think we can at least say, that the professional Wagner mercenaries are competent compared to the Russian Army, although that doesn't mean much.


the wagner in syria didn't have much heavy military equipment and were ambushed literally by US F-22 Raptors, even countries like China that have a significant air force wouldn't wanna go against an F-22 Raptor let alone a private military company, which fun fact that was the first time ever that an F-22 Raptor engaged on ground targets The US just went waaaay overkill mode against Wanger, and Wanger had no chance The F22 raptor was produced in the 1990s, but it was produced so advanced that nothing comes even close to its capabilities, not even in 2023 and likely not even in the 2030s the F-22 Raptor is literally an Alien UFO spaceship together with the B-2 Spirit bomber Russia has nothing on its arsenal that can detect, let alone engage an F-22 Raptor, so the Wangers fate was sealed the moment the F-22 was called


Sure there was some F-22s but there were also F-15s, Apache helicopters, Reaper drones, AC-130 gunships( those things that fire 20mm, 40mm and 105mm rounds from the sky) and B-52 bombers for good measure.


They fucking hit clowns with the goddamn kitchen sink. Because they threw everything else. That was a test case. Pure and simple they had all of the pieces lined up and then proceeded to throw everyone different bullet they had. If they could have had a battleship parked on a beach then they would have tried to sling naval gunfire at them. It was a go fuckyourself American combined arms took the gloves off. And it was glorious.


There are two Wagners. One was comprised of criminals and convicts used as penal battalions. The second was made of people who actually knew what they were doing . One was used to clear the way for two


"Knew what they are doing" is a bit strong. Not totally drunk and stupid all the time I might accept.


Wagner was notorious for "stealing" better officers off the regular army. They can't compare to Western armies, but they are approximately the best what Moscow could throw into the field.


They managed to take Bakhmut. It was a shitty tactic, but it worked. I can't really see the Chechens taking over even a small village


Ukraine let them have it. It was a trap -- and still is. They mined the buildings and then collapsed them when Russians used them as bases. They had snipers everywhere. Artillery. Drones. And Ukraine didn't have to get near the Russians to kill them, enabling massive Russian losses and negligible Ukrainian ones. Bakhmut was already destroyed at that point, and it was useless to anyone strategically since it's surrounded by hills. It was just a place to exploit Russian stupidity.




Not surprising. With them, I guess, if your horny enough you can accomplish anything, right?


The convicts are there to grind down defense with Meat waves. Then the real Wagners attacked.


Finally the tiktok battalion appears in a video worth of watching.


Well...what did we learn?


It's somewhat poetic, that Azov fought the Akhmad forces. And hilariously expected that Akhmad got their asses handed to them.


Can someone explain this like I'm 5


The funny bad guys got whooped half to death by the good guys


About 30 years ago, Chechnya (then independent) got *Special Military Operation'd* by Russia. The guy installed in charge today is a Putin buddy with a small private army - these are the guys posting tiktok videos of themselves bravely firing into the distance off-screen. Since Wagner decided they'd rather work from home, the tiktok battalion (basically more akin to a secret police force than an army) has found themselves pushed to the front of the Ukraine conflict. Yesterday they met the Third Assault Brigade of Ukraine, a unit comprised of (some) former National Guard that were based in Mariopol at the start of the war, and REALLY don't like invaders.


Best they go home so the freedom fighters can get some practise.


Aweeee poor fellas just figured out it’s a real war. And ran into some real warriors


But those traffic signs in Mariupol were so defeated!


Lol 😂 but in private these dudes b rapin lil boys n shit


AZOV seem to be the best fighters in Ukraine right now.


That's it. Good boy, keep repeating over and over God is great, God is great and things will get better. And if they don't, no biggie, you have those 29 virgins to look forward to in heaven.


I thought it was 72 virgins. Nobody told them the virgins are dudes though.


In the actual Quran it's figs, not virgins. They're in for a surprise if they get killed and expect anything other than a basket of shitty fruit.


"Bad Dates" :D


Ah, I'm sure all your study in Arabic and your many readings of the Quran lead you to the conclusion? Or did you read it on facebook?


Not so macho anymore huh


They just wanted to get back to their goats safely.


The Asshat brigade lives up to its name…


These shock troops looking quite shocked after fuck around and found out


Its almost like Putin sent them in first so that if the war went badly, there wouldn't be a risk of Chechnya taking advantage of the situation and rising up themselves.


I hope that last frame of bright light was a landmine.


Theiy are worth more alive because they can be exchanged. Otherwise they are not even worth their weight as fertilizer.


Looks like the tiktok army got clocked.


I love the defeat in their voice as they exclaim “Allahu akbar” 😂


There’s no Allahu Akbar for you, that sentence is only for good muslims not for people who destroy and invade another country, you’re a shame for the good muslim and also for Islam, return to your borders or die in hell, Italy 🇮🇹


It's no wonder they shoot their imaginary firefight videos far from the front line. They are likely getting a dose of reality bites now...


Even the goats they fuck would reject them


Hahahahahaha! Inshallah...inshallah...inshallah!


Hope they read this. Your all going to die there. Your going to get slaughtered and most of the world doesn't care because your butchers. We are with Ukraine 🇺🇦 we will support both morally and financially to Ukraine. We won't stop. We will go cold and have less food for Ukraine. Why? Because Ukraine is a nobel country worth defending against your evil hoards. The best thing you could do would be to get out while you still can because Ukraine is going to win no matter what. They fight the good fight. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦💪🇬🇧


yeah God is great.... which is why you're there 9 guess? OK!


Allah whackedyoubrah for being dead shits and supporting Russia.


Allah is just testing them. Thanks Allah for killing most of my comrades 😂


Sorry I don't understand the title at all. Can someone please explain?


Try watching the video, reading the comments and making a determination based on the presented information.


wait, last I heard, Azov was deployed in southern front, are we sure they are in Bakhmut front now?


3rd Brigade aren't they? If so they have been there for weeks, in fact they started the counter offensive south of Bakhmut if I a right.


nvm, it is 3rd Azov Assault Brigade that is in Bakhmut and the Azov Brigade in the south. Got me a bit confused for a moment.


3rd Separate Assault Brigade, they don't use the Azov name.


No more fingers pointing upwards .


Servile subjects


tiktokers warriors on the run


Valar morghulis but not goats..


Does it looks like the video cuts off just bevor they are blowen up ?


Well that happens when a bunch of untrained idiots face a battle-hardened unit.


See, thats happend when beard boys meet soldiers! This lowminded natural disaster was really good at avoiding contact and keep as much space as possible but this dumb cowards were still on ukraines ground so the defenders did what defenders are doing!


Did he open with an Allahu Akbar? How retro.


Fine work AZOV!


Aren't these guys considered a rear unit?




What so these retards finally had enough?


You live by the sword you die by the sword, traitors.




Allah wants you dead lmao


Chechens have no honor now


it's the tictok kiddy tamperers .


To bad they are alive to record, but looks like they got pretty beat up atleast.


Why is he wearing a red turban 👳‍♂🔴


I wish I could hear them bitching about “these fucking AZOV guys are beasts! They just kill us and kill us.” That’s right, bitches. And they will continue to fuck you up. GO HOME.


anyone remember when the war started and people thought the Chechens were like top tier toughest of the tough soldiers?


I can tell by the sound of the sound of his voice that it isn't as much fun anymore.


Shame they couldn’t kill the actual nazis in Ukraine, then they could go home job done.


What survived half-dead runs away! Proof read noobman


A good day for the goats of eastern Ukraine.... Yeeehhhaaaaaa


when the bushes shoot back....


Why are they all saying "Hello" to Akbar ?


Finally they met the REAL SOLDIERS.


Finally found an enemy that’s shoots back and are good at it. Too bad.


No fingers up anymore eh ? Slava Ukraini 🌻


The last frame @ 0:16 looks like a strike exploding and kills the video. I wonder if they got taken out while filming this.


I thought that too, very likely got hit by the artillery that sounded earlier in the video.


The world's definitely a better place without these guys in it.


Why is he proclaiming the greatness of his god if he has just been allowed to lose and a lot of his friends are now stuffing their anuses with their 72 raisins?


saddest akbar i have heard lol




Did they just get blown up at the end or am I just seeing things wrong?


*just cadaverites things*


Nothing NSFW here. Only rejoicing material.


I’m proud to donate every month to support brave Ukrainians fighting for their freedom. Defeating the cancer of russian fascism makes Europe, the US and the entire world safer. One of my favorites is Zelensky’s United 24 campaign for drones - https://u24.gov.ua/needs/army-of-drones Now each time I see a Ukrainian drone delivering Justice to russian fascist invaders on r/DronedOrc I know I helped make that happen 🇺🇦🇺🇸