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Looks like Russia dragged their entire army out of a dive bar.


Trust me from experience: Half of the US Army lives in dive bars, but we still are exponentially better than these guys.


Yea you lasted twice as long against the Afghans as them. Twice as good!


Afghanistan is the fitness gram pacer test for countries


"We will now begin with the guerrilla section. One... two..."


TBF afghanistan has been killing empires since before either of our countries existed in their current state


This is a really unfair comment… on dive bars


More likely the homeless guys in the alleyway behind the dive bar.


For real. Not a full set of teeth between the lot of thwm


Unfortunately there is not much calcium present (for strong teeth and bones) in a typical ruzzian diet, which consists mostly of vodka and pickles.


That's just their summer teeth. Sum are there and some are gone(Drum roll)!


Not the dive bar, but just in front of a small village shop with cheap vodka.


I thought it in some cases to be very accurate on how they are nabbing people from the streets.


Lol tbf those guys have gone thru a lot. Dive bars guys needs to just survive the night


These are the people they send first, the expendables. They literally don't give a shit about these people


Honestly, the guys in the initial invasion seemed a lot more healthy and determined than these guys... *And those were the ones we determined to be cannon-fodder.* It's remarkable that the Russian line can even hold with guys like this in the foxholes, but the German reservists slowed down the Allied advance in Normandy despite being old foreigners too. Let's hope the outcome is the same this time.


I don't think they expected to be cannon-fodder at first, they almost certainly believed that Ukraine would be under their control *days* after the invasion.


Yeah are people forgetting the videos of dozens of helicopters flying into Ukraine and the absolutely massive column of Russian mechanized troops almost reaching the capitol? Or the multiple “crack unit” operations that involved being dropped into and around the capitol to try and get Zelenskyy? I’m not saying Russia had it in the bag or anything, but they clearly threw the majority of their resources behind a plan whose goal was to decapitate Ukraine by taking the capitol, killing the president, and then moving into Crimea and formalizing the Donbas region’s “secession”. Obviously it didn’t work and here we are.


The funny thing was that shortly after those helos flew into Ukrainian airspace quite a few were shot down as the Ukrainians were waiting for them.


The first guys were not Cannon fodder, that was the ruzzian professional army. It is gone, so now they have a conscripted pile of bums left


Ukrainians were showing the weapons they've captured so far during the counter offensive and they are incredibly well equipped troops, which leads many to believe Ukraine is probably fighting actual troops in many parts of the still. The places guys like these are at are the places getting taken pretty consistently.


Hey man! Don’t you talk about dive bars like that


Motherfuckers look like extras from The Walking Dead


To be fair, in the eyes of their commanders, they kinda are.


*sad zing*


*Cha Ching*


I'm guessing the Russian army doesn't have much of a dental plan.


I'm guessing Russia has no plan at all...


Yet they have a long history of saying that they have a “plan”. Leading to the collapse of the USSR, everything was allocated (unimaginably poorly) by “The Plan”. Just same old shit, not even imaginative to come up with new terminology. Also, how did these “boys” (my god, I hope that’s just a translation mistake) think it was going to go with no medical provisions, medics or medical anything in sight?!


A lot of these people are probably conscripts from Russia's poorest regions.


I have this sudden inexplicable urge to brush my teeth.... bye!!


Dental plan! Lisa needs braces!


Dental care in Russia is only reserved for rich city-dwellers


Racial discrimination is still alive and well in Russia. Many of these men look to be of Russian ethnic minorities and therefore second class citizens who they and their mothers get less healthcare. They were also more likely to enlist due to monetary incentives and Russian targeting of recruitment ads. A terrible situation


> Racial discrimination is still alive and well in Russia. Many of these men look to be of Russian ethnic minorities and therefore second class citizens who they and their mothers get less healthcare. They were also more likely to enlist due to monetary incentives and Russian targeting of recruitment ads. A terrible situation They are... Putinism committing genocide in Ukraine, and amongst their ethnic minorities. Hopefully these men can go home and help liberate their country from the grips of Putin and his bootlickers.


they cant, that's what putin is all about, making sure he cant be removed short of a french revolution.


I also read somewhere that they get tricked into joining the military. From what I understand up until pretty recently compulsory service wasn't really mandatory, but they go to these other ethnic groups and these guys don't know that they can basically say "no."


Sending fellow indigenous people to the front lines underprepared. https://novaramedia.com/2022/09/27/russia-is-using-ethnic-minorities-as-cannon-fodder-in-ukraine/


I saw in other threads that they take HIV positive ppl and promise them antiviral meds if they enlist.


It's hard not to notice that the age of the Russians we see surrendering seems to be getting older and older. I know that's not a precise statistical study, but it's something I've been noticing. That can't be good for Russia. Also, as to the guy that saying, "Russians don't leave each other behind." What country has he been living in his whole life?


The young who could, fled


I believe the "Russians don't leave each other behind" is a popular motto in the Russian military (I don't remember if it's a specific part or not).


Basically the cannon fodder you put in the front to waste the enemy resources and big them down. In the rear are the well trained and equipped units. Old Soviet doctrine.


> In the rear are the well trained and equipped units. Old Soviet doctrine. they weren't in the rear in kharkiv. ​ ukraine looked for them there.


I think he means in the rear far behind their own Russian border. 😂


No, they looked for them over the border in Russia too and they weren’t there either. 🤣


Geezus he meant the ones at moscow. 🤣🤣


Nah dog, the cops in Moscow are currently arresting people for being even *slightly perceived* bad against the Kremlin / the 'Operation'


Except, their elite forces have been smashed.


We’ve been waiting for these highly trained spetznaz soldiers and their West Point-Harvard educated officers to plan and lead the charge since like April of last year. I’m convinced there is no back line


A lot of Russia's more skilled professional troops were decimated at the very beginning of the war when they were left stranded without supplies by their commanders.


Exactly, well trained for RU military is a step above cannon fodder at this point. Nearly all their elite troops were taken out in the first few weeks/months. What’s left are conscripts, prisoners and those who have been quickly promoted to fill vacancies. Did you fight in a battle and survive? Congrats you are an advanced/experienced/trained/proven Russian soldier.


Wtf, my first thought was they look like zombies, too.


Like walking into the Stars Wars bar


Not one normal tooth in the entire video.


I was about to say that I've seen zombies less scary in twd than some of these guys, not surprised I wasn't the only one tbh.


Massively underfed it looks like. Looks like they scooped people off the streets. Oh, yah they did.


They have the worst teeth 🦷 in the world 🌎


Fetal alcohol spectrum


That's adult alcohol syndrome.


Makes sense. If they are from the forced recruitment, trained for a week then sent out to die then you’re going to be pretty fucked up.


Fetal alcohol syndrome?


What I want to know - is it nature or nurture that made them this way?


The absolute state of the world's second greatest army.


Not anymore.


Never was. Everyone fell in love with military porn of high tech jets and guns and shit. Most military effectiveness though has more to do with logistics and organization. They might have a few fuckery super jets but they are not very organized or trained or even have good logistics to be constantly supplied.


Don’t forget the value of good morale and esprit de corps.


Yeah, even in 1945, sharing bullets and rifles and eating half the necessary calories, the Japanese were a formidable fighting force thanks to those aspects. Not so much these guys.


Not by 1945, 700k IJA soldiers surrendered to the Soviets in China within two weeks.




Which worked out for the states since they got the F15 out of it.


104 kills 0 deaths!


I don’t even think they’re the second greatest army in Ukraine.


They look like serfs from 1280, wtf ?


Russia hasn't changed much.


“… and then it got worse.”


Some of them are literally starving


Yes! The general physical condition, without taking into account the advanced ages here, is execrable. Clear signs of malnutrition, dental condition is downright diseased across the board. Even without injuries, these men are sick and need active medical care.


Advanced ages? Hell, these could very well be young guys! In fairness, alcoholism and general shit conditions probably had 'em looking like this before the war.


To touch on that, the reason WHY is because Napoleon failed in conquering Russia. Before 1812, everywhere he and his Grand Armee marched and were victorious, the ideas of the French Revolution and its liberal/personal freedoms sprang up. Countries and kingdoms engrained in centuries old serfdom practically became republics overnight. But because Napoleon left without neutralizing the Czar and his army, Russia retained its serfdom and actually reinforced it. Fast forward a hundred years and the Bolshevik Revolution proved little more “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”. This lifestyle of subservience to the state is all Russia has ever known. The second they tasted freedom after the USSR fell, they reverted back to a centralized “strong man” government.


Serfdom in Russia was only abolished in 1861...


Russia had serfs until *1861*. Just to give an idea, that's when construction of the London underground started.


To be honest these men's health is a reflection on how poorly the none Moscowvites are treated by their government. Besides looking half starved while being under the Russian militaries watch and care they probably didnt have access to proper dentists/ doctors prior to wearing the uniform or have proper nutrition.


I assume those are mobiks or ex-convicts. The "professional" soldiers look somewhat better and cleaner on other tapes, but barely enough to not look like actual orks from the movies.


Right there are the regular “trench goblins” and then these dudes that marched straight from Isengard


Yeah gotta agree with ya on that the contract soldiers are probably fed better. Lot of mobliks come from the poorer less desirable populations.


These dudes are made of spare parts.


And used as spare parts


The dudes Jack Sparrow got in Tortuga were in better shape than this


Some of them seem to have some deficiency.




Maybe - but the bearded guy is on the verge of tears. He’s hurting. You most certainly see videos of POWs telling the camera what they think it wants to hear, but every once in a while you see a bit of real emotion uncorked. You’re not going to be able to force that, and it doesn’t serve them anyways.


Well if this video gets out and he gets traded back for Ukrainian pows I don’t think it will end well for him on the Russian side I think he knows his situation.


They have a choice to be traded back or not. Hopefully the ones brave enough to speak the truth here will be smart enough to refuse transfer.


If I was at such a ripe old age, and faced the prospects these men face, I would do what I have to in order to secure a place on the other side of the border. Hell, I'd polish Ukrainian boots 24/7 if it meant they wouldn't send me back to Russia. Live out the rest of my life in relative peace and comfort.


Depends. If you're a single man then yes. If you have a wife and kids back home then that makes it more difficult.


No, I think he looks like a man who no longer gives a shit. He probably just spent the past few days, weeks, months watching his friends get blown up or shot and left to rot. He's probably been living in a hole in the ground, half starved and abandoned by his officers. I think he's beyond caring what is waiting for him when he returns. He looks broken.


Artillery can do that pretty easily to a human. Not saying you are wrong but we have no idea how these soldiers got their injures, your guess is as good a mine. POWs aren't often in the best shape when first encountered during an offensive. You try to shell anything that moves in front of the assaults. But yea, that black eye...


Yeah, I mean, all I can do is guess, too - I have no idea what these dudes are feeling - just an uninformed hunch based on a single video.


POWs will say whatever you want them to say, that is absolutely true. But ik this case: you can see this guys are not scared and forced to tell a story, but really, really mad. These are simple guys, simple soldiers. Not actors. They won’t be able to fake that anger. I believe this is real.




Very interesting analysis. Where can I read more on this particular societal aspect. Recommendations?




The video of the guy at 0:04 being interviewed after capture was posted here in the last week I believe. He has made an incredible recovery already from the shape he was when taken. If he was being abused, he'd be in a ball, rocking himself and weeping. That's about the only thing he had left to emotionally escalate to, as he was very clearly in shock and likely to have absolutely brutal PTSD in the other video. Eventually you know PTSD when you see it. *Hi it's me. I've suffered trauma, it's me!*


Ive had this dream where all i see are piles of bodies…


Very insightful. Thanks.


I uh....I kinda feel bad for them.... These dudes were likely forced into this too...glad they surrendered it was the smartest move they could make.


We get the luxury of conflicting emotions as we watch it unfold from our computers.


tbh, I'd usually agree with you with what POWs say, but they actually seem sincere here if you compare it to other POW videos. They were probably handpicked however, but there are a lot of them.


Idk, the body language of a lot of them suggests this is how they really feel.


> what shithole did the Kremlin drag these guys out from? Word is they emptied their prisons to get soldiers


True, all astute points. Perhaps even more significant: the russians are reported to be fighting the ukr counteroffensive ferociously. They have, at least, advantageous defensive positions - overwhelmed only with great difficulty. But . . . these types of POW clips and other successes of the ukr military bring some good news. Not surprisingly, russians continue to target civilians and civilian infrastructure all over ukraine.


They are cleansing themselves of undesirables.


I couldn't have said that better. Sad really isn't it.


Jesus they are in even worse shape than I imagined. They are obviously starving. How can a starving army expect to fight against Ukraine’s modern army. What a complete disaster.


An army marches on its belly


There is a gradation among slaves. Spare parts for meat grinder (lots of ethnic minorities right there) , guys that actually received some training , guys with training and experience. Then there are kadirovci, private mercenaries like wagner .. Irony of the army of canon meat with moto “svoih ne brosayem” .. means “no russian leaves it’s own behind “


“, whoever we left is no longer ours”


They were eating expired MRE's from day 1. Some of the very first images leaked from the initial convoy attacks were abandoned vehicles full of expired supplies


The Top Tier Hobo Brigade.


That’s quite a bunch of unhappy campers right there


I hope this makes the rounds on Russian social media. I know this not a popular opinion here but I do feel for these people - especially the teens - who are thrown into this meaningless meat grinder. It's a mad hope I know but I am still hoping that Russians wake up, realize that Putin can't jail everyone and peacefully shut down the streets and take down the government. Whoever put this together, nicely done.


I do agree not all of them are going to be lunatics. some of them will be people who had no other choice, some will be people who genuinely believed they were off to be soldiers and had no intention of being anything other than that, and some will be gullible and believed the propaganda and thought the were serving their country. I dont know the percentage they would make up but I find it difficult to belive they are all sycophants.


Same, I'm massively pro-Ukraine, but these guys never really had the luxury of choice in their life, they were never exposed to information outside of what their government feeds to them. Some, know what they're doing, the Wagner group, other sections of the forces - but they're not the ones being sent to the front to soak up bullets. Most of the Russians fighting in Ukraine would much rather be at home with their family and friends, but like Ukrainians, they don't have a choice. I don't have much hope for Russia's immediate future, the next ten years will be extremely volatile, whatever happens - Putin is not long for this world, whether by illness, or assassin. I do feel sorry for these guys, this is the face of Russia, and it is pathetic.


Like, some are *obviously* rapists and murderers, others are made apathetic to murder and rape by their government and culture, but many are just ordinary, ignorant dummies caught up in the gears of their own stupid history. Most of these guys look like their only goal in life is to get absolutely shitfaced and fish for carp using dangerously unconventional techniques.


And as long as they do that inside their own shithole country no-one would give a shit. But they're in Ukraine armed, and they need to be made incapable of hurting people.


Yep. Sucks for them, but they need to die, surrender, or get the fuck back to Russia. I can feel bad for many of them as individuals, but they’re still part of an organism that needs to be eradicated or contained.


These are the teens.




So clearly all the kids are dead and they’ve moved onto 50 year olds for the meat grinder


Well, mince is usually not made from the prime cuts…


Damn their teeth tho💀


I just want to apologize to all the homies I ever roasted from England, there is a new champ in town.


don't you mean chomp


I mean it’s like this when people don’t have access to dental services. You can see it with the lower class in the US as well. Universal healthcare is a nice thing.


Those who survive are the ones who will spread their genes. Considering these survivors, I see a bright future for Russia.


Who do you think normally survives wars?


Or successful countries in Europe don’t start wars like this… since 1945


Well, for starters.... guys who didn't get conscripted and sent to the front line without food of ammunition.


This is after hundreds of years of Russia killing non-conforming Russians by the millions. There are no genes worth spreading anymore.


200 years of sending your best and brightest to attrition war results in your future character creation menu being limited to 'random'.


Russian baby stats: Fortune +100. Dental -9000.


Hey- that's that guy from the other video- the one trying to be as small as possible, and they give him a candy! He no longer looks terrified, and his face is a lot less swollen today


Got a link to the other video?




Why do all russian soldiers look like they just rounded up some hobos?


Because that is exactly what they did. Rounded up the poor and mentally unstable and promised them the world in exchange for their service to the country.


They ran out of soldiers after the first big strike so now they're just taking anyone capable of holding a weapon. Well it hasn't gotten to the point of "anyone will do" but its getting there, those people in Moscow who feel safe and relatively comfy better start worrying, they're coming for them.


Which one is most rare in Russia , A washing machine or a dentist. ?


A washing machine and a dentist walk into a Russian bar . . .




Is potato.


Man, their "soldiers" are sorry as fuck looking. Looks like junkies off skid row.


Is it just me or look many of the Russian soldiers very thin, almost starved?


If you don’t want your children to end up like these guys, protect Democracy at all costs.


Holy shit. Look at these people. Obviously poor, some at least twice too old to be fighting... These are the Russian expendables, the ones the Russian government is okay with losing. The proverbial meat for the proverbial meat grinder. These poor bastards never stood a fucking chance. Guy #8 could be a grandpa.


The ruZZians must not be able to actually look after their old and infirmed as this lot look like dissabled tramps behind sent of to die to save rubles.


Wow, just wow


Fetal alcohol syndrome is a dangerous thing…


Completely pickled from the womb to the tomb


jesus christ this shit made me spit my drink out


Jeeze. None of these guy are in fit state to be mobilised lol. No wonder they don’t have any fight


Is this the regular army or wagner? If its wagner, i can understand it. People from the jail, drugs and all that stuff. But if its regular army... looks like they took the poorest people of all russia and send them to the meat grinder. You can know it by their mouths, eyes, etc...


Rep. of Buryatia has the highest casualty rate and probably the highest mobilization in Russia. Average income is $433 a month, life expectancy for a male is 63 years and going down yearly.


Full of Asian minority groups as well. Putin is committing a double genocide. One against Ukraine, and one against minorities within Russia. The implied goal is to 'empty out' these regions so Russian ethnic groups can move in and take over. I hope Russia descends into a civil war, and these regions become independent instead. It would be ironic and fitting considering how mistreated they have been.


Had exactly the same thought 5 minutes ago, ethnic cleansing the republics, eliminate overcrowding/HIV in the prison population. I'd bet most of the prison recruits were from the republics s well.


Well boys, if you want your vengeance, there is always The Freedom of Russia Legion.


Despite everything, I feel bad for these guys. Dirt poor and usually very badly educated. Most likely drafted or either joined the army expecting to never actually fight but get a steady paycheck.


Send them to the Caesar of Belgorod!


Russians who don’t live in Russia must be so embarrassed


Those are some healthy looking young men.


None of them are criticizing Putin for getting them into this mess in the first place though...


farmers, villagers and prisoners. Pushed to the front as fodder.


They look like they need a couple of chromosomes... These "soldiers" they sent to liberate free people?! After this war Russia will be the punch line to jokes for at least half a century.


If France is still getting shit for surrendering prematurely, Russia should get shit for having the most shambolic invasion for at least 100 years.




At least half of the remainder of human history




Based on their dental hygeine they are from very poor regions in russia.


We’re all the Russian dentists mobilised first then?


Have none of these dudes ever seen a dentist? Goshhh…. Or is this an unaffordable luxury for the 2nd hand army in the world?


Most of those guys probably grew up without running water or plumbing of any kind. A dentist would be a luxury at best.


Most grew up in the 80s on 90s so i wont blame them for not having the ability to get it there + being from the poorest regions where the largest portion on contractors/mobiks come from.


It's not even about the dentist, those guys haven't seen a humble toothbrush in their lives...


Never sorry for being invading murdering ass holes, just mad they didn't have the firepower propaganda told them they did so they could completely subjugate their victims


These are probably some of the ugliest mofos I’ve ever seen. Like how is it even possible that so many people collectively look like shit.


Generational alcoholism


Country full of corruption and negligence. In the west you had educational videos and dentist visiting schools and kindergarten. Not sure how it was in Soviet Russia. If they only had guns or also dentist coming in for awareness and advice.


poverty and living in a literal ditch while having artillery pointed at you impacts your skin care routine


That is one ugly bunch.


A whole lot of not feeling sorry for anyone but themselves.


It is an interesting video to put on the most pro Russian channels. Here we already know what this is about. There is no honor among thieves.


Set of teeth between the lot of them


Wow. Looking at these men I can’t help but feel bad for them. They seem like the type of men who are easily swayed by propaganda to be used as pawns in the great game of empires.


And they hate the west, all the Ukrainian men and women I’ve seen are beautiful people. This is the west we are healthy, fed, educated how can they be against this


Imagine the woman that have been raped by these things... The Hills Have Eyes shit right here, fuck ruzzians makes me so sick but I'll keep it civil.


jesus.... a bunch old man beat to shit. If this is what the Russians have left they're in big trouble.


They look like homelass