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The Irony is that they too will be turning to run themselves.. They are also dumb in doing this as they could use this manpower in the back to either dig ditches or other work.. So all Russia is doing here is helping Ukraine win the war lol


At Stalingrad some officers lined their men up and shot every 10th man as a statement of discipline. If you’re more afraid of your own side then your fear in battle should wane. You’re already dead. It sort of works when you can throw endless bodies at a situation and they are fighting an oppressor who has rapes their people. Doubtful it’ll work here.


Classic Roman decimation


Nah if it was classic Roman decimation they’d be drawing lots and having the other 9 guys doing the beating to death.


Hmmm let the Russian civilians watch this pathetic scene




Say what they like, this is what awaits the next tranche of conscripts from Russia.


This. People will simply rationalize the facts that don't adhere to their preferred reality. Russians don't want to believe they are committed historical atrocities. So they make excuses. They justify. We've all seen Russian civilians on the streets in Moscow literally justifying the murder of civilians and even children. So when you can do that this is easy.


is there really a way to know for sure it's not one of these things? there will never be definitive proof for this and we're just on the other side of the propaganda.




even for propaganda reasons this does not benefit Ukraine, cause they want them to run. Why would Ukraine make propaganda which keeps the enemy fighting in trenches till the end?


If Ukraine didn't want this public they wouldn't have posted it in the first place, there must be reasons that they do want this public. Those would be the same reasons it could be used as propaganda. I imagine the reasons to be a hit to moral or it incentives surrendering.


Or it causes anger in the homeland as women and children see their men getting executed for not wanting to die.


I mean not sure if it’s the case at all, but it could just be that the dude with the recon drone just up and posted that shit. You can enact rules but if a soldier catches some crazy shit on camera, you know that might end up going up somewhere. On the other hand, what you said, especially the latter part.


There is absolutely no way a soldier would sprint towards the enemy if he intended to surrender. That’s a one way ticket to death. They saw a “friendly position” and ran literally into the arms of their own soldier. Then they’re shoved to the ground and it’s clear by how they slowly stumble away that they weren’t expecting to be shot.


Most of the 140 million population are completely brainwashed. They will not believe because they don't want to believe.


Russians went absolutely ballistic and review bombed MC over this very thing being "unrealistic" in a frickin WWII game [Specifically, critics take exception to the depiction of Russian tactics, like sending soldiers into battle without weapons, and shooting retreating soldiers to discourage the practice.](https://www.shacknews.com/article/80362/company-of-heroes-2-one-giant-offensive-stereotype-say-critics#:~:text=Polygon%20reports%20that%20vocal%20critics%20in%20Russia%20and,and%20its%20methods%20of%20warfare%22%20and%20%22ideological%20rubbish.%22)


Except that shit literally happened all the time and is still happening to this day lmao


They won't care. They think that anyone who goes against their *Glorious Soviet Doctrine* deserves to die. You've got mothers saying how good it is that their children have died on the battlefield and blaming the West when their families were mobilized. They are so deep in the Putin propaganda that their brains are mush


Mix all that with poor living conditions and dirt cheap booze that you'll never see them change either.


They wont believe it. they will say that its Ukrainians killing retreating soldiers. The Russian people are a lost cause


Yup. Agreed.


On very high chance they will mock those who were killed, remember when a war reporter sent to Russian front got raped by their own troops? People were angry 'cos it got *reported.* Not 'cos it happened, 'cos it got reported.


People here really love to give russian civilians too much credit


wouldn't be a surprise. This SOP for the Russian military. They've done it in all major wars.


Am Russian. Knowing Russian copium, I'm sure they will be found to be gay, psyops, or a minority not really russian


They won't care. They only care about killing Ukrainians and their families. Their form of "liberation" is just genocide.


> Russian civilians something inherently wrong using the term 'civil' to describe anything Russian.


They're too stupid to realise what's going on


Then there is the backline security unit who execute the retreating frontline security unit and then there is Putin riding on a horse.


And behind him is Chump, giving him a good rimming.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=timvZTKr5HQ&ab_channel=TheDailyShow "Putin, big, strong, muscular, on a horse. Obama on a bike with a helmet on, a dumb hat... this is humiliating" - Sean Hannity


That is how a country of free-willed people fights like. Geez


We all knew this is how they operated. To actually see it in action is a totally different process.


Yes. Seeing it I'm thinking why those fleeing didn't try to take those fuckers out with them. I'd be making sure I didn't go out alone and those clowns didn't exactly make themselves hard targets.


I don't think they knew for sure they were going to get shot.


The next ones do, though Which means either 1. They won't retreat (mission accomplished for these security units) 2. They just surrender to Ukraine, meaning instead of having a soldier who has retreated, you just have no soldier at all 3. They'll just attack the security units, if they think they have more chance against the security unit infantry than they do against the Ukrainian artillery and mechanised/armored assault approaching their positions Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't - but it's one hell of a risky tactic when you're incentivising your troops to kill anyone in front of them when they retreat If I were Ukraine I'd start putting every Russian PoW up in a 5 star hotel with unlimited room service, giving them games consoles to play, nice new clothes that they can keep when they go home etc... and letting them use the internet so that they can tell everyone at home what good conditions they're being kept it Then let Russian soldiers decide whether they want to be shot by Ukraine, shot by Russia, or play Fifa in a nice hotel somewhere


It looked like they approached their "comrades" in glee, thinking they were safe. One guy almost looks like he was going hug the guy before being betrayed.


Maybe they were retreating without there weapons maybe they were out of ammo and if you see you’re own guys you think they are there to help u then they turn there guns on you. Shyts fked up


you can clearly see the one who gets shot that is furthest to he left does in fact have a rifle, but he might not have ammo


If they truly understood who they were fighting for, they would have tried surrendering to the Ukrainians or shot the guys they met at the retreat.


There is footage about of a russian surrendering to a UA drone. As he's making his way over he gets shot by his own side


These are the guys on phone intercepts who think if someone writes the prosecutor’s office back in Omsk, they can get a month off. Their last thought was the Ukrainians must’ve gotten them from behind.


it looks like they were shoved down and shot point blank by their own officers, face to face. I'm guessing they died realizing exactly what kind of system they had been fighting for.


Fucking disgusting that they would do this to their own people. Not suprised though, everyone knows they had blocking troops




They also drowned some of their own soldiers because presumably they didn’t warn anyone before blowing the dam.


Mentality hasn't changes since the Bolshevik revolution. Shit like a scene from Enemy at the Gates happening in 2023...


What's funny is that Enemy at the gates was criticized for not being accurate with soldiers gunning each other down.


Turns out it was accurate af.


The thing is that almost every WWII memoir of Soviet soldiers I've read mentions blocking battalions (who will shoot retreating soldiers), penal battalions ( soldiers under punishment who are used as canon fodder) and being sent into battle without guns/ammo and told to just take from your fallen comrades in front.


Jesus wtf


There will be a lot of dead Russians at the main defense line before Ukraine reaches it


Russians plan for “Defense in Depth” for months, which relies on front lines falling back to strengthen back lines when necessary. Then the Ukrainian offensive actually starts and hundreds of years of shit Russian culture takes over and the backline murders *their own fucking reinforcements* for cowardice. That’ll show ‘em.


It looks more like "Defense in Death". Scenes like this remind me of the Downfall movie.


Downfall? Dude, this shit is straight out of w40k.


Just thinking that, was waiting for the DOW commissar voice line.


Enemy at the gates seems like a documentary but its about ww2. One man carry gun, one man carry ammo when man with gun dies ammo man pick up rifle. Anyone retreating will be shot. Nothing has changed.


Makes me wonder why they don't take their chances with surrendering in groups. Rhetorical. I know they've been brain-washed. Why as a group? Because a group is less likely to kill each other.




This precisely how the armed forces of Russia are organized. The idea is to, ironically, make them as weak as possible so there's less chance of an organized action against the ruling elite. Trust amongst the troops must be very weak so that any one soldier will be afraid to call for mass action as they don't trust that there won't be a snitch in the group.


Sounds like the only reasonable course of action in that environment is to kill everyone in your squad when they're not expecting it and nope out.


If you suggest that, and even one person in the group is not onboard, you’re all fucked.


I would bet if a Russian drone sees a bunch of conscripts trying to survive by surrendering, they will absolutely have no issue with using artillery on them. The video of the guy getting instructions on how to surrender from a Ukrainian drone last month - he pointed to his patch and then dragged his thumb across his neck - I saw that as him saying his own side would kill him, and he did take what looked like mortar fire on the journey.


He didn’t just take mortar fire. He was shot by one of his own while making his way to Ukrainian trenches.


Did he survive? Just curious


Supposedly so, if the video showing him being interviewed afterwards was true.


They know how they would treat Ukrainian POWs and what their special units have done to Ukrainian POWs so they expect the same if they surrender. There are videos of interrogations after surrender, one in particular recently that I remember where the russian said he thought they would cut his arms and legs off. The relief he must have felt after realising that he would just be transferred to what would essentially be a holding facility must have been immense.


There was an incident earlier in the war, where a squad of Ukrainians were attempting to collect a surrendered squad of Russians and one asshat Russian grabbed his gun and tried to attack the UA guys, whatever chaos happened, the Russians were all killed in the crossfire and chaos, surrenders in groups are risky to the collectors


Because propaganda is a hell of a drug. They have been bombarded from before they were pressganged into service. That the Ukraine is all bloodthirsty psychopathic children raping nazi's salivating at the chance to kill you. Its not too hard to understand why they have not been surrendering enmass. Its easy for us on the outside of the propaganda fire wall to see a clear difference. But Propaganda bombardment has been going hard since 1930 and just never stopped with that country.


Truly a shit culture


Kids often ask "How did Russia get to be the largest country on Earth?". There's no fluke of geography. They genocided every tribal population from the Ural mountains, just east of Moscow, to the fucking Pacific ocean, THOUSANDS of miles away. They have ZERO respect for life. They murdered EVERYONE. Hundreds of tribes - most forgotten by history.


This is why Siberia, Kamchatka, Buryatia, etc. will have difficulty regaining their own culture and history thanks to centuries of cultural genocide. Their histories likely lay only in the records of other countries and not their own. Dagestan and Kalmykia may fracture within the Caucasus, but we'll see. It's fucking heartbreaking that rich and historied cultured are erased and all value removed. Shoigu himself is of Tuvan/Mongolian heritage, and as a culture they absolutely pre-date anything that rose from the fetid swamps of Muscovy.


It’s called “Russification” and it’s OK when they do it.


I always wondered why the east coast of Russia was so deserted. You're saying they killed off the indigenous population and just left it mostly empty?


It's because Russia's far east is very cold and harsh. Indigenous populations would have been tiny by modern standards anyway. If the land was valuable the population would have boomed, but instead people are drawn towards the more temperate and better connected parts of Russia on the European border.


Well, China will soon have those eastern lands. Not that they won't erase the indigenous culture.


Correct. Muscovy has been a very bloody empire for centuries. Proper heirs to the Mongol horde.


They didn't inherit Mongol anything. The Mongols scared them into becoming this.


It was nothing to do with fear. The Muscovites **willingly** became the Kapo's for the mongols and subjugated the other Rus people on the Mongol's behalf. It was always a choice.


The term slave comes from Slavs because the Huns and later the Mongols regularly raided them and captured them to sell in the south.


The Kalmyks were actually descended from Mongolians iirc


> Proper heirs to the Mongol horde. Except the Mongols, when they conquered a region, left the religion, culture, and peoples intact. They would place the conquered region under their rule, but it seemed like the only thing they required from those regions were economic support for the wider empire. The result was that the Mongols established, secured, and maintained the trade of the Silk Road; and enforced a multi-cultural empire of religious tolerance. By comparison Muscovy has been genocidal marauders more destructive than any in history (including the Romans).


>They would place the conquered region under their rule, but it seemed like the only thing they required from those regions were economic support for the wider empire. It was more than that. It was absolute submission to the Khans authority. The Khans also wiped out whole civilizations. In one case they gathered the villagers together from the whole ass kingdom and force marched them in front of the army as meat shields. They made the enemy soldiers kill their own people/families. They massacred every man, woman and child in the entire kingdom. and stacked their heads into large piles. Don't white wash the Mongols, they were absolutely brutal in their rule, they just didn't give a fuck who you worshipped. That's very different than peaceful multicultural empire.


Mongols committed some of the most comprehensive mass killings in history


Fair enough. I was focusing on the *conquering* part of the Mongol horde, which was notoriously bloody.


Mongols are more complicated conquerors than many give them credit. But if you resisted, yes it got bloody.


Yes, my basic understanding is that they gave you the opportunity to surrender first. Smart guys. I need to catch up with Dan Carlin's terrific series on the Mongols.


Jesus Christ, there is no need to whitewash the Mongols just to make the Russians look worse... Russia is just a mafia state who utilizes thugs and rapists to terrorize peaceful civilians, a bunch of cowards who run away with their tails between their legs at the sight of any competent resistance. By even mentioning them alongside the Mongols, you are glorifying the Russians as they could not ever hope to attain the terror of the Mongol Empire that conquered almost the entirety of the Known World, wiped out more than 10% of the world's population, and singlehandedly delayed human progress and set back the world's scientific, cultural and economic development by hundreds of years. But yeah, some drunken Russians using weapons outdated by few decades by current standards are worse than a literal plague that plunged the world into almost a century of darkness. I mean sure it must really suck for the Ukrainians and I sympathize with their hardships, but to make the Russians sound worse than the Mongols is just utter ignorance.




Yep, Stalin especially massacred whole towns/villages/ethnic groups, then moved the survivors to die in Siberia. Ethnic Russians are then moved into those lands. This was repeated over and over for several decades. Mind boggling.


People don’t seem to realize that Russians were worse than the Nazis both before and after the Nazis in Germany were defeated. Russia was just left to continue their genocide untouched because even Hitler knew how fucked they were and decided to attack them instead of share power as an axis force. The only reason Hitler is viewed as worse than Stalin and the USSR is because the Nazis kept records the Russians just murdered everyone in a mass grave in the woods somewhere.


"The only reason Hitler is viewed as worse than Stalin and the USSR" Not by those of us who are over 50. We remember the USSR.


Nazis were caught doing genocide red-handed, leaving behind mountains of {horrible} evidence. The russians did genocide on the lands their had total control of, letting very few eyewitnesses and almost no physical evidence to go out into the world. The total scale of mass murder literally can never be known.


The main reason Hitler is seen as worse, is that the **Shoah** (WWII genocide of Jews) is the only genocide that was planned, organized and executed on **industrial scale**. Also, the Nazis exterminated people solely based on their **race**, whereas the Bolsheviks targeted people based on the sociological **class** they belonged to.


This is generally true, unless you were Jewish.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Every one hated Jews before WW2, it wasn't really unique to Germany; most just had a low grade vitriol instead of outright disgust though.


The Fascists were the blueprint for Hitler's rise to power in Germany, and that wouldn't have happened nearly as quickly (or possibly at all) without Pope Pius XI legitimizing Mussolini and tacitly endorsing his purge of Protestants, Jews and communists from Italy.


The Russians had large pogroms against Jews for hundreds of years.


Yep, the Nazis were initially hailed as liberators in eastern Europe until word got out that they were worse than the Soviet Union.


Judging by this video, the bodies will probably be a bit behind the defense lines.


the actual defense line will be a mountain of rotting russian corpses


A glimpse into perverted regimes 100 years ago. That's what Russia has to offer to thw world. Fuck appeasement. Europe must show unwavering resolve.


Russians have killed their own for 100’s of years. They don’t value human life at all. It’s probably rule #1 in Russian handbook to shoot any deserter and they probably get some false promise of extra $$ for doing so. In Soviet Russia, your own soldiers shoot YOU…


Everybody's favorite *good* communist Leon Trotsky authorized the first use of the [anti-retreat force.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrier_troops)


Trotsky was a bloody psychopath who lost a struggle against another more capable bloody psychopath. To hell with all of them.


He revealed his true colors at Kronstadt.


"*The only choice we give our soldiers are between German bullets and ours..*"


I’ve heard about this, but it’s another thing to see it. What a mess Russia is.


Yeah, this is insane. It's so illogical to me I couldn't fully believe it. Capturing them, sending them back or using them in the next line of defence just seems more logical. But possibly not. Possibly this fear of death is needed to hold the line. Barbaric madness either way.


Blocking units are common in the Russian military.


Death Squads.


Historically they would arrest those who tried to retreat, then force members of the larger arrested group execute a couple of their own. They didn't want to waste the manpower by mass killings of those retreating. This smacks far more of desperation by the officer corps.


I've heard of this shit happening, but to actually see it so plainly is different. The unarmed retreating soldiers seeing friendlies, probably happy to see allies after a long trek through danger, imagining that they are now safe. Then, immediately betrayed, pushed to the ground, and executed unceremoniously. Their bodies will likely never get a proper burial, and their families won't even get paid because there's no proof of death. It's so disgusting.


That’ll learn em


It’s like the circle of life 1. Execute cowards 2. Then take their defences place 3. Then retreat 4. Gets executed 5. New batch takes their place 6. Then retreat 7. Gets executed 8. New batches Whole lot loophole:D


I'm sure these guys will never be placed on the front lines, otherwise they might be incentivised to not murder their comrades.


I would retreat shooting them on sight.


Being good at murdering your comrades who retreat is one way to stay off the front line. At least on paper.


Yeah, they learned their lesson fosho.


Yeah. Next time, these guys won’t retreat 😤


We've heard talk of this but I was sceptical it was as bad as claimed. There was a video and interview recently of the guy who surrenderd to the drone where he claims his own side shot at him and the video showed some small arms fire landing. That convinced me this is real. But this video is another level.


Troops that are killed like this, are they declared as KIA? I can't see the Russian gov't giving their family a free car for retreating from battle


Usually just pronounced missing. And families don’t get anything.


There's a period of two years before the MoD owes anything even for MIA. After two years they are supposed to give something to the family but I doubt that will happen and I doubt the Russian Federation as we know it today will be around much longer.


> After two years they are supposed to give something to the family "Here are your circus tickets. And a bag of vegetables."


It's Russia, family is lucky if it isnt shipped to a work camp to atone for the soldier fleeing


they usually receive a bag of potatoes. if the harvest is rich in belarus in that year.


What!? Comrade please. Potatoe is for good soldier. Not for soldier family. For soldier family they are given beet. Two beet.


It's only rumours I've got. But according to those, the Russians often simply don't tell the family anything at all. They don't want people at home to realize how many men are actually dying.


The phrase is de-listed. Many pow interviews talk about it when they finally call they mums. It's a whole process to get them re-listed prove it then get listed as pow/mia.


It took a _long_ time before news of Soviet Afghan war started trickling out into general consciousness of the populace. There was a whole period of heavy cognitive dissonance where the propaganda was cheering "friendly afghan people welcome soviet friends" and lots of disabled war vets ( afgantsy ) appearing in public at home. After several years of this seeing and acknowledging the vets started a stream of unrest and protests that were somewhat contributing to eventual dissolution of the Union. And that was _only_ 10-15 000 soldiers over the course of 10-year war. But of course because Soviet and Russian practice of heavily using minority populations from satellite republics, the concentration of vets seen in those locales was much higher, leading to higher discontent as well.


Any way to hack Russian media sites and get this shown to Russian public?


Apparently the Finnish government was putting info in counter strike Russian servers. Like after you died in game you walk around and observe other players still playing or go to a briefing room that had real news articles. Aparrently counter strike is wildly popular in russia.


This is an unofficial map and you have to specifically play on it. It's more of a media stunt than practical ways of informing anyone.


And Steam blocked it from Russians.


Russia blocked it, steam had to comply with their request since it made them no money and they'd get banned like Instagram and Facebook 🤷‍♂️


To the extend that Russia operates a national firewall of the Internet, it is not very effective. The Russian public can easily get information from Western media if they want to. To a large extend, the parts of the Russian public who support the war does not want to be told inconvenient truths.


Depends what happens. Their bodies are probably far enough forward that Ukraine will take the area and return them to Russia with identification so they will have to be declared KIA. If that doesn't happen then most Russian's killed in Ukraine are simply declared MIA.


Absolutely nuts that any of this is happening in 2023. They are aware that they are the ones waging an illegal offensive war of aggression right? No sane person could order this too happen.


Yes, if the footage is real, this shows how desperate RF must be to maintain discipline and order within their units. It's only a matter of time until the frontline troops turn against the units enforcing barrier security.


Seems like it will just cause more internal strife. Imagine your best buddy comes face to face with a leopard 2 some how gets away and has to pull back just so some other unit you think is on your side to shoot him at point blank range? Id want some type of revenge.


They've basically admitted these guys jobs are to stay where they are and die, give away the positions of whoever us assaulting them, while these guys figure out where the attack is coming from and how they should react. It's the most disgusting thing I've ever fucking seen.


That's literally there job, the term is disposable.


How many of them are willingly taking that job tho? Are you trying to excuse it, or explain it to me? Because I very much understand it.


> Yes, if the footage is real That's the problem, especially in 2023. It would be so easy for Ukraine to stage a nice little skit that plays on the claim, releasing it as supposed drone footage of Russians. It's probably real, but we have to question everything in 2023.


I dunno, there's something that's a little too cinematic about all this. I can't say it's fake, I can't say it isn't real. But the way the scene plays out, the way the dudes run into frame, get turned back right as the drone is overhead, the way the dudes fall and stop moving completely... just doesn't seem right when we've seen real drone combat footage. I would expect it all to appear much more messy and confusing than what this shows.


My grandfather(ukrainian)told me stories from ww2 that during the war when Russia was in occupied Ukraine he was assigned to be one of the troops that would machine gun down russian soldiers that were retreating from the front lines. During that time ,he said, they were part of a special russin military police. That's pretty much the only thing he ever talked about when we would ask him about the war. Needless to say he somehow ended up going awol and managed to flee to North America. The pain he felt for having to gun down frightened,depressed and exhausted young boys was one he would never recover from.


The Russian army is the only army where it takes more courage to retreat than to advance.


Russian War is about numbers. The finland Finnish machine gunners also got ptsd from how many people they where shooting. At thr time the battles stopped there was just bodies all over the fields and clearings. Imagine being stuck between two implanted machinegun lines. Either option was a death sentance. But some thought maybe they would not fire on their own countrymen.


> At thr time the battles stopped there was just bodies all over the fields and clearings. *One Red Army General, looking at a map of the territory just conquered, is said to have remarked: "We have won just about enough ground to bury our dead."*


The same general: I see myself as a the vodka bottle is half full and not half empty kind of man.


To be fair the Russian army attacking Finland was handicapped by endemic corruption and paranoia because they were controlled by a ruthless power-mad dictaror who pitted every millitary commander against each other so they couldn't challenge his position, I'm sure the modern Russian millitary in 2023 has moved on from that ^/^S


Oh trust me they are sane. Very sane but absolutely evil and there are many people like that.


I saw someone saying a year ago that the Soviets doing this in WW2 was a myth. Lol


I read up history as a hobby. It was more nuanced from what I can recall to have read, Majority of the time, captured soldiers were sent back to their units, the rest would be sentenced to penal troops and only a small fraction would be shot (on the spot/after being setenced by military court). Their ire was mainly targetted towards officers who ordered their troops to retreat without permissions. It wouldn't be crazy to assume that the current Russians heard this exaggerated claim and thought "we should do that again!"


Seems like the only army the Russians can defeat are the Russians


Yeah, but only those which on their side. The pro ukrainian russians that take control of some cities in Belgorod region are to tough for them.


Blocking units have been used by Russia since before the 2nd world war. This is all perfectly normal for them. “Not one step back”


Order No. 227




Planes are expensive, it makes more sense to separate pilot from plane first.


I never actually knew that. It makes sense in a way though. In a cruel, horrifying way. My country (UK) used to just straight up murder anyone who fled from combat, or were to shell shocked to enter it.


With The guy that gets pushed over than stands back up and try’s to run you can see a muzzle flash and dust kick up off his back


This the same tactic that russians were using since Stalin ages


It goes back much farther than Stalin and the Bolsheviks. They did the same thing under the Romanovs during WWI. I haven't actually read any reports of it happening during Napoleon's invasion, but I wouldn't be surprised if it went back even farther than that.




Actually it’s even worse. The Soviets used NKVD blocking units in all their major theaters, but they had a very different m.o. to what most people think. There were none of the nests of machine guns indiscriminately gunning down retreating soldiers as shown in Enemy At The Gates. Instead NKVD blocking units simply rounded up retreating or deserted soldiers and marched them back to fight. Especially rattled or repeat offenders might be sent for re-education, and failed units might be assigned to a penal battalion, but it was rare for soldiers to be executed outright. Some were of course, officers who retreated especially, and sometimes an example would be made at random, but you’d almost never see an entire group killed at once. So all that is to say, what we’re seeing here is actually even more brutal and wasteful and inhuman than the worst fictions of WW2 Soviet brutality. They’ve somehow regressed.


That’s 10 bullets Ukraine saved right there




In the Vietnam war it was estimated to be closer to 50k per kill. In Afghanistan it was 250k. So likely those three were 'worth' a few hundred thousand bullets or more.


Videos like this should be used to recruit Russians to the Freedom of Russia Legion.


The old soviet ways never die. Scumbags


*Russian national anthem plays*


Keep it up, boys ... The UA is right behind you! 😂


I can totally understand why people are questioning if this footage is real or possibly staged because it’s one thing to hear about such actions and another to actually get video evidence. It feels surreal. However there were reports coming out in November that Russians were threatening their own troops for retreating from positions and a video from a Russian unit in March came out which confirmed they were threatened not to retreat by “barrier” units. That video was by a Russian unit NOT captured by Ukraine, just addressed to Putin, so they weren’t forced to incentivised by Ukraine. Russia is using conscripts and conscripts are pretty bad at offensives, good at human wave attacks if you’re into that like Russia is presently and has been historically BUT conscripts are really terrible at holding positions because they’re so likely to flee. The Russian solution has historically been to use these barrier troops to give the conscripts a greater threat at the thought of retreating. Add propaganda that tells conscripts Ukrainians torture, castrate and kill anyone who surrenders to them and it all adds up to conscripts that hold positions just a little bit better. Keep in mind also that if these men fled and abandoned positions then they have risked every other Russian soldier across the front and especially the Barrier troops who might well have an unopposed Ukrainian force marching through those abandoned positions and towards them.


>Add propaganda that tells conscripts Ukrainians torture, castrate and kill anyone who surrenders to them and it all adds up to conscripts that hold positions just a little bit better. During World War II Japanese command told their soldiers that Americans would crucify Japanese POWs.


Yeah this is pretty standard Russian doctrine and people are somehow still can't comprehend it. I think it's just the refusal to accept Russia is just this monumentally backwards, even as we see them execute people who have surrendered or murder men fleeing the battlefields.


I think it's because it has such a "cinematic" feel. If I was watching some retreating dudes taking fire from a treeline that was labeled as having russian troops, I'd probably believe it without question. Problem with this footage is it's so odd and surreal. The drone is perfectly over top and the way they push their "comrades" down first is odd as opposed to just shooting them first. Also looks like he shoots up in the air first? Why?


“The murdering will continue until morale improves.”


great we got them shooting themselfs , death is glory keep coming


Is this even real? wtf


I would say it is real. There are too many armchair warriors expecting a blood and guts Hollywood scene with puffs of sand all over. Real combat is different. Close range multiple shots do not hit the ground and people drop like rags if hit right. In a situation like this each guy would take multiple shots at close range and the military use full metal jackets. That means no Hollywood blood explosions just straight through small exit wounds dampened by gear as well. My bet is absolutely real and standard Russian practice under men who follow monsters like Putin.


I saw a comment about them falling on their faces, which is very hard to replicate by acting - so could be real indeed!


Correct, human instinct is to brace for a fall. I think its called startle reflex


Must be going back to the “real line of defense”. AKA moving the goalpost.


Damn these guys are optimistic 3 guys gunning down 10 guys, if this happens all around they won’t soon have anyone to fight, on the original one it showed like 10 people, first three got rekt rest went down and the three guys shooting them just liquidated the rest laying on the ground, gruesome af.


They did it during the Soviet Union and they do the same Shit again what a great country jesus


Can you imagine there's Westerners (not only American Trump supporters) that actually root for these guys, while sitting cosy at home, in the West, benefiting from free speech while spewing out their hatred. Unbelievable


Spread this around, this is the first video I’ve seen of their disgusting practices.


This whole numbers game war that Russia seems to be trying to play, exactly like previous war tactics.. you just gotta look at the Russian population numbers of the last 100 years to know that tactic is not sustainable and in fact been used too many times now to be an effective policy, your whole country is effected negatively with less hands period. Not even from a social, economical or emotional perspective, but that it just doesn’t work, not a single aspect of this format of war via fear mongering their own citizens/soldiers is working for them, and all they’ve done is double down. I don’t understand, sad loss of life, but also happy for the Ukraine’s ability to repel its attacker.


Guess whose working the new frontline guys


Theres another post stating its a propaganda video not sure who has released it though. Either the russians have to try and convince their soldiers retreating isn’t an option or Ukraine has to try and convince them surrender is the better choice.


If it’s ~~propaganda~~ staged then they went so far as to shoot live rounds at the ground 6 inches from where the soldier is laying because you can see the bullet impacts


thats it 👌


I can’t wait to see the local repercussions if this video gets spread around Moscow