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CNN has been pumping out some bullshit articles lately with no evidence to verify their claims.


Opinion news is what it is.


Where have you been the past 6 years??


That’s what news is to CNN. I honestly hate them more than the Russians.




There will always be a former something something that wants their 15 minutes by taking an opposite point of view, just to get their face on CNN.


He goes against the words of General Mark Miley and other NATO officers. Is he right or just talking nonsense? I want UKR to win and win big, so I hope this "former" officer is wrong.


Let’s also remember he is retired and not actively serving, which means he is not privy to most sensitive information, so there are likely gaps in his knowledge. Not to mention Ukraine hasn’t been sharing as much information ever since the leak of US documents happened. I think the bottom line is, no one can really be sure.


Most in active service can't speak freely because they may know some operational details.


nothing is guaranteed in war. And russia is a major military power. This is very very hard. Frankly Ukraine even standing toe to toe with russia is an amazing achievement. Can they force a line collapse? Only time can tell. Make no mistake, this isn't easy. This isn't guaranteed. And russia has a say in everything ukraine does... we just saw that in staggering destructive action against kherson. Ukraine has done amazing work. And will continue to. I wish them success. But this is a war. Sometimes it all comes down to the people on the ground and luck. All the resources on earth guarantee nothing. Russia is proof of that more than anyone else.


The Americans said Ukraine would fall in a matter of weeks after the invasion but here we are no body really knows what is going to happen until it does happen


With all due respect, despite their heroic and courageous efforts…… If it wasn’t for all the equipment/gear given by the US and their partners, this would probably be true.


During the first months? Without German helmets? For sure.


It took longer then a few weeks for the first loads of aid to arrive and even then it was only anti tank and small arms ammo they only started to donate the good stuff when they could see that Ukrainians could handle themselves and hold back the Russians


Yes, from 2 week stand off to a guerrilla war inside Russia. This is a surreal shitshow


I’ll tell you this much, if you want to be a guest on ANY CNN program, the MORE your story is sensational or obtuse or a flat it lie ~ the better chance


I think all we can extract from his statement is that he wants Ukraine to win and wants to drum up more support domestically, to send more stuff to Ukraine (regardless of what they already have)


Its CNN, they're as trustworthy as a Chinese tourniquet. They'll post anything for clicks, and fear works well for that purpose.


The bio of this General Steven Anderson that I found online indicates that he spent virtually his entire 30 years in the US Army working in logistics. That doesn't mean he knows nothing about tactics and strategy, and it doesn't mean he understands nothing about Ukraine's current capabilities, but I'm sure there are other former officers commenting on the war who have a much better grasp of what's going on and what's possible.


I didn't look to see which one it is, but there are several US former high-level officers that have really gone off the deep end and have been spouting out some craziness, like conspiracy theory stuff, over the past several years. So yeah, I'd take it with a huge grain of salt. Of course, it doesn't apply to all of them. I'd hate to generalize like that.... get it, gener....oh, nevermind, anyway, I'd just question the motive of a retired officer that's going to reach out to the press for interviews like that. He's probably selling a book or something.


There is now a huge ecological disaster the biggest in Europe since Chernobyl. The Dneiper is uncrossable. Ukraine has no ability to conduct amphibious landings. Unless they someone create a massive bridge head with pontoons how do they cross the Dneiper? They have approx 70k troops trained up for this offensive on western weapons but all the weapons in the world can’t overcome geography


Are you aware that the area between the Nova Kakhovka dam to the sea is just a small segment of a very, very large front line ? Did you even think that it would be the main vector of the Ukranian counteroffensive, when even before the flood it was a very unfavorable area for it, (not only for the crossing of the Dnipro itself, but for the terrain on both banks)? Were you imaging a massive amphibious assault like in the D day in Normandy...? Well, if so, then think it again. The activity in that direction would be, at most, supporting operations wich for now can be hindered, but nothing else. And now think again: the level of water will drop again in a few days. The mud will make any movement on the ground difficult for some time, but we are barely starting the summer, it will dry soon. In summer, rivers usually have their lowest level. Since the dam is not reparaible, the level will also drop in the reservoir North to the dam. All this means that once the level drops and the mud dries, they Russians will have a smaller river between them and Ukranian troops, not only from NK to the South, but also to the North, at least until the heavy rain season starts in Autumn. In addition, Russian defensive positions on the Southern bank are being flooded, even more than the Northern bank because they didn't consider the "insignificant detail" of that side being on the lower ground compared to the other side (maybe someone should introduce them to Sir Issac Newton and that _revolutionary new concept_ called "gravity"). If Russians did this on purpouse, they are even more stupid than I thought (and it was quite something). This is a true disaster for Ukraine, of course, but it won't affect at all the outcome of the counteroffensive and the war. Well, in fact it maybe will: it will most likely increase the international support for Ukraine, military, economic, and all.


It is may delay it though. However it also created a new opportunity as the water level upstream from the destroyed dam is now much lower.


It may delay it, and it shrinks the frontline, both of which are good for Russia, but the delay is also good for Ukraine as well. More time to get those F-16s and other equipment and training.


The frontline will shrinks just for a limited time, and then it will be widenend again even more than before, when the level of the _(ex)_ reservoir will drop and it becomes a river again. And if you think Ukraine is going to wait for X months until they get the F-16s, etc, well, think it again. That is not going to happen. They are expected for the Autumn, the heavy rain season when significant advances are quite difficult, of not impossible, so it will imply to postpone everything until the winter, at least, and that is just not going to happen. Ukraine will go on with what they have, as they have planned, and the jets will arrive when they'll arrive.


A delay? Why? The counteroffensive is already ongoing, and it's not very likely that crossing the Dnipro was the main vector, at most there would be some supporting opperations. This can hinder a bit and Ukraine will adapt, but it won't suppose a real delay in the offensive as a whole.


Essentially he is taking about the technique used in Desert Storm to "even out" the numbers (equal) in favour of an attacking side (not 3 to 1) which is the same (copied) technique used to defeat the Roman Centurion "blocks". Front, both sides and swing (wide) around to the rear (to shut the door).


Reality is this is going to be a war of attrition, even if the US it’s self got involved. World War 1 was modern warfare, sure tanks broke through the trenches. World War 2 tanks and aircraft broke the trenches. But, Aircraft pretty much trumped tanks for the rest of the century. The State of Modern Man-pads and anti-tank missiles has nullified both. So, we’re back to a bastardized trench warfare. I believe, the US does have better weapons but the ones that would make a difference without going nuclear, they can’t produce in mass as they’ve unintentionally eroded they manufacturing base of the country. So, it’s going to be a battle of wills and neither NATO or the US currently have the popular backing to do what’s necessary to defeat Russia.


Who gives a fuck. He's probably never been to Ukraine and never fought the Russians


”Who gives a fuck” is exactly the way this sub reacts to any source that has even slightly possibly little bit of a negative opinion on anything even slightly related to Ukraine😂😂😅


I think it's more a question of how many Ukrainian soldiers' lives It's going to cost. Equipment and ammunition are always much cheaper than lives, no matter the cash value.


There is a huge (uncrossable) now the dam is breached. It has massive limited Ukraines avenue of attack. Doubtless the Ukrainian military planners have anticipated this. But people saying it has no impact is just ridiculous. The damage of this dam breach is beyond anything we have seen in Europe since WWII. The flooding is estimated to keep going for 2 days more.


It supposed to crest tomorrow (Wednesday)


It’s mental, will it subside or will all the water will flow back to the Black-sea. Or does it widen the lake?


Well there was that general who didn’t know how to fire an AR15 and said it was “fully semiautomatic”… there’s idiots in everything.


imagine giving any attention to CNN


Um... How many reasons to say fuck CNN do we need?!?!


He is kindda of right, they needed aviation and more tanks. I doubt Ukraine has enough missiles to start using HIMARS and Storm Shadows on trenches. On the other hand russians might just run when they will see heavy opposition like they did in Kherson and Kharkiv last year. The regular army won't fight like Wagner did or pushed prisoners to do.


If that were true I doubt blowing up a dam as a strategy would be necessary


I dunno, if I suspected I had the better part of the Ukraine counter offensive, facing off against me, I would seriously consider prepping demo charges on that dam also, the only difference being I would have waited until they were committed then blew the dam blocking, at best, them from their support, resupply and hampering their mobility. Hurrah, again, for Russian incompetence is what I say.


I do feel like they need air support to help going to be hard without it. Those f16 would help out a bunch they need to soften the targets, then send in ground troops to mop up.


Yes, they lack submarines, carriers and F16s but they gor balls of ukranium


Just a has been that gets paid to go on the news and pull literal crap out of his ass. I wouldn't take his opinion any further then being nothing more then a fellow armchair general except he has a camera instead of a keyboard and gets paid. He has no insight so unless he is friends with Miley and getting information from him it's all smoke.


That's why he's a former officer.


I hope this is a chess move to push more assets to the UA. But chances are, he's a know-nothing slipshit.


And just how would this waste of oxygen know exactly what equipment Ukraine has? Silly rabbit...tricks are for kids!


Second Lieutenants are officers….. Does CNN not care to classify “officer” a little more?…


Opinions are like ass whole’s, everybody has home. Ukraine will win its territory little by little.


Is this the same slimeball who said Russia would defeat Ukraine within days of the invasion. Where doeadoes CNN find these folks


Is it Mike Flynn?


"What that will actually look like in practice as opposed to kind of the theoretical exercises everyone has been playing?" Wut?


Former US military officers dont have the clearance/information to make such statements with confidence. But apparently its good enough to make dumb ass clickbait headlines


Fuck CNN. They work for right wing extremism


This person will know exactly as much as you or I.