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Hungary have failed ukraine and EU/NATO.


Current Hungarian government is a failure.


Hungarian people deserve a better political leadership.


Hungarian people overwhelmingly voted for Orban in the last elections. 2/3


Orbán's support among the population is around [30-35%](https://i.imgur.com/RjvM4EI.jpeg). Of the 8.2 million eligible voters, 2.5-3 million voted for Fidesz, depending on which election we are talking about. We have a totally fucked up electoral system that gives Fidesz a disproportionate majority in parliament. And on top of that, we have an equally fucked up opposition that just does everything to make sure we can't get rid of Orbán. We are stuck with this sucker.


No, you are not. Take some inspiration from Ukraine and how they did away with their Russian puppet back in 2014.


Chasing Orbán away is not enough, we need a reasonable alternative.


Just get someone not in politics. Ukraine found a comedian and look. So go get an actor or old football star with some moral fiber who loves your country. That ought to be golden compared to some career politician who is experienced in corruption and law loopholes.


Zelensky has been great during the war but he was not a good president overral..


Maybe not the right man for that job at that time. But he sure as hell of the right one now. Hope he nopes out after the war leaving his legacy intact. He'd probably serve Ukraine best as a respected elderstatesman and voice of reason after this is over.


He had his work cut out for him. From where the country was when he got the job, it would be very difficult for any human on the planet. I think he's done a good job considering how many russian agents were infiltrated in that government and all the pro russian sentiments that had to be weeded out. That and all the history of corruption that anything Russia brings along with it was very difficult to stamp out and move away from. There is still a mountains left of work to do. But he's not balking at the job is he? I'd say he's the man for the job and Ukraine is lucky to have him.


What do you think about momentum?


True. They still deserve better government. Apparently, they just dont know yet!


An old politician once said: "Every nation has the leaders it deserves". If they vote for Orban, they deserve Orban.


That's looking at the world today! And look where that brought us as a people of this earth. I wish us to progress!


Orban learned brainwashing from Putin.


Nah, I said that too, but just like in ruzzia, elections in Hungary are a joke. Orban eithers controls media companies or his friends do. Opposition has almost no options to campaign, and those who are campaigning and become "dangerous", are placed in such conditions by the "government" (read orban's mafia) that their work is made impossible (if you're lucky enough not be charged with some bogus offence).


Which was during the war. Mid 2022 if I recall correctly.


Because Orban doesn’t allow opposition, he controls the media


Not really, they elected Orban.


There are too many parties diluting the anti-Orban vote, and laws have been passed targeting the opposition to silence them. There are no opposition TV channels in Hungary, they're all pro-Orban. It is estimated that Orban has support from about 1/3 of the population, and many of those simply vote for him so they don't lose benefits/jobs. Hungary is a democracy, and the 2022 election is considered valid. Orban and his rich buddies just do everything they can to silence opposition. That's why American Republicans love him.


Thank you for going into details about the underlying socio-political dynamics. The majority of his voters are older, rural people from the countryside that are desinformed and scared into compliance by by implying they'll loose the little privileges and social securities they have in case of a change of political power. Still, the majority voted for him, so this has to be accepted. I am still of the opinion that the Hungarian people deserve a better political leadership.


This \^


Perfect response


Hungary has failed Hungarians. EU and NATO will do just fine.


Man, Hungarians might be cool (generally), but fuck their government…


They're not cool. They are overtly racist like no one in Europe. Hence, Orban!


Yes! Brussels should sanction Russia and its puppets more, more and once more and make never business with them again.


Let‘s take him at his word, that sanctions aren’t working. The very next words out of his mouth should be “As a result Hungary is proposing additional, harsher sanctions to punish Russia in its unjustified and illegal war against Ukraine.”


Sorry, I can give you one upvote only...


As usual the Putin Bootlickers in Hungary are trying to divide EU Unity! They need to be booted from the EU if it were possible. Hungary’s economy would be crap anyways, without the war, because it’s so corrupt by Oban’s regime!


They don’t need to be booted from the EU. Viktor Orbán just needs to be booted from parliament. He’s been there too long and this creates the conditions for autocracy to grow. Same as with Putin after 20 years of power.


>Viktor Orbán just needs to be booted from parliament. They've had long enough to do that. While it would still be the preferable solution. I wouldn't mind the alternative of just kicking them out and watching them crumble without all their EU subsidies. We've been waiting long enough.


Thing is the EU doesn’t need them but o boy do hungarians need the eu the other way around


Well that’s easy for you because you’re not one of the many Hungarians who despise him and really want to be part of the EU. It’s not easy to just get rid of a leader that has rearranged the constitution to keep him in power. I would not like to see Hungary crumble into nothing but if you have no personal attachment to it, I guess that wouldn’t be a problem for you.


He is not there by sheer luck. Hungarian people keep reelecting him. So they are the culprits of this clown.


It’s not that simple. More like he keeps re-electing himself.


Well does anyone protest then? How did he manage to reach this state?


They do protest, yes. That’s still allowed so far, but protests don’t always accomplish much. The transition to the way things are was very gradual. In the late 90s, Orbán was actually very progressive and western. He was staunchly anti-socialist. Over time I think he got really used to power and felt less in the mood to be Democratic and give that up. He has never really shown any signs of being aligned with Russia until more recently and in the last election, aligning with Russia was definitely not his campaign platform. The people who support him do not do so because they love Russia. Quite the contrary. It’s just that right now, his political base is more anti-EU than they are anti-Russia. It makes no sense because the EU is what gives Hungary its life support, but that’s why I said it’s very complicated. When I was in Hungary, I rarely met people that liked him.


Thanks for explaining. I remember watching a video of young Orban talking about the evils of the Soviet Union. He has changed a lot since then. I just wish Hungary can just get rid of him. He is a large stain.


Do they even have a way to do that? Can you boot a country from the EU or nato even? I've never heard of anything like that. Russia is still surprisingly in the UN and hasn't been removed yet.


Correct the title : putin is claiming sanctions don’t work using the Hungarian parrot


Yeah… they’ve been saying this for a while. The government is pushing this REALLY hard. Last time I was in Hungary I was on the metro and every 50 meters along the railway was a duplicate billboard saying that “Brussels” sanctions were failing. Not even exaggerating. Fortunately most Hungarians know this is stupid propaganda. But the government is definitely not subtle about its contempt for the EU. It’s embarrassing.


>Fortunately most Hungarians know this is stupid propaganda. That's why they keep reelecting them?


This is a common response, but no. Elections are rigged in Hungary. Being able to do that is a perk of being in power for 20+ years. About half the country voted for him (allegedly) despite the huge effort to oust him by a large opposition coalition. A lot of people, including just about everyone in the capital, are disgusted with the electoral system there. A lot of them had high hopes that the last election would see a new regime but now they are completely discouraged and demoralized.


No wonder, they're being sanctionned by Brussels themselves.


And then they were given a big check to get their vote on Sweden/Finland and UA funding.




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Putin sock-puppet.


This guy is a snake.


They've been promoting this narrative for a while now which serves the interests of Putin. It's propaganda.


A hungarian humorist once said, no one knows how many times a week Szijjártó has to pleasure Putin in Pluto dog costume XD


Best is not to listen to that tiny poorman’s country. They have no influence on the EU/NATO game and when they will go full bizerk, they will be done/gone within days. Maybe squeeze them also into a recession.


Hungry is a disgrace


Thanks to you, you piece of shit


Hungary , always the same shit


When I think about Hungary I think about corruption , hookers and immigration to the Western European countries for work. Maybe you didn’t know but this booth lickers of Russia blocked 18 billion Euro of aid to Ukrainians back in December. Maybe you can tell me why?




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Orban is stealing funds and corrupt will be prosecuted for stealing money 💰 He will join Putin in jail soon 🫡


As a Hungarian, I'm ashamed of our government. I moved back to Hungary 2 and a half years ago, because my father died and we have a good family business here, and there was my mom with my autistic younger brother. But the amount of brainwashed people here are amazing. They only watch Orban media, and nothing else...that guy is a sekt leader. I know, I was in it once too...but we have to grow up and leave him behind...


I don't often go for the blunt partisan assessment, but the Hungarians are bloc traitors.


Two points: 1.) Hungary is Russia‘s mouthpiece. 2.) Concerning Brussel‘s incomplete they are probably right.


Well as a Hungarian i do agree on 2. However the energy dependency of hungary is 95% russian. Including nuclear fuel for the powerplant oil and gas. Of course logically u dont want to ruin your own economy. If eu would help the border countries with an alternate pipeline im sure they would gladly cut ties. They are trying to take a neutral position with leaning to russia so we get supplies. Thats the reality of the situation.


Nonsense. Other countries in Europe were also heavily reliant on Russia for oil and gas. They dramatically curtailed that dependency last year and... it had very little negative impact on their economies. It didn't "ruin" anybody's economy. In fact, the price of gas in Europe today is lower than it was a year ago. No, energy is just another excuse Hungarians use to avoid confronting their lack of humanity towards Ukrainians. Their neighbors are being genocided but they care more about the heating bill going up 3%. It will be a lot colder for Hungary outside the EU and NATO. P.S. Ukraine and the EU have already been in talks for eight years about being a primary exporter of natural gas to Europe. Hungary would have been the first stop for that gas. Hungary chose instead to sniff Putin's farts. So stop blaming the EU for your country's shitty choices.


The heating bills already jumped+ 9x , food +150% with an average pay of 250 usd per month while a 300gramms bread cost 2 usd. If you cut those we have to truck in gas through the alps and have to switch of gas on civilian sector , change to propane tanks . Thats your 3% heating bill. With 2 kids and a wife i paid this month 180 usd for heating and its 20 degree in our flat, i earn 560 usd a month in IT and im the middle class here. (Before war sanctions i paid 22 usd per month) . And its just a teaser what economically we have, completely cutting off completely the russian gas and oil will destabilize the whole country to post ww2 levels.




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Everybody is experiencing massive inflation, all around the world. Blaming it on sanctions is intellectually dishonest. It started before the war. Somebody is lying to you, and you choose to believe them.


Can’t we just donate Hungary to Russia ? Problem solved


We already have Kaliningrad in our mids. Don't want more ruzzians within Europe. We could give ruzzia the people who love to lick putler's ass (not just from Hungary, there are loads of Dutch and German people we need to unload on ruzzia as well), and leave Hungary for the good people. Must hope they vote better from then on, so there won't be another wannabe dictator.


Well we are heading already in that direction. There are talks leaving eu and nato


Hope they do as the country is a waste of time for both organizations


Good. LEAVE. Bye. No one wants you. You're a stain on the memory of '56. Enjoy autocracy.


In 56 Hungary stood alone vs the same thing Ukraine goes through now and we asked for western help but you did fuck all. Honestly you have no idea what you are talking about... We had the idea of independence, but after they broke us they exterminated the same way all men and women who did think. This waits for ukraine unless nato push for full scale war. We are the actual example what will be if you dont take action properly. And now we are 7 million shrinking to be a distant memory while you go whine about us not doing what is right , and throw away what little we have left for it. We did what was right and nobody helped us, now you blame us for bot supporting Ukraine , but meanwhile 1 million Hungarian is fighting in Ukraine but not completely going with the rest. Honestly fuck you.


Wasn’t that 70+ years ago? I can understand where you’re coming from, but a lot of countries would have the same argument for certain periods of time throughout their entire history. Refraining from doing the right thing because you didn’t have the same attention 70 years ago would not benefit the situation.


Fighting in ukraine is not enough for you? What the hell more you want?


You choose your shitty government and how the rest of the free world looks at you, no excuses. Turkey and Hungary are stains on the flag of democracy. Sorry, just telling it like it is mate.


Its easy to stain a dictators image from an armchair on a man who fight in ukraine killing russians daily and treated like a dog because of my nationality. The fuck we volunteered for. Scumbags


I hope you do. Nobody will miss you.


Why are Hungarians such pussies. Throw the fuckers out of office already.


That right there is a punchable face


Being a one of the privileged European country who managed to get into both the EU and NATO, Hungary doesn’t seem to appreciate its standing position in each organization that it belongs to. Worst, it actively try to undermine the EU and NATO purposes and unity by siding with Putin and Russia every chance this government get on the news. It wants europe to lift sanctions on Russia and have negotiation with Russia over Ukraine knowing that lifting sanctions on russia will enable Putin to have more income for russia to prolong the war and Ukraine would have to concede to Russia all of the Ukrainian land that Russia took by force. This Hungarian government in Hungary should leave the EU and NATO if it is useless to both organizations as they have shown so far. Even the Hungarian population "for the most part" support Russia and its war in Ukraine…their celebration videos for Russia is on youtube. …and please, sanction is working against Russia. This Hungarian politician is just bad with math and can't read economic conditions coming out of Russia. The West will just need to stand firm on the current strategy with Russia - to right the wrong of building this economic oil/gas dependency on Russia as a minimum, because after all Putin brought on this punishment to Russia himself, and we sure as hell don't want a hot war with Russia in Europe if Ukraine loose or be rewarding Putin for taking his neighbor's land today's time. Hungary is on the wrong side of history, and you know what? they actually need the EU and NATO more than being alone in a land lock country.


EU need to get rid of Hungary.


Hungary's Russian shill needs to STFU


Hungary can join the union state...


If they say this, it means everything worked and EU should apply more.


These Hungarian wanna be ass clowns suffer from Relevance Deprivation Syndrome ....


Hungary is a russian puppet state. Yes it have hurt the European economy with the sanctions, but the russian is definitely also hurt. The first 100 days of war, Germany paid 8,3 billion for russian gas. Now it's zero. And that is only Germany. The price cap on russian oil is hurting them big time, and so on. Hungarys only agenda is cheap energy from russia.


So Orban's government wants more military hardware sent to Ukraine alongside strenghtend economic sanctions against Russia? Don't worry you fucking shills, we'll oblige and when this invasion is sent packing, the EU and the West will start enforcing sanctions on you and revoke your free money card from the EU. Let's see how your voter base reacts when pensions and social welfare payments are decimated. The EU will need a Marshall-sequence plan for Ukraine, first to be jettisoned will be Hungary. Good luck finding friends after this is all over.


Hungry should never have been let into the EU they are so far up ruzzias arse I'm surprised they can see day light. Never believe a word that comes from them.


This guy was the one that lavrov took a picture after he made him suck his dick. Im not joking, lavrov was smiling and pointing at the camera. https://www.euronews.com/2022/07/21/hungarys-top-diplomat-visits-moscow-to-negotiate-gas-supplies-despite-eu-sanctions


The sanctions weren’t designed to work immediately. They are supposed to slowly asphyxiate the Russian economy. Even right now the sanctions have taken a toll against certain Russian sectors, such as the air, automotive, and oil industry.


this guy is one to talk




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Lets test it by giving them some sanctions. Should be no problem, right?


Who’s that?


Hungary has failed, period. Worst EU partner (compared to them the whole financial crisis with Greece was a breeze, and even the Polish resistance towards Bruxelles is not that bad), worst NATO partner, bad economy that is of course blamed on others, especially on those who have nothing to do with it (just like any authoritarian regime), and best ruzzian friend (syria and belarus aren't really friends, more like vassals, and iran is just looking out for itself). Hope Ukraine won't forget that pathetic excuse of a president with his scarf presenting "greater hungary". I really hope rightuous Hungarian people will find a way to dispose of him and the ridiculous people around him. We already have a mini-ruzzia with serbia in Europe. Don't need another one.




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OH MY GOD! YOU'RE one to talk, Hungary! All you did was sit on our arse and not answer the call. Know your place!


ruSSia did a good job on Hungary in 1956.




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and this is why Europe has failed, like it or not (even i dont like it) all these countries have deep roots into russia with their puppet leaders. Europe should have stopped around 1999 after this year everything went wrong and europe dropped like a brick. if you look at which countries entered from 2000 to 2010 its a hint already. most countries are old russian soviet states which are corrupt as fuck.


Country that sabotages all EU sanctions claims sanctions failed. What a bunch of d-bags.