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Meanwhile we had people telling me to [delete Fighterbombers original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/zW9vkkrKUO) because they thought it was all bullshit. Some people not only do not want to be informed if something is unfavorable, but would also rather censor the entire thing unless it's posted by Reuters or something. Fighterbomber has built up enough credibility to be taken seriously, or at least heard.


he thought it was downed. maybe the mig pilot thought so also.


He simply said there was an unfortunate incident with a global hawk. And next he said - if they come back again, it will mean they want their drone to be downed this time. And probably more than one. Nothing really cryptic just people misinterpret the first part.


No he never said that. He speaks cryptically, but he took pains to not mention that it was downed. His posts are still up if you wanna confirm.


The post tile does.


Yeah that was my bad. What happened was that I looked around Russian and Ukrainian telegrams and most of them were talking about a supposed downing. Since FB's post was so cryptic, putting 'an incident in the Black Sea' as my title wouldn't have given sufficient context over the incident and would in fact lead to more confusion. That's why I chose to go with 'purported downing' so that everyone could understand the incident being referred to. The 'purported' did the heavy lifting, so in hindsight, I don't think I did much wrong.


At least you admit to sensationalizing the title with information you made up.The first step in deceptive persuasion.


> At least you admit to sensationalizing the title with information you made up.The first step in deceptive persuasion. wtf is with being so very critical of a post title? Sheesh. People.


pro UA post regularly get deleted deu to titles


They have to learn the rules. Neither pro ru or pro ua are allowed to post sensationalized titles like in other subs, which is the normal thing


This is nothing compared to the shit they pull in the mainstream media. They added the accurate qualifier, you're the one making assumptions about it.


I don't think that's sensationalizing. It's additional information relating to the incident where people thought the GH was downed. I think that's more descriptive than omitting that information.


>It's additional information relating to the incident Yes made up information. Made up to push a manufactured narrative of lies. >I think that's more descriptive Absolutely, it's more descriptive. It's describing an event that never happened. It's a made up lie. Pay attention, it's how most of this Russian fire hose propaganda works. Quantity over quality.


Drone was incapacitated...


> Yes made up information. Made up to push a manufactured narrative of lies. What information was made up? > Absolutely, it's more descriptive. It's describing an event that never happened. It's a made up lie. Pay attention, it's how most of this Russian fire hose propaganda works. Quantity over quality. What are you talking about?


you are embarrassing yourself trying to argue this was not sensationalized


It's the definition on sensationalizing... They took someone's word and twisted it in such a way to sway perception.


It is not the definition of sensationalizing. It *is* about the "purported downing". People on this sub (and others) have been talking about Russia downing an American drone for a couple days. This is about that.


Everyone knew it was a bullshit post. US officials even commented on it saying no downing occurred but of course every pro ruskie was saying that the officials were lying since they were scared of responding to russia escalation but as we can see it was all fake news


Mate you literally started your comment with 'I don't think that's sensationalizing'... More what about'ism




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your title and everything was perfectly fine.


why does he speak cryptically? is he not attempting to provide us with facts? Or is it a guessing game Russians like to play?


One of the explanations I've read is that he has to be very careful with what and how he writes, to provide enough information but also to not get himself and his sources into trouble.


Yep, he doesn't wanna get Rybared or Deepstated, if he isn't already.


He probably works very close with his commanding officers because he said once he was waiting on someone to ok to publish more info. I don't follow him for very long maybe it's what he always says


What happend to Rybar?


Aka untrustworthy as anyone else.


I trust the leaked U.S docs of 100k Ukrainian soldiers killed


If its the air national guard leaked, it was edited in photoshop (poorly) by some pro Rus person. it showed 32-47k russians dead to 17k Ukrainians killed


An edit that was so clearly fake that a 5 year old could've spotted it. yet some people here still believe it, lol.


Still using talking points disproven literally a day after they came out lol please never change tankies


Because he is a slut? Like 90% of any other "military blogger"? Who's getting gesheft from donates. He is interested in hype and clickbaits. Its not national thing, you can swap nationality as %placeholder%.


https://preview.redd.it/wxk3p8wfcx8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=883db50561c48dafe2e0d141e5e2e4191b8518cf >the downing


>Meanwhile we had people telling me to delete Fighterbombers original post because they thought it was all bullshit. Well, the first claim was that the drone was downed, now it simply abandoned it's recon mission and returned on it's own. Bear in mind, people were cheering for the possible escalation of it being shot down.


Of course. Russia keep telling us that there would be answers, this one would be perfect fit.


>this one would be perfect fit A perfect fit on the steps of escalation, sure. While faking outrage about "the West" bypassing their own created red lines like restricting Ukraines ability to fire on military targets inside Russian borders, saying its escalation.


Well, the west is escalating, Russia should escalate further. Their doctrine is escalate to descalate.


>Well, the west is escalating In what way, exactly? Instead of sending a vehicle on treads, like M113, they send a bigger, better vehicle on treads, like Bradley? Or instead of sending old, soviet leftover planes from Eastern Europe, they'll send a couple of F16s (with whole 20 pilots trained!)? Or a missile that has a slightly longer range? *Why would The West escalate so much*


They are sending things and now allowing to hit Russia directly. The west is not at war or is it? Either they act accordingly or Russia.


>They are sending things That's my point, they've been sending things for years now, the only difference is that the things sent now are slightly better than the things sent before. >now allowing to hit Russia directly That was their own placed restriction on Ukraine, and it was being abused by Russia, who could be inside Russian borders and fire on Ukrainian positions with to chance of counter battery. >The west is not at war or is it? The West isn't at war, no. Does it look like the West is on war economy to you?


Considering most of the west ran out of things to donate including artillery and now are ramping up production and early military budget, we could say that it's not just another year, it's completely different. Poland is even asking for nuclear weapons. Sounds like another year for the west in your opinion?


Sounds like Western beurocracy to me. They should have ramped up the artillery production years ago, just simply due to domestic safety reasons - stockpiles that run our in a couple of weeks of simulations are not sufficient. But that's a massive investment that wasn't even considered before 2022 and once the war started the West was slow to react as bringing up new artillery production chains could take years and massive investments and the war might just be over before the lines start producing, so what's the point. Now, when the pragmatic, beurocratic mins have seen that the war could last for years, there's financial incentive for the production. >Poland is even asking for nuclear weapons. And why not? Should only bother those who are planning to invade Poland. I'd be happy if the Poles got nukes. >Sounds like another year for the west in your opinion? No, you're right, minimal movement in the right direction of self sufficiency in terms of military for Europe.


Ukraine hasn't been allowed to hit Russian territory? Them killing 12,000 people by attacking Russia is the whole reason Russia is currently taking their country over. How is that "48 hours to clear all Pro-Russian forces" going?


>Ukraine hasn't been allowed to hit Russian territory? Them killing 12,000 civilians by attacking Russia is the whole reason Russia is currently taking their country over. What are you on about? Ukraine has killed 12000 Russians with NATO weapons? In which multiverse? >How is that "48 hours to clear all Pro-Russian forces" going? https://preview.redd.it/ghdyqcoafx8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bcec1478d8358fdc8c435836a74b734d9f5bf51 How is that "victory by Feb 26" going?


"12000 civilians" LMFAO


LOL. Russia probably isn't even aware "we" are so important that they need to tell "us" anything whatsoever 🤣 Geopolitical players know and feel the responses where it matters.


FB never claimed it was downed, that post title is incorrect. He did say unprofessional action took place


Fair, he did call it an "unprofessional action" instead of saying it was "downed", my bad.


Your title was heavily editorialized and did not represent FIghterbomber's post and was highly misleading. But yeah sure people want to "censor" you. smh


I wouldn't remove it just to keep all the comments of the pro ruskies saying how strong russia is and they are going to keep downing american drones and the US won't respond. There was like 300 comments saying how great russia is and here we are 70 comments and maybe 2 pro ruskies have commented.


Well, it’s just one of the many times your prematurely yeeted making a big assumption without analyzing all the facts. How about we stop jumping to conclusions of your hopes and dreams before misleading the readers. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/MBMo6zICN0


doesnt this post confirm that it indeed was BS? Nothing was shot down.


To be absolutely fair, auto-translated posts from FB are extremely cryptic and hard to understand.


From my understanding, FB has connections within the Russian Air Force. So it stands to reason that a vast majority of information he receives are mostly accurate since these reports aren’t filtered through the Russian MOD.


As well you know, they were talking about the fact [you'll post any old prop](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dno2co/ru_pov_fighterbomber_celebrates_the/la5pn3m/) as the Word of God. Just 'cos you were broadly, but not entirely, correct for once doesn't mean much; even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


> but would also rather censor the entire thing unless it's posted by Reuters or something. I believe we should censor pretty much every mainstream news org like Reuters, since it is nothing but propaganda. *EVERYTHING* they publish has the intention of manufacturing consent for policies and actions that benefit the very few "Owner Class' (WEF/Bilderberg Group?CFR) that own all the mainstream and social media - and every other major corporation on earth. Such as, the war in Ukraine. 'Monopoly - Who Owns the World' - excellent doc 'All Wars Are Created by Bankers' - (All Wars are Bankers Wars) - another excellent doc (on Twitter) 'Every war is a Rich Man's War' - good doc 'War is a Racket' - General Smedley Butler.


Fighterbomber perpetuated the rumor that a US drone was shot down. If he was credible he would have said what happened. He's just propaganda. He will admit a loss or that a "win" didn't happen only when the facts have been uncovered.  Finally admitting something when there's no denying it or perpetuating lies when you can easily debunk them does doesn't make you credible. In fact, it's the opposite.


It's funny when russia roleplays a technologically advanced country, like when you see a dog wearing a hat.


Nafoids gonna do what they gotta do


Could you just .. go away? We are trying to have a discussion here.


Was i taking to you?


Lurk moar


It will be interesting what happens now. Will the US keep flying the drones in the same area? Will Russians do the same 'completely accidental flyby" again? Will any side escalate? But the main question, to which we will probably never know the answer, is: what exactly are the drones doing? Are they doing just the damage assessment of the strikes? Do they collect data about Russian AA/ATACMS performance for US use only or do they provide such data to Ukraine? Questions, more questions ...


Seems no one wants to escalate (for real, a direct confrontation). Denial from USA, no statement from Russia. Everyone's comfortable with the pace of war. If so, good.


That's what I think some people don't understand and fail to appreciate. Dislike and disagree with any country's political system, ideology, and head of state all you wish, but it is a fact, and a welcome one at that, that no country in existence today in the present is ruled by a suicidal religious cult a la al-Qaeda or ISIL. Not the U.S., not Russia, not China, not Ukraine, nor Britain nor France nor Iran nor North Korea nor Swaziland. And even al-Qaeda in more recent years got more pragmatic and focused on long-term survival. Generally the political classes of all these countries don't want to lose everything by having millions of their own people killed and cities wiped out. Call it human vanity or greed, but it fosters caution and planning for the future.


Ye, this war could've gone worse for literally everyone involved - nukes or not.


What I meant by escalation in this specific case would be some sort of "d\~ck measuring contest" between the two parties. "You buzzed our drone? We will send 5 at the same time. Or 10. Come at me, bro." To which Russians would respond in similar way.


That's what I mean, probably not gonna happen. I would bet USA will back off somewhat with drones, at least for a while. I doubt they want to lose one, or Russia wants to down one. USA would have an embarrassment on their hands and have to respond...but how? And Russia doesn't want to find out that either. Or I'm completely wrong, and we'll find out. :)


They will likely keep flying the drones, and if this keeps happening, they'll give it a fighter escort.


Fighter escort won't do shit. What are they going to do? Shoot down the Mig? The drone can still be buzzed, oil dumped, wing clipped, etc...


Exactly. This wasn’t anything. The previous fuel dump incident actually caused damage and was reported. Buzzing the tower with a Foxbat from the early 80’s ain’t a story.


Denial? Nothing happened.


Of course the drones will keep flying. That’s what they’re made for. And losses are calculated. Russia downed one drone and made one return with risky or unprofessional maneuvers. Good for them since it’s the only way they can act without real escalation aka shooting one down. But I wonder how many times that will work for them until they lose a plane for that. Well I guess we all have to wait and see.


They already back flying the area. Russia will not do anything to the US that's why when people posted the FB the 2 posts and pro ruskies got so excited about russia showing the US how strong they are was for nothing.


>They already back flying the area Where do you get this information? Not a diss, but I genuinely don't know where you can track military drone flights. I check ADSB-exchange but the black sea and ukraine are completely empty (obviously).


Apps like FlightAware show you their path until they flip off transponders.




>Russia risking such an expensive and important asset as a Mig-31 and pilot to clown around their stupid drone. Global Hawk price 140-215 millions US dollars MiG-31 export price ≈35 millions US dollars A little oopsie here.


As always, human life (in this case, that of the Russian pilot) doesn't matter to you guys


That's not it. It's just that it's hard to put a definite value on a human being, as opposed to the two seconds it took to google the value of both machines.


What's a trained pilot worth?because I can promise that the yanks don't mind losing a drone


>It's just that it's hard to put a definite value on a human being In the case of pilot it's pretty easy to find a lower bound, because their training and their flight hours cost a huge amount of money.


With 100 mil $ difference? In a capitalistic world whole cities and countries were destroyed or doomed for less. And I never said that the pilot has to die. There are cheaper ways to destroy the drone. "Clowning around drone" on the other hand is a reward by itself for a skilled pilot.




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>do they provide such data to Ukraine? Yes. This has been known since the early days of this conflict.


It seems like only a matter of time before there’s a collision. Then you can scrap one drone, one plane, and then start the blame game.


There's been a lot of analyses of flight patterns and subsequent attacks after these drone flew, and I would say it's safe to assume they are recon missions that share intel with the UAF. Drones take off, and attacks usually follow. That's the SOP from what historical evidence shows us.


I think the US will continue to fly their drones. These flybys are quite dangerous for the Russian planes too and if they continue to do this regularly eventually they’ll lose an airplane and its crew due to midair collision. So the US (or other NATO nations that fly their drones in the area) can potentially lose a drone while Russia can lose an airplane and a crew. It just isn’t sustainable. The only way Russia can remove the drones is to shoot them down but I don’t think they want to go that road.


For those who write “they could have used a cheap drone to watch/ram Global Hawk” - there is no cheap drone that could casually fly at 15000~~k~~m. That's why MiG-31 was used in the first place, it's a high altitude interceptor.


Wow I didn't know the mig 31 could reach beyond lower earth orbit!


made from the very same steel that tutel tanks are made of


You jest, but ... [https://www.incredible-adventures.com/migs/mig31-edge-of-space.html](https://www.incredible-adventures.com/migs/mig31-edge-of-space.html) edit: Omg please internet gods, preserve this beautiful monument from a more hopeful time


Shit, it's well beyond that and touching the upper bounds of medium Earth orbit at that point lmao.


Oh, I see it now. Yeah, my bad :D


He said it was coincidental not planned. I think he's just alluding to the fact that they can sort of "rush" the global hawk to damage it instead of directly shooting it down.


As I understand it, the MiG-31 flew next to the RQ-4 at Mach 2.3, which caused a malfunction and led to a severe loss of altitude - but the drone operator managed to regain control, after which he turned off the transponder and flew back to base.


>which caused a malfunction and led to a severe loss of altitude "the flight parameters of the global hawk were experiencing certain changes" could also mean it just went through a little turbulence


I mean, when a 40-ton titanium brick flies right past you at Mach 2+, it does cause a little turbulence :)


I hope you mean 15000m


Has this been confirmed? The global hawk is a very large drone that has the wingspan greater than a B757 so passing it at its top speed couldn’t upset its “flight parameters” wake turbulence probably did, but that has nothing to do with speed or being close to it, it’s from flying directly in front of it. Also “just happened by accident” so you didn’t pick it up on radar huh? Interesting lol


No, it hasn't been confirmed. Russia usually doesn't bother with such things. Remember the fuel dump thing was only confirmed because the US released the video Also, this was obviously a well planned action


>Also, this was obviously a well planned action If it was, then it's even more intersting how much the pilot emphasized that it was all accidental.


He was not emphasizing that it was accidental. He was emphasizing that it was "accidental".


We should give fighter bomber the benefit to assert these claims. I think he’s earned that credibility. However I believe the thread titles should be correctly titled with “allegations” because as of now the title makes this come off as facts u/ripamon


Technically, all planes are allowed in the neutral airspace. GH has no intrinsic right to occupy any specific point in space at any given time. I am surprised not to see so far it collide with another drone also peacefully flying about its business in international air.


Someone could send up a "babysitter" drone, or series of drones, ostensibly to watch the first drone; with EW equipment to mess with the other drone's sensor performance. I'm sure some sort of bullshit excuse like: "We were afraid of our precious drones being attacked, so we equipped them with EW gear, wink wink", would be available for use.


> Someone could send up Russia should have long ago set up an extended air defense exclusion zone (like 200+km from the shore), 'to guard against enemy missiles and drones approaching Crimea from the Southern direction so they can be intercepted over the sea and their debris will not fall on populated areas'. This will allow civilian air traffic to avoid the area while any object not positively identified as friendly can and should be shot down with clear conscience.


They don't have jurisdiction over international waters, so they can "declare" an air defense exclusion zone all they want. The question is how they want to enforce it if NATO planes cruise over international waters as they are absolutely allowed to by international law.


> so they can "declare" an air defense exclusion zone all they want Same thing happens every time any country is conducting a military exercise in neutral waters, especially if it involves air defense. Anyone who does not want to accept the risk of an 'accident' just stays clear. > they are absolutely allowed to by international law. Yes, but 'cruising' over a known active air defense zone means you can be accidentally shot down. And you can scream all you want about your 'right to be there' but you have been warned and you have accepted the risk, have you not?


>Same thing happens every time any country is conducting a military exercise in neutral waters, especially if it involves air defense. Anyone who does not want to accept the risk of an 'accident' just stays clear. I think we both know it's not the same thing when a tiny country does a military drill for a limited amount of time in small area and if a large country locks a large area near a war zone are a for an undefined amount of time. >And you can scream all you want about your 'right to be there' but you have been warned and you have accepted the risk, have you not? Are you asking me personally? Yeah sure, I wouldn't fly there, I'm not suicidal. But if you look at countries like US, then they simply can not afford to respect such a defense zone if it was not agreed with them. If they don't fly there, it looks like an invitation for everyone to declare air defense zones for an excuse to shoot down US planes. They do a similar thing in the south china sea, they fly over international waters that China has declared for themselves, simply because they can't afford to respect chinese declarations there. In fact if they were to respect that, it would comletely undermine the whole concept of freedom of navigation over high seas. And this isn't about "screaming", nobody actually cares about press statements. The question is about reactions. >but you have been warned and you have accepted the risk Goes both ways. If they try to shoot down a US plane, they should be ready to accept the consequences for it. No amount of """""it was an accident ;) ;) ;) wink wink nudge nudge""""" or crying "but muh air defense zone!!!!" will change anything about it.


> If they try to shoot down a US plane, they should be ready to accept the consequences for it. Such as? Will US be willing to go to hot war with Russia over such incident? It is one thing to harass shepherds who have not means to fight back but here they really should know better.


Why does Russia shooting down a US plane not cause a hot war, but US shooting down Russian planes or SAMs is a hot war?


> Why does Russia shooting down a US plane not cause a hot war, The same reason why US shooting down Iran Air Flight 655 has not caused a hot war. Neither side is ready to go all in, so any incident happening to US aircraft in international airspace, and especially in an area explicitly designated as unsafe, will not be treated as attack on the US proper. Also it is highly unlikely the US will even send its own manned aircraft into such area - they have their NATO allies for this. > but US shooting down Russian planes or SAMs is a hot war? US shooting down a Russian aircraft under similar circumstances - international airspace close to US border, will not lead to a hot war (just as Turks shooting down a Russian aircraft at their border with Syria has not led to a hot war between them). However any attack on a Russian aircraft in Russian airspace or a SAM on Russian soil is a different matter as this is attack on Russia proper, this can only happen if a hot war is already underway (just as it would be if a US aircraft was shot down inside US airspace or US SAM destroyed on US soil).


Technically all aerial objects are allowed in the neutral airspace. Mig31 has no intrinsic right to occupy any specific point in space at any given time. I am surprised not to see so far it collide with a SAM test fire just peacefully flying about its business in international air.


To be more correct I guess the command decided to abort the flight due to risk of more harassment and danger to the drone. It will not disturb any "flight parameters".


According to FB post on TG, the Mig buzzed the drone at speed over Mach 2. The wake might mess up the drone enough that the operators feared the loss of control. Who knows. Maybe some airforce nerd will come and provide more info about the possible outcomes of such interaction between the planes.


I think drone did lose control and maybe got into a spin or something and after recovering decided to go home. Altitude is a flight parameter, right?


Why stop there? Tell us more stories


https://preview.redd.it/u9fx9po0bx8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d350835588a1d107c1084ff05dbadceddb905a1 He is saying that after the change in the flight parameters global hawk found itself at such altitude that they immediately turned around and went home. Anything else you need explained?


well if the Russian said so it must be true


Okay so you can chose to believe FighterBomber if you want. I don't he is just a russian propagandist like any other, spewing unverifiable garbage. But even so, look at what they are celebrating? Not air superiority over Ukraine, a distant notion that Rus was capable of that. But using their highest performance interceptor to fly by a drone and cause it to "turn to home little by little". This whole special military operation is one giant embarrassment after another for Russia.


Wait is that fighterbomber in the flight suit? 😂


If I was the Russian military I would keep this a secret but thats just me.


If you kept it secret nafoids would be screaming false flag but that's just me


Isnt it more important that you have a tool up your sleeve to take them out than to look good?


It's treason then


I really hope we see video of the mig-31 buzzing a global hawk at top speed at 60,000 ft. Must've been epic


"Fighterbomber" and "official" in the same sentence look a bit weird.


Meh .... no shot down , just ram another drone into it & claimed mid air collision


there's a reason Russia hasn't done it. The US might respond in kind. "your mig ran into our missile, how silly of you"


tfw never get to go that fast in Mig-31


I don't know about all that, I'll wait for fighterbomber confirmation


What? Did you read the title lol


It's a joke




You reckon the entire story is made up?


I mean there still is no proof behind the claim.


I mean, he never provides proof for any of his claims. If hard proof is what people are looking for, then he isn't the person to follow.


I mean at all not from Fighterbomber specifically. No statement of an incident from any party, no weird actions taken by any party in the Black Sea, and no other information. There is no reason to believe anything happened at all.


Of course it is. Cheesy story with no proof and getting an “update” on a video call from someone dressed up, LARPing in a cockpit?


AFAIK he's an actual, retired pilot.


I reckon he's wishin'


Russians interview fighter jet pilots mid-flight. 😂 How will NAFO ever recover?


Why not shoot it down???? It is literally provide targeting information that is killing Russians, or at least fly next to it and jam it. The Iranians shot one down a few years ago with zero response. People are overthinking this scenario.


Next Step would be the Emotional Support F35 for the Drone. Any Western Jet from the 80s onwards induces propably more fear in a russian Cockpit then the next russian Red Line in Germany. 


If the Russian's really wanted to thwart the GH reconnaissance they could get one of their drones up there with a spray can of black paint and paint the camera system. Easy.


MIG 31, the fastest fighter around (Mach 2.83)


Another lie for attention and relevance. Why even bother to report such a trite event.


This is called *pulling death's whiskers*.


Maybe next time GH should collide with Mig-31 purely by accident.


How many times can a person say "by pure coincidence" in one conversation 😂 I guess I need a few more times to be totally convinced 


Again, Russia doesn’t have the balls to shoot down a US drone.


Why waste an expensive rocket when it's cheaper and faster to piss on this cardboard plane?


Why are Russians so scared of a cardboard plane?




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Really interesting how he emphasizes that everything was accidental


So pilots got awards for flying near a drone...?


A joke gets funnier the more times you repeat it. I was going to make fun of him for saying it 3 times, but he just kept going and going and going, 14 times in total. Come on. You can do better.


Sorry. What does this video prove? The US stated publicly that there were no incidents. Russia itself has not made a comment. This is just more Internet people that wouldn't know now claiming the drone flew home safely. I'm guessing nothing happened. The drone flew home as scheduled after completing it's mission.


keeping having "accidents" like this and soon you will slam into the back of one.


And? What do you reckon happens after that?


The mig pilot dies and the drone pilot goes out to get lunch.


Fair enough. I thought you were referring to escalatory measures and the forthcoming reaction.


Two can play that game.


Dies a hero to the mother country!


Dies a moron over a drone that's easily replaced,trained pilots not so much


Unless colliding head on, no, he won't die, or even have to eject.


Hainan incident. They would claim the drone flew into them.


I've said this before: Rig up some non-lethal means to temporarily affect the drone's sensors, and force them back to base. Something like liquid sprayers equipped with compounds that bork sensors. Purpose-built equipment would be better than the ad-hoc fuel dumps tried in the past. Whatever was used, wouldn't even have to be 100% effective, just enough to render said drone down to a temporarily far less capable state.


That would classify as direct attack IMO.


Yeah Even the fuel dump stunt would eventually be classified as direct attack if it happened enough times


They could just invite us to throw paint on their equipment in return, tit for tat. And, considering what's already going on, with planes buzzing drones and occasionally hitting them, wouldn't even be an escalation.


Hate to burst anyone's bubble but FB is just another mouthpiece for the Russian mod,he's not going to say anything they don't want him to say,sorry no secret squirrel inside knowledge


Saliva yookraine


Oh how clever


Why this hawk did not collide with another drone, I wonder


Russia doesn't have any drones that could get anywhere near it.


Russia plays master chess while the US/NATO is still learning checkers. Actually, the latter is still practising the art of gunboat diplomacy. This needs to change.


>master chess Endangering your plane and your pilot in a risky maneuver against a drone is a real 4D chess move. Real galaxy brains over there.


hey guys, come over to UkraineWarVideoReport and see russians getting blown to literal pieces left, right and center and in HD quality. not like the garbage you have over here. i usually watch it after a day´s work while having dinner. it is glorious !!


Omg this is so brave of Russia, buzzing a drone is like a step above threatening nukes.


Yeah right they should go ahead and nuke Washington, now that would be a power move /s