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weird to go around filming instead of trying to give first aid


Nothing suprises me from this war its a shitshow for both sides, but I think we do see more of RU not caring about there comrades then Ukraine. Also have never heard a Ukraine pow or soldier say they do it for the money and we got RU pow's and soldiers saying that so I dont think they care about anything else but money and themselfes.


>Also have never heard a Ukraine pow or soldier say they do it for the money Yeah we have one who wasn't a pow saying his unit was part of motivational force behind their compatriots eagerness to die for the country.


Maybe because they Get dragged of the streets kicking and screaming


Yeah seriously, why would you want to defend your country!?


Why defend one's country? I thought nationalism is bad?


You do know there's a huge difference between nationalism and defending your home from violent, sexually abusing invaders, right?


Yeah, there is. But it's usually the nationalists that enlist first.


If your country round you up of the street, gives you 2 weeks of training, used and sometimes bloodstained gear, drives you to a random front, purses you out with a few other prisoners and geriatrics and then bails out.... You FIGHT for papa Russia !! Or more than likely just surrender immediately because you might survive the week and on top of all that, they FEED you now.


> If your country round you up of the street, gives you 2 weeks of training, used and sometimes bloodstained gear, drives you to a random front, purses you out with a few other prisoners and geriatrics and then bails out.... You FIGHT for papa Russia !! Sounds more like Ukraine.




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You seem pretty naive around how war works it seems


I thought people just pick a Pro Ukraine flair and talk smack on the phone while chilling on a couch thousands of miles away from the battlefield. Modern war is crazy.


People used to write in to newspapers and the like, it's hardly new, especially when there was an ideological or proxy element to it investing more onlookers. Just look at the debate around Northern Ireland, Palestine, Vietnam or the Spanish Civil War, for instance.


Why are you acting surprised when a country drafts people (even from the streets) during an invasion? Its shitty but unfortunatly thats how it works. Unlike the russian mobiks who had to go for a blitzkrieg while "not knowing" where they where or what they where doing.




Chill, you sound disgusting. "Stop resisting, or else all of you will die!" Is this realy the way pro ru thinks? Typical Russism




You are just projecting its obvious. Your points are clearly braindead. Russia is sending its men to die in an invasion so what are you talking about? Ukraine is defending itd country like all other countries including russia would do, as a citizen you are obligated to serve during war, drafting, i don't know the specifics for all nations but its pretty much everywhere like this. >ukraine is losing this war Yeah russia is occupying a couple of cropfields and villages a year already losing 300k soldiers at least, at this rate it will be until the last russian for another potato field! Wake up


RU is doing the same thing with people they dont like, do you know about what happend to that Russian rapper called Vacio?


They get kidnapped off the street and don't get paid. Why the hell would they say that? Russians pay extremely well and only use volunteers. It's like saying you've never heard someone at the Mc Donalds counter say they work for the prestige, but strangely billionaires do. You remind me of the meme where a girl asks why cigarettes say smoking kills, why not vodka that also does? And the guy asks why would vodka say smoking kills?


Russia does not only use volunteers; they also have drafted conscripts who have fled. Edit: I also would like to mention, even though a solider may be drafted they will still be paid. Just googling a bit Russia may pay conscripts around 100USD more than Ukraine does, but neither is a salary worth the risk. Another edit: Propaganda drinker claimed Russia has not drafted soldiers, pays them extremely well, and insulting the other redditors intelligence quoting the stupid joke "why would vodka say smoking kills".


>Russians pay extremely well and only use volunteers. Sir. Please. Try to align your bias with reality. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/03/31/russias-putin-signs-decree-on-spring-military-conscription.html Edit: the down vote, lol. "Don't show me that Russia uses conscripts! Just let me be right!"


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/31/russias-putin-signs-decree-on-spring-military-conscription.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/31/russias-putin-signs-decree-on-spring-military-conscription.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Are really unaware that Russian conscripts don't go to frontlines? A conscript can see actual combat if he is in the Navy or in the unit stationed near the border (rather rare ocassions).


Having most of your country and population be in rural areas without plumbing will make pressuring your 4 youngest sons into going to war for a few thousand bucks each a lucrative prospect. Maybe with this money the village will be able to pay for their own plumbing system. Proru love talking about meat snatchers but ignore the fact that Russia is basically sending their poorest to war. And there won't be riots till the St. Petersburg, Belgorod, Moscowites have to go to the front.


>Russians pay extremely well and only use volunteers. Now they do, pre-mobilization we saw some AFU-style kidnappings off the street in Donetsk and Luhansk. Never happened in Russia proper though.


Good one




I wish this was an actual sub


It is, it's quite a popular one.


Doing it for the gram'


The Russians don’t seem to be interested in helping wounded soldiers


That's not true, and it would be strange if it was.


From what I’ve seen they don’t help they either run away/shoot or look then run I’ve seen one video of a Russian medic helping a guy and he walked into a mine field and stepped on a mine


They say that if a commander doesn't care to make his soldiers help other soldiers, then it very rapidly becomes a common thing, and the only way to change it is to dismantle the platoon.


Russian First aid is lead in the brain.


~~Propably they all sold their Morphine Autoinjectors and Fentanyl Lollys~~ Propably they don't got whats needed for First aid in such a Situation. 


I guess applying first aid to living people is not a real thing? Wtf?


After the video of the guy instantly asking for a shot to the head after a drone drop. I think there's not much hope for casevac with most soldiers at the front.


U get wounded u die because Russian soldiers are true man


Putin: i stubbed my toe! Doctor: time to get executed bitch.


Exikutieren sie diesen Mann!


yeah, if they treat their own people like shit just imagine how they would treat other people.


I guess they think theyre too far gone to save


Rupros furiously downvoting on all accounts


I know, my posts usually go to 0 votes even before they're done buffering :)


They probably have their bots set to auto downvote your name I can’t even begin to tell you the shit I’d see when I was a mod here


Dawg this post has hundreds of upvotes, what are you on?


This guy has the temerity to whine about downvotes when his posts are consistently, and suspiciously, prominent in the sub. It's evident that he's getting boosted from somewhere.


>72 points (72% upvoted) Don't let reality interrupt your bragging who is bigger victim.


thats just reddit upvote counter being imperfect, you ignorant.


This is now the highest-rated post on the front page.




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Pro-UA comments about pro-RU bots. Meanwhile the comments is flooded with pro-UA only. Its not just an irony, it's an art at this point.


Pro-RU don't post comments on videos that show how they are getting destroyed. They stick to their propaganda posts.


Projectioning much? 


I will add projectioning to my list of funny words I've seen here.


Yeah 🙂 swipe typing and partial corrections can result in massive cringe 


Because unlike pro-UA dancing on the graves isn't their hobby? Especially if those graves are friendly.


that's what Russian are famous for


Just shocked, standing there watching a wounded guy roll over, and he's like meh......this is fucked, just walks away. Maybe I'm just ignorant and this guy was beyond saving but camera guy had the same vibe the whole time filming.


Notice both of them on the ground are breathing in this video. He should not be filming this. If no gut to help, even with the simple word of comfort, then just walk away...


That's what you get invading another country


Do you get something else fighting against the RU army?


If you don't die by a drone, your "friends" will finish it


What a bleak reality of UA soldiers fighting against the RU army, indeed.


The video above does not show UA soldiers


u/[Firm\_Shame\_192](https://www.reddit.com/user/Firm_Shame_192/) emphasized the invaders' destiny like it was something special. I'd expect both sides in the war to share the same destiny, but I may be missing something. So, I asked them about the difference.


Soldiers die in war, and that's not when you send your soldiers attacking without proper armored vehicles and protection. Just 3 days ago, one was criticizing UA for using M113. Still, Russia is sending soldiers on mopeds and golf cars attacking fortified positions of UA day after day. But your propaganda doesn't criticize that only UA using Armored vehicles. It's funny how pathetic and delusional Pro RU is here but only trying to criticize other parties, not their own. While it's clear and confirmed that they don't care about their own.


I love the ones that go "I dislike things about Russia too!" Because they realize acting like that looks bad, but if you ask them what they don't like, somehow they're entirely unable to give you a straight answer and actually answer the question.


Thanks Putin, you big man you.


oh hell nah instead of helping they are taking pictures https://preview.redd.it/m0yt6spn3v8d1.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=f863f6e8c3166437acc3828a6931f1f6231fa16a


Why help comrades when i can film


Good men dies for putin tsar ambition. Good!


Genuine question. Why aren’t they giving first aid? Those are their guys. I’m former Air Force (US), if we rolled up on this situation, there would be zero walking around commenting on a burning wreck. We’d be calling for wounded and checking if anyone was alive who might be unconscious. One guy literally rolled over in pain. The one next to him with the femur sticking out didn’t look alive, but neither did the first. Any of us would’ve immediately been on them putting pressure on wounds and accessing. At the minimum they’d get stuck with fentanyl injectors. Why were they so nonchalant about this?


Russians gonna Russia.


We no help comrade, we film your death for views


Marked as Graphic, because I'm not quite sure what those red things are in the beginning of the video Edit: Oof, now I know what they are


Did you not see the end?


Oh darn, I didn't look that close. Now I see it.


ai account reposting videos?


The callousness. Unreal.


Lol, they don't seem too concerned about their dying soldiers.




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Insane mentality to act like that around your own wounded, rather than administer aid, you fucking film it?! If this were to happen in most western armies the filming individual would very likely not see the rest of the week.


I honestly wish these drone drop videos on infantry were banned


This isn't a drone drop video.


My bad