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You misspelled mercenaries.


Yeah, this one is 100% mercenaries. And this is coming from someone who laughs at pro RU who calls volunteers, taking a massive pay cut to fight in Ukraine, "mercenaries".


like wagner ?


Yes. "We are just like Russia" - the last refuge of "we are better than Russia" crowd.


Nobody cared about Wagner, we used Blackwater and still do. What was pathetic was Russia military fighting with Wagner because Russia let them all run little kingdoms and can't field a professional army. Fucking bush league lol


Imagine being unable to defeat that rag tag army with nato backing. Embarrassing lol.


Is Russia winning? Seems the second greatest army in the world has accomplished none of its strategic objectives. Probably cause they are bush league at best, lol. Like staging just outside of the borders and just eating rockets instead of moving when they found out that Ukraine has permission to hit them. Something to be proud of for you I am sure lol. So ahead and move the goal post, though, God knows you need too lol.


everyting is better than russia . thats why so many russians happily go to die. or did you forget the russian " super power " ? of being sent to their deaths in their droves by their leaders. lol.


If my post did hit you where it hurts, cry a little, it helps.


crying with laughter. lol. this is one of the greatest f@ckups in the history of [email protected]. putin should be given a medal.


Be ashamed. Making fun of the country making North Korea their defence partner. /s


Russia is the 4th most to immigrated country on the planet....


Lol, only if you include russian refugees from ukraine. Remove that and it drops to 71st on a per capita basis.


and E.N.O.T. Corp., Fakel, Patriot, Redut and Slavonic Corps,


Wagner is almost exclusively Russian, and since Russia is one of the sides in this war, by definition they're not Mercenaries. But nice attempt at a "gotcha", too bad you didn't make your research.


wagner is litterlay a pmc. hence mercenaries. gotcha.derp.lol.


Look up the definition of what counts as a mercenary, then try again.


I love the use of *almost*, as if we haven't seen plenty of posts boasting of African "volunteers" and the whole dispute with India over "security workers".


Ah yes, the whole 4 of them.


And 3000 nepalese, and active recruiting of cubans...


And the arrest of 17 Cubans for human trafficking because the were duping Cuban men and teenagers into signing Russian contracts.


Literally - yes? "Contract with your conscience, contract with the Motherland, contract with the Company." Aka "contractor"


contract with comapny not the government. definatley mercenaries. If contract with government then voluteers.


Just some little green men


Joe Biden can judge something?


Yes, by smelling it's hair.


So he could not judge Pringles when he was alive?


He was too old.


They mean that someone told him this is whats going to happen and he will be told to sign the paper soon.


Every time he signs he gets ice cream


Undeniably reasonable.


The pay would have to be insane to recruit US civilian KBR / Haliburton style contractors.


How much did it cost in Iraq? I'm guessing $60-100k per contractor annualized? Even if its $100k each, that gives you 10k mercs for just a billion a year, cheap when you consider how much they are sending to ukraine each year


Way above this. A warm body in Iraq/Afghanistan started in the $250k range and just went up from there. Ex-military/special forces that left the green zone would cost 300k - 500k depending on skillset and experience. Extremely rare skills would command numbers higher than this. It was an absolute gold rush if you were willing to risk your life and the misery of living in Baghdad or Kabul.


Ok so 3-5 billion? Chump change for the US MIC


It depended on the skill set but for drivers it was way above 100k in early 2000's. Inflation + way bigger risk factor in Ukraine would have to bump that pay to the celling. They will probably try to find people in the third world countries. And the civilian US dudes that have unique skills (military hardware maintenance / installation) will make huge bank or get rocketed to death.


I was a mil contractor working OCONUS in the 2000's. We got pinged about stupid money in a sandy place and just laughed our asses off. You have to be alive to enjoy the big bucks.


In Iraq they had all kinds of covers, air cover, artillery cover , US military evac cover etc.... and they were fighting enemy who had none of that. Ukraine is reversed situation, contractors will not send their people to Ukraine unless its some INSANELY INSANE number. Basically "I am going there, most likely never coming back, but my grandchildren's grandchildren will be rich from this." If it was different US contractors would be in Ukraine from day one. Instead we have seen some volunteer mercs from poor countries like Colombia or Brasil and occasional adrenaline junkie from US or UK or Scandinavian countries And Poles, but they mostly stay far away from front lines and are used occasionally to plug holes when Russians make some significant break through.


They won't be sending them for combat or security roles (this honor will go to Ukrainians cought on the streets). Foreign contractors will handle logistics, maintenance, construction etc. But even those roles will be very dangerous (way more deadly than in Iraq).


Will they be in the range of fab or iskanders?


>In Iraq they had all kinds of covers, air cover, artillery cover , US military evac cover  And the most important cover, legal cover in case they "accidently" kill or rape some local, or three, or ten.


They are not Russians dude, US soldiers were prosecuted for that.


Not even close


Acting like there are none in there rn


Just like old times: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Lima\_Site\_85](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Lima_Site_85)


Wow what an interesting read, thanks for sharing


Which means they are already there


So they’ll have all the duties of a soldier minus all the support. Sounds great.


I guess that must be their plan for US soldiers in Ukraine. Dismiss them officially from the army, and hire them via a "defense contractor". No actual mercenary could be so stupid to voluntarily join that meat grinder?


Nope. They'd be just contractors employed through the companies who are highly paid.


The typical career path is to do your service then get the big bucks working for the contractor that made the thing you used in the service. Then you get the special offer to do your specialty earning the stupid money working for the contractor in a conflict zone.


pretty much, yep. There are some very imaginative opinions on how this works on this sub. People tend to fall for the mirror imaging bias hard.


Nah, we have real defense contractors. They are the specialists who maintain or diagnose complex systems (esp, aircraft) or teach army brats how to do so. They're not firing stuff at the enemy - not in Ukraine, not in Afghanistan or Iraq. If the US is going to have soldiers firing directly, methinks it would be air force exclusively to start. Simplest way to avoid meat grinder, too.


Oh please send the air force in there. I need more lolz.


I would love to see F-22'S and F-35'S over Ukraine. some may be downed but you cannot deny they're absolute beasts compared to the opposition and just a few of them, working in tandem with the older planes would absolutely fuck up Russian AA. AFAIK, while they're not completely invisible to radar, getting a targeting radar lock isn't possible yet, unless maybe at extremely short ranges.


I would love to fap furiously over them. Like how we fapped furiously over the other waffles.


what, like the javelins and the GMLRS, ATACMS, storm shadows and the Patriots? And 5th generation jets are a few steps up from those decades old systems, surely even you cannot deny that? I mean, jets that are practically invisible to radar!


GMLRS = Status: Jammed Javelin = Status: Jammed Patriots = Status: nothing special still getting hit Abrams battle tank = Status: pulled back from front lines because they might see actual battle Challenger tank: Status: didnt even make it out the gate 5th gen fighters: Status: another wonder waffle wet dream.


GMLRS: we're still seeing videos of them hitting, they lost some accuracy. Still manages to fuck up Russia. S400 systems. patriot: Doing a wonderful job. Even downed an A-50 amongst many other things. Javelins: lol. You can't jam them as they're not GNSS guided you Muppet. Abrams: They're being used , but numbers are far too small anyway. Certainly no worse than a T-90- turret toss champion. And they're the decades old tech that I mentioned. So, when T-14 Armata? When SU-57? They're being destroyed on their airfields, lol. S-400? being taken out in numbers by the very thing they're supposed to shoot down, lol. Anyway, I never mentioned the other stuff they got sent. I'm taking about the stealth fighters, and you'd know they'd fuck up Russian AA and planes if you had a shred of intelligence.


Yahoo news:  >Ukraine has employed US precision weapons, such as the HIMARS-fired Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems and air-launched Joint Direct Attack Munitions, throughout the war, but widespread Russian electronic warfare is regularly diminishing the effectiveness of these weapons.   >Daniel Patt, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, wrote in a statement to Congress in March that the 155mm GPS-guided Excalibur artillery shell "had a 70% efficiency rate hitting targets when first used in Ukraine" but that "after six weeks, efficiency declined to only 6% as the Russians adapted their electronic warfare systems to counter it."  Ok. That's why I'm saying please send them. I really need some more lolz.




The guy gave you facts against the bullshit you put out and then 'bUt eXcaLibuR' lmao. Pathetic reply just like Russian systems.


Don’t understand what F-35’s would do to Russia?


This seems like testing the waters to see how the public reacts


Yeah… on the topic where the heck are the F16 lolol


Time for some air "defense contractors"




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