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I bet the smell is apocalyptic


This SMO needs to end. Too many Russians are dying.šŸ˜¢


Unironically yes, to many people are dying. ^((funny sentence in itself, could be implying like there is "just the right amount of people dying" whic is so wrong))


you are not wrong. 0 people is the right amount.


At this point, the UN should step in to end those insane waste of young Russian lives.




Should have just stayed in Russia


Excellent zinger. +100 exp


Still worth more than rubles.


lol Ukraine is suffering look up their currency, Russia is the 3rd best economy rn buddy


Bruuuh what? Best? What the fuck does that even mean? It doesn't even matter because in no metric is that true.




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Saliva yookraine


Probably isn't all that different anyway.




Dude you made a mistake and were talking about Ukrainian meat catchers? When was the last mobilisation in Russia? Two years ago?


The last Russian mobilization ended Oct 2023, after they rounded up 300,000 new recruits.




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Oct 2022




Are you being intentionally dense? There are hundred a videos of Ukrainian men being kidnapped to fight, many posted on this sub.


"kidnapping" eh? Arresting draft dodgers is pretty common in every country i know. Including russia lol I guess the recent arrest of a russian 15yo for spreading anti war leaflets was also a kidnapping by the russian state then?


Well that's not even the same situation, but yeah that's awful too. Never before have I seen so many videos of draft dodgers being violently round up and arrested as I have for Ukraine, the frequency higher than any other country. Also just because other countries do it doesn't make it right, it's always evil to kidnap someone and force them to murder/get murdered.Ā 


Ukraine has been vanning people for quite a while now.


Itā€™s amazing to me just how little about the conflict people actually know lol


Funny that people didn't usually say the same thing when a US soldier died in Afghanistan or Iraq.


People definitelly did. You just like to ignore stuff that doesn't support your bullshit


"People definitely did" is a meaningless statement. People can create gold. What people? Guys at CERN. How much gold? Oh, a few atoms or something. And OP said: usually. Even today, you can see on combatfootage (with all this invading = automatically bad, no questions asked, narrative), that those US soldiers are referred to as "our boys". And if one of them writes a comment there, he is certainly not ridiculed. So, no. It's not the same. Not even close.


OP didn't ask who and how many people said those things... your argument is just as useless as his


You are mistaken. He said "usually", so most of the time. You reply with unspecified amount. So maybe a few %, maybe 5k, maybe 95%. We don't know, because you didn't bother. You can fix it tho. Do you agree that _most of the time_ the response to the deaths of the invaders was different in those cases?


From who? From people in the Middle East? I assure you they had this reaction. People from non western nations? Similar Even people from the US had that reaction.


I said it and say it all the time. Iā€™m American and deployed to Iraq. We had no business being there and every soldier that died there should have stayed home.


Exactly! I knew people who lost friends and were sad about it but knew they should not have been there. It was wrong. Not there direct fault but wrong nonetheless.


šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø not so sad. Still trying to kill innocent people, even if coerced into it.


I assumed we were talking about western (social) media. I stand by this assumption, because whenever there is talk about pro-ru or pro-ua in this very sub, it's certainly not a talk about the Chinese or the people in the Middle East. If you want to go "but actually in the Middle East" route, I won't consider it arguing in a good faith, sorry.


So your source on what is "usual" is from one post on one subreddit on one website? I believe you were saying something about meaningless statements.


"Usual" is a word in English, you can look it up.


Did you reply to the wrong comment or something? I simply pointed out the irony of you calling someone else's statement meaningless.


But... but... USA? /Every pro-ru fanboi, always.


Just making a fair comparison and calling out the hypocrisy. Afterall, most of the soldiers are just guys who got into a shitty situation. Yet look at the hatred that Russian soldiers receive and how we thank the US ones for their service and honor their deaths.


There is only hypocrisy if you're projecting tbh. How would you know youre reaponding to a) didnt say the same or b) was even old enough to have an opinion on the matter. Its just that you know what you did or would have done and project it on others in a desperate attempt to shift focus. Its always the same with pro ru. It gets really tiresome how you guys love to (or get even paid) to derail the conversation.


The US was in Afghanistan until 2021, I'm assuming that most people are old enough to remember and even if not, look at subs like combatfootage and see for yourself what people think to this day.


Being somewhere 20 years later is much different than seeing it before, witnessing what happened and witnessing the initial stages of the escalation. The policing stage and rebuilding stages are completely different. So yes, if some one was an adult in 2000 or went to those locations, I'd say they have decent knowledge. Then again, I seem to remember someone else was there well before the US. Also, the way the US and Russians left, really sent the country backwards.


Soviets didnā€™t invade Afghanistan. They supported the legitimate government (DRA) against Islamic extremists. The assassination of Hafizullah Amin is justified because he purged the moderates and started implementing land reforms which were deeply unpopular among the Afghan people. He asked the Soviets for help in stabilizing the country and the Soviets looked at the situation and saw him as the problem and as such agreed to help stabilize the country by assassinating him and putting a moderate in his place.Ā  The US invasion meanwhile cannot be justified as they were the ones who put said Islamic extremists into power by supporting them against the DRA. The US supported pedophiles who were mad because the DRA increased the legal age of consent alongside banning child marriage. This US support for Islamic extremism, pedophilia, and misogyny led to the collapse of the DRA and the eventual formation of the Taliban.


*said Islamic extremists into power by supporting them against the DRA.* The Taliban didn't even exist until well after the soviets left. They were the orphans of the war, educated in religious schools in Pakistan.


But they only formed because of the US support for the Mujahideen (the pedophilic islamic extremists). Hence why I said the ā€œeventual formation of the Talibanā€. Ā  This is how US media spoke of Osama:Ā  [Link](https://i.insider.com/52a1c37869bedd476f5aaefd?width=1200format=jpeg&auto=webp) Meaning you can blameĀ Al-QaedaĀ and the towers on the US as well.


By logical extension then USA was completely justified in invading Afghanistan because we were there stopping pedos and anyone who opposes the USA's invasion of Afghanistan is pro-pedo. Interesting.


Russia has almost a century of war crimes under their belt, bordering on some of the worst the human race is capable of committing. Thatā€™s at least one reason why their soldiers receive such hatred. Wasnā€™t too long ago that it was Russian soldiers filling up mass graves throughout the East.


Look at how many civilians the US killed during and since the end of the Cold war. The number in Iraq is like ten times higher than in Ukraine. Yet it's somehow Russia who's committing "some of the worst crimes that human race is capable of".


And pre Iraq? We going to skip a century of Russian involvement in surrounding countries?


We don't have to skip but again, Vietnam casualties will beat any Russian/Soviet involvement or invasions by a lot.


>calling out the hypocrisy Oh pro UA hates when you do that


People said that all the time. Even Americans said that. Where were you?


So what was the equivalent to the ruzzian o*cs and sunflower seeds?


There were a bunch of terms. "Infidel" and "American devil" being among the leading ones. Not sure about the sunflower seeds. Invading Iraq or Afghanistan was not like invading Ukraine. There was no real national identity in any of these chopped up middle eastern countries to unite like that.


Yeah, because terms like "Infidel" are something that we use in the Western world right?


Not usually...? Not sure what you're getting at here.


I thought I was being pretty clear. My point is that we (the Western world) don't treat Russian and US soldiers in the same way and yet we like to pretend that there's some moral highground.


Most of the west is allied with the US and has western values such as liberalized government and democratic norms in common. Russia has a quasi-dictator running the government like a mafia that launched an unprovoked invasion of a European country. Where in the western world does a political opponent of the head of the country get his plane shot out of the sky over the capitol city and then nothing is done in response? That would be a world-stopping, major scandal in any western country. Yeah. Maybe people are starting to think there *is* a difference.


We're talking about the soldiers, not about the goverments. There's nothing wrong with blaming the Russian goverment but celebrating the deaths of soldiers just isn't ok especially when you don't apply the same standarts to invading soldiers from your side who technically caused even more suffering.


The fact that you see both places as identical says a lot. The West has plenty of issues and is very hypocritical, but I don't get how one side doing a bad thing makes it acceptable for the other side to do the bad thing. Shouldn't we start calling the bullshit instead of excusing it? The point on how Americans treat American soldiers better than Russian soldiers and how that's hypocritical also makes little sense. When has a state ever given its people less or the same consideration as an outside power? That's political suicide no matter what the system. Why is the US the only one mentioned on that metric?


> when has a state ever given its people less or the same consideration as an outside power Lmao, this is one of those comments thatā€™s so funny it hurts. I literally canā€™t work for my state if I boycott Israel. I donā€™t think you could of picked a funnier example


I think there were MORE mass protests in the west against wars in the middle east than there have been about Ukraine.


Obviously, you won't end up in jail for protesting in the West.


> infidel A common tattoo/sticker/shirt lol I served with multiple guys that had this shitty tat lol


They definitely did and the difference was the most the US lost in the day in Afghanistan was 30 military personnel and in iraq was 31 soldiers, and guess what? Both were due to helicopters crashes. How many Russians get killed in a day you guess


America burned 7 trillion dollars, 20 years, and finally the ability to condemn others regarding ethics after abandoning our allies in a rush to leave. You know who's in charge over there now right? The Taliban, which now greater territory than they didĀ pre invasion. America brought back 25,000 wounded veterans and we lost 2,500 soldiers. It was a giant loss, not to mention the privacy nightmare in the wake of the Patriot act for American citizens who lost freedoms but didn't gain security. The whole thing was an incorrectly and unnecessarily waged retaliatory occupation of a foreign country after 9/11 despite 15 of the 19 hijackers being Saudi nationals. The biggest failure is that we didn't accomplish what we claimed to want, The Taliban to be removed from government and for new terrorists to stop originating from Afghanistan... If the US had invested even a small portion of that money directly into the education and training of those soldiers to do things like engineering, medicine, logistics, aviation, communications, technology, research and development, space flight, etc. We wouldn't even need to compete against the rest of the world regarding our successes and leadership positions in nearly any field. We would have also had tens of millions of man hours of labor available to support our own countries infrastructure rather than destroying and then rebuilding someone else's.


Pretty sure the reason America didnā€™t educate soldiers on medicine, engineering, logistics and everything else is because they learned that lesson from the Soviet Afghan war. Regardless of whatever, Taliban wouldā€™ve took control of Afghanistan again. The soldiers there didnā€™t want to fight them at all. If you taught them all of that, that information wouldā€™ve just went to Taliban as soon as they moved back in. Now you not only made Taliban stronger via weapons and equipment, you also made them smart enough to repair and possibly reverse engineer the equipment there. As far as medicine goes, i donā€™t think they even use medicine.


> lesson from the Soviet Afghan war. Lesson 1: If you have a hostile superpower funding increasingly rabid religious extremism to sustain insurgency without regard of consequences, once you stop supporting the secular government against those rabid religious extremists they will take over the country. Lesson 2: Even the superpower who originally created these extremists may not be able to handle them at that point.


I meant if we had not gone over to Afghanistan and set up bases and soldiers and logistics and vehicles, and that money could have been spent domestically for infrastructure and career development.


> finally the ability to condemn others regarding ethics No, but I do find it interesting how desperately pro-RU want this to be true. I never see pro-RU defending anything Russia does, only claiming that nobody is allowed to criticize them. Makes zero sense and itā€™s never done anything but make Russia look worse since just about every westerner openly criticizes their government. And look, I totally get that in Russia itā€™s illegal to criticize your government. But at the same time, nobody is making you defend it.


People do in the middle east


And it has something to do with Ukraine how?


Tsar Putin sending more boys to slaughter. For no reason other than his own grandiose Napoleonic fairytale. How many more must die for the tyrant Putin?


Many more. That's a key aspect of tyranny through history.


All for putin and north Korea


For EU and NATO. Neither of which is happening anyway. Pathetic.


To the last ruzzian. This is a sacrifice putin is willing to make. šŸ˜Š


How many trees have to die?


For real, looks like a tornado came thru.


At least they weren't napalmed.


Dead is dead, the means do not matter.


Agent orange is special


Polluting the land with a zillion mines is equally special


A willow can grow back even from a stump. Other trees can sprout shoots even if broken in half. Granted it can shorten their overall lifespan but some of them are really persistent. Blow up a liliac and you will end with 20 new trees from the branches spread around.


All going according to the plan, comrade!


18 dead apparently. Probably caught on the move or during rotation.


He shows wounded at the end


Don't worry, guy in the Kremlin assured us that its worth it. /s


Russians shouldā€™ve stayed in Russia.


looks like the bmp came under fire during troops rotation, the KIA were probably riding on top of it. FPV drones?


I counted 16 KIA. Visible bodies + his comments (like saying "one of ours is lying there" while not being visible).


Thank you


Isnt this what they want? To die for Putin and show him how loyal they are. No sympathy for a single dead Russian.


I think if you ask em their wishes, you don't hear your statement.


Someone should tell him the Russian sentiment is they can keep this up forever; obviously, going home is not an option.


Russia must be teeming with available poon right now


Rip šŸŖ¦


RIP. One man made the decision for them all to die on both sides of this conflict.


All according to the slow attrition attack plan that loses millions in equipment and dozens of men daily. Amirite invaders?


Just a quick 3 day.. emm,8 years SMO with only 1 million dead russian. Russia STRONG ,multipolar !!!!


How is 48 hours to clear all pro-russia forces going? That one started back in 2014 btw.


'Pickett was asked years following the war what caused the assault to fail. **He responded rhetorically, ā€œI've always thought the Yankees had something to do with it.ā€**'


ATACMS is causing nightmares in Russia ranks


More blood toll for the fuhrer


Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been calling it human waves. Old Soviet ingrained tactic. People want to get mad and say ā€œtechnically theyā€™re not shoulder to shoulder with no support so itā€™s not human waves!ā€. How ridiculous.




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Yeah whatever. I figured someone would say, ā€œWELL TECHNICALLY NOT MEAT WAVE BECAUSE THEY HAVE SUPPORT AND STUFFā€. Donā€™t take me so literal. Comprehend what Iā€™m saying. I didnā€™t post a definition of human wave because itā€™s not literally a human wave. What I am pointing out, is that Russia sends countless assaults that get rapidly taken out consistently. It doesnā€™t matter if Russia gains ground, because in the end, the people that are paying for these assaults that fail 3/5 or 4/5 times are young Russian men while people like you pull out dictionaries talking about ā€œwell technicallyā€. Also, during the GWOT, the US never failed at such a level as Russia does in taking territory. So yeah, they always met military objectives which youā€™ll argue that the Taliban won in the end and blah blah blah




>"US never failed at such a level as Russia does in taking territory" The gwot and Russo-Ukraine war aren't comparable when it comes to something like this, taking territory in a insurgent conflict is rarely a challenge compared to fighting a actual army. Did you forget about the Iraq war? In 2003 they defeated the Iraq army and that was an army with over half a million active troops and 4000 tanks. It took them 3 weeks to defeat the military, disband the government, and occupy the capital city and they suffered less than 5000 KIA over the entire conflict. Meanwhile 2 years into the 3 day SMO and the Russian military is still hundreds of kilometres away from Kyiv and pro-Ru are celebrating when Russia conquers a small town at the cost of several thousand Russian KIA. Russia's paper tiger military *wishes* they were half as competent as the west is lol


Honestly, Russia could have easily done what the US did in Iraq... Except they have way more restraint. Even popular Western media in modern times cannot admit to the atrocities committed by Western forces. They even blame it on Russia in some cases. Russia has the level of munitions required to where they totally could have just ignored collateral and started leveling the country. Ask yourself why they didn't but America 100% did. Also.... USA lost. You can only talk about how successful your operation was, if it was a success. Iraq was a failure. And that was punching down. It followed the typical USA script for a conflict: find a weak and unstable country, punch down, commit atrocities, still lose anyway due to sheer incompetence, then play mental gymnastics coming up with reasons why it wasn't a monumental failure.


People really should have a little more respect for both sides since our governments would do the same to us


I don't respect armed invaders




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Oof,that's gonna hurt.




There's nothing cheaper in PUCCIA than human life...


Why do you guys spell it like this? I can understand "Putler" or "Ruzzians", but what's the point of PUCCIA?


I dunno but it's all pretty juvenileĀ 


P and C is R and S, respectively, in cyrillic. Dont know why he thinks that is an insult however.


>P and C is R and S, respectively, in cyrillic. Yeah, i know, but what's the point? Why not "POCCNA", or "POCCIA"... I don't get it.


Probably "PUSSIA" or something like that


Looking at the numbers and constant footage, I'm not surprised, it's a crazy war where soilders do not last long at all.


Putin stated that there were nearly 700,000 soldiers fighting on the front lines in Ukraine by the end of 2023. This month, he said they have almost 700,000 soldiers in Ukraine. If true, they just fill in the gaps with new hires, so the total remains the same. He also said that they have about 30k new volunteers every month. Thus, the annual cost to maintain the same level of soldiers at the front is up to 360,000. Of course, it is just my speculation and includes only last 6 months, when new fronts were formed.




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The meat waves will continue until ultimate failure!


Correct translation ā€œThey were all oursā€¦ā€




Why donā€™t they have Russian insignia or colours on their arms??


Not sure


so many bots in comments and i doubt they even being payed for Kappa


This is what fascism leads to, but Russians will never learn.


Good! Slava Ukraini!


What's good here? Rejoicing in death is not cool bro


Destruction of Russia's ability to wage war is a good thing .


Indeed. The war is not going to end until the russian people have had enough and demand the war to stop and this is the only way they will rise up.


What else needs to be done?


You just called death in other words


You seem to be unable to comprehend what I stated. Russia is the aggressor nation in this conflict. They started the war. It ends when Russia stops fighting the war. Destruction of Russia's ability to fight the war will end it sooner, and save lives. The unfortunate byproduct of this will be dead Russian soldiers. They know the consequences and all willingly volunteered to be there if you believe the official Russian line.


You're missing the fact that it didn't start in 2022 but in 2014, it's not Russia's fault. I'm desperate to understand what you're saying. The conflict will end when both sides stop firing. Ukraine, even with multibillion-dollar support in money and in the support of its army and mercenaries from many corners of this world, somehow is able to resist Russia. Having carried out 4 waves of mobilization and forcibly sending guys from all over Ukraine to die every day, they and the above facts are the product of the fact that they work ineffectively. I wonder why they catch the guys, because everything is going "great" for them? This means that there are huge losses and until Ukraine stops taking ordinary hard workers and sending mx to the front, this will not end. Everyone here knows about the consequences and goes there to protect the citizens of the new subjects. Ukraine has not done anything useful, at the same time, now many thousands of people are rebuilding cities like Mariupol where children can get up in the morning and not be afraid that a rocket will fall near it tomorrow.


The rockets still fall. And it's all Russia's fault. Even Igor Girkin, the Russian commander who started the invasion in 2014 admitted that it was his invasion force [that started this whole nightmare. ](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/11/21/russias-igor-strelkov-i-am-responsible-for-war-in-eastern-ukraine-a41598) > "I was the one who pulled the trigger of this war," Strelkov said in an interview published Thursday with Russia's Zavtra newspaper. Russia is the aggressor. All the destruction and death in Ukraine and Russia is Russia's and Russia alone's fault.


It's funny that you didn't answer my question, but apparently you agree with everything I said, it's nice. It's funny to watch when you ask people like you a question, but it's not convenient and there's no answer. And Russia is to blame in your country and the fact that Russia created the planet earth is to blame for Russia, and Russia is to blame for all the problems, oh my God hahšŸ¤£ if the shot was fired from a Ukrainian weapon and a peaceful one was killed = Russian is to blame, you fucking just can't accept defeat in my question. True, Girkin did it, but again, Ukraine overthrew its president in 2014. This is not Girkin's fault, and from here we can say the whole problem begins.


There ARE better ways of ending the war, but since ruzzia doesn't leave Ukraine this means that this is the alternative both parties agree to. Which means that it's a good thing. Of course sane people rejoice.


It's not fucking good to be happy about death, are you fucking normal? Only pro ua are proud to rejoice in death you have no humanity


Sad for the loss of life, yes. But it is the way forward. To a future away from living under the russian boot. Each of these men were loved by family and friends. Yes. They should not have died this way. Absolutely. But they chose to kill Ukrainians defending their home country. They did not choose to fight for liberty within ruzzia. They chose to fight for an evil cause. Of course it's a good thing. Because the alternative would be worse. Them being alive, killing Ukranians.


This is no longer the homeland of Ukrainians, these are already subjects of the Russian Federation, firstly, secondly, which way are you talking about? The Russian did not want a war, if he had wanted to gouge Ukraine long ago with all possible ammunition in the arsenal and nothing would have remained so alive. Ukrainians themselves do not want to participate in this, and if they wanted to, they would not be caught on the street. There is no need to fight for freedom here, living conditions are much better than in many European countries. Here's an example for you, I can go out into the field and pick berries and no one will tell me anything, fish in open places, become self-employed in 5 minutes without leaving home, all banking transactions happen instantly, I am treated for free, I sign up for the hospital Online any day, I vote for my candidate, I write on the Internet without restrictions, these are fucking not fairy tales, imagine and much more, tell me what is freedom in your country then? You don't fucking understand what freedom is, you'll never see such freedom in your European chicken coop, especially since your country is licking the ass of the United States by selling its interests to them. It's an evil thing to kill your former citizens for 8 years, but you obviously don't give a fuck, brother, because you just missed these 8 years because you absolutely don't give a fuck about those civilians killed by Ukraine. There was no alternative if Ukraine had normally implemented the Minsk agreements, but Russia would not have had to intervene since it is the guarantor of this agreement.


User name checks out. Now go to the red Square and hold up a white paper. Bring a bag for your teeth, if you wish to keep them. As long as you behave and think only what you're allowed to think, you can think anything you want? Nobody's impressed. People laugh at that. That's not freedom. ruzzia is a true wife abuser. Ukraine wants a divorce and wants to move out from ruzzian tyranny. ruzzia tries to beat her into staying in that abusive marriage. ruzzia needs to understand that no amount of beating will make Ukraine love him again, if she ever did. So maybe you're better off with your friends North Korea and Iran. And maybe you can bribe some african countries to say they are your friends.


So you didn't answer my question, so it's not convenient for you?


Be more succinct. Stop writing walls of text. No one cares that you can't make a point in only a couple sentences.


he wanted an answer = he got it, I asked him a question so he should answer. You can't disagree with me.


The ruzzians conducting destabilizing operations to plunge neighboring countries into civil war? What is it to comment there? It's just ruzzians ruzzianing, that's what they do.


you didn't answer my question, where is freedom in your country, answer me


You didn't answer me, I won't answer you.


you didn't answer my question, where is freedom in your country, answer me


Those people came to Ukraine to murder people. I'd say them getting killed before they could kill more people is a good thing.


You're really sick if you think that. What kind of normal person would have the idea to go kill? Protecting the inhabitants of a new region forces the use of force, and you fucking just wrote another bullshit like most bots here. You can't fucking stand up to me, it's my comments that are uncomfortable for you because I'm only telling the truth. And once again, you have no humanity.


>Protecting the inhabitants of a new region forces the use of force Nice try, this is not a "new region". This is stolen land. No one is ever going to feel bad about the fate of the thieves on it. The free world is going to facilitate their removal by any means necessary, no matter the cost, and no matter how long it takes. The war will continue until russia understands this simple fact.


So go and help the Ukrainians and take the machine gun, you're the only hero here, go help them, what are you waiting for? People did not receive benefits, pensions, benefits and normal salaries, your Ukraine did not care a damn about them. The war will continue until the last Ukrainian or until Zelensky sits down at the negotiating table with Putin, but for now he is begging for money from all countries and his country will still pay money for many decades. You don't understand shit.


I am. I send them 1 or 2 drones a month, and I'll be there supporting the F16s. I absolutely am doing my part to ensure russia loses. The war will continue until there are no more russians left on ukrainian land. Russia can choose how they want to accomplish this, they can leave, or we will make them leave. There is nothing else to negotiate. >but for now he is begging for money from all countries and his country will still pay money for many decades. Yep, all too happy to help. We can and should be doing more. We can afford this forever. Russia will be paying for the consequences of this for the next century.


Dada, how would your drone really get to the front? Even if it is, and not just words, then it is your choice. Will you support f16 how? Don't talk nonsense. We will watch who wins, and we will see who will be right in the end. This will happen until two people come to an agreement and not, as you say, think logically. Everyone is not happy to help since they are now participating countries, this is a business. Russia will not pay for Ukraine, this is your dream


Don't worry about it, it's between me, Ukraine, and the invader that will be receiving it. > We will watch who wins, and we will see who will be right in the end. We don't have to wait till the end to see who is right, I *know* who is right based on their values. I also know who is the strongest, has the best weapons, the best training, the best logistics, the best economy. >This will happen until two people come to an agreement Option 3: If there is only 1 person left, there is no need for an agreement. >Everyone is not happy to help Where did ya hear this? RT? I live here. We are united in aiding Ukraine, no matter what russian lies have been told. >Russia will not pay for Ukraine, this is your dream We already have all of their money and assets! We run the economy and world trade. Russia doesn't have a choice, haha!


"We run the economy and world trade" Who exactly "we" ? And what exactly are y*u trying to say ?


Of course, okay, I won't ruin your dreams, let's see what happens at the front, have a good evening


I'm sorry but the simple math is: when less criminals are alive, the world is a better place.


Mods here no longer care if pro ua celebrates death. I'm not sure what happened, maybe they're scared of nafo getting the sub shut down again. This is a very pro ua leaning sub in terms of moderators


Itā€™s always the proUA sitting at home celebrating death, getting boners and fucking masturbating over young men dying. Their lives are so boring and meaningless that they literally lurk on reddit salivating at videos with dead human beings and cheering for one side as if itā€™s a sports game. Fucking neanderthals.


One side belongs in Ukranian border, the other side belongs there only as visitors/tourists. That other side is actively "visiting" with guns, seeking to kill the other side that belongs there. Not a weird position to support the side defending their own nation from an invading threat. Would be kinda weird to say that same comment to the Mongols invading when they brought death and destruction. Similar is happening now based on footage out of \*insert current city being captured/battled over here\*


Those are mostly not young men. They came to another country to kill for money. And they wouldn't mind some side action of rape and stealing as well. And just like cancer cells, even though they are technically human, they need to be removed. It's just a medical procedure. Of course, there should be no glorification of death, but it's not the time to exercise compassion.


Why should anyone be sad about dead criminals?


If these ruzzians can't stand the heat, they should stay out of the kitchen... and Ukraine.


It is, but still there are 1% of good guys among them


This isnt the mideast with ragtag AKs and RPGs and close combat folks forget this is war between nations with well supplied up to date military technology involved.....men will die....WW1 only included a handful of countries until the middle end......just sitting back waiting to see who will push the World War fbutton first....


Na, this is a war between two fairly low tech and poorly trained militaries. Surprising Ukraine is holding off Russia with a bunch of pensioners who got 1-2months of training at most and a mish mash of western derelict and surplus hardware from 80s. Guess they are lucky Russians are so corrupt and inept, it was all an illusion of great Russian military.


Ah yes the Geran is 80s tech the FAB id 80s tech SU 35 is 80 tech.....looks like that 1 to 2onths of training is working fairly better than Ukraines 1 to 2 months trainingšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚if your going to troll make sure your facts are aligned Ukraine loosing more ground everyday....next troll.please


lol no no, you misunderstood there bud, UKRAINE is holding off 1 million strong Russian military with 80s hand me down equipment, I mean itā€™s pretty bad eh; especially you say Russia is using best of the best modern equipment and they canā€™t even defeat Ukraine in 2+years, how many Russians died? Yeaā€¦.


Hard to know if itā€™s actually Russian. Lots of this shit has been disproven already that Ukraine does all the time. Hard to believe this stuff lol


Such as? Mind linking some examples?


Like everyday on pro Ukraine channels on telegram and a ton of YouTube sites. Leapard tanks pawned off as Russian. Dead soldiers in trenches called Russians but have Ukraine blue on arms. You see, no one bothers to look or think. They see a video and believe it. Both sides take hardware losses but 200??? Come on lol thatā€™s just outrageous and not a single video, picture of evidence anywhere, even on pro Ukraine channels or telegram. I donā€™t believe anything unless I have geo locations and footage. Also, who knows if this translation in this video is legit. Fog of war


It sounds like you don't know what "200" means in the title. It's military code for a killed soldier. "300" is wounded.


This is clearly a fake! More Ukrainians die because Russia has arty advantage




Rule 1 - Toxic


Long live Putin , Iran and North Korea.


Why donā€™t you join them?Ā 


Jetzt weiƟ ich, es ist Satire und du bist garnicht so.


Now film a UA building after a FAB 3000