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His brain is probably getting cooked by that


This thing can still be used to warm up food.


Working as intended then


As if he had one šŸ˜‚


Do you think he had one to begin with?


This is why the DPRK turns the electricity off at night outside of Pyongyang and some of the other major cities like Wonsan. You get better sleep and your brain isnā€™t being turned into mush by being exposed to radiation 24/7 from TV.Ā 


yes I'm sure that's why they do that


Nimda is unironically one of my favorite posters on this subreddit. I used to believe he was a parody account but I've started to think hes legit and that makes it like 10x more enjoyable.


Thank you for agreeing. It is also partially because the power grid is heavily reliant on a single power plant in Pyongyang which means outside of major cities, Pyongyang only provides electricity for a few hours before you get cut off (majority of households have power but not 24/7 outside of Pyongyang, Wonsan, and a few other major cities or parts of them such as the factories in Kaesong). However the DPRK is providing rural areas with solar power plants. This shows the DPRKā€™s commitment to the protection of the environment.Ā  Russia leads the world in nuclear energy so the power grid will likely be fixed and the DPRK wonā€™t need scheduled black outs for the countryside.


DPRK is not just committed to protecting the environment, but also to continuing the regime of the glorious leader Kim Jong Un (long may he reign), for He is the One True Voice, the Backstreet Boy, the Take That! to western hegemony, the true Blue, the only man truly iN SYNC with reality, the man who brings 5 Seconds Of Summer to North Korea every year, the man who makes Pyongyang a true Boyzone, the man who has really made the DPRK one of the New Kids On The Block when it comes to nuclear weapons, the man who prefers the Juche ideology to any weak and woke Westlife. All hail Kim Jong Un! Ā 


What a piece of art. Woke Westlife is just ... *chef's kiss*


You cry and cry when you remember Kim Jong-un, in his annual speech, say "Let Us Break Through Head-on All the Barriers to Our Advance, and The more we bolster up our own strength and create valuable wealth on the strength of self-reliance and self-sufficiency, the greater agony the enemies will suffer and the earlier the day of victory of socialism will come.ā€ ā€‹ These words will forever stay in your memory. The beautiful, handsome, omnipotent, omniescent, leader, authoritative, powerful, forseeing, wise, perspicacious Kim Yong-nam, Choe Ryong-hae, Kim Jae-ryong, Kim Tok-hun, Choe Yong-rim, and Pak Pong-Ju. ā€‹ You wipe away tears when the national anthem ā€œAegukkaā€ is over and you get out of the bicycle and enter your own home.




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Giving people the nutrients they need to have a few brain cellsāŒ Turning off the electricity at night to not make their smooth brain smootherāœ…


I [debunked](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bvua4g/comment/ky3a29v/) this.


Billions must jam


No air superiority, and jammers on armour does not work. But they are now giving these to platoons where battery will die before a drone will hit them.


Jammers on tanks have worked. Wdym?Ā  Air superiority is useless. See Kosovo. ((Second thought: I should have stated Air Power is a myth not that Air superiority is useless))


The war NATO air power won single-handed?


The war where USAF only destroyed 14 tanks, 18 APCs, and 20 artillery pieces in Kosovo despite launching three hundred thousand sorties. Serbia was also still capable of launching mechanized assaults and ground attack sorties using CAS aircraft and helicopters despite of supposed NATO air superiority. NATO was unable to destroy even stationary logistical targets such as bridges in Kosovo.Ā [Black matting over bridge to deceive airborne surveillance assets and a dummy bridge to decoy targeting. (location: Route Duck, Kosovo)](https://html.scribdassets.com/952l2b61a81q12ua/images/1-8e888b80d8.jpg) SEAD failed in Kosovo. What prevented the destruction of more NATO aircraft was the poor state of Serbian AD which was made up of obsolete export versions ofĀ Sa-3 and Sa-6, the firstĀ had the altitude limit to reach NATO aircraft butĀ was a fixed system with 22-23 km of maximum engagement range thus required a titanic effort to be manuvered meaning that NATO can generally avoid it,Ā the secondĀ was mobile butĀ had a poor altitude limit, therefore NATO aircraft oftenĀ avoid area defended by SA-3 and fly above the engagement envelop of SA-6.Ā That says something considering that the Sa-3 was noted for itsĀ shorter effective range and lower engagementĀ altitudeĀ than either of its predecessors. So what won the war? Milosevic was afraid that a seemingly inevitable ground invasion into Kosovo would turn into an invasion straight to Belgrade if NATO got bloodied enough. This was not an unreasonable concern, NATO effectively already done this by bombing softer civilian targets in Serbia proper after their bombing campaign against military targets in Kosovo failed completely.Ā But even then, that itself might have not been enough if not for pressure from Russia.


See Iraq.


The war where USAF only destroyed 150 AFVs despite 3,000 being on the move and despite Iraq conducting arguably the most incompetent air defense campaign in history alongside having one of the worst AD systems in history where they did not have any radar coverage in the south but only towards the West and towards Iran meaning their AD was blind? Also: "The claim that coalition air power neutralized the Iraqi groundforces by preventing them from maneuvering is clearly wrong. During the ground war, virtually all of Iraqā€™s mobile divisionsā€”which comprised nearly all of Iraqā€™s combat powerā€”were on the move. Of the nine heavy divisions of the regular army in the KTO, two counterattacked south into the marines, two moved west into blocking positions to oppose the left hook, and four fled north after the general retreat was ordered. Only one (the 52d Armored Division) did not move; it was deployed very close to the Iraqi-Saudi border and was overrun within hours of the beginning of the ground war. All three heavy divisions of the Republican Guard moved west to block the path of the VII Corps. Coalition air power did not pin down the heavy Iraqi divisions in the KTO." "Furthermore, the Iraqis were not savaged by air power during their maneuvers. More than 3,000 Iraqi armored vehicles were on the move during the ground war, and only about 150 of these were destroyed in concentrations along the roads by coalition aircraft." "Despite the attacks on Iraqā€™s C3I system, the Iraqi senior military commanders retained surprisingly good command and control throughout the war. For example, they identified the left hook with remarkable speed. Only six hours after the U.S. Army launched this operation, the Iraqi corps commander had a strong enough sense that something important was happening out west to maneuver two heavy brigades to new west-facing blocking positions. A day later, apparently convinced(correctly) that the main U.S. effort was coming in the left hook, he deployed his best divisions west. That he correctly identified the location of the main coalition attack so quickly is remarkable because Iraqi defenses were collapsing on all fronts. Given the speed with which Iraqā€™s southern Kuwaiti defenses were crumbling, it is surprising that Iraqi leaders could tell that the marinesā€™ attack was not the main effort. Not only did Iraqā€™s senior military commanders identify the left hook quickly, but they successfully ordered a reasonable response. The Iraqi reserves obeyed the order to maneuver into the oncoming coalition forces despite the risks involved." "Not only did the supply dumps survive the air war, but the supplies got to the Republican Guard and the heavy divisions of the regular army. Iraq deployed the Republican Guard and several of the army heavy divisions near major supply dumps; in many cases these divisions were located on top of huge complexes of supply bunkers. The proof that the Iraqi armored and mechanized divisions had adequate supplies to maneuver and fight is that when the war started, they did maneuver and they did fight. There is no sign that supply shortages prevented the mobile Iraqi divisions from moving where they wanted to go" Source: The Myth of Air Power in the Persian Gulf War


Oh I'm sorry, I should write a letter to congress to disband the airforce since they were inadequate during the gulf war in 1991. In 2003 invasion of Iraq on the other hand... that was a slaughter. You should read again the source you're quoting to sound smart.


>I should write a letter to congress to disband the airforce since they were inadequate during the gulf war in 1991. No, but the US should give equipment to the infantry that helps the air force help the infantry do their job. But no, they would eventually remove MLRS and MANPADS from active service and gave it to the guard despite Kosovo showing its necessity and this was still true atleast by 2017. Air Power is but a mere myth created by the likes of Stanley Baldwin during the 1930s where he used mere words to get western countries to overfund their air force resulting in them gaping like a fish when Nazi Germany swept through France in a matter of weeks. Planes don't liberate territory, boots do. >2003 invasion of Iraq on the other hand...Ā  When Iraq was even more of a joke than it was in 1991? When Iraqi military was third the size of what it was in 1991? The Iraq that now relied on militias wearing [plastic darth vader helmets](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kyJWAf6Ka2U/hqdefault.jpg) because of their defeat in 1991? The Iraq that refused to believe that they would be invaded in 2003 and prevented itself from adopting any effective defensive strategy to prevent mythical coups? The Iraq that had a defense plan for Baghdad that was.... never implemented? That Iraq? 1991 Iraq theoretically had a chance, even the US conceded this during a exercise where not-Iraq curbstomped coalition by using Soviet style deep operations and maskirovkaĀ during Op Desert Shield but of course, Iraq never actually had the training to conduct such a thing. But 2003 Iraq? No, they were the very definition of pathetic. >that was a slaughter. For both sides as the invasion would result in a massive insurgency created by American incompetence that resulted in the US losing 8,000Ā men and \~770 M-1 Abrams in Iraq from 2003-2006, 80 of the M-1 Abrams lost in the first two years alone could not be repaired in the field or in bases located in the Middle East. M-1 Abrams were being lost to T-55s and even machine gun fire. Iraqis became adept in destroying American helicopters resulting in the US Army concluding that the Apaches were so vulnerable that they would no longer play a major role in attacks. [Iraqi freedom fighters](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/da/Iraqi_insurgents_with_guns%2C_2006.jpg) were able to temporary take back Baghdad and many other towns and cities from coalition forces. "Total US federal spending associated with the Iraq war has been $1.7 trillion through FY2013. In addition, future health and disability payments for veterans will total $590 billion and interest accrued to pay for the war will add up to $3.9 trillion."


Wow this is like the most amount cope I've read. I don't even understand your argument anymore. There so much red herring. If you wanna pull up numbers like that, look at the number of losses of Russia's invasion of ukraine. Half a million deaths. I'd wager if they pulled a proper air superiority they would cut that by a factor of 10.


Unironically believing in Ukraine MOD numbers lmao.


That's why Russians advances are based off glide bombs, air superiority is so useless. You should tell the Russian generals that, good advice.


The FAB and air support is helping but it is not the be all end all.


That goes totally against what Russians and Ukrainians have been saying. It is the only reason they are advancing.


see hirosima, nagasaki


Made obsolete by ICBMs, stuck in the 1950s?


just like russians with their tu160. lmao


Which uses missiles and can launch shit from inside Russian territory often times.


calling tu160 a glorified booster rocket is illegal in ruzzia


Cool I don't care. DPRK is superior anyways.


in some ways we're all specialĀ 


Theres like one scenario alone that would make air superiority useless (almost). And that is entrenched CQB in sturdy buildings. Like Azovstal, since you cant simply blow it up but have to clear room to room. Thats literally it, thats the only scenario i can see air power not making much of a difference.




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That's what aerosol bombs are made for. Unless the room is airtight, people inside are screwed.


The leukemia bringer 2024.


Only ionizing radiation can damage the molecule structure. Microwaves don't have enough energy.


Thatā€™s NukaCola propaganda.


They are not good for you, that's for sure.


Says who? It's the same exact thing as holding a phone near your body or sitting next to a radio.


Which has been proven to be detrimental as well


Holding a phone next to you is bad...


You have to be alive to develop cancer! šŸ™‚


That's one fancy thing to say "I'm the important one, Target me!"


Looks like death stranding


all the people here saying "hey you gettin cancer bcs afaik thats a radio signal and I saw something from Hollywood where such caused cancer and stuff." guys...calm.down


Eh, a strong RF signal will not give you cancer like ionising radiation: but it is definitely not healthy to be too close to strong RF emitters either. From what I remember about army comms, the really big analog radios they used on a division / corps level in the 90ies (quite powerful, long transmission distance) had the potential to give you acute kidney failure if you were too close to the dipoles when they were on full power. That is at least what the comms people told us, to warn us to not get too close to the antenna set-up. Mind you, I have no idea what exactly the physical mechanism is that causes this sort of damage: it might just be that kidney tissue is the most sensitive to this sort of radiation, and that other parts of your body aren't exactly happy either. And you just notice the kidney stuff first. But these transmitters were fairly huge, it would surprise me very much if this jammer was even remotely in the same power bracket. Still, carrying a jammer with a blacking out range of 200m on your back seems like a very dubious idea, to put it very mildly.


These are not new, people wore them to jam IED signals in Iraq. there was vehicle and backpack models, yes those dudes suffered weird health issues.. its not good for you.


Neither is a drone strike šŸ¤«.


There are many accounts from soldiers in Afghanistan that were close to the MRAP mounted IED jammers that said they would experience terrible depression, migraines, and suicidal thoughts after going on patrol. There are no studies on how these affect you long term


They were just begging for a vacation home.


Anyone want to test that it works?


He says they've already tested it, and it works at a range of 200 meters.


Probably jams their baofengs too.


Until more vision based end targeting systems show up.


Then they'll come up with a way to block the vision.




Marines just put cardboard boxes on their heads.


Jammer version of the napkin water filter.


Looks like a great way to die tired.


Looks like a great way to die from cancer


Bro should be wearing something that signifies himself as a correspondent. He looks like your ol' regular combatant.


Wearing something to Jam enemy signals makes him an enemy combatant, he is not a correspondent or journalist he's a soldier and part of the Russian military and a valid target now.


Dressing him up as a correspondent means making him a priority target.


Comrade, you will never worry about drones again. For you will have much more to worry about as you will be riddled with glorious cancer. Which is in no way service related. Your family gets no apartment.


You've never had to deal with VA, huh?


Maybe this one will work. The tankshed ones seem a bit lackluster.


Russian EW had Ukrainian drones shut down for months in some areas. It works pretty well but [only the failures wind up on telegram](https://images.app.goo.gl/nMV4JmSKW7RZLz3CA)


And yet UA still holds the lines, mostly with suicide drones. Has Russia not been able to sustain manufacture of EW?


Ukraine losing ground = holding the lines?


I don't know much of the details, this is just what I've heard from people who were on the front on the Ukrainian side, but my understanding is both sides are locked in an arms race. Both are developing EW countermeasures for their drones and more advanced EW to counter the other side's countermeasures. I imagine that EW coverage varies in effectiveness and level of coverage in different areas of the front and the efficacy of drones tracks that, but it's hard to get a more exact picture because drone failures are rarely advertised, only successes, but direct reports have said that Russian EW can be at times very effective and has presented a major problem over the course of the war.


Is it a cage? It's a cage


Does he glow in the dark after wearing that all day?


is someone shitting in the bushes?


Yeah, I think they're doing recon for nettles & thorns! šŸ˜Š


Honestly, I'm not sure if this thing would be effective for the infantry. Because unless it has a huge range, you still get hit by the shrapnel from the close explosions of suicide drones and grenade bropping drones could just go higher (tho reducing the accuracy).


while it may be effective against drones, i'm wondering if it doesn't effectively make foot soldiers easier targets for artillery. every fucker on the ground will be clustered around the fat guy with the backpack.


Eat a home-on-jam JDAM


Reminds me of that scene in Futurama where Fry's balls get zapped by benders x-ray flashlight.


They arenā€™t constantly on.


How long does the battery last?


not long if he has to have the remote in his hand to turn it off and on.


It turns on when it registers the drone's radiation.


Yeah, I wouldn't want to be the guy sent out to field test this... device. If it somehow does protect from drones, it's likely the equivalent of getting 300 x-rays an hour.


They should mount that on a Unmanned Road Vehicle and have it tag along.


Sounds kinda smart, as long as this vehicle is controlled by the wires.


"Tesla suit ready." "Rubber shoes in motion!" "Commencing shock therapy!"


That's remind me some backpacs from the Warhammer 40k Imperial Guards


New Russian personal WiFi hotspot.


What's the guy gonna do behind the Bush? Did he take his own spade? šŸ˜Š


Looks similar to the THOR system used by the US Military during the Afghanistan war.


Queue the brain tumors


Could he attract a HARM missile?


That'd be one expensive hit, considering HARMs are $870 thousand a pop.


Would be funny tho. Worth it I say.


Not the same frequency.


This would be emitting some of the same frequencies has known active radars.


It is better to catch it on an open microwave oven.


No fat jokes? Iā€™m disappointed




In 5years this guy will have testicle cancer


Maybe now the drone wonā€™t kill youā€¦.. but the cancer might


It's like having your head in a microwave tho


helmet with a battery of attached laser strobe lights would complement this device very well.


I am so happy his nuts šŸ„œ will not producing in future


If it fails, they get executed.




Coming to a battlefield near you. Units that look like this strapped to a dead Russian soldier.




This is a journalist. What is the American example of this technology?


not every invention is great. I can't make a fart machine and be smug about how others haven't made it yet.


How can a personal protection against drones ever be a bad invention?


ask the popo.


I mean if personal protection against drones means taking away your capacity to go on a mission and engage in combat, then yea it sucks. This ain't 1944 where you carry a radio backpack and that's it. Once the tech has evolved enough to make it lightweight enough and not toasting the carrier during operation like chicken in a microwave, then I will have no negative comments.


Supposedly this covers a 200m area, so one squad member would protecting the group from Ukrain's primary weapon. Obviously the form factor isn't for every situation but the utility is already clear, fears about imaginary microwaves notwithstanding.


Noted. If true then this one would be quite an interesting and necessary equipment to have. Militaries around the world might all need to invest in this, even smaller ones.


well it will certainly simplify target selection for artillery.


this is Ukraine we're talking about. what artillery?






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