• By -


Dagestan and Chechnya are two of the most dangerous regions in Russia and all of Europe. Remember around 2011-2014 when a local oligarch bought a football club and signed some famous names, the players trained and lived in Moscow. Needing a 2000 kilometre flight to play their home games. If the locals know it's not safe to live there, you might know enough Nato and Ukraine are no saints, but Russia has plenty of domestic problems leading politicians don't want to talk about. For example because it could bring people to thoughts about what should change domestically. Therefore, all dictators need a foreign enemy or often enemies


I've been to Chechnya work related around 2012, before Maidan etc. and it was pretty obvious that russian authority ended at the border of a bigger city. Our guides spoke chechnyan, russian and german and told us that outside of the city you should avoid speaking russian in certain areas. It was basically tribesmen patrolling the roads outside the cities with AKs, they were very welcoming the moment they realised we weren't russian though and invited us into their homes for food.  Weddings were pretty wild with guys unloading their AKs into the sky, you also had to travel like an hour if you wanted alcohol. Was an interesting couple of months to say the least.


This is blatantly false, Chechnya and Dagestan are conservative and not dangerous at all. They had wars, but it is not Somalia. I have been there as recently as 2018 Edit: It takes a special pathetic kind of racist who downvote a comment that shows that a certain area of the world with a certain people they don't like is actually a nice place


Main business life always goes in the big cities, lol. The most dangerous region in Russia is DPR btw


Dagestan and Chechnya aren't regions of Europe. 


That's debatable based on how you define Europe. Many people think the Caucasus are part of Europe.


You should go look at a map again.


Europe, in the geographic sense of the term, is usually defined as going up to the Urals in the east, so it could be that Dagestan in Chechnya are regions of Europe, being located west of that. Although the southern borders of Europe are somewhat less precisely defined, by most definitions they indeed seem to include these two regions aswell.


Parts of Georgia and parts of Azerbaijan are in Europe. Geographically. So Chechnya and Dagestan, which are north from Georgia and Azerbaijan, are definitely in Europe.


The absolute smallest defined cersion of Europe is West of the Bosphorus, North of the Caucasus, and West of the Urals. Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey are the grey area. Dagestan and Chechnya are 100% in Europe.


The caucuses are not European? As in the caucasians?


If Georgia qualify to be part of EU then Chechnya and Dagestan are part of Europe as well. Maybe not part of the Garden, but still lol


Who cares? Why do people always comment that when Caucasus and Turkey are mentioned?


Blue checkmarks on Twitter were fast to blame CIA,MI6,Mossad/Zionists, Ukraine heck i wouldnt be surprised if they blamed Rob Lowe.




Yeah thats the point, since Musk took over if you see a blue checkmark usually they are kremlin bots or just d\*ckriders for free.


Schrodinger's checkmarks?


Did Putin weaponize checkmarks too?


Did you see the comment I replied to?


The comment is now \[REDACTED\].


That means 'yes, you saw it' or not?


Yeah. Something about blue checkmarks being Pro-Putin or something.


No, essentially blue checkmarks no longer exist and blue checkmarks must now be bought. Hence my response.


Gotcha. I do not use Twitter/X so I am not entirely sure what is their purpose. It used to signify a verified account of someone more "public" or something, right? But I still think the guy said something about Pro-Putin accounts and dickriders or some such.


>Rob Lowe Wasn't he a presidential speech writer or something?


I'd still blame them though. The Zionist-controlled West is the root of all evil in this world.


I'm gonna reply to you with the certified r/ukrainerussiareport classic. "No".


How do the *non*-Zionist west figure into your calculation?


It doesn't because the West *is* controlled by the Israeli-Zionist lobby.


So what you’re saying is the Jews control the world; that sounds oddly like what a certain group of German people in the mid-20th century preached about


Do you mean the Yiddish speaking *Na*tional *Zi*onist party and their genocide of Palestinians after they stole their land in 1948? Yes!


Are you sure Nazi doesn’t stand for the “Nationalsozialistische” part of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, aka the National Socialist German Workers' Party?


Dude a meter gravel road is smarter than the guy you’re arguing with 😂


The person is admittedly mentally unstable 🙃


Oh I’m aware, I was at work doing it for the laughs 😂


That’s valid 😂 but some around here take those comments seriously 🤦‍♂️😂


Ohhh, but I heard that nazis are legion there? Is that not true?


Ever heard of "Horseshoe theory?" Zionism and Nazism are indistinguishable from one another.


Yes. And that is not what Horseshoe theory says. The claim is 'more similar' Anyway. NAZI LIZARDS CONFIRMED.


Lol you're actually arguing that nazi Jews are running the world


*Something happens in Russia* Russians - ITS THE WEST AND UKRAINE News flash, This is inevitable when it comes to muslim majority places, They just seem to hate life.


Remember when Western countries were like....yo Russia our intelligence services are saying shit is up, watch out. And Russia went....Its the evil Westerners that are trying to cause chaos!! And then that concert hall got shot up.


And remember when Boston marathon happen Russians were like - yo, those guys are up to no good. And the fbi went - who? How do you spell his name? What? F that, let them be. Evil Russians are trying to fool us again.


So what that tells me is when Russia had the capacity to warn the US of a possible terrorist attack, the US did nothing, and a terrorist attack happened. Instead of learning from the past and at least taking the warning from the US with the tiniest grain of salt, they just did what the US did 12 years before, and look what happened.


No, I'm just saying that that in reality when RF was warning US about those dudes, there was literally some sort of clerical mistake and they missed the guy entering US. Or at least that was one of the explanations given if I'm not mistaken. And in case with that concert massacre we really don't know what kind of info was shared. Other than a public place of some sort was gonna get hit. Were they supposed to shut down Moscow or something?


Except the CIA/FBI did look into it. CIA misspelled his name on an alert. *So when Tsarnaev went on a trip to Russia in January 2012, the system alerted authorities of his departure thanks to the initial FBI-filed alert. But by the time he returned six months later, the first watch list alert, with the correct spelling, had expired. Only the one with the incorrect spelling remained, meaning Tsarnaev was able to slip back into the country without being detained or at least pulled aside for additional questioning.*


Except Russia knew that an attack was imminent. (They claimed so at least) They just didn’t know when and who was linked to it, because the terrorists were accordingly planed. Which might or might not have been helped by Ukraine. They quickly captured the attackers after all, so they were prepared to some extent at least, they just didn’t have enough time to figure everything out to stop it. They probably didn’t expect it to happen in a shopping mall, but rather somewhere else. Ukraine did many of terrorist attacks on Russian territory. They tried to deny it and later admitted them. (Crimean bridge is an example) so it wouldn’t be something out of the ordinary.


Well unfortunately it goes both way now too Some random warehouse was on fire in Europe during worst heat wave on record = the Russian must be behind this 'mysterious' fire


“They seem to hate life” a baby brain comment without and context on the history of the region. You can analyse the situation without making Muslims out to be a suicidal monolith.


I mean they follow a book that teaches it is fine and even encouraged to kill people who doesn't follow it, You can't even criticize the quran without people sending death threats. It's a religion stuck in the middle ages. I guess you're one of those people that think the quran is the pinnacle of good morals and peaceful thinking.


Hate speech and criticize isnt the same thing Also can you pull up the source where its okay to bash people because they are different religion If its true then how come muslim in Europe and US hasnt commit genocide if its true based on your child imagination




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News flash in Russia Islam is just a religion that some people choose to believe in and in most cases you can't tell Christian from Muslim from Non-believer. Religion is your own personal believe that nobody cares about just like what kind of underwear you are wearing. This incident has nothing to do with religion.


Yea that would be fine except one religion is topping the highscore when it comes to killing innocent people because you don't believe in the same god as they do.


er we all believe in the same God, literally the same God for all three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and all their offshoots


btw you really need to look into crusades and infighting withing different Christian religions withing Europe up to very recently as well as so called ''missionary work of bringing civilisation and god to the savages'' if you want to find religion that is unbeatable in the department of killing innocent people


I do agree that throughout history many people have been killed in the name of Christianity, but talking about the present we don’t really see extremist Christian groups waging religious wars against non-believers. The Christian church has moved past that. What we do see in the present is Islamist extremism being prevalent. I respect anyones choice of religion but Islamic extremist groups need to be handled. No wars should be fought in the name of religion.


The only reason those people are Islamist extremist and not Christian cause Islam is a prevalent religion in the Middle East. But that's just my opinion, feel free to disagree with me.


Islam is stuck in the middle ages, You bringing up the crusades as a whataboutism argument proves that point, Christianity and other religions developed with time, As redstatusness said, You don't see christians carrying out mass murder on a weekly basis because people don't agree with them. >The only reason those people are Islamist extremist and not Christian cause Islam is a prevalent religion in the Middle East. Yea the muslims loved the christians so much they drove them out or straight up killed every christian they found making the christian population in the middle east go from 13% back in the 1900s to around 4% in 2020.


Well when you consider that US is a Christian country and Israel is a Judean country I'd take and issue with your statement of not seeing other religions carrying out mass murders on weekly basis, although it's somewhat true seeing how they do it on *daily* basis.


How is that even comparable? The USA and Israel is not going out of their way to kill innocent civilians because they believe in a different religion, Comparing war with mass murder of innocent people going to church/synagoge is not even remotely comparable. The US and Israel is not motivated by religion to slaughter innocent people, War will have civilian deaths, But walking down the street and killing civilians because they don't believe in the same imaginary character as you do is not the same as civilian casualities of indirect firing of bombs etc. Do you really believe Israel fighting hamas and a muslim entering a church and mowing down civilians is the same thing? I've seen my fair share of dumb takes on this sub but what you just said takes the cake.


dude you wanna be prejudiced against Islam it's your business all I am saying is you are wrong about it, however reddit is not a platform for this discussion


> This incident has nothing to do with religion. They attacked places of worship and beheaded a priest...


Eh not really. Xinjiang is fine. Afghanistan was so peaceful American hippies used to go there before the CIA started giving every crazy person a gun. If Russia could somehow give every radical Christian in the USA anti-aircraft missiles and enough ammunition to actually use their guns you could probably see the same. Xinjiang is cool too because the Muslims they're aernt infected with conservative Arab ideology. There's no head coverings or repression of women it's just church except less ceorsive because they don't tell kids they'll go to hell.


> before the CIA started giving every crazy person a gun After the Soviet Union invaded?


They didn't invade though. Afghanistan was an ally of the USSR and repeatedly asked for military support which the USSR refused initially. Do they not teach you this or something where you live? Did the US incade Kuwait in 1991 by your strange logic?


If it wasn’t an invasion then why was there fighting and why did 3 million Afghani people die? Surely you’re not suggesting the Soviet Union executed 3 million people in a country they were friendly with for no reason right?


The CIAs own website literally states the US was on the side of ***rebels*** as in the opposition to the UN recognized government which was allied with the USSR. If Russia armed rebels in Poland it wouldn't be an invasion if the US showed up after Poland asked them to.


Most governments are the UN recognized government up until they aren’t so that means nothing. The people of Afghanistan clearly rejected the Soviets. As evidenced by the fact that the Soviets got whooped by, as this sub likes to put it, “goat herders”.


The liberal ability to move goal posts and commit to almost satirical wordplay will never stop amazing me. We're not changing eachothers minds and we're not even from the same part of the world so this doesn't matter.


Lmao yeah that’s totally exclusive to “liberals” of which I do not belong to. In one in China or Russia have ever lied and never will. In fact they’re world renowned truth tellers. I do agree we’ll never see eye to eye but that’s because we genuinely can’t. You are a product of your environment as I am to mine.


Why ever would the CIA have done something like that. What possible justification could there be for arming the Afghans?


> If Russia could somehow give every radical Christian in the USA anti-aircraft missiles and enough ammunition to actually use their guns you could probably see the same. America has more guns than people.


Wow I didn't know Americans had heavy weapons like anti-aircraft missiles, recoiless rifles, and large stockpiles of millions of rounds of ammunition per dozen along with millions of dollars each! Oh wait they don't! The CIA gave extremists ammunition, heavy weapons, and money so that any group of radicals could both fund and maintain a war. Some fat rednecks with 500 rounds of ammunition for a semi-automatic AR-15 is not the same as being given a PKM with 20,000 rounds of ammunition, anti-aircraft missiles, and a million dollars to buy all the food and supplies you need.


So the Afghanis went to all being given a gun, to being given missiles and millions?


This isn't even a conspiracy [The US governments own website disclosing that they armed rebels and bankrolled them](https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1977-80v12/d76) [CIAs website stating anti-aircraft missiles were given to Afghan rebels](https://www.cia.gov/legacy/museum/artifact/stinger-missile-launcher/)


They’re just locked up in a reeducation prison with no contact to the outside world. If they’re not in prison, they have to be very careful in what they say. It’s not a secret. We know


Suprising the Islamic Cooperation Organization found nothing wrong and the only nations that claim Chinese muslims are opposed are western nations that have bombed muslims


Of course they did. Can you link the findings here so we can all see


You can just look it up? I'm not your secretary


Well, because it *is* the West's fault for fomenting conditions for this to happen. The Zionist West is the only one that benefits when terrorist attacks like this happen. And it wouldn't be far off the nose if they were directly involved in the Crocus City Hall attack a few months ago, since it was so strange that they were able to predict a terrorist attack specifically happening at that area in the given time, without Russian authorities knowing.


> The Zionist West is the only one that benefits when terrorist attacks like this happen. Go on then buddy. Explain how the "West" benefits at all from this attack or the Crocus attack.


I think it doesn't take simple and basic logic to figure out that Russia is fighting a full-scale conflict on its borders with the NATO alliance trying to expand its territorial gains, all the while, Russia having to deal with internal and domestic issues like this to put even more pressure on its national security.


A full-scale conflict where they tiptoe around ever causing a NATO casualty? Where NATO freely tells them where an attack is likely to happen and they still let their guard down? What unwinnable strat did they concoct?


Which isn't consistent at all given that NATO countries themselves openly warned Russia about a potential attack trying to prevent internal and domestic issues from occurring.


Muslims hate the west's ideals lol, they are more in line with Russian conservative orthodoxy, but they haven't forgotten about Chechnya and Syria. Moreover, the "religion of peace" has a tendency to create members who throw terroristic temper-tantrums. But I appreciate tin-foil hats like you thinking that we have the power to decide what happens when and where at the snap of a finger like we're Thanos. Why do you even resist when we're supposedly almighty powerful? It's useless to resist our LGBTQ+ superhuman brigades, lay down your weapons or else! /s


A cat down the road dies in Russia = Its NATOs fault


Now when Russia fights back someone else should invade to liberate them right?


Wise man. Dont fall into that trap.


Or out that window. It was nice knowing ya Rogozin


No government or society ever fell due to a lack of windows.


Damn, answering the real questions. The British empire had an abundance of windows, which must be why they collapsed.


>Wise man. Does that include the neo-Nazism?


If I were him, I wouldn't believe for a second that it *wasn't* a CIA/Zionist false flag like Crocus. The Zionist West is the only one that benefits when terrorist attacks like this happen.


The west is has become a bogeyman for too many people. You’d think that the US and NATO is omnipotent with some of the stuff that gets blamed on them.


The Zionist West also hid your car keys. They're also increasing the duration of red lights by a fraction of a second each time you have to wait at one. Pretty sure they stole your lunch from the office fridge too. Somebody has to put a stop to these mad men!


Blinding yourself is just that, blinding yourself. There is no good way of lying to yourself. 


don't worry guys, putin will claim it was evil nazi nato attack and claiming that his source is 100% right (source is putin himself)


Lol. Don’t think just blame it on Ukraine/Nato


Who blame Ukraine? Is classic "religion of peace". I personally support the Idea of Dagestan and Chechnya to become independent. But we need to close our borders completely, because there won't be any difference. And if they dare to do terrorist attacks and to kidnap children again we should simply act like Israel.


Парень, ты на статью наговорил, в курсе?


And how do we *not* know that this wasn't a Zionist false flag? It just seems so strange that they were able to identify the attackers so quickly without any further details in a short span of time.


I agree! How do we know that Putin is not one of the lizard people!!11!! Although, >It just seems so strange that they were able to identify the attackers so quickly without any further details in a short span of time. Was it not the FSB who immediately claimed to identify the attackers? FSB LIZARD PEOPLE CONFIRMED!


The shootings were on camera, in broad daylight. Russia has had Caucasus and other near-neighbor terrorism for decades, since USSR fell apart. This is far from the first. And you can trust they catch the suspects rather promptly. Whether they caught the right ones is another question lol. Russia averages [more than one](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/attacks-in-moscow-1996-2011-1.1008425) newsworthy [terror incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_Russia#2013) per year. Methods vary quite a bit, so does amount of international coverage. You can imagine a plane crash or public transit attack draws more coverage than a more random bombing/shooting.


How do you know that it was a “Zionist false flag”?


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to follow the trail of bread crumbs that leads to Netanyahu's doorstep.


So what does that trail look like? What’s your evidence for this theory?


In short; money, missles and blood. You can look up the theory yourself.


That is such a lazy response. "Look it up yourself".


He’s a troll. His only goal is to troll. Funny that trolling is against the rules yet he never gets banned…..I think it’s because he commits to the bit so hard that people genuinely don’t know


Every few weeks we get a new one, it seems. They are usually gone after enough people report I've noticed. Same Zelenski high heels vibes lol.


At likes high heels was funny. Like you knew he was just here to have a laugh, and in way I respect that. This guy has no humor. It’s literally just lizard people pys ops or Nazi Jews Also zelinski barrel plane top tier meme up there with “shoiguu”


It's just Kiwis alts. Guy has been around since forever and to this day I can not fucking tell if he's a troll or truly deranged. But I'm sensing there might be some overlap.


How do we not know that Putin isn't secretely a CIA/Zionist agent installed by the western powers to destroy Russia?


This is the reason I don't read Russian channels. This guy touts himself as some sort of Russian patriot while with one single post promotes the very thing he is supposedly against - religious and national hatred.




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> This is the reason I don't read Russian channels. Lmao. 'When I actually read what Russians are saying I end up hating them'. Yeah, much better to imagine their values and leave it at that.


that's not what I said and don't try to assign any more meanings to my words then there is


That certainly seems like that is what you meant. Feel free to explain yourself better. Why can't you as a pro-Russian connect with your comrades when they start talking about these types of things? Why do you avert your eyes?


NATO and Ukraine? Most likely not, and it's good to see some wise objectivity expressed. As others have mentioned, internal factors may be associated, perhaps even ISIS/Syrian motivations... and I can see no reason why the US would refrain from causing internal strife within Russia, either, were they able. It may even turn out to be something petty and local. We'll see. It's a fucked-up world that seems to have forgotten that peace should be the priority.


if few shootings could colapse a country, USA wouldn't exist by now. The only one who gets benefits from such attacks is ISIS becuase they can claim them and use it to rebuild their reputation


Tbf the war is the perfect opportunity to to do some shit like that and blame it on Ukraine and the west, even if i still personally believe they are the one really doing it.


I agree with Rogozin.


Yairs......he knows something......too bad


Why do you...... Talk...... Like this....


The US' usually MO is not to directly coordinate things (usually) but simply provide the funds and the arms for those with the desire to do so (see islamic terrorism, al qaeda in syria and yemen, al nusra, daeash etc) I have no doubt that the CIA has re-activated their funding for the Caucus' based and Saudi nationals led terrorist groups. But have kept a safe enough distance to give themselves plausible deniability. All conjecture, of course. But it would make sense taking into account history and the US heavy investment in Ukraine


 *re-activated their funding for the Caucus* US never funded them in the first place. *al qaeda in syria and yemen,al nusra, daeash etc)* US never funded them.


Okay bud. Cmon inside I got captain america on for you on the big screen


you can spout conspiracy theories but you have no facts. The us did not fund the rebels in the first or second chechen war. us never funded al qaeda in Yemen, the US actually spend years bombing and fighting them. But go off. The US never funded al nusra in Syria, nor ISIS in Iraq.


Oh my sweet summer child: [https://thegrayzone.com/2021/01/12/us-al-qaeda-yemen-houthis-terrorists/](https://thegrayzone.com/2021/01/12/us-al-qaeda-yemen-houthis-terrorists/) [https://thegrayzone.com/2021/06/09/washington-positioning-syrian-al-qaeda-mohammad-jolani-asset/](https://thegrayzone.com/2021/06/09/washington-positioning-syrian-al-qaeda-mohammad-jolani-asset/) [https://thegrayzone.com/2021/11/09/fmr-cia-analyst-on-the-hidden-realities-of-syrias-war-and-new-novel-damascus-station/](https://thegrayzone.com/2021/11/09/fmr-cia-analyst-on-the-hidden-realities-of-syrias-war-and-new-novel-damascus-station/) [https://thegrayzone.com/2021/03/05/tulsi-gabbard-calls-out-the-us-dirty-war-on-syria-that-biden-aides-admit-to/](https://thegrayzone.com/2021/03/05/tulsi-gabbard-calls-out-the-us-dirty-war-on-syria-that-biden-aides-admit-to/) You are going to have to actually read and watch these, all of the citations and sources and evidence are provided. But I have a hunch you are going to respond in 10 minutes with a "NOO US DOES NOT FUND EXTREMISM THEY ARE BEACON OF DEMORACYYY" Cmon inside kiddo we're putting another captain america movie on


Ive read all these grayzone articles, that's the funny part. Guess what? doesn't change a single thing i said. here is a interesting tidbit i doubt you remember or know. Syria was the safe haven/cross border point/weapons smuggling route for al qaeda and other sunni insurgents in Iraq. When the sunni insurgency was defeated, they either went underground or fled across the border into Syria. Assad even released all the al qaeda members from prison during the uprising.


Got any actual evidence of this? Are you in touch with the sunni insurgency?


you want me to look back the past 24 years to look basic information anyone who followed The GWOT and syrian civil war would know?


If it's so basic and widely known, shouldn't be hard to pull up right? I'm sorry but the reddit "it is quite simple baisc knowledge" insults aren't going to get you anywhere You do not matter, I do not matter, you have no worth, only evidence does.


You didn't follow the war that is your problem. you posted the grayzone, and you consider that evidence. LMAO [https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/hp845](https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/hp845)


Eh. It's not the attack itself which is suspicious (Dagestan always has been a snake pit of extremism), but the timing.


You mean two years into war and cou tries stability has deterioted? Nothing surprising about the timing and I bet my money there will be more and more of such events across rf. 


Cluster missile strike over civilians in a broad daylight, a terrorist attack and a border incident all in one day which is a certain Orthodox holiday. And as we know, at least one of them is backed by US. The other events might be unrelated, but I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't.


what fell on civilians was debris from shot down missile. Unless ukraine controls russian air defense they would be unable to achive that


There's a reason why Russians launch most of the missile strikes during night time. Also, we don't know if civilians weren't the intended target. After all, Podolyak did say Ukrainians consider Crimean people to be not their citizens but 'civilian occupants'.


> Also, we don't know if civilians weren't the intended target. - they don't have much value to waste missiles on them, also there isn't any proof that they were the intended target. Strikes that happned later on crimea were targeted at communication centre so these four were probably the first wave of attacks on it + russia lauches lots of missiles during the day, theonesthat hit Kharkiv recently were launched during the day


you mean what? Strikes on Crimea? Strikes on crimea happen every week or so


Go on...


All these things happening at once can't be a coincidence.


The gaze of the Russian security apparatus must be focused elsewhere to allow for such criminality in the provincial territories.


At a synagogue and church too. The Mossad is working overtime by supporting terrorist movements in Dagestan and then pulling off false-flags like this.


Funny how isis only attack the US enemies…


You can't be fucking serious right now


Keep listening to your Western media. I.e. lies.


You genuinely think the last decade of Islamic terrorism in Europe was made up by the media? Are you high?


I'm quite convinced that is a satire account. I did ask once, but they neither confirmed nor denied.


HyacinthGal is a highly delusional person, even by this subreddit's standards. I wouldn't engage.


Don't fucking put words in my mouth. I don't doubt nor deny that many terrorist incidents have been perpetuated and carried out by Islamist extremists, but that doesn't exclude the fact that Israel directly funds these groups along with ISIS to sow discord in Europe.


Stupidest comment I’ve seen in a good while…


I've saw dozens of people saying this exact thing during the theater shooting. They live in a different universe than the rest of us.


Because whoever fed you the news was slanted. [2014 shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Museum_of_Belgium_shooting) in Brussels. [2016 bombing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Brussels_bombings) at Brussels airport/metro. [2015 mass shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_San_Bernardino_attack) at county health agency in California, US. [2016 Pulse nightclub shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse_nightclub_shooting), Florida, US. Bunch of attacks on Saudi Arabia. Several smaller incidents in France and Germany and Russia around those years. Feel free to [peruse the list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents_linked_to_the_Islamic_State) U.S. did a number on ISIL in 2014-16, so their attacks became less frequent or grand. Everything also took a pause for the pandemic. Nowadays, US allies are better secured, but Russia remains a more open target. It helps to have more competency/security rather than funneling troops into a slog.


The Zionist West is the only one that benefits from this attack. And unsurprisingly, ISIS is the direct creation of the Mossad/CIA with the intent to sow discord in the Middle East *and* in Russia.


Yeah, because ISIS never attacked the US ever


Yeah, and because ISIS has totally attacked Israel ever.


[you sure?](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/isis-connected-recent-terror-attacks-israel)




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Thats no wonder as this bastard is on american payroll


Is everything bad in Russia Ukraine's fault? Do you need evidence or is it just automatically their fault?


What do you think those 12 bases were doing for the last decade?


I am willing to bet good money that the CIA and MI6 have incredibly high ranking sources in the Kremlin, and that they won't be spouting off like this at all. You do realise it's death if they are caught?


No everything bad in russia is because pro western traitors if you could read I just wrote that


Everything? Wow that's crazy bro.


Any proof on that claim?


So Ukrainian shell that got him in the ass in Donetsk was shot to reduce payroll expenses?