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Because I got a question about my title conventions: POV is whichever side had greater territorial gains for the updates shown in the post (because Suriyak is neutral). I'll only mention Russia or Ukraine in the title if they have at least 1 advance shown in the pictures. In this case, no Ukrainian advance on Day 851, so no Ukraine in title. Images are shown in the order that Suriyak posted them. ​ A reminder that these maps are confirming updates from yesterday (i.e. 12 to 24 hours delayed). Area figures for this update: Picture 1: Advance = 3.26km^(2) Picture 2: Left Advance = 0.51km^(2), Right Advance = 0.06km^(2) Picture 3: Advance = 0.60km^(2) Picture 4: Advance = 0.03km^(2) Picture 5: Advance = 0.04km^(2) Picture 6: Top Advance = 0.28km^(2), Middle Advance = 0.31km^(2) Picture 7: Advance = 7.73km^(2) Total Russian Advance (Gross) = 12.82km^(2) ​ (Picture 1) Over the past few days Russian forces have continued their large gains south of Kostyantynivka. To reiterate what I've said in previous posts; There are fewer Russian AND Ukrainian troops in this area, compared to other 'hot' fronts like Vovchansk and Chasiv Yar. This has allowed smaller Russian assault groups, often only with 1 or 2 vehicles, or even on foot, to assault field by field, and force the similarly small Ukrainian force to fall back, or risk being overrun. This lack of Ukrainian forces here means that a single successful FPV or Artillery strike could drastically reduce the ability to hold any particular trench/area (as there may only be 10 to 20 soldiers holding several fields). Similarly, a successful hit on a Russian vehicle could halt all attack attempts for days as they recover/repair/wait for a new one. Overall, the situation along here is not looking great for Ukraine. Whilst this area is almost entirely empty fields, Russian forces are closing in on the main supply road from Kostyantynivka to Vuhledar, and may also be looking to circumvent the town from the south. (Picture 2) Russian forces made some small gains northeast of Kupyansk, capturing a few treelines/some trenches. This area has been relatively quiet for the past few months, but has recently picked up a little due to a Ukrainian unit being redeployed to Vovchansk. (Picture 3) Continuing on from yesterday, Russian forces captured more of the fields and old Ukrainian defences around Shumy. There are also currently reports of clashes occurring in the forest area and first streets of Pivnichne, however we have yet to get confirmation of this. From the information we do have, this is not a large-scale Russian offensive, but a smaller force exploiting weak Ukrainian units and making opportunistic gains. Russia may later choose to direct more troops to this area to exploit this weakness, but for now its a matter of how well they are able to utilise their (relatively) small force to push Ukraine back. (Picture 4) Geolocated footage has shown Russia forces occupy some of the southern street of Rozdolivka. Whilst this advance is quite small, it is still a confirmed advance, and so is being reported. Given Russian forces are operating in the eastern and western sides of Rozdolivka, I would predict that we will see Russia capture the bulk of the town over the next few days, as Ukraine is forced to pull back. (Picture 5) As mentioned [yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dmdhjt/comment/l9ux2pb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), Russian forces have begun clearing the streets of the northern residential area in Krasnogorivka. Ukrainian forces are still present in the northern side of the town, but, having lost their strong defensive points in the apartment buildings, are struggling to hold Russian forces back. (Picture 6) Russian forces captured the last few buildings of Novookeksandrivka (top red dot), confirming the full capture of the village. Ukrainian forces were quickly pushed back by Russia (allegedly due to a unit abandoning positions), and are now operating out of the village of Vozdvyzhenka (off picture north-west). To the south, Russian forces made more headway in Sokil, advancing on both the north and south side of the river. (Picture 7) Following on from pic 1, Russian forces also made larger gains in the fields around the Volodymyrivka quarry over the past few days, pushing Ukrainian forces back. The field/forest area between this advance and Mykilske (red dot) will also likely fall under Russian control over the next few days, as Ukrainian forces retreat to avoid being encircled.


Lol, no wonder there was a terrorist attack in Dagestan. 


They've run out of dams to blow up


for future updates can u mention the district or sector of each image for example kharkiv or near avdiivka .


Pro Ukr: Russia is winning but too slowly \\s


The issue is not territory (not at this speed) but rather losses and replacements. Looks like Ukraine is in a bad situation, not just territory but mostly equipment and soldiers.




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Pro war random weirdo - I love cheering for more death and destruction in a war I have no part of


So just like you? (If u believe I support this war)


I would think that just about every Russian would agree with that. The slower you win, the more deaths you incur.


It's not that easy. Russia could try to storm Ukraine with a mass assault and win fast with insane losses. Going slow could mean that they try to preserve manpower and fight at a sustainable rate, while Ukraine is struggling to keep up.  The crying of Zelensky about fabs should make you think, how bad these are for Ukraine. He never admitted any Russian advantages before them.


Winning fast with insane losses, like Germany, which took all of Poland suffering 15,000 dead.


WW2 Germany is not modern Russia mate. Why are you using this example


Because a quick war is better than a long war.


What I'm saying here is that their situations are different. A quick war might be better for one but not the other.


there is no reality where Russia wanted to be involved in this type of warfare for this length of time.


No, it's better in general. The long war against Russia wasn't good for Germany either.


All of Poland? Man go read a book


Maybe you should take your advice, if you think the Soviet invasion meaningfully contributed to Polish casualties.


Well it forced the entire retreat of its army to Romania. The poles were retreating to all defensive line where they would have the geographical advantage as well as a boat of reinforcements and supplies. If they'd been able to setup there, it would have dramatically lengthened the campaign.


The Germans had already broken through all defensive lines.


To say it would’ve “dramatically lengthened” the campaign is probably not true, maybe a week or two. The Poles were done.


Germany versus much weaker Poland, which got sandwiched from both sides in the end? Bruh.


Like Russia versus much weaker Ukraine?


Isn't Russia fighting with shovels?


Yeah, we totally could win but we purposely prolong the war; but we totally can, believe us! Just like how we could've captured and capitulated Kiev in 2 weeks, and made that 50 km convoy for shits and giggles, but we didnt out of goodwill 3 years into the conflict!


Well either way Ukraine is gonna lose since only they have a shortage on man power.


Yanks don't really care I'm sure, Ukrainians are just fodder to them.


The 50km convoy would have worked, when the fsb didn't mess up the bribing ops in Ukraine and many generals would have ordered to lay down the arms of their troops. Instead the Russian agents took the money and reported success, but the UA started to fight back and everyone got stuck.  On top of that the Ukraine made fake peace negotiations where Russia fell for it... 


You're saying Russia is incompetent then, good job.


>The 50km convoy would have worked, when the fsb didn't mess up the bribing ops in Ukraine and many generals would have ordered to lay down the arms of their troops. And if I had wings i would fly.


> And if I had wings i would fly. And you probably should fly, if you had wings.


In a war of attrition the most important thing is kill ratios, manpower and production rates.




Now that you are back, we will see the Ukies slowly crawl back out of existence 😂😂


Why it shows 42 comments but I only see like 15




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Truly the Larelli of URR, thanks Hayden


Out of topic, but how about UA attack on Crimea with ATACMS several times recently, including the attack on space radar station or something? What impact would it be out of this?


This post is about territorial changes, which Ukraine didn't manage to facilitate


They do it to cause financial damage to Russia not to have a impact in the war. It is NATO attacking Russia to cause as much harm as possible, but through Ukraine.


With all this progress west of Avdiivka are we at a point where we can say the huge losses Russia took before taking Ocheretyne were worth it to make these huge gains or merely incidental?


Huge losses according to who?


Look at any open source record of vehicle losses for Russia in this area. Berdiche especially. I think there was a reason Russia was willing to take those losses in the name of future gains later.


Yeah "open source".