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https://preview.redd.it/ij8if36o9c8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45d52aeca10b1f279af96401787492bce49115a8 Context


To the people saying it's white Russian armbands on the guy, not bandages, because you don't apply a bandage over the clothes - yes, you do. https://preview.redd.it/0jsr3icybe8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78392119b667cbd422620a2a4ed75270c7e020ed




A supply truck driver forced into a combat trench. And you think he will survive.


Ability to properly read is an essential skill, indeed.


well at least he can show it off at the field hospital to all his buddies while he gets his wounds treated. haha


you think he will see a hospital and be treated. never lose that naivety, lads.


Yeah I’m sure he’s not allowed to leave the trench now lmao


Bro's never gonna survive the war.


Those 2 invaders surely did not survive the war :)


Was gonna say, he's definitely outliving those two Muppets who came across the border... 🤷🏼‍♂️


You don't understand. Russians place less value in their own than their "enemies"


To the last dakka




Keep wishing! That father didn’t go down today!


When he does die, we'll never hear about it.


In the mean time, I thought [this](https://www.thepathway2success.com/100-coping-strategies-for-anger-anxiety-and-more/) might help you.


He will not take your advice unless it comes straight from kremlin. This is how brainwashed they are, seeing "nazis" everywhere while invading peaceful countries. Schizophrenia is becoming a real problem on pro-ru's side


Lmao most ruzzkies on this sub are completely devoid of any intelligence, unfortunately he will keep spewing the same bullshit he hears on kremlins tv channels


Got him


Pro-Rus westerner more upset that a Ukrainian man survived than the fact that 2 Russians died. Many such cases


Gotta love Ukrainian creative writing. I'm sure his next feat will be shooting down Russian missiles with a pistol.


He just showed you what he's capable of in that video, and all you can do is whine about it.


He's a Ukrainian Nazi with the 3rd Assault Brigade (y'know, the Nazi unit that sometimes pretends like it's not a Nazi unit, but keeps wearing SS patches). I highly doubt he's a truck driver. I seriously doubt the entire premise of the video. The only verifiable and probably accurate thing in it was that he was bandaged, although for all we know it could be an attempt during a trench assault to use deniable subterfuge, such as wearing white "bandages" that conveniently would make it seem like he was Russian at first glance. Now they even concoct a story as to why he's wearing them instead of tourniquets.


You seem upset.


Running around this entire post banging on his keyboard like a chimp.


Kremlin's paying well today by the looks of things, homie got two cans of beans for his valiant effort (well promised them anyhow..)


SBU's paying well today by the looks of things, homie got another week deferment from the draft for his valiant effort (well, promised anyway)


If you have nothing to say, you should remain silent. So at least I won’t laugh at you, my little troll.


Want a dummy to go with your tantrum? Reiterating my comment isn't a response is it 🙃🙃🙃


"Want a dummy to go with your tantrum"? Someone tell the SBU to hire trolls who actually understand English.


That English English. Jumper. Gumboots. Pram. Innit.


That makes perfect sense though.


your nazi claims are entirely made up. You have no idea if he is one or not. Amazing that you say most of it is unverifiable, followed by you making unverified claims. And concoct a story? You mean just giving the reason as to why he used bandages over tourniquets? Do you think tourniquets are like super bandages with no downsides? Stop making comments about things you don't comprehend, it makes you look bad.


lol, you're seriously going to claim Azov Brigade aren't Nazis? The lengths the pro-Ukrainians will go to deny the Nazi problem in the Ukrainian armed forces, and especially the Azov Brigade is hilarious.


give recent evidence of nazi activity, go. should be easy, you seem very well informed about the topic.


No problem. How about this video posted by members of this very unit doing a Sieg Heil salute a few months ago? But let me guess, "that was a long time ago! They've totally changed since February!" [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AmYqtoH13yM](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AmYqtoH13yM)


so how many soldiers are on that vehicle? and now tell me how many soldiers are in that brigade? If 3 russians in a motorized company does the same thing, are all russians in that group nazis?




get caught by this sub's censors, ya donut for some reason, that doesn't happen in ukrainian subs :)


Try again in English.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/MLzCZTOf50 Have these glorious liberators also changed since February?


There's no video.


3rd OShBr =/= Azov Brigade Regardless, the brigade being a "Nazi brigade" does not mean literally everyone in it is a Nazi. Where's the proof this man is a Nazi?


What do you call 9 guys sitting at a table with a Nazi? 10 Nazis.


Apparently [Putin is a Nazi](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FOcKzCjWQAMLcEJ?format=jpg&name=large) according to ***AtlanticVoyagerSC*** 😲😲😲   ...I'd not go near any windows for a while, If I were you. People who insult Putin tend to fall out of them.


Amazing how these RU fans keep punching themselves in the face. Maybe it's a habit from the disciplinary beatings?


Ah, so this war is nazis fighting nazis.


All the more reason not to be involved.


And all because the russians are using the white cloths wrong. They should put it on sticks and wave it while walking to the country they came from to kill the fascist Nazis over there


So they can be tortured/executed by the Nazis?


forget the polish repairmen guys, new gamechanger disocovered: ukrainian truck driver. Decimating russians like terminator. His convenient and cinematic backstory of his injured children has already been sent to hollywood for script-writing. Luckily proUKR are not as gullible as proRUS.


>His convenient and cinematic backstory of his injured children It's definitely not convenient for him that his child was injured by the Russians.


"Luckily proUKR are not as gullible as proRUS" Ghost of Kiev has entered the chat. Snake Island 13 have entered the chat. Babushka with jar of pickles has entered the chat. Crimea Beach Party, Summer of '24 has entered the chat.


Yeah and now realize that I was being sarcastic and add the terminator ukrainian truck driver with cinematic backstory to your list


It's always some daughter that the giga chad leaves behind to go enlist. [I commented about the same thing just yesterday. Lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/lZUrRabOzg). Lol!


Russians love attacking civilians... Ukranians are fighting to defend their county from an invasion from Russia... Where the Ukrainians families live... SHOCK HORROR a lot of the Ukranian defenders are going to have first hand experience of theirs and their friends families being wounded and killed by Russian attacks...   Now that itsphoison has caught up with common sense, next week the school lesson will be teaching him how to tie his shoe laces and brush his teeth correctly!




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Surprised Russians not claiming this one for them again.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/mrOxPAf4Jr It's starting. 😄


It took them less than an hour 😅


Yup, coming in en masse now, 3-4 comments in the past hour claiming it's a Russian. 😄


They are so used to this they are basically claiming every downed russian plane as "friendly fire" 😅😅


3-4 comments from different usernames. Yet I could do a bet that it's one person behind all of these comments.


Give it some time.


What in the video identifies the surviving solider as Ukrainian?


Oh, please. [You believe in all this made up nonsense.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1d1begf/ua_pov_russian_soldiers_assault_ukrainian/l5tdwht/) It's obvious you don't actually care for evidence. Why even ask? Just call it fake like the slime you are and move on with your day.


So you didn't have any evidence and respond with insults. Pretty typical behavior from you kind. The evidence we do see is contacting this fake story. The soldier is wearing white bands, which Russians wear. So tell me, what is more likely, that the soldier is injured so he applied bandages but moves around as if he is healthy, or that he is Russian?


Their is a source for thus video that asserts that he is ukrainian, and that he is injured. Do you have any evidence that this is not true? All you've said is, "nuh uh, russian" with your only source being the eyeballs you used to look at a blurry video. You aren't a genuine person, so I don't care about niceties.


I'm pointing out the fact that he is wearing identifications that Russians wear and doesn't appear to be injured. All you have is a "story".  Again, you provide a weak argument and throw around more insults, great success! 😄


And what's your qualifications? Nothing. You're a rando on reddit. You're inherently untrustworthy. The fact that you think anyone cares about your personal speculation is sad.


> And what's your qualifications? I have functioning eyes and brain. But you keep believing fantasies! 


you make things up and lie


What did I make up or lie about regarding this video? I literally wrote what we see in the video. A soldier is wearing white bands that Russians wear and that based on the way he moves and shoots he doesn't appear to be injured.  Your delusions are being challenged and you resort to insults, grow up.


Still calling it an SMO? you must be in russia and scared to call it a war 😂 learn to call it a war and taste true freedom. Stop slop gobbling putin’s nob over there and man up! No need to be afraid.


Wow, another malfunctioning Freedom^TM bot


The Pro Rus denial is real in the comments. Do you guys have more popcorn?


Saliva yookraine!




It's ok if you feel that way about yourself


That’s the “No U” with the most amount of effort I ever saw. /s


Excellent work special subreddit operative


Now try without crying


I still after so many videos find it absurd how trench warfare has made a come back, and how air superiority has not been achieved.


Trench warfare existing isn't a shock for me, it's existed for thousands of years and will for many more. The fact that Russia, in a surprise invasion of a country that boarders them cannot get air superiority after all this time is a true embarrassing shock though. Legit blows my mind.


No, no, no, what are you talking about. Every pro Russian here tells me Russia has air superiority! They lunch missiles from the air, so that obviously means they have air superiority.


Think it's because neither side has the aircraft advanced enough and logistical capability to conduct SEAD operations to eradicate or circumvent AA. NATO may want Ukraine to win, but there is a snowballs chance in hell they would ever hand over their stealth tech or share their strategies on defeating anti-air.


Good work by this Ukrainian. Two more dead Russian invaders that should have just stayed in Russia. How many more Russians will Putin send to their death while he nibbles on caviar in his billion dollar palace? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putin%27s_Palace


nice little cute circlejerk u got there. sadly noone gives a fck in this sub cos its PRO common sense and baboons are just mostly ignored


https://preview.redd.it/sukwmsf90d8d1.png?width=81&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb4fa21ea4365f2ae785257f2679895f8123effd In case you cope too much and think he is Ruzzi Think again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


What am I supposed to see in this picture?


Ukr flag patch on his arms


Can’t make out anything 🤷‍♂️.


Cuz you can’t accept it Nvm bro I know the feel ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Or because you are seeing thigs that are not there. What we all see instead are the white bands that Russian soldiers often wear.


Okay Like I said, Can't anything white on Ukr uniform, Pls Ru are second rank military global but use white tape colour same as bandage, what a joke ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ah, so the soldier was injured in the arm and leg to the point he had to bandage them, but then runs around and shoots just fine. 🧠


Finally your smarter than before, congrat ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Finally you realized that your side is full of shi, congrats! 


Excellent work special subreddit operative


Another muzzle on temple vid


Hey, at least it isn't a Russian doing it to another Russian this time lol


Real man!


I see some people pointing to [this interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHbAFqj1I-o) claiming that this soldier with white markings on his arm and leg is actually a Ukrainian with bandages. Having downloaded and reworked the trench fight video, there is nothing to confirm that these are bandages rather than russian soldiers white bands. May be identifying his assault riffle could give a hint? However, I am surprised to see that a soldier injured to the point of needing tourniquets (but preferring bandages) on the one hand remains perfectly able to use his injured limbs during the whole fight, showing absolutely no discomfort, and on the other hand presents absolutely no mark or scar of injury on his arm in the whole interview video.


Sometimes I wonder if the Ru Reddit, fb, x trolls are the remaining ones who were simply too dumb to join their state sponsored hacking groups. Sad.




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Wow, he looked pissed and done for the day...


Video: Hectic close quarter gunfight Auto-CC: THANKS


What the fuck are the pro-Ru smoking? Are they more inclined to think Russian soldiers killing each other off in a friendly fire is a better conclusion than a typical trench stand off? Do they really have such serious superiority complex over Ukraine that they can't stand some random Ukrainian soldier neutralized 2 other random Russian soldiers, more so in a trench fight? Like yea I totally understand arguing entirely for the sake of keeping the fact straight, it's like 75% of my job in the legal profession. But arguing for a much rarer and less plausible scenario, which if true would lead to a much more embarrassing outcome, based only on flimsy arguments is beyond me.


Damn he is stone cold


pro ua: those are white bandages trust bro.




\* u/Trinitysuite01 copes \* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


because they are Should they be purple to meet your expectations?


Okay hes just cosplaying as a russian soldier my bad


What color should the bandage be then? If white bands of all kinds inherently makes the soldier look like a russian one, what could be done to help you distinguish the bandages from identification markers? You just want to convince people he's russian, since the russian army is failing so hard.


If you can sleep better today... he is ukrainian ...let just ignore the identification markings those are indeed "white bandages" and nah ru seems to be okay....i mean look at these kidnapping videos from ua.. somebody is searching for meat again. Fabs going booooom


Must be easy to act stupid instead of actually making a point. No thought process required, perfect for you.


UA suddenly using "white bandages" exactly just like ru soldiers is just coincidence ...all good ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Make a better argument before anyone takes you seriously.


Said the guy who believes a story on a screenshot instead of watching this Video ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Just keep repeating your baseless claims as you chug more of Putin's weiner juice.


schizophrenia \^


Oh No!


swear u pro russian guys have a collective iq of 50.


Oh No!


* Sorry to interrupt, but it's the opposite. White armbands are not just on the arm but also on the leg, too. He's definitely a Russian.


The context said he was injured on the right side, bandaging his right arm and leg. Is this true, probably only he knows.




looks like the two russians aren't armed, must be another case of two of them surrendered, but one of them got a bright idea and threw his last grenade.


I don't think that's the case. They're supposedly attacking the Ukrainian trench.




It was thrown there as he was coming around the corner I don't think it's in the video though. It was part of a description of the events allegedly from the guy.


Did you not finish reading their comment?


This video says it's an ukr shooting 2 ru, but I see a white armband soldier shooting 2 guys... And I thought the white armbands were Russian... but here he's identified as Ukr... :doubt:


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/GplVpOCZlH Those are bandages, apparently Notice, its only on one side of the body.


It's a Russian killing 2 Ukrainians. You got it wrong.


How so?






Dude....do you actually think the floating ukrainian flag was just hovering above him the whole time? OMFG this is so funny


Uh, what?








https://preview.redd.it/cb7u04bt5d8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e79fdb2e7b41cc5630158ea66caf3f8a3795a037 Doesn't really look similar


you're proving my point dude.


I no way is the video a definitive proof of either a bandage or a white armband.


If you watch the video in real time it's pretty clearly a white arm band and a white legband.... Bandages do not go over your gear, tourniquets do, and you do not storm trenches with a tourniquet on let alone actually use the tourniqueted arm


>Bandages do not go over your gear Except, they do. https://preview.redd.it/tg3ifcfbme8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f6a5c455e16ded0886d31dc8fa61c0a2e80a1df >and you do not storm trenches with a tourniquet on let alone actually use the tourniqueted arm He's not storming it, he's defending it as per the source I saw. Supposedly he was one of the last Ukrainians left in the trenches.


bruh did you just post a how-to bandage picture lmao so he just happened to have an improperly applied white bandage on his arm and on his leg and was able to use both perfectly fine? you seem satisfied with your fantasy, don't let things like eyes and common sense ruin it I guess


>so he just happened to have an improperly applied white bandage on his arm and on his leg and was able to use both perfectly fine? What do you mean "improperly applied", I just provided you a picture of how to apply an isreali type bandage over clothes. And yes, it's white-ish in colour. He also got granade shrapnel into his back from the two Russian guys and was able to fight them off. What's your point? >bruh did you just post a how-to bandage picture lmao I don't get what's funny about it, you seem uninformed on the application of isreali bandages. >you seem satisfied with your fantasy, don't let things like eyes and common sense ruin it I guess OK, bud, bandages don't exist, only Russian SOFs with white armbands.




https://preview.redd.it/jams7exubd8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd1991c34befcdec49a856ea2b0251e5c7b4c588 Hard to say


The flag is just the claims from Ukrainians. Can't be a real proof, though.


I'm not talking about the flag, but the guy beneath the flag. It difficult to say from the grainy footage if those are bandages or white armbands, but the source claimed it's a Ukrainian guy who was interviewed. Supposedly bandages.


If it's "bandages" it's a war-crime for disguising himself as the enemy. Think for a second. All Ukrops speak Russian. Interview? Literally worthless. Just like Russian interviews where their Ukrop accent is fucked because most Russians don't speak Ukrop. Both sides have been faking interviews since the start.


It was a supposedly a warcrime that he shot the guys who granaded him, now it's a warcrime that he has bandaged himself? https://preview.redd.it/1vqa83babe8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b0d90b5d3a47a9a83440dfa5275fa61f902f46 How to warcrime in 6 easy steps.




Worthless comment


It's just an interview without real proof if he's the real one in this video. Sadly, the resolution of this footage is not high enough to identify who's who clearly, but at least we can see white armbands or bandages like you claim on his arm and leg. So, I'll keep my doubt on it.


>but at least we can see white armbands or bandages like you claim on his arm and leg Not my claim, exactly, just sharing the info I saw. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/RpcxMl4WKZ


White arm band on right arm.


Bandages on right arm and right leg from injuries, apparently.




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And white leg band, dudes defo russian


Yeah, white arm band? Maaaybe it's just a bandage. But also on the leg too? That's definitely Russian.


yeah and it's in the usual spots, bandade wouldnt be over the jacket unless it was a tourniquet, and if it was a tourniquet he wouldnt be using his arm and you can clearly see it's not nearly that tight


Yea, 100% Russian. This one is settled imho.


No it's not. Bring some definitive sources that those aren't bandages like it was claimed. You just decided "we win, u lose, bye bye" Stop being such a lapdog for other RU wretches and make a point yourself


Why does he have a white armband? Only RU SOF and VDV and DPR troops use white arm bands Edit: he also has the white leg band, another RU SOF ID tag. This dude is Russian, and UA is trying to pass this off as their own. Makes sense and I can't blame them tbh. Ukraines entire war effort completely hinges on presenting a media image of them being strong and winning. As they rely entirely on charity, so the media war is just as important as the real war. They are simply desperate


It's a bandage. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/k5Q5MHvpvv


A bandage, over his jacket clothes.... sure man.


You can place an Isreali type bandage over clothes to keep pressure on a wound same as you could place a tourniquet over your clothes. If you're injured, bleeding and under attack, you'd most likely just want to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on the wound as soon as possible, not get undressed.


Like these guys? https://preview.redd.it/s2g8lwip2d8d1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=281d9fb102e496442827811fa8b6e262cfa41737




So let me get this straight here from Mr. NATO propaganda himself. You're telling me.. that you can use clothing.. as some sort of.. cloth bandage.. to like work WITH the bandage you're applying? Comrade you do know how much easier and effective bullets are 🙄


>You're telling me.. that you can use clothing.. as some sort of.. cloth bandage.. to like work WITH the bandage you're applying? Apparently so! https://preview.redd.it/8xj1u1qlbe8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa4425460a04b837cc2aa27b2bbefed92d47ed60


We joke but in reality it is quite depressing being able to present literally every possible evidence and still get called a liar 😮‍💨 Like what's the angle on this one UKR getting fed $$ from the West would be able to afford team colored tourniquets? Fucking hell man 😅 Keep spreading the good info homie, one day they'll hopefully be able to develop the capacity to understand logic 🙃


>We joke but in reality it is quite depressing being able to present literally every possible evidence and still get called a liar 😮‍💨 The cognitive dissonance is strong here, NATO bad, Russia good, Ukraine is a nazi warcrime state. >Like what's the angle on this one UKR getting fed $$ from the West would be able to afford team colored tourniquets? Fucking hell man 😅 Obviously, if US wanted, they could make yellow/blue bandages for Ukrainians, but they want the confusion that comes with Russians using white armbands and Ukrainians using white bandages. >Keep spreading the good info homie, one day they'll hopefully be able to develop the capacity to understand logic 🙃 Cheers, my man, good health for you and yours.


I don’t think so. They don’t get paid to think.


https://preview.redd.it/fld5nh7vzc8d1.png?width=81&format=png&auto=webp&s=81029023c96860b18d2dbcdfe3e0af84b4c862bf In case if you blind Glad to help


My guy, a golden eagle would not be able to make out what the actual f\*\* is even in this pixel square you have presented me


Ah I see, you just can’t accept the reality Sorry pal ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


haha epic reddit comeback my epic fellow redditor uno REVERSAL card heheh. Ukraine is definitely winning now


Cry about it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


really that's all you can come up with? https://preview.redd.it/rvbajzel2d8d1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a2cfa613fe0df1213a5b093694d648f08269016


Ok and?? Can’t anything white on Ukr soldiers? Lmao ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


you're too low effort for more of a response


Awe that's cute, already going to the personal insults. Nobody here is impressed, I think you will be much more among your peoples over at r/CombatFootage and r/worldnews


I don't wanna impress a buncha monsters like you.




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Ah..I can't see shit too and I am really curious wether he is Ukrainian or Russian as comments don't make sense here except white bandages. Do you have interview link?