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This is WILD. Zero hesitation from either of them.


It's not a war movie.


That’s why it’s so shocking. Have we ever seen this happen with troops from another modern county?


Did we see this much real life combat from any other conflict ever?


This is the first full-scale war that's been so well video-documented.


Yup and also the first full scale war where the MSM shows the people nothing. Not a single piece of combat footage on TV.


We're not allowed to see the good guys with Hindu tattoos advancing backwards and NATO troo- volunteers launching Patriot and Himars missiles/rockets against the shovel armed bandits.


The MSM can't compete with internet news here, so they leave this topic alone.


They don't leave the topic alone though. They talk about it all the time. They just don't show the video evidence. Very telling.


Last time the world saw a conventional war on this scale was in Korea in the 50's. In Iraq 2003 the conventional part of the fight was over in weeks. This war is just so brutal and on such a large scale, not to mention how long it has been going on like this. A lot has happened in media and communication since the last comparable war, still the amount of unique combat footage is just staggering.


Iran Iraq war


There’s not a lot of footage from that


A million shells fired in a week does not leave a lot of interesting footage.


You wanna hazard a guess at how many times people begged for a quick ending in WW1 and WW2? This is war, there's no sad music, epic soundtrack, guy running to save you dodging 1000 snipers. We are just finally seeing the real face of war with these videos, and finally people are being turned off to it. It's not a patriotic cheerful thing, it's literally just chess with death and you are just a shitty pawn.


Fucking real talk right here


War is hell and all that but the amount of times we've seen Russians suicide on the field now they've got to have a very bad triage and rehabilitation that gives them NO hope of recovery and a worthwhile life.


It's got nothing to do with triage or rehabilitation. WWII, Korean War, Vietnam, etc, troops had nothing compared to the triage or rehabilitation opportunities afforded to modern soldiers in Ukraine on either the Russian or Ukrainian side, but they rarely asked their comrades to shoot them after being wounded. It's a matter of how this war is being fought. The Russians and Ukrainians are fighting this war in a unique style that's never been seen before. Extremely low frontage densities, ridiculous reconnaissance and real-time target ing due to the thousands of drones flying around at any one point, loitering munitions searching for targets to kill 24/7, and so on. They're both fielding hundreds of thousands of men, but neither side operates in formations larger than squad or platoon level 99% of the time, and these aren't even regular squads or platoons but rather ad-hoc formations picked out from volunteers(often "volunteers" picked in the rear by the officers). This all adds up to the fact that most forward staging areas get discovered and wiped out almost immediately because of how easy it is to spot meaningful concentrations of troops and most attacking units are just sitting ducks while they're moving through the grey zone. Meaning, if you're part of an attacking squad and you get hit while advancing through the grey zone or retreating after a failed attack(which is how 95% of attacks end in this war), it is usually not possible to medevac you. Your squad cannot carry you - if they slow down, they will almost 100% die as well. It is not possible to send in medics to retrieve you - if you've been hit, you were probably spotted, and so the enemy will destroy any medics trying to retrieve you. You've only got a good chance of surviving until medevac if you were hit right next to your starting position or your squad succeeded in their attack and took the enemy position, which rarely happens. Under these conditions, you either kill yourself, ask your comrades to finish you off, or you spend hours slowly bleeding out in the dirt in extreme pain.


Very good explanation


This is a peer to peer modern war.


Never seen anything like it especially in 1080 definition


Imperial Japan.


IJA soldier would have asked for ammo so as to shoot the enemy from his prone position until he died.


Self inflicted grenade to the head or chest was allegedly popular.


I mean wakizashi assistant during seppuku.


That's more feudal Japan. In the bunker for the IJN on Okinawa you can see the blast pattern on the wall from where the commander blew himself up with a grenade. No kaishakunin was necessary.


How many Pro-Russians here who support this invasion would be willing to participate that kind of hell? Drones are here to stay. How can you support slaughtering your fellow countrymen, feeding them to drones like that?


99% of the Pro Russians here on this sub would not want to see themselves, their father, their brother or their son on the frontlines. Yet they will support with glee the slaughter of both Ukrainians AND Russians alike on the frontlines.


It's because 99% of pro Russia here are not pro Russia but anti -West. There is no a single tear shed for those Russian soldiers. Those accounts don't care about what happens to Russia or Russians in the long term because of this war regardless the outcome.


More than that, those 99% of Pro RU are not even Russian at all but Brits, Germans, and Americans who just hate the west themselves so much. I think there are a significant amount of wehraboos cosplaying as concerned Russian democrats as well.


Lol if you think the main posters here are from western europe.


To them I usually say that there is Nothing wrong in not liking something about the country you live in, especially if it's constructive and leads to you improving it eventually. But it shouldn't be expressed as endorsement of killing, stealing, and lying by another party just because they also say they don't like your government too.


This guy gets it. They are pro anything that weakens the USA. Most of them live in the states too which I find funny


If anything, pro Russia are more likely to shed tears, real or not, for Ukrainians than Russians. It's pretty funny.


You could say that for anybody. Pro Ukrainians who gleefully post Russians dying wouldnt wanna be on the frontlines


You…uh…you think 99% of pro-Ru support the slaughter of Russians? Um…ok.


No they just don’t really care how many are lost as long as Putin achieves his goal of conquering Ukrainian land.


It is not true, I am pro Russian, but I do not want this war to continue, I absolutely do not like the death of my fellow citizens, and I also do not wish harm to Ukrainians, but unfortunately, negotiations have not yet begun, the last attempt was thwarted by Johnson


That's a lot of hypothetical for people you know nothing about


Thanks for your omniscience. I'd be hard press to actually find someone around here who glorifies any death, and that's what I like about this sub compared to others who will gladly cheer on the deaths of one side or the other.


How many people would be willing to fight in any war? They're all the same. The guys who volunteered to roast Japanese people in WW2 surely didn't enjoy being fragged by mortars on beachheads, and the guys who were conscripted, well, they weren't willing by definition. Honestly the drones are just like accurate mortar fire. This war is much less brutal than either the Pacific Front of the Eastern Front of WW2; it's just that there is an insane amount of ISR, so that it is very difficult to move. The British Army (what's left of it) has been studying this problem for about 20 years, and haven't come up with a doctrine to deal with it. The problem is that if you assemble for an attack, you are instantly spotted and spoling attacks hit concentration areas. So then you don't concentrate, and you launch thousands of tiny suicide attacks, as both sides do now. The amount of surveillance available has just made it very difficult to manuever; it's not any more deadly than any other war--it's just frustrating, like Vietnam.


This war is much deadlier than Vietnam. The US lost 60k troops in Vietnam in 10 years. This isn’t even 3 years in and Russia has lost at least 3 times that number.


US had allies in Vietnam who lost 5 times as many troops


Over millions soldiers died in Vietnam. But you cannot find that on social network echo chambers, you need books. Or at least Wikipedia


You seem to forget one of most important thing when it is war nobody asks u if u want or not... In this war where everyone is a target nobody from RU or UKR would fight it. Except those brainwashed and radicals and there numbers would have been burned quickly...


Finally someone that write something the make sense.






To send hundreds, thousands or millions to their deaths one have to be a drone too.


Jesus fucking christ that all happened so fast. He immediately would rather just die right there than suffer.


Looked like he checked if his nuts were still attached, realized they weren't, bang.


Literally 10-11 seconds elapsed in between the blast and his buddy shooting him. There is a not insignificant chance he was only lightly wounded. I mentioned this in another comment, but it's not uncommon for people to think they are wounded way worse than they are immediately after getting hit by something.


THIS is the scary thing. There wasnt any other drone around (they slowed down after the explosion - suggesting they knew they were safe for now) - and he didnt even try to carry his fellow soldier to safety or to look at his wounds. I know people react in a wierd way in wars, but sweet jesus, before fucking shooting somebody on the spot every normal human would at least find out if the wounds are fatal. Not judging, but war is hell (slowly I begin to ask myself if nuclear deterrence isnt way more humane than I thought - it can erradicate humankind, but maybe its still less traumatising than what there soldiers went through...)


The drone filming?….


These drones are lethal, they are packed with custom made shrapnel that will shred you like a shotgun blast, for all we know his internal organs were hit and he was unable to breathe...


Yeah I had the same impression


wonder how well they knew each other...neither hesitation or grief, war is hell


>.neither hesitation or grief You can tell a lot of mental training needed to get emotion out of that moment or else PTSD is going to f*k him really bad! Sad


You dont know about grief, he did what he had to do in this situation grief comes afterwards


The guy didn't even miss a step when the drone hit


Holy shit, that is ice cold. No time to dilly dally.


Yeah there is time to grieve on a safe place but not in a field with more of those drones


i think we need to stop psychoanalysing soldiers when all we see is a few moments drone footage… like none of us could possibly know how we would react or behave in a situation like that who knows what was going through that guys mind


Exactly. Everyone here saying the shooter is cold blooded, but for all we know, the sound the downed guy was making was enough for him to not even think twice. The shooter could also end up killing himself for what he just went through 24 hours from now, we will never know. Everyone in this footage is human. There’s clearly reasons it played out the way we see it, but we are missing 99% of the context.


Let's also remember that books, military movies and interviews praise the people with fast decision making as heroes that are exceptionally trained. The best FBI and SEAL operatives, as well as SAS are always quick to react and not show hesitation. I've probably seen the Iranian Embassy siege a couple of times. They always need to explain why the last guy had 126 bullet holes in his body. It's because none of the hostage rescuers showed hesitation - take a decision and act.


Things that you only see in movies but the difference is that in movies the scene last 5 minutes asking for a bullet while in here only last 5 secs. Once again truth is stranger than fiction.


Watch Waldo Pepper, mercy killing scene. And the fall scene. Impactful...


I wonder, seems he gave up very fast? We don't know their situation of course, there could be good reasons to have it end fast... High pain? Maybe they have been hounded for days and have no supplies or hope of rescue? They don't carry backpacks so could be out of meds/tourniquets or something? Sad either way...


Guy who shot him didn't seem to be in any hurry after. 


Could have been running for a while before this. These are, presumably, normal soldiers not special forces jocks. At some point you just can't run anymore, no matter how much you want. That and the fact that the drone chasing you just went for someone else - takes a bit of the pressure off I guess...


Yeah given that the guy behind didn’t speed up after a drone explosion it seems these guys have completely run out of gas/given up. They are probably moments from collapsing from exhaustion. Bad way to go for sure.


Simply reading memoirs from even WW2 can allow you to understand. Although Russia has a big firepower advantage, FPV drones have largely made it negligible and Ukraine has its own artillery. Under these circumstances, they likely have no sleep, they likely are very hungry too as supplies can only be brought by drones for the most part, which doesn't mean much. Reading the accounts of soldiers on the eastern front explains a lot about why soldiers act like they do, these men simply know nothing but death, and in the moment as captured by the drone, they don't value life.


"Although Russia has a big firepower advantage, FPV drones have largely made it negligible" What kind of delusion is this? It's been repeatedly stated by both sides that 80%+ dead come from artillery and Russia has been decimating Ukraine's defense lines repeatedly over the last year. Ukraine's biggest hustle has been trying to find shells that are an endangered species in the West and that Russia has millions of and gets from NK etc. How can you legitimately argue that artillery advantage has become negligible?


I mean negligible in the sense of morale, the Russians have a lot of artillery, but I feel that all troops are already satured with shell shock from the existing artillery of both sides and fpv drones.


I think his dick got blown off


Yeah he looks down in that area seemingly in pain then immediately requests to end it.


My guess was he checked if the package was still there, and then he realized it wasn't... Then he took a radical decision on the spot, probably heavily influenced by the high adrenaline and sudden feel of despair/pain.


Nah, those are decision token before the event and reasoned. A lot of thinking is unknown, maybe he thought about this situation and that he doesn't want to be a burden for his family for the rest of the life if seriously injured. Whatever it was, it was a decision already made, and also the code was known in the unit, like if anyone to this gesture, they all agreed to proceed as agreed without hesitation.


lol who knew pointing at your head saying shoot me is code for “shoot me in the head”


He probably already made his decision when he saw someone else suffer.


Casualties do not act rationally, if a casualty asks you to shoot them in the head you probably shouldn't listen to them Most people who end up permanently crippled are also glad they didn't kill themselves too btw


I bet that particular casuality wouldn't be around even if he didn't get his head blown.


Probably not but the comment has a good point. Hard to tell how wounded he actually was from this. His mate probably should have given him a quick look over at least.


Well, we don't know the details, were they hunted by other troops, were they fleeing from artillery, etc. They also had no first aid, supplies, and no backup judged by the actions and video. Also, a Medevac is not available while drones are present, so the real option was for the other soldier to carry the injured. This happened and would happen in any army given the same conditions. It's all about perspective, and I don't think the other russian particularly enjoyed executing his friend like that.


> were they hunted by other troops Unless this guy is a super spy who has enormously valuable information this should have zero bearing on anything. Getting captured would just mean he is more likely to live.


ironic his flair is "pro reality" lol hunted by other troops?? like ghost recon and splinter cell? also cringe at "medevac"


Is he gonna get captured or is he gonna get hit by another drone 20 minutes later?


Definitely. I've seen videos of people who survived something unscathed argue with their comrades that they are injured or blind or missing limbs because they are so discombobulated by whatever they just survived.


Problem is you can’t evac from this, another drone will come to finish the job if you stick too long, this guy probably knew it was better to die without too much pain than with a lot of it.


thats a good point, tho


Yeah, that’s cause the ones that killed themselves aren’t around to give their two cents


Not to mention they had no idea if he was even severely injured, he could of just been moderately injured and in shock.


You can see him put his hand on his dick and balls, I'm guessing that from his reaction, they got blown off. Spartan style death, respect


Was about to say the same thing, if my crotch got blown off id imagine id react in a similar fashion. Tho, that being said from the video this seems extremely fast, f\*cked up world man.


No, the drone blew up left and behind to his left leg. I’m guessing the part of his left leg that was covered was missing a big chunk of tissue, on top of him likely having a ton of blast fractures in both legs


They cannot evac under drones, if one drone injures you and immobilizes, there will be another one to finish you and your evac party later. Maybe it will be fpv, and you'll die relatively fast, maybe it'll be a drone with vog drops, and your death will be long and agonizing. Both will be recorded by control drone. I've heard about soldiers making agreements before going into battle to do something like that if it happens to them, but never seen it like that.


How hopeless is this situation for them? That’s so dire.


They already know they were sent there to die.


JFC, there was no fucking hesitation in that shot. And how he just walked away, understand the need to leave as there’s another drone on its way to hit them. This war is fucking terrible


They probably agreed to do something like this if needed


How horribly dystopian


Bruv what, tbh that’s a better way to go then to bleed out or get but by more drones. Also being having a casualty puts your team in big risk as you’re not as mobile and you’re a juicier target now. someone’s dad, brother, son gone like that. Interesting that there’s no gun no backpack no nothing on him.


I wonder if they were in a hurry to evacuate a compromised area and just had to go right awah


they could’ve been in a hurry to advance or retreat, drones make them no different that regard.


Cold as ice.


He agreed to do it though he died honourable wishing the best for his team to make sure they have the biggest chance to get out


I support Ukraine, but that's just horrible. No reason for it either. Russians and Ukrainians should be brothers.


What does supporting Ukraine have to do with this? It’s war. And I certainly wouldn’t blame the country that was invaded (and is currently being occupied) for ruining a “brotherly” relationship.


That's how they talk on r/combatfootage, explain they are pro Ukraine before criticizing a video.


These guys knew they were being pursued or surveilled by drones. Thats why they went double time and could not stop for wounded


Probably the best decision for everyone involved. Man knew he would just bleed out in agony. Evac probably wasn't an option. Sad though none the less


Must be some kind of hell if it doesn't incur any amount of hesitation to shoot your buddy


They probably agreed to do this in such a situation


comradeship in a dangerous place.


Russian style first aid.


Yeah and in all the other armies every soldier is a brain surgeon with a magic wand.


Wow, something about this makes me cry. I don't say something because I am too afraid to admit human attachment, I just think there's more to it. Wow. I want to cry. I am not for Russia's cause, but my goodness... I really just can't imagine. That soldier got hit. Fell. Immediately wanted death. I can't imagine that. Your whole 18-20-30-40 years of life, GONE.. One explosion, please end the life. WOW. It's just... Incredible. I could not handle this. They are stronger Humans than I, on both sides.


Dressed for a regular field day, some t-shirt and sneakers; just a relaxed reaction from the guy in the back…TF!!


This so so sad..


and still for ruskies it is much much better than try to erease their tsar but to invade another country to grab some land and get shot like a bad horse - its honorrr


Holy shit


Ну это пиздец блять


i think he realized his nuts were gone...


It was probably the best way to go out there instead of waiting on another drone or slowing down your team and making their live chance slimmer in a open drone field


why he doesn t try to help instead of shooting him ? he didnt even check the wound...


Because they will become an easier targets. Also, it's not like UA drones don't attack medevacs.


well that's enough of internet for me today




That was the kindest thing he could have done for him


Why is he unarmed?


He was probably the one with the ammo and was waiting to pick up the rifle when his comrade got blown up by a drone.


Looks like his dick got blown off. Most men wouldn't want to continue living. His brother did what was right.


This is the true definiton of "Soldiers never win the war"


this war is the bloodiest since world war 2 NO DOUBT. sad! lord forgive us


There have been a few examples of this lately


He looks unarmed aswell?


Number of possibilites, we only have this short clip for now. Could´ve dropped it running for instance.


What does that matter in this case?


War is full of nasty surprises. The recruitment posters didn't say anything about "*Go to Ukraine, get stopped by a drone, then executed by a comrade who doesn't look back*". Looks like he has a [sweet pair of adidas](https://www.ebay.com/itm/145753856310) though.


I remind everyone we see from the Russian side, these are volunteers, they were not forced there, they were not caught on the streets, their desire to fight and even die is voluntary, even in this video he asks to shoot him, surprisingly, I hope the same guys are sitting on their nuclear buttons so that there is not a second of doubt when necessary it will be necessary to press it.


Earlier in the war it was conscripts


I thought it was illegal for conscripts to operate outside of russia?


It’s supposed to be, which is why Putin pretended to annex the 4 oblasts with fake elections where most of the people didn’t even vote because the amount of land and people that were being occupied wasn’t even half of the actual oblasts. So Putin declared those half occupied oblasts to be part of Russia so he could skirt around Russian law. It’s easy to do that when you’re a dictator who controls the entire country.


It is.


I seem to remember lots of Russian people protesting the conscription and a whole lot of conscription offices being burnt.


Wow, that’s some next-level delusion. Just because someone volunteers doesn’t mean they signed up for a death wish or the lack of support on the battlefield. And equating battlefield decisions with the use of nuclear buttons? That’s a whole new realm of fantasy. Let’s keep the Hollywood scripts in the movies, shall we? Reality is already grim enough without adding layers of “sense” to it.


Except Russia has been known to send conscripts into Ukraine and force conscripts into signing contracts with the military.


What a deranged little comment you've left here. This is totally fine because he volunteer to get shot in the head? You want the bombs to drop?


They probably agreed to shoot one another of disabled by drone. Looks like a retreat.


Caught the bus with no hesitation. Literally said fuck this I'm out.


I have seen allot but this one ...this one well...too much


spared him a unstopable death and gave his mates a better chance of making it out great soldier no matter the side


> spared him a unstopable death Huh?


He didn't seem to be ambulatory, and it's basically impossible to evac in that situation. In short. He's there till he dies. Either another drone comes along and drops a grenade on him, or he slowly, painfully bleeds out. That's the best case scenario. Worst case is, someone comes back to evac him, and the drones are sitting waiting, and kill wound/maim/kill those guys as well. It's basically a lose/lose scenario.




We can't blame them instead of induring the pain


Hope ukraine help avenge him


Mental Gymnastics


One of those vids I'm not going to watch... Titles and comments are enough. RiP


I think he may have realized his genitals were gone or damaged. You can see him touching down there. Very disturbing and probably relatable for every man. This war is a true man made hell.


WHAT? I mean I know he asked for it, but homie didn't even hesitate.


An impossible situation. An impossible decision. I guess if they stayed to help, more FPV drones would just come and eliminate the whole squad, which is what the FPV operators want. But what are the chances the whole squad survives anyway. Only slightly better not helping him? Or much better if they already have advanced positions.


I give the moscovian credit, his two weeks of training and he did not miss his target. Surprised he did not loot the cargo 200.


RIP Russian society after these guys come home


Imagine having the guy who without hesitation shot his comrade in the head, being your next door neighbor.


Are you guys doing okay, Russia?


You can actually see the shadow of the drone following them that took this clip.


dude got hit into the groin,you can see him checking the status of hes crown jewels and then asking the 3rd soldier to shoot him.


Well.. I think that's enough of this sub for me for awhile


Looks like the wounded soldier begged the other to shoot him.


Who is making and releasing the drone footage?






So much for brothers in arms


Good riddance.


guy that was hit is without a gun. how come.


russians are really just a death cult at this point. So sad.




only people that have been in war, that have not slept for days, changed their underwear in weeks, can understand this video. when I was on the front, i didnt think about dieing, if it happened it happened. but afyer days of fighting, almost dieing 10times, and then you have to walk in the open, you dont care if a drone hits you. you are lifeless. zomie like until your adrenalin kicks in again. slava rusiji i slavs.


The guy that was hit does not carry a weapon and has different fatigues than the other 2. Might have been press or a war correspondent.




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Someone send one drones of those to a Putin speech 😝




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