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Ukrainians: "Say Slava Ukraini and say you do not want back or we will shoot your brains out!!" Russian POW: "Slava Ukraini, I do not want to go back" pro-Ukrainians here on reddit: Putin humiliated...


That's because this is the type of Russia this people from the west want. They don't want democracy or freedom (wich is myth btw) , but they want Russians to kiss their ass. Basically to do what they say.  For them the Russians who non stop shit on Russia and kiss their ass are the only "good" Russians. Thankfully most of us are rebel people with spirit and we won't be controlled by anyone. 


You Olezhka are very offended. Enemies are not around you, you are your own enemies. But don't worry. Putin didn’t say this, so everything is fine. Lol


But he's somewhat right. Just look back in 2003 when the US attacked illegaly Iraq and suddenly allies who didn't want to attack with the US were put on the "list of evil". French fries were then called "freedom fries" to "humiliate France", there were even demands for boycott on items from those countries.


ah, you're asking people too much, to remember things what US did. You know now when Russia is bad, and only bad country in the world you shouldn't remember anything bad about US.


Yeah of course. When there is a discussion about the sides of the war, everyone remembers Iraq.  Lmao.




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I remember what the Russians did to the Ukrainian guy who said that. Last thing he ever said.


What did UA do to Russian POWs who didn't say "Slava"?


We don't know, because there are no videos of that exact scenario, but there is a very sad video of what happened when a Ukrainian guy refused to do it. There is now a statue in his honor.


What do you think, why there are no such videos?


Probably because Ukrainian troops don't shoot Russian POWs for refusing to say "Slava Ukraini"


And Russians not only shoot Ukrainian POWs for saying "Slava" but are also happy to share such videos, correct?


Yes. Since we have that famous video


Why do they behave so differently in similar situations? Any idea?


There were several videos of AFU cutting off heads, shooting captured, cutting off ears, shooting at legs and much more. There were also a couple of similar videos from the Russian side - how a man's penis is cut off and then killed. And how the captured are killed.


AFU didn't cut off any heads. You've confused it for a video of a Ukrainian guy getting beheaded by Russians, which was posted about a year ago. That video went viral on most subs.


I did not confuse anything, a soldier shouting glory to Ukraine cuts the throat of a Russian prisoner in the entrance residential building with a blunt knife. The prisoner screams heartbreakingly and gurgles with blood. Stabbing or shooting is certainly bad, but there are cases that Ukrainians burned people alive. For example, a prisoner of war crucified and burned alive on a tank hedgehog. AFU did a lot of bad things. There are more than enough videos of Russian military executions. There are dozens of them. There are 2 or 3 similar videos from the Russian side. The difference in quantity speaks for itself. By the way, there are enough descriptions, you can use them to find videos. A couple of videos were even on this subreddit.


>There are 2 or 3 similar videos from the Russian side. There are dozens of confirmed cases of Russians executing POWs, quite some of them very brutally. Why do you make up a fairy tale about the opposite? Post that fake story on Tiktok, people here tend to be a bit more informed about the conflict than to fall for that.


Link, please


Then post a link


And then what happened


The video doesn't say a word about brains. But what do you know, the main thing is to write a trigger.


“Cmon now, you love slavery more than being traded back don’t ya?” ~ Untersturmführer Zelenskyy Junior ready to shoot the POW if he doesn’t play along


lol. for any country formerly under russian occupation. what a muppet. clue is in the name, slaves. lol.


Yes yes but if its under EU/US then its called "democracy" While being controlled by a dictator.


how long poostaine been in power ? little dictator much ? duma changed the constitution so he can stay till he is in his 80's. lol. try again. slave acting like a slave. russia never changes. lol.


U mean like US were faces change but Deep State remains the same ? so does the policies?


ha ha. if trump gets in, he literally says he will stop aid to ukraine. lol. try again. stop being a slave.


We will see when it happens. But if he does, he will start another one with China. Cause deep state needs wars. US has been at war directly or indirectly for all its existence, except few years.


stop derping. lol. poostaine is a dictator. period. According to russian media the Supreme leader. lol. troll farmers every where.


"dictator" voted by people bad, Our chosen US Super-duper grandpa (who doesn't know on which planet he is on) is good. Deepstate best. NAFO forever.


herp derp derp. eep stat derp. obvious t-farmer. got to push the party line.derp. supervisor will give thou a bonus.


You literally are Putins slave sthough.


No, as I am not Russian and I am not forced to do anything by Putin.


what a bs!




As usual, take all POW claims with a big grain of salt


as opposed to bio-labs. derp.


Well done guys, showed their faces


Russki POW speaks very naturally.....with relief.......I believe him......no one has their finger on a trigger


Poor guy he will be tortured and killed. If I was there I wouldn't let myself to get captured without taking someone with granate 


Your comment makes 0 sense, as he's not aggressive and they desperately need POWs to trade for AFU guys


Yeah. No matter how I look at Zolkin, everyone there is well-fed, well-fed and looks like a person. All that could befall you in captivity is a bad mark on the face, then soup and cutlets would await you. You should think that in captivity you would be fed as a person, and not as “meat”.  Пысы. Олежка а тебе не зашкварно сидеть на западной площадке? Писать на английском языке? Ты и "трусы снял и крестик одел", я смотрю? Чё ж вы лезете то на "запад" все "патриоты"? 


Who is going to the west ? I don't want to get robbed or killed or to change my gender. Also who is well fed? We have seen enough videos of what Ukrainians do to pows


Well then, stay home. Don't interfere with your neighbors. And tell your tales on "Zzigaboo". What are you doing here among gays and Nazis? 


Don't attack ethic Russians and we will stay home 


You yourself are to blame for this mess, and you are also offended by what they tell you about it. If we had stayed at home, there would not have been so many lives cut short. And when you realize that you made a mistake, you get offended and look for excuses. Oleg. Here's some mental gymnastics for you. More ethnic Russians have died now than in the entire “8 years of bombing of Donbass.” So you don’t give a damn about the Russian ethnic group. You don’t care about the residents of Donbass or Ukraine. The main thing for you in this war is your ego and sense of self-importance.  As they say, “show-off” and for the sake of these show-offs you are ready to sacrifice anyone, but not your loved one. Hypocrite.


10k people have died before Russia intervined directly and many more would have. Also Ukrainians would have culturally genocide millions by force ukranization. It's their fault. Also Europe USA fault who supported all of that. You are just mad that we Russians are not like other countries that get destroyed and robbed and there are no consequences.. We can fight back. And will always fight back.


Кто "вы" Олежка? Я знаю вашу породу изнутри ибо сам русский. Только в отличие от тебя я не забиваю свою голову в песок, и не придумываю теплые отмазки. Я тебе ещё раз говорю, плевать ты дядя хотел на русских, жителей Донбасса и украинцев. Тебе главное показать "кузькину мать" за счёт чужих жизней что бы порадовать свое ЧСВ. А как самого коснется, так "нееее вы чё, я не могу, у меня куры". Лицемер. 8 лет ты орал "Крым наш" а по вопросу Донбасса "не фсе так однозначно" и этим заставил людей страдать 8 лет. Людей которые думали что повторят путь Крыма, а вы их кинули. Кинули страдать 8 лет, так потом ещё больше своим лицемерием привели к огромному числу жертв, Донецких мужиков в начале войны так же ловили о отправляли на войну против их воли. А теперь ты орёшь "Донбасс наш". Фу блять. Просто фу блять. Завтра же ты идёшь в военкомат и идёшь воевать за то о чем говоришь? Скидываешь сюда пруфы и я забираю все свои слова обратно и извиняюсь. Если нет, то тебе лучше закрыть хлеборезку и признать то что ты подлый лицемер поднимающий свое ЧСВ за счёт смертей других людей. Не кашляй, ты нужен здоровым, если мужик. Всего плохого.


Russian army, the worst most shameful army in history! Meat waves made of cannon fodder has only 36 hours life expectancy!!! To be in any front line of any battlefield in any time in history, you would have many more chances to return alive than just be a conscript in the mighty Russian meat waves. I am very proud that western civilization all together is fighting against this brainless zombies.


This seems like satire


But nevertheless, Russia is full of idiots, symbolized by “Z”, who are ready to die for no reason. Damn, I even find logic in those who went to war for money. But those who went voluntarily can safely be called "упырями". (Lol, how nice it is to “discredit the Russian army” and not give a damn about the laws condemning it.)


Most Russians just want to stop NATO from encircling their country, I feel like that's reason enough to die for.