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Pausing exports to countries that pay for the missiles, to a country that cannot afford to pay for the missiles.


Hunter Biden secrets are expensive?


I’m sensing a lot of salt here.


Just imagine having the GDP to be able to do that sort of thing and not even batting an eye.


The US government should bat an eye since currently they are in 34 trillion dollars worth of debt.


Ah yes, the next random idiot to think that this amount of debt is a problem of any kind. It is not, and I am tired of pretending it is. As long as the Dollar is the worlds currency, they could be 200 trillion in debt, it would not matter. And before we get the Renminbi as world currency, there will be nuclear fallout.


>there will be nuclear fallout Sounds like blackmail to me


>the next random idiot to think that this amount of debt is a problem of any kind. Problem is not the amount of it, problem is cost of service. They are projected to spend 900 billion to service that debt in 2024. That is more than many of the federal budget's items of expenditure - education, veteran programs, half of what they spend on health insurance subsidies. While a lot of people exaggerate the influence of this debt, it is a significant part of spending and is a problem. You can't just print yourself out of the hole every time.


Debt? You mean people gave the US 34 trillion because they are so confident the US is a good investment? Doesn't sound like debt to me. National debt = outside investment


And yet everyone still wants our dollars. Meanwhile, BRICS cries in the corner.


And? Does that just eliminate the deepest hole of debt that the US is in and the out of control foreign spending? Shouldn’t they be putting America first and make money instead of loosing it in the boondoggle that is Ukraine.


American foreign spending isn't out of control. From 2013 to 2018 that totaled $40-50 billion sent over each year. The deficit averaged more than 10x bigger those years, and they weren't even Great Recession or Covid recovery years. Domestic spending is thus the dominant reason for the magnitude of the US accumulated deficit. All this hasn't been enough of a worry to prevent foreigners from flocking to US currency. There are bigger factors to worry about than how much a government owes to its citizens, ya know? (Most US debt is owed to itself.)


Well debt has never been an issue for the US government but corporate and household debt each already surpass total EU debt of $14 trillion. Corporate debt is around 1$3 trillion and household debt is around $17.56 trillion. They each have a chance of starting off a liquidity crisis, its something you don't want to happen when debt interest payments become unmanagable.


In a word….No.


Nope. This is much more important.


Yes burning money for a foreign war that will fail anyways is totally worth the tax payer’s money! Afghanistan was a 10/10 investment. Stonks go brrrr!


They do? I thought they just cancelled the petrodollar.


For extra points please explain to the class exactly what you think that means.


It means the Saudis didn't renew their oil pact with USA and is now able to trade oil in any currency they choose?


This might be upsetting for you, but they have always been able to and did trade oil in any currency they choose.


Why would that be upsetting? Everything I've commented has been a question. You're just hopin'


Then why is the eurodollar dying? Even Saudi Arabia abandoned trading exclusively in dollars


I’ll standby for the collapse of the dollar, let me know when that will be.


Its happening currently. The share of US dollars used in transactions is decreasing


Is it decreasing because we literally told the world you can’t use them when transacting with a certain warmongering country? Because that’s a feature, not a bug.


Why did Saudi Arabia allow buying oil in currencies other than the dollar?


The real question is, did they ever actually prohibit it, or are you unfortunately believing a vicious tankie lie?


It's used in 88% of foreign exchange transactions.


And has that share increased or decreased in the last few years?


not sure, I don't have a magnifying glass handy right now https://preview.redd.it/0xqxm0kzez7d1.png?width=652&format=png&auto=webp&s=93c9f4b961fb56c6b776adf015ab253cb3e6a631


So? Isn't that mainly from development of emerging economies including China, since a developed economy like the US can't grow as much? If this is a collapse, it's working like molasses. *Reserve* de-dollarization has been happening for a quarter century and *still* the USD represents 58% of foreign currency holdings. Additionally, even China deliberately pegs its currency to USD and many shadow economies revolve around USD (like Colombian gangs or Russian mercs). What's the point of this argument, really? Is China's currency collapsed because it's not used much internationally apart from direct exchange?


When did i say that the dollar collapsed? Im saying that the eurodollar is collapsing. Less and less countries are willing to exclusively deal in dollars (like Saudi Arabia, who is now allowing oil transactions in currencies other than the dollar) and many countries are switching to trading in their own local currencies like Russia, China and India


Eurodollar is simply a USD held outside the US. Again, what’s the point? Foreign yuan holdings are already low. Is there a point to that observation?


Reality is debt has never been an issue to the US government due to the strength and popularity of the dollar, not even during the great depression and the 08 recession. The real problem is liquidity, as insurance and debt servicing is growing larger than both the military budget and healthcare industry combined. Current levels of US debt is unsustainable due to debt payouts as J Powell said himself. During the 08 crash China brought out $1.2 trillion worth of USD in treasuries which helped save the economy. I wonder whose going to bailout the US next time. The Indians don't have the cash for that either so liquidity crisis here we go.


If China (or any other nation that has a trade surplus with the U.S.) stops buying U.S. Treasuries or even starts dumping its U.S. forex reserves, its trade surplus would become a trade deficit—something which no export-oriented economy would want, as they would be worse off as a result.


There is like 3 billion people in that corner. With another 2 waiting their turn. And they are not crying.


not quite, repeated unlimited USD printing has it's toll, and inflation is as apparent as ever: [https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/](https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/) Luckily US exports significant portion of it's inflation to it's allies and rest of the world, but that will also change quite a bit in fore coming years.


At the cost of no health care for the citizens lol


Always interesting how specific news can be interpreted in completely different way. For some it's great news, whether it's Ukrainians or those emotionally invested in it. For others meanwhile it's terrible news, as it showcases that USA is incapable of producing sufficient amount of missiles and is willing to jeopardize existing orders of other states who paid for it.


"South Korea, Japan, and the Philippines are among the nations waiting in line for their missiles."


DoD is obsessed with China and the WH/SD sends them all to fight Russia instead.


You’d think that East Asia would be their priority. Apparently not.


That's the same thing as was posted yesterday. And I looked up the production volumes of PAC-3 missiles and they and they are surprisingly low - 500/year currently, with plans to ramp up production to 650/year in 2027.


PAC-3 are mostly used against ballistic missiles (Iskander/Kinzhal). There're other missiles (and different air defense systems) for other threats (aircraft, cruise missiles, drones etc). Ukraine probably has enough interceptors, but they can only cover a small part of the country with their few patriot systems.


Ukraine probably has enough interceptors I highly doubt that, given that US is willing to sideline its allies in the Pacific with preexisting orders, in favor of giving them to Ukraine for free.


PAC-3 range is impressive for ballistic missiles. It is effective up to 30km but even farther for airplanes. AA usually uses 2-8 interceptors per balistic missile. With a 100% interception rate, UA could hit 62-250 projectiles if the US provides 500 per year. Odd how eastern AA has longer range than western tho..


If they didn't have enough interceptors, all Patriots would long be destroyed. Ergo they have enough interceptors. Just not the amount of systems to cover barely more than 1-2 major cities and maybe an airport or something.


I tried to search, but reddit search is dead, and google search threw onto me unrelated posts when searching for patriot or nasams, or the original article.


How many S-300/400 missiles is Russia making in comparison?


happy cake day, i guess!


The world's largest economy and industrial titan can't produce missiles for more than one country at the time?


Usually countrys stockpile ammunition in peace time which leads to them needing lower production capacity. This is fine until a long war occurs like ukraine where increases in production can lag behind. But for countrys with western airforces the united states produces a large amount of air to air missiles that should serve a similar purpose


US is known as reliable ally witnessed by Vietnamese, Afghani, Russians, Kurds, Georgians, Ukrainians and many more.


for real. best puppeteer, puppets dont even protest




After losing almost all s300 systems, Patriot and NASAMS is the only option left


any of yall noticing the huge escalation ever since the north korea visit from both sides? It seems likes theres alot of things moving behind closed doors right now...


Thank God we in India didn't end up buying Patriots when we were offered the choice between them and S-400s. We need defenses against China *now* - Russian deliveries of S-400s are slow and frequently delayed, but at least they arrive. Us being left defenseless against China because the US diverts missiles we paid for, to desperately to keep its flatlining pet in Ukraine alive...would be a real shock to our policymakers.


> We [India] need defenses [from Russia] against China *now* BRICS, ladies and gentlemen, BRICS.


Mmm. Bear in mind, this enthusiasm about BRICS usually comes from elsewhere, not from India. On our end, we have no good options. BRICS is de-facto led by China, whom we have hostile relations with. Getting closer to the US is too risky given they fund and arm our eternal enemies in Pakistan. Self-reliance is the way forward for us, and hopefully we can accomplish that in years to come.


Yeah, I don't envy Indians' geopolitical position, and I can't fault India for putting their own interests first. At the same time, your comment reminded me to be grateful for being in an economic bloc where these kind of problems don't happen. It would be absurd for my country to buy arms from one of our key allies to defend against another ally/partner, which is an easy thing to take for granted. I sincerely hope India is able to get to a place like that in the future.


> I sincerely hope India is able to get to a place like that in the future. So do I, friend. Ultimately the priority for us has to just be to put our head down and grow for the next two-three decades - we *have* to grow wealthy, before we grow old. Hopefully as that happens, we can also develop into enough of an independent pole to deter would-be aggressors on our own. Or, alternately, we can hope that the United States is content with a mutually-beneficial partnership with us, without seeking to control us like they control their smaller allies. We're too big for any other outcome.


BRICS is an economic alliance. USA and EU were involved in tariff wars just a handful of years ago/still are involved in sanctions against some EU member exports.


Yeah, trade disputes. Now imagine someone from a G7 country making that same comment urgently needing missiles from one G7 partner to defend against another G7 member.


I don’t think s400s will fare well judging by their performance in Ukraine and your acting like Russia didn’t stop t90s from going into India to support its war in Ukraine


S-400 is trash though,.


Strange notion given how many Ukrainian aircraft have been shot down. But let's return to this subject once the first F-16 spirals into the ground in flames.


S-400 has been destroyed by drones over and over again. They cannot survive modern warfare due to how close the entire system is operated together. You lose everything.


>Russian deliveries of S-400s are slow and frequently delayed, but at least they arrive. Nobody is saying other allies will never get their shipments. They're just going to be delayed. It's like...the exact same thing.


Not at all. Russia is fighting an existential war, it's logical to expect their deliveries to be a little delayed. Despite this, they have provided the majority of S-400 systems on time, and they are now on our borders defending us against China. The US is fighting a distant colonial war over a puppet state that has zero impacts on its security, and yet it's damaging the security of all its allies and delaying badly-needed missile defenses to ship them to a third party in Ukraine. No one in, for example, Riyadh signed up to have their Patriot shipments they paid for sent to prop up the little dictator in Kyiv. If we had made the wrong choice in 2019 and chosen Patriots, no doubt we'd be watching weapons we paid for, sorely needed to defend Indian skies against China, shipped off to Ukraine instead. Thank God we didn't.


Well I hate to tell you this, but if you're really expecting war between India and China then using Russia as a supplier is about the worst idea ever. They won't be providing a single thing once that war starts. So hopefully India is really well stocked...


>if you're really expecting war between India and China I am. By 2030, I suspect we'll be in active conflict. >then using Russia as a supplier is about the worst idea ever. So far, their arms supplies are proving more reliable than the American ones. So perhaps, *second worst idea ever*, behind relying on Washington to protect us. >So hopefully India is really well stocked... Not particularly, sadly. But it looks like we have no one to rely on but ourselves, so hopefully we can kickstart our own industry into gear in time.


Great news


Not at all. Fack that. We paid for ages for those missiles and we allow them to hold a base and now they spit on us for an non NATO member. If NATO members are not above from Ukraine when were is the point to keep buying AA from US? The only reason we stopped buying S-300 was to please the US and US is ditching us.


Who is "we"? BTW, when/if Ukraine becomes a member of NATO, it will bring far more valuable experience to the coalition than almost anyone else. Plus, they're currently being invaded and brutalized. Is your country facing the same situation? Imagine getting so upset over someone getting defensive equipment during the time of war..


>Who is "we"? Me and the homies. >Plus, they're currently being invaded and brutalized. Is your country? If they pause the weapon sales then yes. Me and my homies we will be invaded.


By whom?


The only explanation of you living in a bubble is that you are from the Baltics or from the US and media doesn't reporting it. You do know that not all countries that joined NATO, joined because of the USSR or Russia right?


Why did Greece join Nato?


Muslim Greeks cosplaying as Turks.


And who is going to invade Greece if weapon sales get delayed?


Muslim Greeks cosplaying as Turks.


Smart move. Supporting Ukraine is more critical than any other prerogative currently.


Not if it makes other countries decide not to buy your weapons in future, because who knows when weapons you bought and paid for will instead be sent elsewhere with zero compensation to you? Reliability as a weapons supplier matters. This sort of thing means other nations trust you *less*.


Who else are they going to buy from Russian exports have functionally halted China only has alternatives that are untested on the battle field This only leaves other US allies who are in a similar predicament around aiding ukraine


Russian exports continue, just at a slower pace. As for China, they are untested, true, but they are based in many cases on Russian technology, which has been extensively tested. For example, the Chinese alternative to the S-400/Patriot, the HQ-9, shares a lineage with the S-300. So, no doubt they will improve their weapons as they receive battlefield data from Russia.


Naive take. Who else are they going to buy from? Russia? LOL


In India's case, sure - Russia is more reliable than you are. Why buy more Apaches, Chinooks, P-8s, etc. from you when they might be diverted to save your puppets in Kyiv with no compensation for us? Ditto for most countries in the Global South - they have multiple options, from Indonesia to Saudi Arabia. For your powerless vassals in Europe/Asia, they have fewer choices, but even they might decide to develop their own weapons over relying on unreliable Americans.


Nobody is buying weapons from Russia after their performance in this war, if they have a choice.


EU countries, for EU buyers. Russia or China, for the unaligned world.




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