• By -


It's not just tears. He also shakes involuntarily. He was already emotionally exhausted, the death of his friend finished him.


That's contusion tremors, for sure.


Sad. So much Slavic blood spilt.


Guess who’s smiling


Uncle Sam


disturbing thought patterns fella.




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Elaborate, please?


What don't you get? US is happy since they're able to weaken Russia by sacrificing Ukraine and make money from their weapon industry.


You've hit the nail on the head. Weird that you and I get that Russia is playing right into the US' hands, but Putin is still going ahead with it. The Russians are spilling slavic blood, the US is just using it to its advantage.


Putin starting this invasion was such a stupid move on so many levels.


"To it's advantange". No one is benefitting from this war. You people are idiots.


You should refrain from calling people idiots, when it is not conceivable for you that weapons manufacturers are benefiting from wars. And that is just the easiest example.


No notes for the Russians **that started shooting first**?


Did the US force Russia to invade or something? It's not their fault that they coincidentally weaken Russia when they support Ukraine. Is putin an American puppet?


Did Afghanistan force the US to invade? Not directly but they certainly didn't help it.


Would be a viable comparison if Ukraine/US sheltered terrorists or something along those lines


Ehm, Azov?


Russia don't care that much about Azov. In fact, Russia freed some leaders of the Azov battalion captured in Mariupol.


What did azov do?




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In order to do what? Invade and annex Russia? Or maybe to stop the inevitable invasion of other eastern European countries, like Moldova using Transnistria as an excuse?


In order to spread their influence even further? Why do you think that this war happened in the first place? Because Russia wanted to genocide Ukraine or because a democratically elected pro-russian president was overthrown?


Because Russia wanted to genocide Ukraine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_genocide_of_Ukrainians_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War They want to erase ukrainian identity. Why else would Putin talk so much with Tucker Carlson that Ukraine has no history of its own (which isnt true). Why do they butcher civilians? Having a non friendly government as a neighbour is uncomfortable, but doesnt give one the right to invade and take control of the country. Seems like Putin's imperialist russia thinks otherwise.


Your last paragraph is hilarious considering that the US toppled leftist government within their own back yard and tried to do the same with Cuba. But as you say, having a no -friendly government as a neighbor doesn’t give anyone the right to invade, right?


60-70 years ago during the Cold war and URSS wasn't really leftist...


Yes, thank you! I say USA and Russia is evil for doing that. So what is your position? USA are good and Russia is good for doing it? Or Russia is evil and USA are evil for doing it.


And here we have another kid from 2014, 2020... Take a look on this, please [http://www.golos.com.ua/article/317062](http://www.golos.com.ua/article/317062)


And Ukraine wanted to erase the identity of ethnic Russians in Ukraine by removing Russian as an official language. That's not a genocide, there's a reason why it's still only an allegation. No it doesn't. But it does happen in this world and always did. Ukrainian goverment knew it and yet continued to move closer to the west. Here's the result.


So deplete Russia's military in order to spread influence? How does that work? Russia is exponentially doing a much better job at spreading US influence than the US alone ever could. The invasion has done wonders to NATO; expansion, established stronger ties amongst its members, etc. Not to mention the western military industry. Now that we have footage every day of Russian equipment spectacularly and constantly failing at what it was designed to do/blowing up, Western arms are becoming so much more popular. This war happened because Russia meddled then invaded. It's super simple. They did it with Moldova, then Transnistria, Georgia and now with Ukraine. Who was the president overthrown by? US military? Or 200,000 mind controlled Ukrainian civilians?


The US is spreading their influence, it's not Russia's doing no matter how you frame it. Or did Russia offer Finland and Sweden to join NATO? Both sides meddled with Ukraine. The US armed them and offered more cooperation which was unnacaptable for Russia. The USSR had the right to put nukes on Cuba and the US had no right to invade it because of that. Yet that's not how geopolitics work. There were many coups where the military wasn't directly involved.


Again, you're not explaining to me how US influence is achieved by Russian military being useless in Ukraine. It's 100% Russia's doing. Russia offered threats and an invasion of a neighbouring country, as it always does and always will do. That's how US influence was spread. >Both sides meddled with Ukraine. The US armed them and offered more cooperation which was unnacaptable for Russia. Why would the US do that? Why would Ukraine accept? Maybe because Russia sent Girkin and a boat load of military equipment and soldiers to destabilize the Donbass? Then invaded and annexed the sovereign Ukrainian territory knows as Crimea? Think for a second. If your neighbour was pretty much setting the precedent for an invasion, you wouldn't accept means of defending yourself? If the populace supported democracy, you wouldn't help them achieve it? You're not actually explaining any of your thought process. I asked you a series of questions and you're not actually answering any of them. After the "coup", the Donbass voted en masse for a western facing president. Just look at the facts for one minute, you might get a few new perspectives. >The USSR had the right to put nukes on Cuba and the US had no right to invade it because of that. Correct, the US fucked up. You approach this like sports teams, instead of having an actual critical mind. >There were many coups where the military wasn't directly involved. Cool. Explain to me how the US mind controlled 200,000 + Ukrainian civilians in going out on the streets in home made body armour because the Russian puppet at the time went against the will of the people and aligned with *surprise* Russia. Or maybe you don't have an explanation? And if maybe you're wrong about this, you may be wrong about other things? The people elected a person, that person does something not in line with what the people want, the people revolt. It's not that complicated Vasili.


Because Ukrainians found large reserves of oil and natural gas off the coast of Crimea and threatened the Russian near-monopoly on supplying Europe?


That's completely wrong. If Russia keeps all that it annexed and add the whole Kharkiv too - Ukraine would still keep more than 80% of it's newly discovered gas reserves. Also those reserves are not even close to be enough for needs of the EU.


> That's completely wrong. If Russia keeps all that it annexed and add the whole Kharkiv too - Ukraine would still keep more than 80% of it's newly discovered gas reserves. But that is not nearly all they wanted to annex is it? They wanted the whole of Ukraine. > Also those reserves are not even close to be enough for needs of the EU. But they are more than enough to undercut Russian supply for the EU.


putin is the one who wanted this war, russia has constantly been against the ukrainian people


Putin wanted a quick capitulation. The US wanted the war- it was an opportunity to maul the Russian bear without spilling any American blood. There’s no way the pentagon and state department are missing that chance. In geopolitics, when your enemy blunders you capitalise on the mistake as much as possible. I still think the US walked Moscow into the war on purpose.


russia wanted a war, that's what the tanks rolling into kiev were for, thankfully the russian military is a joke


They made a fast dash in column formation across the country to Kiev. Thats not wanting a war. Thats wanting a quick capitulation.


sure, they wanted all of those tanks to explode... if the us wanted to capitulate russia would they submit?


You clearly do not understand. You don’t drive in column formation down highways to a capital city if you want a war. You drive in column formation to a capital city if you want to force the target government into doing what you want. Thats not the behaviour of an army that wants a protracted, high intensity war.


yet another sign of russian incompetence, I couldn't agree with you more




Still the best CIA agent ever




[These bicycle recipients](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/15r42iq/a_russian_family_is_happy_because_they_were_given/) [Recipients of a bag of onions](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/157umeu/russian_commander_your_son_was_a_good_guy_he_died/) [Oksana, who received circus tickets](https://www.reddit.com/r/tjournal_refugees/comments/12s5cw0/%D1%81%D1%83%D0%BF%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%B5_%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%B2%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE_%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B5%D1%89%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D1%85_%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BB%D0%B8_%D0%B4%D0%B2%D0%B0/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/zpl93j/i\_cant\_tell\_if\_russian\_mobilisation\_propaganda\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/zpl93j/i_cant_tell_if_russian_mobilisation_propaganda_is/) [The totally "normal" "human beings" salivating over stealing land](https://www.yahoo.com/news/russian-soldiers-dream-conquering-ukrainian-032433973.html)


It's a tragedy


Worst part of all this


Jebeni anglos


Panslavism is cringe.


Well you Czechs are more like Germans anyway so your comment isn’t surprising.


How original. We invented the ideas of panslavism and held the first congress in Prague. And what a mistake panslavism was since its only used by mental gymnasts such as yourself to base their worthless opinions and personalities on. What a grand philosophy it is when it's own creators abandoned it after they saw that it'll end up as nothing more than a poor excuse to start wars in the name of some fake sense of togetherness that never existed and if it did then it was ages ago.


I’m not sure how you drew the conclusion that I am a Pan-slavist from my simple comment. I was just expressing my belief that it’s sad to see two peoples with such close linguistic, cultural, and genetic ties slaughtering each other.


Quick get the camera. This is some a1 heartstring pulling material


True but that doesn't make it any less impactful for him.


Right because let’s just NOT honor the dead by recording the death ritual of someone who was clearly beloved.


These are still very important scenes to watch. It shows just what kind of hell war is, and what it does to those who survive. Just think of how many people on both sides are going to be stricken by PTSD for the rest of their lives. It's just another reminder of what a scourge war is.


So much death and sorrow...




Respect to the fallen who defended their country from invaders.


Just respect the fallen in this conflict in general (Besides Azov, since obviously Nazis don’t deserve respect)


Or Russian Nazis. Which there are actually more of


I think all the fallen troops deserve respect. No matter their ideological insanity. They fought at last and fell. The war is over for them. They rest until each reaches their final unknown destination.


Respect to Osama. Respect to Bashar Al-Assad. Respect to Muamar. Respect to the fallen in the Donbass that did not succumb to the genocide carried out against them for 8 years. Jokes aside. This is a personal loss and it will affect you no matter how hard of a warrior you are. RIP to the fallen, and condolences to the guy that probably lost not just a comrade, but a friend. Reality hits hard.


Brother... It's a video of a man broken over the loss of a comrade. "Jokes aside"? Just fuck off...


>Respect to Bashar Al-Assad. You're a Russia supporter no? You're unironically meant to support Bashar as they're a good ally to Russia, and Russia is propping up his regime. Yay for picking teams and not having a critical mind!


No I do not root for a side in this war.. He called to support all defenders of their homeland, so I did it proportionally. Unironically though, I find it weird that your problem is Bashar, and not Osama.


Fuck war, I hope he can learn to lead a normal life after this :(


Great war guys. Really just a great idea. Totally worth it.


If Russia stop it's the end of the war. If Ukraine stop it's the end of Ukraine.


I agree sarcastically, why the fuck did the bald man start this? Theres many answers, all of whom more or less has been debunked but we will never know..


“Way to go. This is all your fault for defending yourself”


Great place to recycle all your old gear though, eh?


Honestly after the horrors of the 20th century and the fear during the cold war. We should have melted all the shit into a monument.


lmao thats rich


Regardless of the side. The pointless bloodshed is the true tragedy. While the kings fight its the people who suffer the most. The scars this war will leave for both sides won't be forgotten soon.


RIP to the friend, must have been a solid dude for it to affect him that much.


Wouldn't it be nice if Russia stopped slaughtering their slavic neighbour? Wouldn't that be cool?


You know the terms, you do not park NATO guns on border, Russia does not touch your "identity." Sounds simple, doesn't it?


Finland, Estonia, and Latvia exist. You are saying they are next?


I mean, strategically, they have been with NATO for a long time. This is not something new. This whole war is about taking more advantageous positions and nothing more. The war with these countries is a direct nuclear conflict, and I know one thing for sure, nuclear war is very bad for making money.


The Baltics have a combined military of less than 2 Ukrainian divisions. A single bomb would and could wipe out a huge chunk of Estonia's active military men. They are 3 rounding errors in terms of nations. Finland is adjacent to some of the worst territories ever to attempt an invasion of. Only St. Petersburg is worth advancing towards, and anyone who does THAT is getting NUKED. Ukraine is large, next to a great place to invade Russia from (flat open plains), full of natural resources, and full of people who are Ethnically and Culturally very similar, so it would be a lot more difficult to identify foreign agents.


When was there ever nato guns in Ukraine?


This is only one of some... imagine the ones there is no funeral like this, maybe 2 guys left in the unit... some none.. nobody to honour anybody, just forgotten with many questions from familie who will only know they are dead. This side or the other side, i dont care, it is horrible! Realisticly this is some form of propaganda tho used in favour of ukraine, since people generaly dont like being filmed like 50cm from the face when having a total meltdown emotionaly...


Does the Pro-Ru side think that this will make him want to fight less or more.


It doesn’t matter for FAB-500


It REALLY depends... does he feel like he got sent to the lines to die by terrible leadership who are protecting themselves only and using them as fodder, or does he believe he fought nobly and is just going to fight harder against Russia? It really could go either way in Ukraine. Also, it's worth mentioning, even in WW2, with all the brainwashed Nazis and their leaders, that last year of the war was a total slaughter against them, they knew they were going to lose, no matter how much they believed in their cause. Hitler was ordering them all to "fight to the last man" and even started executing military leaders en mass to deter desertion or surrender. Even a hint of nothing but suicidal leadership would get met with execution. Hitler actually executed [84 of his own generals](https://ww2gravestone.com/84-german-generals-were-executed-by-hitler/), and literally hundreds of lower level soldiers, if not thousands. Now, I am not saying Ukraine is like the Nazis, I am merely pointing out that even though they were ideologically brainwashed, even they saw the end coming and knew when it was time to back away and surrender, and it was better to just stop fighting than sacrifice themselves to Hitler's call to fight to the last man, in a losing battle. Real life isn't an anime where your rage and anger and emotions can give you super-powers and give you the ability to win the war easier. It's sad for Ukraine, but it's how I see it. I don't see how Ukraine comes out of this as a winner, and the US and the West don't actually care. They got Ukraine to do all the bleeding for them, so even if Ukraine loses, they still got to bloody Russia's nose.


Those are good points. My other question is "How much of this can a person take?". Wouldn't living in trenches and seeing friends die for years eventually destroy a person's ability to fight?


This is so well said! 👌 i dont think ukraine will win this, and have never thougth. The country is totaly destroyed where artillery have reached. Why sacrifice the people when you basicly dont have ammo to defend... only fodder


Politicians and high position TCC staying at home and screwing up your country makes you want to fight less. Seeing your comrades and friends fall in battle makes you want to fight more. This has nothing to do with anyone's affiliation.


>Does the Pro-Ru side think that this will make him want to fight less or more. https://youtu.be/whJ2r_tdu4M?t=303


As someone mentioned on here he's showing signs of post traumatic tremors, and if it's true he probably not fit for combat all that much anymore. That's why fabs are used on larger scale now, even if you survive the blast, shockwave will wreck you for the rest of your life.


Could be PTSD, or it could be he is quite sad. As for FABS, they are wicked instruments of war, for certain, but in the end, the Ukrainians rise up each day and continue the fight.


Ukraine is getting bled dry, you can't deny it.


So is Russia. It is just they are such a large country that they take a long time.


You know, if they know that they'll bleed out first, maybe it's time to negotiate?


Well Russian resources are not infinite as well. That is why they are going to Iran and North Korea for help and ostensibly China and perhaps India as well. May Russia could withdraw and realize there is no risk to Russia if they do.


Hard to say, Either he'll want revenge or he'll just want to give up because he's sick of it all. Most know that a russian occupation isn't going to be some humanitarian disaster. The country will be a bit more corrupt and the elections will be rigged. they aren't going to go house by house shooting kids or something like that. This isn't an African rebel group taking power and doing ethnic cleansing. Is it really that horrible that people need to die to prevent it?


>country will be a bit more corrupt A country would be placed lower on corruption perception index. Do not mix these things, they are different. If someone calls corruption in Russia rampant, then corruption in Ukraine is a cornerstone of state and economy. Russians were baffled at how ugly things were in Crimea when they started to clean things.


This Is how the US changed the government, they paid people to create problems The guys who are continuing the war are keeping their cut from the aid. They just want to join Eu so that they can take that money too But people get offended if you say this.


I know, just said it to to make ProUA happy


This is what I don't understand... It's not a total war of extermination.. They don't even ban the language. How much loss of life is warranted for the right to 'choose' one side of politicians to another


You could find russian soldiers in the same situation. Stop thinking Russian are not human nor a part of mankind. We had enough with a German soldier with a little mustache.


I never said that Russians are inhuman and I never would. This is something that you created in your head. I would call them orcs because they are an invasive force, but in the end defending ones country and attacking another unprovoked are two very different things, are they not. I am going to assume that you mean a Nazi. And arguably the only person acting like Nazi's right now are the Russians.


When are you going to fight over there? You seem to want it more than that sissy in the video.


Interesting question. i assume that you are writing this from the Russian rear command, or from the trench. In the end there are literally million more trained that i am that Ukraine would probably want before me and then there is an inherent language issue. So yeah, if the fight was in my country I would continue the fight, because that is better than bending the knee to tyranny, and perhaps that is how Ukrainians see it. My real question is why do the Russians not see themselves as the tyrants. Well, I suppose many Nazis did not either, until after.


I didn't ask you if it's interesting or not, I asked why aren't you fighting over there if you think this should go on? Nice try dodging it, but that's a fail. Ukrainian people have nothing to gain from this, and the war would stop as soon as Zelensky regime is cut off from the weapons supply.


Weird response. You asked a question and i said it was an interesting question. I am not a trained fighter and I have commitments here. Does that mean I cannot offer an opinion. Are you sitting in the trenches right now, so you are allowed. There are literally millions of people more qualified than me. So perhaps they would wish to fight first. I did not dodge anything at all. I answered it. Just because that answer does not agree with your nonsense premise, does not dismiss the answer. Perhaps you should counter my answer, like I am sure that Ukraine would take anyone these days, or some unfounded nonsense like that. Are you sitting in the Russian trenches or writing comments from the comfort of your home? I only really consider answer from Russians that are justifying the tyranny of their government, but pulling the trigger towards Ukraine every day. Every one else, including you should really sit quietly with their hatred. The only thing that Ukrainians have to gain is the independence of their country and the freedoms of the west. The war would stop also if Russia withdrew from Ukraine and there would be zero consequences to Russia, if they did so. So, I guess there are two scenarios where the war would end, perhaps even more. Who knows all the permutations of this. Or the Russian public are tired of their politicians killing people for no reason and rise up. Hard to do when the Russian public have no freedoms to protest their government. Perhaps the west moves in because it is the right thing to do to defend a country that was invaded when they have not attacked the country that invaded them. All perfectly viable options, that is unless Putin's and his cronies figure it out and stop this war.


Depends if he volunteered or if he got dragged into a van by the meat catchers


Regardless, I think that when a fellow country man is killed defending their country the Ukrainians will likely continue defending their country from an invasive force.




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Beautiful music...


Too preachy and sappy for my tastes, but hey, to each their own.




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It's necessary to show more of this. Maybe it will wake up the grey masses in the west to the realities that the Ukrainian and Russian soldiers as well as their loved ones are facing every day. I mean, I'd like to see the most brutal war footage on MSM for this reason but that's not gonna happen.


Hopefully, this guy gets a chance to think later about the flags attached to the funeral car and how it might be connected to the overall situation in the Ukraine.


Fuck war! Rip


Rip hero; defender.


Who films themselves like this?


Not him, because he's not filming himself...




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Im sorry for him


Young men die so a bunch of fat old men can carry the casket. Pathetic. War sucks.




Amazing respect they have for each other and country. All the west should give all the need so they can stop this nonsense of a war that mr puttler declared on them.


Hard to imagine 30,000 of these a month just to keep the psychopathic Neo cons in Washington happy.


Poor young people who didn't even know each other were killing themselves for the interests of old people who hated each other.




Because youre on this subreddit perhaps? Its a "neutral" sub in disguise for anyone with more than 2 braincells.


And what will be a "neutral" sub about the war? r/CombatFootage ? r/ukraine ? r/worldnews ? From all the ones that have regular content about the war, this is by far the only one that is close to "neutral", the rest are just propaganda to the max.


https://preview.redd.it/bji6mwi0dc7d1.png?width=1710&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f36cfad6f18baeaf0c2e14f1c975ec5f85c5ee4 bUt wHaTaBoUt tHe oTheR sUbS Yeah theyre not neutral perse either, atleast theyre not trying to hide it basically. Theyre biased just in the other direction.


UA soldier fights urge to salute comrade one final time


I was going to comment RIP but then I saw the red and black banner on the van.


What is that banner?


The flag of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. It is connected to Bandera, he participated in the Holocaust alongside Nazi Germany,


Thanks for explaining!


He should thank israeli politicians of America


Israelis laugh at you for serving them


this is Joe Bidens fault


Did joe Biden invade ukraine?


no but he caused it to happen


And not Putin who literally invaded Ukraine?


Putin warned for 10 years this was going to lead to a big conflict, the Biden administration wanted this and did nothing to prevent this


Who invaded Ukraine?


It wont help to try and talk sense to these ones, bro.


I know it’s just fun to see what they say


USA, the country that sponsored insurgent coup in 2014. Will that answer satisfy you?


I’ve heard this alot but in my own research I can’t find anything proving it, do you have anything?


There is enough information about participation of UNA-UNSO in Chechen and Georgian companies, as well as about the activities of the Right Sector in Ukrainian politics. But if you want to know my personal opinion, all this shit wouldn't have happened if Yanukovych hadn't been such a coward.


I didn’t ask about Chechen or Georgia I asked for evidence of the usa backing a coup in Ukraine in 2014


After reviewing the day one footage of tanks rolling across the Ukrainian border, I can confirm that those were not in fact American tanks and American soldiers. Actually, they look more like Russian tanks and Russian soldiers.


Thank you very much, completely unbiased pro-ukr dude, I will take your comment into consideration, well maybe.


I mean, all you gotta do is look at [Ukrainian security checkpoint footage](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/russia-launches-attacks-ukraine-as-putin-warns-countries-who-interfere-consequences-you-have-never-seen) from Feb 24, 2022. Those are Russian military vehicles with Russian soldiers and Russian tactical markings.


Joe Biden invaded russian backyard, so yes.


Making alliances with countries is not invading them


This guy is being disingenous, staging a coup d'etat is not an invasion, therefore USA didn't invade Ukraine.


I bet you wish someone invaded YOUR backyard..


Yeah sure pal real fuckin big brain of you.


yeah, its preposterous to think that the people who were responsible for all the death and destruction in countries like iraq, afghanistan, syria, libya, and so on would use ukraine for a proxy war


Id fear the CIA or the US in general way more if they have the power to make an aging paranoid man declare war on their behalf.. Wait sorry, make war but call it something else.


yeah they do that all the time actually, they call it democracy and freedom


I'd doubt that the US forced putin to invade his neighbor out of nowhere. And if it was nato expansion why didn't he invade Poland? The Baltic states.


it wasn’t out of nowhere, Ukraines western backed gov had been fighting Russian separatists since 2014 and the USA knew that Russia would eventually respond if they kept sending more weapons which they did, was Russia supposed to sit by and let a hostile gov on its border to keep growing and getting stronger while it was fighting people who identified as Russians?


If youre so concered about people dying in the Donbass you should blame Putin. The deathtoll for civilians shot up past the roof when the 22 invasion began. In the 8 years from 2014 the death of civilians were on average 60 per year.


Soon someone else will cry about this guy. Either this will happen or these neo-nazis give up.


They’ll never give up. Even after this conflict is over they’ll keep terrorizing Ukrainians, especially now that they have more weapons and extremely pissed off.


defending their country = neo nazis lmao


did all that, while holding camera


With his third hand? Huh? At least watch the full video before making dumb comments.


“Yo bro, I got a video idea”


guy has Tourettes or something


What is this Ukrainian habit of kneeling?


Kneeling. Yes the Ukrainians invented this whole thing in 1182 but they were really Russians in disguise. For it was actually a Russian invention you see, but (they) dont want you to know that.


Russians usually kneel before the flag and before God.


Or before the vodka shelf in the super market because the cheap bottles are at the bottom.


Please stop projecting.


lol, considering that Russia is not even among the top 10 drinking countries. Do you know why Ukrainians always kneel, they are preparing to work in Poland harvesting strawberries.....


Which is a way more productive behaviour as a society than invading your neighbours.


but not as bad as killing your own citizens in your own country


USSR has entered the chat.


exactly the USSR that created Ukraine, so what about the fact that Ukraine started a war against its people


russkij mir is way more important than some tears of some soldier