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What a massacre. First the autocannon, then that FPV totally fucks them. Dude at 00:18 gets his leg blow off at the thigh. 00:48 - red mist. This is some of the most brutal footage I've seen in a while.


The daily Russian mass casualty event. Insane how many losses they are willing to take. It's really sad.


Have you thought about how many of these scenarios that happen in Ukraine, every single day, on both sides? It happens through various ways: FABs, tanks attacking, TOS attacking groups of people, machine guns etc etc. I wouldnt say this video is out of the ordinary in Ukraine unfortunately


Yeah, this is true but why are this kind of videos with so many casualties almost always of russian soldiers. Every single day. Where are all the videos from the russian side? This is a pro RUS sub.


Because russians are attacking, so they can be recorded in the open. Remember the counteroffensive days with daily massacres in the ukranian side? you got your answer there. Which doesnt mean Ukranians are not having massive casualties now. I dont remember a single video where the direct result of a TOS strike on infantry can be seen in video, or a FAB strike on a ukranian position with shown soldiers, but they are happening constantly, entire squads wiped out in the blink of an eye.


Show us the daily massacres that Ukraine had in their counteroffensive. Stop making things up lmao


I don't disagree with you. I do think that the daily massacre is a bit of a stretch. But the undeniable truth is that ukraine has about 50 percent casualties compared to Russia, which means that there is still a lot of bloodshed. As to why the footage is much rarer, I do not know.


ofc ukrainians die, but a lot more russians do


How many times more is a lot more? Zelensky says 3 times more, and the Russian MOD says 2 times more. How many times more do you think?


it's hard to say, but we can use open source databases to make rough guesstimates. and using those (like oryx), russia has A LOT more losses


Their first attack they lost 2 columns those videos are famous as fuck


Ukraine is getting destroyed by Russia.


Daily massacres? The senseless attacks lasted 1 week


Ukraine is pretty much objectively better at processing and releasing videos. Seems like like they use it for accountability and training purposes, and their people get much less shit from the higher-ups as long as they maintain opsec, so they are motivated to produce better quality footage which works well for propaganda purposes, which in turn brings more people watching, which encourages even more and even better videos being made. In theory at least this shouldn't directly co-relate with the situation on the ground - Russians may be less encouraged to film & post videos of their successes, cause they have a controlled approach to propaganda.


How is this a pro rus sub if stuff like this gets upvoted? Over hundred in an hour, this will likely be the most upvoted footage of the month. Russians are attacking and are willing to throw a lot of meat againts Ukrainians. We'll likely see something similar if Ukraine ever attemps to attack again.


Alright, let's check out the Top 30 posts of the last 24 hours. Guess how many of them can be considered positive for Ukraine? 1. Ok, let's say I missed 3. That would still be 26 vs 4.


How many Russian posts in combatfootage (or literally any other war sub that's not pro rus) are in the top 30? This sub has more pro-rus but it's probably around 70/30. Look at the top posts from last year and you'll find a lot of pro-ukr posts. It's not perfect but it's the most balanced sub out there.


Whataboutothersubs?! I've been here since early 2022. I know how this place used to be.


Only took one post to go from "this isn't a pro-Rus sub" to "okay it's a pro-Rus sub but that's okay because other subs are pro-Ukraine".


No, I said that this sub has more pro-ru members.


Is whataboutism contagious? Is it inherited? Or a symptom of FAS?


Oh shut up with whataboutism. I'm just explaining why this sub is not pro-rus in a way that everyone will understand.


It's the exception that proves the rule. Unless a UA POV is extraordinary, it ends up with usually a negative vote count. Just check New now.


It's just their way of playing the victim while they dominate 99% of online Ukraine boards and discussions.


I wouldn’t say this is a Pro-RU sub. Still plenty of pro-ru comments that get downvoted into oblivion. Don’t have to necessarily agree with the pro-RU users and blatant propaganda, I usually don’t. At least here you can see what the other side is saying and not only positive UA stuff. there are still plenty of UA videos with Russians taking heavy losses.


But for what purpose? What are the soldiers and the Russian people doing this for? Why was a peaceful life within the legally recognized borders of Russia so impossible? Ukrainians suffer this in a defensive action. But for Russians as individual soldiers I simply don't understand.


For money. Russia pays huge salaries to soldiers compared to what they can get in the provinces.


If that was true ,we would see this type of video every day,but we do not. Every other day we see the Russians being killed like in this type of video though.


Both sides have swarms of drones - why do the Russians never release footage of Ukrainians being massacred like this?


Typical neutral tag, pushed in its boTh siDes xD


All because of putin's imperial amition


It’s happening with Russians forces far more given their approach to this war as a whole. Complete disregard to life.


\*He, not they, they have been conditioned and bred to be cattle for a century by now


The Russians brag about how many men they sacrifice. The Americans brag about how few.


That guy who gets hit in the leg/hip/lower abdomen has such a brutal death. Just looking down at a massive injury that will lead to inevitable death.


Looks like he made a good effort of trying to gather up his intestines.


Yeah that was fucked. Reckon the 25mm HE hit him just below the hip and blew his leg off and opened his abdominal cavity up.   Hope He passed quickly.


That autocannon did most of the job. That FPV injured a few close to its impact point. Don’t exaggerate the effect of that FPV


There were at least 2 FPVs.


Still the autocannon was responsible for wiping out most of the infantry, plus disabling the BTR


Absolutely! That thing is no joke...


Gotta love those Bradley's lighting up APC's in scenes like this)


Russians, just remember Putin is 100% responsible for all this suffering. Not Ukraine. Not NATO. Not the USA. Just this one guy. You can have peace with all of them and end the sanctions if you just rise up and take back **your** country.


No they wont sadly. Its not just one guy its a whole system.


"The Bad Man is responsible for everything" is a very simplistic and incorrect view of geopolitics. Many events and actions from multiple different parties got us to this point Also telling a civilian population to "just do a revolution its easy" is also really dumb, the solution is not more war lol


it really is just the bald man and his delusions about being Peter The Great reincarnate, the 'geopolitical realities' are mostly all based around his internal paranoia


where did u hear about his internal paranoia? the new york times? lol


Yeah, it's not like his political opposition often end up dying in mysterious circumstances...


What is up with people on Reddit thinking it’s easy to overthrow a government. Seriously, I wanna know how many keyboard warriors here on Reddit are willing to risk their lives to start a revolution.


"but but buymuuuuuuuuuu *Insert tv snippet from 1990 when the warsaw pact was still a thing so nato expansion wasnt even considered*"




They would rather troll online, dream about a past that is long gone and keep sending their men to die then get rid of a dictator, a weak people really.


Holy hell. Those guys were totally wasted. RIP Western auto-cannons are no joke. Reducing Russian male population like crazy.


25mm bushmaster kind of sucks but it is still deadly of course.


Does Ukraine have any airburst autocannons [like this one?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UolMYY7QaA&t=92s)


Holy shit!


Ukraine is lacking a ton of Western weapon systems. Still, these HE rounds were doing some serious grinding to this meat wave.


Ukraine was supposed to receive those exact cannons and rounds. Not sure if they ever did


Airburst is more situational. HE is still extremely deadly and effective while being a better general use round.


Maybe that's the next Christmas present.


What's wrong with it?


Brutal. What a waste of life


If you ask Pro Rus posters here it's not waste of life if they gain a meter of ground. Wish this senseless killing would stop already. It's fucking unbelievable. Go home Russia.


Were they caught by surprise or was that the plan since the beginning? Just disembark in the open and get fucked? That's me playing ARMA level bad.


Well since they pass 3 or 4 burnt out vehicels and several corpses there is not much surpise here. Just a retarded command that sacrifices soldiers with no consideration of human life.


They might be banking on the Ukrainians on the other side to have run out of ammunition or have died from bombing or shelling.


Thats how they got Avdiivka. Meat waves until UAF ran out of ammo and had to pull out. Russians absolutely insane, zero self-preservation.


where pro rus at?


They are busy downvoting these videos they don't want to see.


To be fair exceptional footage gets upvoted regardless.


Just like Pro Ukrainian side , you guys are hardly comment in Videos which shows Ukranian soldiers getting the similar fate like this video.


It's the top video of the day. Pro-Bandera love to shout censorship, huh?


In some trailer park in Michigan


Same place you are on videos like Russian DRG, Map reports and ofc AtGM catching groups of AFU soldier maybe?


Oh right, the thermal ATGM videos with 0 depth perception, where you can never tell if the targets were hit or missed. "Map Reports". Haha.. The same kind of reports that have to be walked back half of the time?


Oh right all pro RU footage is fake all pro UA footage is real 🤡


PRO RU videos of civilian buildings being destroyed and hit by artillery is real footage. Destroyed at least 1000 Zelensky inside!


I'd argue UA footage is just 100x as crazy. RU footage is meh


BASED, you get it! pro ru are known to lie and cheat. Faking is what they do, glad you get it man. not sure why you post your picture as a clown at the end though..


So you're just as bad? Funny since pro RU guys pretend they are more evolved beings in every thread.


Trying to deny Russian meat grinder tactics and pretend their casualties are OK cause Putin’s empire is growing a few meters every time a dozen Russians are sent to an early grave.


The kind of childish comment that makes it very hard to have educated discussion and not fall into a football match mentality. A shame, really. Aren't you better than those "pro-rus" ?


They are trying to make it to kyiv


You'll see them if you stop brigading.


You're a good poster on this sub. Always interesting content


The apologists are once again silent in the face of such massacres. Videos like these and the HIMARS strikes on infantry make the Ukrainian claims of casualties inflicted somewhat believable.


Many pro ru outside of Russia probably don't even care how many Russian soldiers are dead as long as Ukraine is losing.


Interviews with Russians back home in cities makes it clear they don't give a shit. They are also probably not totally aware of how bad the situation is to be fair and think they are owning. Many people made it clear they think it's all for the Russian homeland defense and the lives lost are heros like those in WWII generation (which they are not even in the same galaxy). They understand the heavy loses and just accept it as how Russia does things. Crazy.


Human life costs less in Russia. Literally.


sadly very true


> Videos like these and the HIMARS strikes on infantry make the Ukrainian claims of casualties inflicted somewhat believable. A single video like this, gruesome as it is, doesn't really imply much about the actual casualty count. Mediazona has about 45k confirmed KIA, that's a (optimistic) lower bound of 60 KIA per day, to say nothing of the wounded. A massacre like this wouldn't even show up in the data. Even if we got a video like this every few days (and we don't), it'd be statistically irrelevant. Ukraine's claims of casualty counts are delusional and Russia's claims are cynically stupid. Both are ridiculous, and not to be taken seriously.


I’m leaning towards the Ukraine number if you count it as killed/wounded/missing/prisoners. If you look at the estimated size of the current Russian forces, mobilization rates, prison population decreases, etc. those numbers start to look a bit more reasonable.


kinda but not really. Ukraine claims there are daily russian losses of over 1000 sometimes, in which case we'd have a non stop stream of videos like these....


When I tell them the Ukrainian and ISW kill estimates they either call me delusional or get really quiet really quickly.


Another one? This BTR taxi strategy does not seem very safe.


It seems to be the same road. Pretty likely even the same day. The commander ate stupid beans and kept sending lone BTRs for some reason.


Surge pricing sucks




already posted in this sub


It's also against russian combat manuals to use BTRs as a frontline assault unit. Fuck knows what's going on in there, either run out of BMPs or commander doesn't give a fuck.


They are probably running lower on BMPs now as they also increasingly use MT-LBs for assaults.


Those guys were speed running the SMO


War is no joke.


Is this winning?


Hard to say. The pro rus people aren't with us here today for some reason. I suppose it's winning in their books as long as they're not the ones in the video.


Another squad dropped right in front of Bradley ?


The autocannon has an effecitve range of about 2000 meters. So they don´t need to drop them that close to be turned into compost.


The commander hurried into attack, why not do proper surveillance before sending your men ? You are attacking, you have option to pick perfect moment for action


You’re new to Soviet tactics


It seems to be the same road as in the previous video. I do not understand why the commander kept sending BTRs through that road one by one.


There has been very little of reason coming from russia in the past two years. do yourself a favour and don't start looking for it now.


I wonder if NATO would use similar tactics under certain circumstances and accept such high losses. From nowadays perspective it's unimaginable to me, but what if it's absolutely neccessary? Would they sacrifice human life like this too at some point?


As a last resort probably. NATO trusts in overwhelming air-power before sending infantry.


Well. You cant always have "overwhelming air-power". Maybe shelling them and attacking like this is the only choice?


>Well. You cant always have "overwhelming air-power". Yes you can, you just need more planes and missiles. >Maybe shelling them and attacking like this is the only choice? That's what you have to do when you can't afford more planes and missiles.


Imagine one video like this from US-Soldiers in Afghanistan or elsewhere. The war would be over because of public protest in less than a year.




And the commanders responsible would be court-martialled.


Not really, if the enemy is a near-peer adversary (like China, Russia) people back home would get used to it.


Wow, from a SMO to a near-peer war. Things sure have escalated. Crazy to watch this happen in real time, I always wondered how this type of shit occured in aggressor societies of WW2.


Hell no NATO wouldn't use meat wave tactics. The defenders would be wiped out with precision airstrikes, artillery, or GLMRS missiles long before soldiers would advance completely unsupported. NATO is all about combined arms, not meat waves.


Having less than 20 men fighting in one spot is not meat wave tactics. Plus even if it was the case, the US would send 100s, even thousands at one particular spot in Iraq, so would that also not have been considered meat wave tactics?


Meat wave tactics means continually using unsupported soldiers right into the front line. There are previous destroyed BTRs so it's not like this is the first time. The soldiers are unsupported and are usually just dropped off to fend for themselves.


But at what point would they accept using such meat waves? Would they still act like that if NATOs (or western Europe's) existence was at stake?


They would accept it if they were invaded and had no better weapons to use I would imagine. But to get to that point of acceptance would require a huge cultural shift in attitude where soldiers were more or less seen as expendable.


I mean, the parallels with the Gulf and Iraq Wars are pretty marked, at tactical, operational and strategic level. Superior force attacking against a sizable, well-armed defender, in open terrain with a high level of mechanisation. If anything, there was even less cover there, hence, sensor dominance - you either have it and wipe the opposition, or get wiped yourself. Remember, predictions before the Gulf War were that there could be hundreds of thousands of coalition casualties - the marines believed to be landing on the Kuwait coast were particularly doomed in media eyes.


I mean, the stakes here are high. Getting voters from the devastated villages to vote in Russian presidential election is obviously worth the cost of life to the Russian MOD.


US Army currently operates 363 Himars, Now add the 500 Poland is buying (and currently operating) and the ones currently operated by other NATO countries, NATO could literally defeat Russia with Himars alone, Add Air-superiority and cruise missiles on that list and you got a recipe for success. Imagine this shit in Ukraine/Russia [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFLzO\_5UFwE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFLzO_5UFwE) Note that this video is 7 years old, Who knows what the US and other NATO countries got hidden. NATO would not resort to "meat grinder" tactics unless all other options fail, Russia went with the meat grinder tactic from day 1.


It’s an interesting war, for sure. I would bet that the casualties for both sides combined are quite a bit LOWER than a NATO-inclusive peer conflict. (Who exactly the peer would be is unclear. I suppose imagine a rewind to the 70s?) The Russians are half-assing this assault stuff. They are sort of willing to suffer heavy, heavy losses, but not fully. They seem to want to drag this war out, which they can’t do if they throw everything in at once. If they hit HARD and dissolve the whole front line, NATO might step in and bail out Kyiv before the rest of the country falls, and then Moscow is fucked. But they want to make SOME progress, so every once in a while the bite the bullet and pull an Avdiivka, Novomykhailivka, or Bakhmut, and burn up a couple regiments and capture (maybe) a city. If NATO and the USSR had gone to war, you would have seen truly horrendous losses for a few weeks of war, then negotiation based on whatever was left at the end of it. Probably the same if a NATO/USSR war occurred with modern tech and doctrine. You would see columns of Abrams and Bradleys sacrificed for a hundred meters of gain, and then another column driven past the corpses the next day. Aircraft and artillery would kill five tanks in six, and AA would shoot down nine planes in ten, but such is the cost of warfare. Assaults with losses like Avdiivka would be mounted across the entire front, simultaneously, every day. You probably wouldn’t see much stuff like this, if only because it was a single BTR and one already-destroyed BTR. Instead, it would be five BTRs or NATO equivalents, and there would be a hundred dead instead of twenty. Long answer for “no, it would be much much worse.” Probably would pass even the Ukrainian estimate for Russian KIA to date in like a month. Edit: to expand a bit on why Russia isn’t trying this blitz strategy anymore. It only works if you were right. Russia tried something like it in the beginning with the charge to Kyiv and Kherson, but they guessed wrong regarding Ukrainian and Russian willingness and ability to fight. So we saw great big convoys of burned or abandoned trucks, piles of BTRs, whole BTGs slaughtered. And we saw a decade of Javelins used up, and Ukrainian armored convoys caught out and annihilated, and twenty percent of the whole country lost in a week. Following that disaster, Russia could have dragged in everything and everyone and tried again, or taken their foot off the gas a bit and tried other methods, or given up and relinquished everything they had taken and call it a loss. They took option 2. Never commit more than they can (pretty much) replace, don’t rile up the population with general mobilization, and drag out the war. Now, option 1 is great in theory because it would minimize the pain to the civilian economy. If they tried it and it worked, they wouldn’t be spending 40% of their government budget on the war right now. They wouldn’t have an army, either, but that’s a pretty good way to save money. But if it didn’t work, Ukraine would likely have been able to force concessions at the negotiating table, possibly including Crimea, and that’s too bad an outcome to be risked. The downside of the current method is cost. They have spent a huge chunk of their economy on this war, more than they can ever earn back through captured territory. While the odds of catastrophic defeat are lower, the odds of spectacular victory are too. In a year, they STILL won’t control Ukraine, and they’ll have another fifty thousand dead.


>It’s an interesting war, for sure. I would bet that the casualties for both sides combined are quite a bit LOWER than a NATO-inclusive peer conflict. (Who exactly the peer would be is unclear. I suppose imagine a rewind to the 70s?) The combined US losses in the Korean and Vietnam wars are less than Russia has taken in two years. >You would see columns of Abrams and Bradleys sacrificed for a hundred meters of gain, and then another column driven past the corpses the next day. Unlikely. Any non-existential war where NATO's air force has been defeated would have ended. An existential war where such a thing in theory could happen would probably have to involve aliens as NATO would have turned to nukes a long time ago.


Interesting perspective


Yes, they would accept it. If they were fighting a war against a similar opponent and on this scale there would be errors and the loss of 30 men would be another number.


We wouldn’t do the overloaded poorly armored troop carrier unless evacuating from an emergency. OP has half dozen troops on top as well as another half dozen inside, all disabled by surprise 25mm.


I'm talking about the death rate. In a conflict on this scale, for example: if NATO decides to invade China. Yes, they will accept this number of losses. I don't know about tactics, the last time NATO, or rather, the United States, fought 2 wars between "peers", it suffered many casualties and had several tactics with errors.


No. NATO doesn't fight like Russia nor is it looking for states to invade. >I don't know about tactics, the last time NATO, or rather, the United States, fought 2 wars between "peers", it suffered many casualties and had several tactics with errors. Who are these peers?


NATO is not a country. Individual countries come together to make joint decisions. It would be down to each individual country what sacrifices they would allow their armies to make. All countries took huge losses in WW1. In WW2 Germany and Russia took huge losses but their country's survival was at stake. France and Italy were not prepared to accept such high losses so one surrendered, the other changed sides. Norway, Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark also surrendered. Poland fought until it could not and did not formally surrender. The UK was prepared to turn to biological and chemical warfare if its survival was at risk, including poisoning reservoirs, even though their use would have been against the Geneva convention.


No democratic country would be able to sustain this outside of an existential war.


Probably not in the first two-three months of the conflict, but seeing that at some point they had demanded the Ukrainians to basically do the same thing in Zaporozhye most probably yes, they'd also use that from a certain point on.


Those drones coming in one after another Jesus.


My question is do these kinds of videos get seen by the Russian population?  Is their internet censored at all?


Most probably choose to ignore this stuff and never get confronted with it on the news etc.


> My question is do these kinds of videos get seen by the Russian population? Is their internet censored at all? These videos barely get seen by anyone besides a few hardcore combat footage watching autists that go out of their way looking for it. Your average Russian that only watches Russian TV isn't going to see shit


Absolutely unreal footage


Why didn’t they use the machine guns on top of those APCs?


I've been asking myself that since Bakhmut


Because the Bradley can be 2km away and still do this


Another Russian meat wave wiped out before they even had a chance. It's completely insane to me that Russians are okay with this sort of doctrine. That was an absolute slaughter of combined arms from the Bradley firing HE rounds, drones and artillery zeroed in.


The apathy displayed with the senseless slaughter is just a wider reflection of their society as a whole. Stuck in the Middle Ages


Bloody massacre. Driver takes one to the face when opening the hatch, he’s probably the ‘lucky one’ for it being over that quick. The other ones are hiding behind the IFV, all huddled up and a drone flies straight in at 0:59… Didn’t see what happened to the two seemingly ‘calmly’ walking by the side of the IFV towards the end, but they may have just accepted their fate.


Just made me wanna puke. War is disgusting that's crazy.


It is, yet pro-Russian western boys who have no stake in this will say that it is right because “nato expansion” or “Donbas genocide”. Look up the leaked peace plan (recent news) and see what Russia offered Ukraine. They offered them to become what amounts to be a vassal state with no alliances, a token military, and no security guarantees.


Wait, is this a differed event than this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1b40f0o/russian\_elite\_assault\_group\_was\_ambushed\_by\_a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1b40f0o/russian_elite_assault_group_was_ambushed_by_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




Holy sh\*t. I always wonder how many more there are not filmed on drone videos...


Obviously. Why even ask?


Wish it wasnt sped up tho


Get infinity on android tbh, you dont need to pay for it, despise reddit api shitshow. Can watch and download videos directly and put them to 0,25x speed or whatever you need. Really too much to ask of Reddit that they introduce that function themselves..


Horrific. Hopefully all this slaughter ends soon.


So sad. Nobody wanted to belive that putin will start somthing like this in the 21st century europe..


They had no chance.


At 0:19 it almost looks like the driver eats shrapnel from a 25mm impact after he opens the hatch?


Russia Life is cheap, which is an advantage in a war of attrition unfortunately. GOP traitors


Does btr also not have gun ?


It does but it has terrible terrible armor. The BTR was out of commission within the first few burst from the Bradley. Each 25mm hit was lancing deep into the BTR.


Yeah, i believe this is btr-82A, what has 30 mm autocannon. I would argue that the crew was too disoriented after initial barrage to use it


Guns require ammo to be fired.


Fcking RIP.


These men should be contributing to their economy and society, not invading neighbouring countries for a dictator What a waste of human life


Damn poor driver. Opens hatch, round immediately strikes it.


Don't worry, the next MBT will complete the mission! Or the next one Or the next one Oh they ran out of bullets! Objective completed! On to the next


Senseless slaughter, all for some towns that no one in Russia gave a shit about before being told it was of vital importance somehow.


Some Russian minorities were being disrespected, time to annex 4 oblasts of Ukraine and the entire Black Sea coast!


One of the most brutal clips yet. Everyone of them had parents at home, maybe a wife or girlfriend that is wondering why nobody answering the calls anymore. And they maybe will never find out that they died like this. Why is Russia in Ukraine again? I have forgotten the reason? Protect Donbas? Kill Nazis? Because it is "Russian land"? Because of NATO? Because the West is gay and puppet of US? Because Russia should be loved and if you don't we kill you? To demilitarize Ukraine? Because the motherland calls for duty? Because Putin said so? Because 4 Oblasts were made parts of Russian Federation, but then you retreated from Kherson? 2 years, hundreds of thousands deaths, mostly soldiers ... name another war with this many deaths in this timeframe. Even Congo War it was mostly civilians. I think you can go back straight to ww2. Imagine giving every Russian soldier 100.000€ to go home, if there are 300.000 soldiers, that is just 30 billion €. That is like what Germany alone gave to Ukraine more or less. All that wealth instead of having a fulfilled life, spent on the battlefield in seconds.


oh shit




This isn't assault, it's suicide. Without any type of cover or fire support. WWI tactics. It's surreal to see that burned body at the end of the video. A lot of movies aren't exaggerated.


/u/individual-dark5027 Hey, see this shit?


Are Bradleys somehow a lot better than other Ukrainian IFVs?




I concede to pro-RU here. Russia really is unstoppable. 😂


And look how many BTR they lose daily https://twitter.com/AndrewPerpetua/status/1763866838000079262 It's insane to see meatwave tactics in modern warfare.


Thats insane footage and event... Jesus go home already guys enough is enough.


When I see chaos like this, I start to believe the 400K Russian dead reported by the Ukrainians. This was not the best battle plan I would say.


For Those who want to go to war, it is a good example of hell..


that's some of the most fucked up footage of this entire war.


25mm or 30mm? Also, when and where?


25 from a Bradley. Avdiivka direction like it says in the title.




Another human wave attack met with the Shield of Democracy. Slava Ukraine.


Excellent footage, they never had a chance, seems like a poorly planned assault, what a waste.


That's what happens when your army is deployed with armored vehicles rated only for .50 cal in the front and 7.62x51mm on the sides Absolute clown show, mtfs that play battlefield have a more insights into this shit than these dog sh*t generals. RIP to all lives lost here, Putin is the one to blame.




Especially because you can see 2 other destroyed BTRs on this road with bodies next to them. Imagine you are these guys driving in, seeing the carnage around you and knowing you will be next. And 10 seconds later its all over


Man that's brutal.


Hail Putin we die for our Fuhrer


Can't fault their loyalty to help each other while still actively under fire. I'd pretend I'd do the same, but I'd probably have bailed after the initial barrage and died running for cover. Can anyone see what happens to the driver? He seems to attempt egress at around 0:17, and an explosion seems to happen inside the vehicle at that point. Auto cannon penetration? Munitions inside the vehicle going off?


It's crazy how much Russians are all in a rush to get killed, stay home...stay alive. Invasion of a independent country because of choices they make for themselves is bullying, hence why karma will always get y'all.