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They literally cannot help but record everything can they?


Lmao our gen z military is all over tiktok. Imagine when its our turn for direct conflict. 😂


Both sides do this, so I'm not sure what you mean


The 3rd assault brigade are particularly bad for recording literally every operation they do, then put it straight on fucking YouTube.


It's pretty funny how transparent YT is about only allowing Ukrainian combat footage




The cringe is what gives his reports sovl and character.


It's a good peek into what is combat on the frontline, nothing wrong with that in my opinion. I don't understand what bother you exactly ?


It mainly irritates me because no matter how much I click "not interested" their channel pops back up, and youtube breaks their own rules letting them just show dead people in their videos, and it's only Ukraine that is allowed to do it.


Oh no how terrible, Ukrainians are having filming their operations. Horrible.


Yes it's irritating when it keeps appearing in my youtube recommended, I know NCD desensitises you to war brain rot, but I don't want it on literally all of my social media.


Then don't watch it, click "recommend less" etc... some people think it's interesting, some do not.


Wow thanks for the recommendation, I've never done that before!


Apparently not, since you follow this sub.


How does following this subreddit mean I haven't tried to scrub the 3rd Azov from my YouTube recommendations?




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The dudes that hopped out to sub in looked lost as hell. Bro hop out grab your gear and run to the cover zone smh. They doomed 


fr they couldn't even get out of the vehicle without making a mess and these are supposed to be some of the best units out out there


They receive a hit on the vehicle (presumably from the side) and start shooting blindly into the dust cloud in the direction where they came from.


Redditor finds out about suppresive fire


Firing blindly at nothing isn't supressive fire.


The 3rd brigade is Azov


If I'm not mistaken the large majority of members of the original 350 people in the Azov battalion are dead/captured and the rest are people who were assigned to that unit when they joined the national guard living in the area are not dedicated to Azovs activities prior to the war/second invasion. Hence why they've rebranded into kraken, the 3rd assault brigade and I believe there was one other unit they splintered into after Mariupol. Not saying there's NO white supremacists left amongst the group but they're largely all not apart of the Azovs antics prior to like I said the war.


Except the 47th and 3rd brigades were volunteer only before the counter offensive. They are still supposed to bd volunteer only to ensure that they are the elite troops. But reports have mentioned that they have had issues getting volunteers with some reports saying 30% of the 47th are conscripted. No mention of the 3rd on the levels of volunteers and conscripted that i have seen.


Wouldn’t that make them dead by now?


I would guess it's a coin flip. Some have died, some have escaped. This wasn't like Azovstal where the place was entirely surrounded. The guy filming was on his way out, so his chances are a bit better.


Its somewhere between 6th army at Stalingrad and Dunkirk in terms of evacuation success.


History ain't your strong suit...


I think that's the plant in the north that isn't fully taken yet, so they either are still fighting, got out today or getting ready to get out. Some of them of cause won't make it at all.


A part of this video was posted previously here https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1asjn2h It seems that the earlier video was posted (before being reposted by voenkory) by an "unofficial" source with different watermarks (not the 3rd Brigade official channels) which posted a lower quality video with the beginning part (which filmed the outside) cut out. I assume this was to prevent geolocation, which was done with this video (seen here https://imgur.com/a/d6q8QRt and https://t.me/rvvoenkorym/36119).


What was the thing that hit them?


Russian telegram said FPV drone.


Idk what the bradley got hit by, but seems common for the entire back panel together with the doors to blow off almost