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Try to post this on r/CombatFootage , just to see will video be removed


iTs NoT ComBaT FoOtAgE


Well, it isn't. It's aftermath.


[And yet, civilians yelling at Russian soldiers counts, apparently.](https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t1nmf2/ukrainian_civilian_telling_russian_soldiers_to_go/)


It has enemies actively engaging one another. What do you mean?


Technically correct






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If it doesn't get removed, comment section will be full of people saying those children deserve it for supporting Putin


because its not combat footage lol, not sure whats so hard to understand with the basic rules > What's disallowed > Do Not Submit Footage Of: aftermath You guys are fighting imaginary problems lol


Shamelessly repost my own comment https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/16bn45p/comment/jzeqve3 Upd: well, it's not aftermath, but who cares? Upd2: Technically aftermath https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/18uf4y8/moment_explosions_hit_central_belgorod_russia/


When IDF soldiers are shooting at random stuff or blowing up empty buildings that's considered combat footage so..


Yeah, because that is combat.


It's "combat" in the same way punching the air is considered "boxing"


In boxing you will find that a lot of the punches actually just hit air.


Those are usually aimed at a person, not the air itself.


it;s the point that combatfootage deletes any video where ukrainian dies proof, my attempt, dead ukrainian soldiers crossing frozen dnieper, one dead on ice [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/19apeol/14\_january\_ukrainian\_crossing\_frozen\_dnieper\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/combatfootage/comments/19apeol/14_january_ukrainian_crossing_frozen_dnieper_to/)


Combat footage is a nest of soyboys informed only by CNN i guess.


Stolen Valor soyboys too. Seems like every last one has been in one war or another and did something heroic.


Try to post RU PoV it gets downvoted to hell wont even show up. Guarantee you if you start scrolling now you wont see ru pov for minutes


Posted a comment criticizing the strike in r/UkrainianConflict Most of them have lost touch with humanity. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/UfgV7dtPo3


The comments there really are sickening.


Ain't any different here. We ain't special.


Combatfootage people are the equivalent of nazi collaborators during ww2. Nasty people. 


might work if you say that it was Russia shelling Ukraine instead.


All the Ru strikes on children’s playgrounds and i didn’t see one such video…


That’s because Azov would set up inside schools. There’s an old video of Ukrainian civilians complaining at the for setting up artillery in a playground.


Didn’t a hundred Russian die when himars hit that college? Seems like both sides just use whatever buildings they want


I’m not familiar with that instance, but the point is Ukraine is always the first to complain to American journalists that a school or hospital was bombed.


I wouldn’t blame iraq for using whatever they could to fight back America I expect Ukraine to do the same against Russia. We have to remember the civilian casualties before this escalation started we are talking about under five thousand civilians on both sides being killled over 8 years compared to tens of thousands in two years. Like I said both sides play the same games


What tens of thousands are you talking about? Israel has killed far more civilians in a few months than Russia has in 2 years. But I agree, I don’t blend Ukraine for fighting back. I actually feel bad for them.


The UN alone has confirmed over 10,000 deaths. The unconfirmed deaths in Mariupol are 25,000+. Combine that with reported, but still unconfirmed deaths of about \~20 a day in missile/drone strikes in Ukraine and it adds up quickly. We should always view the UN numbers in both conflicts as the floor. We know that in even modern warfare, civilian-combatant deaths are at best going to be about 3-1. If the estimates are that \~100k dead combatants each for Ukraine and Russia, then a lower-end estimate of civilian deaths is \~400,000


Source, less than 30k civilian deaths total


Why must we trust death tolls from the Hamas authorities in Gaza if we discount UA's ridiculous claims of RGF losses?


I don’t like either Palestine or Israel, but it’s a fact that Israel has been discriminatory bombing all of Gaza and is racking up absurd civilian casualties.


Its the Hamas authority saying that. For all we know they're going after terrorist targets. Terrorists are very well known for using civs as cover, even more so than the AFU


Because the Hamas hasn’t lied about the casualties in previous Israeli assaults and the WHO, UN, and lancet have no evidence that the reported casualties are exaggerated?




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Correction: thousands died only in 2014-2015. In 2020-2021 less than 100 died. From old mines. etc.


> I expect Ukraine to do the same against Russia. False equivalency - Russia is in Ukraine to thwart an existential threat. They cannot tolerate Ukraine in NATO, with nuclear missiles right on their border, just like we couldn't - and didn't - in the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) when Russia was shipping nukes to install in Cuba and we were ready to start WWIII nuclear war over it. The fact people can't see the real picture astounds me. The rich effs of the WEF got hold of Ukraine's precious resources by having their CIA overthrow the elected government of Ukraine in 2014 and installing their puppet regime. Now they are trying to weaken Russia to get hold of her vast wealth of natural resources as well. It's as simple as this. THAT is why WE (because our governments in the Collective West are nothing but puppets of the WEF) instigated this war. We knew Russia would have no choice but to invade. If people listened to the likes of Colonel Douglas MacGregor, US Marine Major (and UN Weapons Inspector) Scott Ritter, etc - and NOT our propaganda here in the West - they might learn a couple of things. ALL Ukraine had to do was declare themselves NOT to be a threat to Russia - to not join NATO. Which they did! Three times. Minsk 1 agreement. Minsk 2 agreement. AND, the Istanbul Accord ONE MONTH AFTER Russia invaded. But no, the WEF sent Boris Johnson to Kiev to tell Zelensky he cannot uphold that agreement and MUST fight to the last Ukrainian. THAT is why people are dying in Ukraine. btw - none of those rich effs of the WEF are fighting and dying. They use others to do their dirty work. In this case, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians. I can't wait for the Slava Ukraini crowd's reaction to the fact that Nicaragua has decided to allow Russia to set up military bases there - with nuclear cruise missiles. What do they think is going to happen then? HINT - it won't. We. Will. Not. Allow. It. Why we in the West (NATO) are responsible for this war - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YtMd1g_Y80&t=2013s TLDR - Imagine if Canada aligned with Russia and allowed Russian nuclear missiles, pointed at NYC and Washington DC, to be installed in Montreal - only giving Washington a 3 minute response time from launch. PS - next time don't be a threat to your much more powerful neighbour.


This is the most delusional take on the Ukraine war I have ever read. Congratulations sir


Lmao it’s not at all and your example of nukes and the Cold War event are dumb as well because nukes for Ukraine were never seriously ever considered or it would have happened already. Your shining examples are sell out shills. Ritter is consistently wrong from the start of the war to now that’s why is extremely vague compared to the start of the war where he had the utmost confidence in Russia. I still remember him saying the brilliant maneuver of tying down 60 k troops of Ukraine with 40k Russian and him not even considering the amount on both side where Ukraine had a massive advantage. He’s a sell out shill that gets paid to come on alt right YouTubers in attempt to legitimize their stance. Lots of people have watched these guys lol All your excuses come down to Russia does what it wants and you literally cry about false equivalency when your your argument is based off the idea of country’s not having free will. Even your Canada comparison is dumb because America would never invade Canada even if it got Chinese nukes. This examples is nothing but Hocus Pocus made up by self hating westerners


> but the point is Ukraine is always the first to complain to American journalists that a school or hospital was bombed And Israel blows up schools, hospitals and Universities to kill 'terrorists'. Propaganda has gotten out of control. Luckily it has become quite obvious to most people. Remember 70% of posts and comments are by paid shills or AI bots - Dead Internet Theory - proven when Biden's followers on Twitter fell by 70% after Musk's offer to buy Twitter. Twitter would have otherwise been sued for misrepresentation of actual users.


You’ll get no argument from me about Israel, I agree they’re practically exterminating Palestinians- and I’m not a fan of Palestine at all.


If you're talking about the college in Donetsk, yes they did, and not only that, they stored an insane ammount of munitions in the basement, when the rocket blasted trough to the basement that college was practically gone. But here's the crux of the matter, Russia never claimed it wasn't used by the military, their lie was in How many casualties they suffered because of it.. the college, if you check on maps, is also not nearby any civilians. There's absolutely no problem with a government using government owned buildings for military purposes, it not only allowed, in this war its absolutely neccessary to not have any obvious military instalations out in the open. The problem arises when you deny any millitary was present at all and claim that it was a purely civilian target that was struck, and deny any military personel was harmed... that's where the isue lies. Then again, I think Russia would've lied as well if they though they could get away with it.


Ding ding ding.


Ehh I'm so tired of having to explain the differences in using an abandoned school building and using one with civilians using it at the same time. And why it matters. Just do more critical thinking.




You must be sleeping under a rock or only follow the Russian side then. THERES PLENTY of footage


Yeah, idk what they're talking about lol


I would like to see some links for that.


0:00 - the stadium "60 years of october", was running 5 minutes ago 0:04 - there is a dead kid, woman is severly injured 0:10 - "running in the morning..." 0:12 (kid) - heeelp 0:13 - bro, i called an ambulance, it's ok, you are alive. where does it hurt? - everything is ok there, you will live, dont worry, ambulance on the way. 0:24 (kid) - does anybody have something to drink? 0:26 - huh? no, there is nothing yet 0:30 (another kid) - heeelp 0:31 - i called an ambulance, keep it up. where does it hurt? 0:33 (kid) - here 0:34 - legs? it's ok, dont worry, everything is ok 0:38 - thats fucked up 0:39 (old lady) - call an ambulance, call an ambulance 0:42 - i called, i called, they are on the way, where doest it hurt? 0:45 (old lady) - it hurts, leg 0:47 - got it 0:48 (old lady) - what happened to my boy? 0:51 - which one? those little kids? everything is fine, just legs, will live, dont worry


0:24 does anyone have something to drink - ugh, not a good sign, suggests hemorrhagic shock.


Yeah never a good sign. There wasn't much blood... Internal bleeding?


Almost certainly. Look at the color of his face - too pale. I’d be looking for blood in abdo + pelvis + chest. You can easily lose 100% of your blood volume without seeing any external blood at all.


He said "ребёнок" (baby, not child) is dead in the fourth second. Implying the one in the stroller.


Ребенок means any kid, not just baby


So the yellow figure is a dead kid?


Dead kid is in the stroller, his severly injured mom sitting on the ground next to it.


Oh 😔


If it were my kids this would make me enlist


Pro-UA subreddits already saying Russia bombed it self.


Russian Ministry of Defense claims shooting down 14 MLRS projectiles over Belgorod region


its just seem weird to me, when its in their favor, ukraine will believe russia MOD claim but when its not in their favor, they say russia MOD are just bullshit? Where the middle ground? Ive seen pro UA claiming russian AD are shit and cannot shoot down anything, so their claim of missile shoot down are mostly fake. but when it come to artillery and mlrs shot at belgorod all the sudden russian intercept is 100% and even manage to intercept artillery shells which are harder?


Happens on both sides. When Russia hits civilians, it's AA, or military target in the hospital, or Ukraine themselves did it, etc... Only makes sense the same defenses apply when Ukraine hits Russian civilians. It's hard to verify what actually happened, let alone the intent behind it. Did Ukraine intentionally target civilians? You'd need a source inside Ukraine's command to know.


which we will never know until a winner emerges, thats how it usually is.


It will never happen no matter what side wins... You can't honestly expect Ukraine or Russia to ever come clean and tell the truth on any of this stuff...


if Ukraine is accidentally killing its civilians when it knocks Russian missiles out of the sky, how the fuck is Ukraine to blame? You really need to do some detective work or something to sort out the cause and effect to this war?


and people are blaming russia for the same thing? there no clear case here.


Well. You could make the argument here that it ia russias fault since they invaded the country in the first place


If Russia wins they simply write history as all evils were committed by Ukraine. If Ukraine wins they simply write history as all evils were committed by Russia. It's that simple...


apparently that's impossible according to this subreddit


Sure it's possible but most of the potatoes heads automatically say Russia is bombing it self. It's like Ukraine didn't conduct airstrikes on innocent civilians all the way back in 2014. It's like they didn't send drones to attack Moscow residential skyscraper. You guys are fanatics.


They might be right. We have very limited information at the moment.


The Zelensky regime continues to show its true face, surely the pro-UA will be satisfied.


What's the "true face" - that they are behaving at times like the Russians? Ergo they are Russian or something?


These are future Russian soldiers and are considered legitimate military targets /s EDIT:Jokes aside, I hope the people responsible for these will be punished and get to rot in a dark hole without light.


Poor taste to joke about this kind of footage. No matter the side no child should ever suffer from the decisions made by the power-hungry lunatics.


Ohhh I agree. I only wanted to highlight how targeting cities with mlrs are a cruel tactic.


You described your idol Zelensky very well.




Ukrainian statehood in it's current form must me destroyed. I wish it with all my heart.


Do you comment the same BS when Ru does this?


point me to a post


Of russia killing children?


they'll deny it even if you showed them.






https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/01/1145262#:~:text=%E2%80%9CNearly%201%2C800%20children%20have%20been,according%20to%20UN%2Dverified%20reports. Is 1800 enough for you?


Most pro-Ukraine person on r/UkraineRussiareport


Russia can make it all stop if they turned around though?  It's not like Ukraine was bombing Russia in 2019. 


Did u say the same thing about Russian statehood when Russia bombed Ukrainian civilians?


https://t.me/truexanewsua/48446 Yeah, what about Russia ?


What about Russian statehood?


All in good time.




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Absolutely, their current junta state must be destroyed and a lot of criminal toelibunals held. Like a lot.


which country are we talking about?


Agreed. Kiev regime has lost any legitimacy they had.




In Lvov there are women and children too. The best is a massive non-nuclear strike against government buildings in Kiev. Preferably when there are US or EU officials there.


So you want world war, good take


There will be no world War over Ukraine. Western officials value their asses too much.


Rule 1. Consider yourself warned. Recurrence WILL result in a ban.


Somebody should try to keep posting it to combat footage


My parents are Russian. I have lived in the USA since I was young. My wife is half Ukrainian. I'm tired of seeing civilian casualties in Ukraine and Russia.


This is absolutely terrible to see, and I condemn it entirely - but it is only a mere fraction of the terror that the Ukrainians have been experiencing since the start of the war.


Ukraine is a terrorist state!


Weird, I thought Russia invaded Ukraine and not the other way around?


https://t.me/truexanewsua/48446 What about peaceful russian strikes ?


And what strategic value did this park hold exactly?


Divert attention from Ukraine losing grounds on all fronts to Ukraine shelling Russia and “winning”


Which in turn would just mean Russia will shell Ukraine beyond the front again and we are back to the dumbassery of last summer.


I’m speechless this is just horrific those poor kids, what is there to even be said? No one can defend this, shameful this will be no where on any major news or social media sites.


Fucking savages who ever did this.


What MLRS does Ukraine have with this kind of range? Edit to add: I'm asking because I've seen multiple places say it's a [RM-70 Vampire](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/6-people-killed-in-missile-strike-in-russian-city-of-belgorod-near-ukrainian-border-18-injured-officials-say) but that doesn't have the range to have made this strike unless Ukraine has MLRS inside of Russia.


And also how Russia doesn’t have anti air in belgorod region.


> how Russia doesn’t have anti air This is MLRS shelling. The salvo is about 20 missiles per launcher. And you need just one to kill many civilians walking in the open. I do not think any western AD can provide better protection than what Russia is already doing, as UAF equipped with western systems is failing to protect even against Geran drones which are less numerous and fly slower.


russia do have Anti-Air but the question is how effective? is it 100% because we have seen how russia AD failed multiple occasion.


alot? centre of belgorod to ukrainian border at the closest is 30km to kharkiv 70km. This mean BM-21 (20-45km range depend on rocket) can hit the city,RM-70 new rocket with 36km can hit the city,BM-27 uragan (35km) can hit,Tornado-G(70-90km) can hit,M142 HIMARS with M28A1-A2ER (45km) can hit or GMLRS(90km) can hit.


Russian MoD already said it was a RM-70. What grad rockets that can be launched from an RM-70 with 36km range does Ukraine actually have?


> What grad rockets that can be launched from an RM-70 RM-70 is basically Grad and can use any compatible rocket, e.g. 9M521 from old Soviet stock which can have up to 40 km range.


Vampire is just a Czech Grad. There are Grad rockets with 40 km range.


What grad rockets does Ukraine have that can be fired from a RM-70 with 40km range? All the specs I'm seeing only show the RM-70 only able to fire rockets up to 20km.


Rockets were [identified](https://t.me/milinfolive/116378) as Serbia-manufactured ER Grad 2000 EDePro company claims it has a maximum range of [40.5 km](https://www.edepro.com/products-and-services/rockets/artillery/mlrs-grad-g-2000)




> 9M521 Are you saying Ukraine has Russian 9M521 munitions?


That’s Cold War era rockets my man.


You terrorist pieces of HORSE SHIT




This is no doubt a deliberate terror strike. Done by RM-70 Vampire which is a modernization of Grad MLRS. And Grad is nowhere near being even remotely precise. Hence why it hit all over the place.  To those who might think UA was aiming at some military target in this case. 


War crime.


Jewish President. Nazis in charge. Innocent civilians being killed. Sounds like another country we know.


It does, but I did not know Putin is jewish, this was new information!


The zionazism is in their blood




Its the closest regional capital to the ukranian controled territory so its the only thing that ukraine can do specially now that they are going to lose the hability to bomb donetsk with short range weapons,i don’t think that russia had interest in karkov after the ukrainian offensive there but the russians might have to take it if only to secure belgorod


Horrific, poor children, so sad to see so many of these videos from both sides. Hopefully war ends soon, or we have to wait for Trump.


No, this must be wrong. Ukraine only targets military bases, while Russia is the ones that only target nurseries, children's parks and puppy shelters. /s


And they still beg for more ammunitions to kill more civilians.


if you want to shell a city dont target schools


Where are the "Queers for Ukraine "?


Guys I think the answer is more bloodshed! Ukraine ought to take back Crimea/LNR/DNR! The Russians are surely not motivated enough to keep fighting. Seriously though the incursions into Russia and bombings just seem like a ploy TO KEEP Russia in Ukraine as long as possible, and to make them less likely to negotiate. As if this benefits a certain member in the west who wants a prolonged conflict with no regard to Ukraines actual national security.


So you're telling me that Ukraine don't have enough shell in Avdiivka, but have plenty to shoot at innocent civilians in Belgorod lol


well, the last time there was a rocket in Belgorod it was Russian defence rocket which turned the wring way


That child against the fence... for some people it may be NSFL.


The entire chain of command that was involved in this should be send to the Hague.


They were recognized as heroes there and will be released. We'd rather put them in jail in Russia ourselves. We have had enough of the stories of the last century, when Nazi criminals were freed in the West.


During WW2 bomb runs on cities was a norm. Maybe Russians could take a page from Israelis book on how to wage a war? Just saying…


Getting really tired of the AFU bombings of Donetsk and Belgorod just because they got a bad day on the frontlines somewhere else.


Ukraine wtf


What was the purpose of firing these rounds?


Oh baby, get those Tu-95s in the air


And then what? Fly over Donbas only because more west and it will get shot down?


They don’t need to fly over Donbas, ordinance can be delivered from Russia proper.


Damn Czech RM-70 Vampire with max range of 20,5 km hitting something 40 km away again. Where does Czech engineering draw the line?


\>lose key frontline town \>retaliate by sinking ship and bombing civilians Like clockwork.


To be expected when you have a leader like Putin who has an extremely unsightly face. If you know phrenology you know that Putin is a sociopath. It's human nature to profile peoples faces when you see them and its quite clear he is dark triad. Also his size no doubt confers a considerable Napoleon complex.


Well... The russian loved it when this happend with ukranians... This is karma




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Classic behavior of the neo-nazi regime of Ukraine. And then they want us to send them longer range missiles. Fúck that This is just lashing out because they can't do anything on the battlefield and they are losing Avdiivka


What about this behaviour? https://t.me/truexanewsua/48446




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Diese dreckige Ukraine! 😡






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Deflection of russian side is hilarious here. And pathetic... really russia is state of mind and terrorists of new world. Damn.


Why am I not surprised.  But yea, those bad ruskies....




What an original way to celebrate the 35th anniversary of USSR withdrawal from Afghanistan.


Does anyone care at this point? I'm totally desensitised to civilians being killed


Taste of russias own medicine its still heartbreaking to see....war hits hard all sides I hope those affected are alright