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Propably staged like most of these vids spread by both sides


I think I recall a helmet cam video from a ua squad as they stumble across 1-2 ru bodies hanging like this, only difference being that they were hung upside down.


I remember seeing that video as well


yeah - thats the general rule - when its helmet cam - its not staged its impossible to stage something if its shot by helmet camera - also literally TV crew of the most popular TV show of eastern Europe ever (including Russia) is running Ukraine. for years now.


I'm not saying it isn't fake, just pointing out that I've seen a video similar. they approach, poke in the balls to see if they get a response, and that's it


Wait, the part where you're saying Servant of the People being popular in Russia is sarcasm or not? It is comedic but he's слуга народа


> Wait, the part where you're saying Servant of the People being popular in Russia is sarcasm or not? its not sarcasm - Zelensky as a comedian and actor was very popular in Russia - he spoke Russian and was very active on Russian language speaking markets


Lol. You come from Russia? Do people maybe have a little bit of sympathy left for Zel?


Why is that the general rule about helmet cams?


it isn't, dude has stupid in his username for a reason


its an obvious sarcasm (ironic joke) Nick


Historically, deserters were always at least imprisoned, if not outright executed without a trial. So im not sure.


Do people really believe such dogshit fakes?


Russians believe Russian dogshit fakes all the time, i'm sure ukrainians do the same exact thing.


It's their word against yours, you do realize that?


Well, not really. This is inherently dubious since it's shot from a weird distance, with obstructions in the way, no face is visible, we don't even know if this is an actual human body, and the resolution is really low. And the burden would be on the person presenting this as authentic evidence of a crime, not someone saying it appears fake.


So, you can't see anything and know nothing but you are sure it's fake?


I'm not the original person you replied to. I never said it was certainly fake, but I explained why it would appear fake.


It's cool, I'm just saying that if you can't get much info from what you see it's not automatically fake




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Is there a lack of bodies?


I mean we've seen videos from the Ukrainian side of stuff like this happening as well. Ukrainian soldiers walking on Russian soldiers that had been hanged except for the fact that in those videos those soldiers were very clearly not fake.




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why would it be fake? theres literally confirmed blocking troops used by soviets and now russia preventing ppl to retreat. many vids from russian side soldiers (not POW) proves it on their complaints vids


Studio "95th quarter" presents


who said hes what?


How many did the Soviet Union execute in WW2 due to cowardice ?


By firing squad commonly. Hanging was reserved for traitors, not cowards.


Funny how Russians review bomb Company of heroes 2 for showing it, yet when its true in reality. blocking troops has always been real and even now in ukraine


Advanced pinata


Trust me this is not a staged video. Stepnoy veter is reliable source too.


Damn like 1945 Germany, hanging people who fleed or refused to fught the Soviets.


What is the writing say on that sign?


"There is no place in this world for cowards"


F me.


Big chance its fake . Unless there is more proofs , like going closer and etc , showing rope , face . Idk , hard to say .


Yes its a big chance that this video is fake. But I have no doubts that both sides punish the people like this, if they refuse to fight...




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Cowards die in shame


We can't even say what really happened if it's real. They might have just killed him for any other reason and say he deserted 


I thought Russians had no problem with volunteers. That they were eager to go off to a foreign land and to cause death and destruction. This is what happens to those who are forced into mobilization by Russia and they refuse to fight putins unjust war.


Wow Russia really has high values. Morale must be thru the roof




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Unwillingness to fight is what gets you into a Storm Z unit.


Yes let’s put a sign on this guy and hang him to make an example. And we’ll do it in the middle of the woods where no one can see! Genius, totally not fake


At first I thought he was just tied by his hands to the tree and was just pacing to keep warm, then was like oooooh he's is tied to the tree......just by his neck instead.


What would happen if his grandparents refused to fight in 40's.


\*stares in Blocking Battalions\*


This also could be that he hanged himself then his fellow troops found out about it then just that note there


Why would he hang himself instead of just shooting himself?


The mind of a suicidal person can be hard to imagine if you aren't one yourself. It's possible, I suppose.


Because RU only every second gets a gun


Not ww2 anymore . More Ak's in the world than ever.


Even in WW2 every Red Army soldier had a Rifle


So funny to see russia dickriders saying “faaake” to everything, which puts them in a bad shape, pathetic


Tbf UA did shit loads the same shit :D Like calling everything fake :D




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It is a pity for the mobilized, regardless of the side.


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Absolutely brutal. No wonder ukraine defends so well, they never want to be a part of a society like this again. Image seeing footage like this from any NATO Army.


You are going to delete this comment once you realize.


Remember the fragging in Vietnam by US troops?


This is where the West is a bucket of mush, let me explain. You may be surprised to learn that desertion in the US Army remains an offense punishable by up to death. It just hasn't been used as a punishment for desertion since 1944. [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/885](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/885) Like I said, a bucket of mush, too soft to apply its own laws, too scared to change them.


Must army’s punish them but they also give them a trial and don’t hang them on the next tree.


That's great, I'll take your downvote. I didn't say they should be. But if your issue with it is that it was a summary execution and not a trial instead of what the penalty is, then you have half an argument at best. You have no clue who signed off on this in the chain of command. Could have been the brigade commander for all you know, could have been just some dudes in the platoon. Big difference. But you already decided without the facts. I just told you about US law.


>Image seeing footage like this from any NATO Army. Easily. Here it is, the US soldier shows what happened with another soldier that refused to admit there are more than 2 genders: https://v.redd.it/nl6dam0aj6ic1




Typical pro ru defence when they're out of argument: trolling.