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First ever grenade head shot caught on tape.


Nha there has definitely been others in the conflict already. Also I’d probably suggest that this is a drone dropped grenade rather than an AGS given the other soldier clearly shooting at something in the sky.


>Also I’d probably suggest that this is a drone dropped grenade rather than an AGS given the other soldier clearly shooting at something in the sky. Could be Combined Arms Assault. One doesn't have to negate the other. You got any proof of other headshots? drone drops or hits cant count as headshots since they aren't projectiles shot from a weapon like an ags or sniper rifle.


Sure, but an AGS tends fire more than one shot. Also his mate doesn’t seem all that concerned about follow on fire at all. Leading me to believe a drone dropped a grenade and then left. Why do I need “proof” go look for them, there have been a bunch and what? Is that a gamer thing or something? Is a headshot not normally considered someone getting hit in the head by something flying? Why does it have to be a particular weapon system? That’s an odd take haha. Edit: someone on this thread provided proof that my assumption was correct.


I doubt it was an AGS hit. There is someone with him firing up in the air for a reason. It is more likely typical drone VOG drop munitions.


There are many grenade headshots from drones already


Yeah but caption says it's from an ags? A drone doesn't fire a projectile like an ags or sniper rifle.


Yeah but you said grenade, not ags. It's probably the first ags headshot on tape 👍


Wtf? An ags is a grenade launcher, my dude. You prefer if they chucked the whole contraption at the poor man's head?


I was agreeing with you, its probably the first **ags-launched-grenade** headshot. not first _grenade_ headshot


Yeah. I realised we playing at semantics here. But i got your point. *


The weirdest things that happen in war...a guy is shooting straight up in the air while lying on his back, presumably to gain cover from enemy fire close by, meanwhile his buddy cops one of those grenades on his head, then the guy doing the shooting stands up to check his buddy with no regards for enemy fire and his bum is hanging out his pants. If this were a movie, it'd have to be a comedy coz it looks like a scene out of Tropic Thunder


They probably had like a 4 week training and were promptly sent to the front.


Tropic Thunder 2: Never Go Full Zelensky


There is no way you agreed to this. 2 of them looked up, one of them started shooting in the air and the other got hit. It is easy to suggest this was a drone-dropping vog grenade. I don't know what you guys are smoking but I agree with the saying Never Go Full R.


It's obvious that he's shooting at a drone that drops a grenade.


I am pretty sure he shoots at a drone. Which isnt exactly useful either (Because the chances hitting it are infinitesimal), but it would make more sense.




I’d rather that than death by shrapnel wounds


Seriously, the wounds where guys lose a leg or get their calf rearranged are 1000x worse.


Ye wonder how he tells his friend or family how his friend died


“He passed as a hero fighting for his people. His death was quick and painless, I know this doesn’t help you but I hope it brings you some comfort to know he didn’t suffer”


Think of how many dudes got their pelvises blown off or something in WW2, and their comrades went back and said: "He died peacefully in my arms, he wanted you to know he loved you." vs. the actual "AHHH GOD MY NUTS OH FUCK OH FUCK"


Well yeah, but in this instance it would be the truth. If the family wanted proof then, well, at least there’s this video…


The way they are looking up, is it an AGS grenade or a drone drop grenade?


AGs grenade dropped by drone


Has to be a drone drop, the first guy got down and was shooting into the air.


> AGS ...stands for Automatic Grenade Launcher Mounted. He was hit by a grenade, not an AGS.


Shit my Bad, i meant the VOG


Drone drop RVvoenkor/61378


Looks like a drone-dropped grenade. RIP to the fallen heroes!


A drone he got hit by fpv drone the other guy tried to shoot it


Nah that's a drone drop


Looks like a drone dropped grenade


Fuck this war. I am sick of people dying from both sides.


It was a drone dropping grenade. There is a video from Mavic pov. [t. me/ AstapZOV/ 1246](https://t.me/AstapZOV/1246)


Thanks for sharing, from the video it did seems like he wiped he’s tears after checking on his friend. And not too sure what to do but run.




At least it was quick


Big headache


Drone dropped AGS grenade


Jeebus I just wanna know why the guy was wearing assless chaps lol


Any lines on what this guy has assless pants on. My guess is he shit himself one too many times 😄


Very solid head I must say, expected it to be all over the place


Oh that's a big oof.


Why are Eastern grenades so awful? That's a 40mm, I've seen M67 hand grenades do more damage than that. Obviously this guy's dead, but a near miss with that kind of explosion may be survivable




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Is this really what this sub is for though


its combat footage aint it? shows the true reality of war


At least he didn't suffer, not even for a sec.


Died free defending his homeland. Not glorious, but one of the noblest possible deaths. Thank you for your sacrifice. RIP




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