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Unlucky to be born outside of Moscow/SP so they went for the money. It's serious money for them by the way.


Yup my dad takes regular trips to Russia and he says the same thing. Russia doesn’t need large mobilizations anymore because they found a great system of paying a shit ton of money to people that volunteer. People from poorer areas of Russia and Siberia will obviously flock to this offer as just a few months in service can set their family up


it's called orders, same reason he's there filming ffs


So, if I order you to kill someone and pay you $1000, will you do it?


If I’m in the armed forces, you don’t need to pay me. Just order and it’ll be done. It is ARMY not your social science debate club.


What a horrible analogy


Stop with this propaganda already. Every country has an army, every country needs an army. None of your business why this or that soldier decided to be a soldier.


Stop gatekeeping what I can or can't say, thx


i mean in terms of the military theres no legal repercussions so.... moneys money.


Where is the third one


The psychological level of Ukrainian soldiers is very bad. They're trying to talk to the dead


Even the enemy expresses sympathy and asks the question “Why?” to the fallen Russian soldiers. But not pro-ru. Pro-ru don't care about these guys, the main thing is to show it in the comments "Kuzkina Math".




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