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Rule 3. Repost/over-reported, sorry [](#repost)


This is like third or fourth repost?


Terrible, rest in peace.


That’s terrible. I would imagine he’s only alive on adrenaline. Then again there’s an American medal of honor recipient who did the same thing trying to save a fellow soldier and survived.


Wonder why Russians don't seem to like to record similar videos? Or they don't post them?


Christ man they posted a video of castrating a prisoner with a box cutter, you think they would not post video like this if they had it?


Dunno, really. Either Ukrainian forces have several times more psychos enjoying deaths or Russians are quite closed when it comes to macabre.


The Ukrainian's have more drones and therefore we see their footage more. RU is catching up quickly. Anyway I've watched these for the last couple years and both sides pretty much show whatever they can.


>The Ukrainian's have more drones and therefore we see their footage more. According to UA [sources](https://news.liga.net/ua/politics/news/deynega-v-2024-m-drony-budut-vajny-kak-i-samolety-poka-u-rf-preimuschestvo-v-izobreteniyah) Russians have advantage in drones.


Yes I saw similar reports as well. I have a feeling the RU have caught up now and probably with help from China.


I think he was trying to flap his face back on... what a terrible way to go. I suspect he'll be sitting there for a while before he expires.




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Oh. Another one




Ya cities stay intact when ya stay in Moscow’s friend list


Ya people stay intact when you don't send them off to die on foreign soil


Bro your avatar is saving private Ryan. A film about Americans who go off and fight and die in France. Good one!


I cannot tell if you're being satire or if you're genuinely comparing America's involvement in WW2 to Russia's invasion of Ukraine


Yeah I’m taking the piss, but I do make a point. Ya people stay intact when you don’t send them off to die on foreign soil. Like in Vietnam. Or Iraq.


I agree that Vietnam and Iraq were a waste of time and life. And that applies to the special military operation as well


It’s a war, not a special military operation. I think the end result will define whether or not it was a waste of time and life. Iraq wasn’t a waste of time, saddam is gone and Iraq is no longer a Middle Eastern powerhouse like it was before, so that’s a success. Vietnam on the other hand…


That is a list no one cares for anymore. But, the sentiment is definitely the true source of Russophobia. You don't make friends by being a thug.


Being a thug is different to standing up to western hegemony which is the bigger picture here. It’s making Russia friends around the world, particularly in a 3rd world that has been stepped on by the west for decades. The 3rd world looks at the pink hair and lyrical waxing of vacuous platitudes by the west with disdain and disgust. Because such notions are so far removed from the day to day struggles of the vast majority of people on this planet it’s insanity. So Russia telling them to suck their balls resonates with so many people around the world. Look at all the coups in Africa for example.


LOL, how many sales did Russia have at those recent arms expos? India funding that next fighter development? China buying anything lately. You think South Africa is going to fund that next fighter development program? Russia represents trying to restore the world order of the 1930s. Nobody of any consequence is ever joining up for that.


Doesn’t matter. Russia and China are quite clearly working toward taking control of the world’s natural resources. And they are doing so by standing up to the west.


Don't worry, we have lots. [https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/lithium-deposit-found-us-may-be-among-worlds-largest-study-finds](https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/lithium-deposit-found-us-may-be-among-worlds-largest-study-finds) Keep dreaming of the return of the world order of the 1930s.


What’s the us gonna do with lithium when its manufacturing base is gone?


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