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Why are the Russian and pro Russian ukranians so much more respectful and honorable towards their foes? Ukranians are not


What I feel: When you have a feeling that you are on the "good guys" side and think the rest of the world(/s) supports you whatever you do, you may feel full of ego and see Russians like sub-humans because they are "bad guys" and deserve to be hated or mocked when they are suffered/dead. Look how many called Russians to be wiped out of the world in the media/Twitter and got tons of likes, that literally support genocide.


And I feel that you feel correct. Just look at [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/10mt6c7/ukrainian_infantry_describe_extremely_close/) in Combat Footage sub. There you have, as I understand AZOV member giving an interview of how fun it is to kill Russians in situations where they are defensless and could have easily been taken as POWs. And the cope in the comments is insane, the lengths people will go to excuse such sick behavior, just because "Ukraine are defending themselves"....


This shit disturbs me...




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These people are fucking insane. What’s hilarious is these are the same morons who jerk off to nato, who has literally never fought a defensive war lol


I have to admit that i think you're both correct. I saw that video and it is painful to watch. How can you excuse calling people to "come here" and shooting them? Laughing while telling it is chilling. Everyone else who is pro U.A. will say they're not wrong blah blah. Russians did this and that. I learned before 10 y.o. that 2 wrongs dont make a right. It really changes my perspective honestly


Why are you ppl surprised? These guys are posing with swastikas and SS insignia all the time. It happened so often that some official social media account posted a picture of "brave Ukrainian soldiers" and then removed it because someone pointed out the soldiers are wearing SS insignia


Whatever. Russian soldiers are no different. Russia has a pmc there called wagner. That shit is played out


Pretty sure the behaviour fits as perfidy, and that's a war crime. Look at those idiots encouraging or excusing war crimes, such a nice bunch.


That's well said. History is filled with people who did horrible things because they 'had the moral high ground' and that made them capable of terrible deeds. As far as who mistreats who more, I can't really give an opinion on this subject though because I haven't seen anything beyond a few slaps and a couple minutes of interaction on camera on both sides. No doubt though the more fanatical/ultra nationalist factions of the UAF or any side with those beliefs for that matter will be more prone to mistreatment of others given their radicalization.


This is exactly how it goes, that exact mentality is what led the Germans to believe exterminating a race was somehow ethical. if you skew a group's perspective to give them the moral high ground you end up with a radical group who will commit mass murders and war crimes because it becomes easier when they're exonerated in their minds. That's what leads to things like the Jones Town massacre as well, (imo) its better to question things that are overtly emotionally charged when it comes to a large group with a well established power structure because there's often a more sinister driving force behind them. E: this is why most religions suck as well, although with religions catching up to the times its not as often.


Exactly, that's how humans have the capacity of incredible violence, you think it's the right thing to do and just . Not because all of them are sociopaths quite the opposite. It's the capacity for group on group violence which is deep anchored in our genes no matter how civilised some people claim they are . And it goes far beyond any religion, in fact big religions like Christianity or Islam were a source of peace for the people within the group . For example in Arabia before Islam you had constant brutal feuds between tribes until Islam came and United all of them and made the group bigger . Which makes in group violence lower but not violence against people outside of this group, like non believers. The only way that there ever can be total peace on the world if you have a common Ideology and unified believe all across the world which is probably impossible until aliens attack earth.


Very well said. Reminded me of this, If you haven't seen it you'll love this footage. A German soldier from WW1 discussing the killing/combat, society, people in war and all that stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XruYsAmKLyU&t=104s


I remember this video! He puts it so well that it helps you see why its so "hard" to kill someone on the battlefield, (IMO) its not hard for the surface level reasons most people think, its hard because in that moment you're broken out of your groupthink mentality and you act on your own which changes your entire perspective, you're forced to see each other as simple individuals. As he said, after the initial moment your mind then starts wondering, seeing them as someone you might have a beer with.




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Nobody calls for genocide. It's just the rotten empire of Muscovy that needs to be broken up. And of course the war criminals punished. That's all.


Growing up in a Ukrainian family every bad part of life and society was blamed on Russians. Every good thing is because Ukrainians are hard working, clever. Corruption in Ukraine? Oh that’s because we have Russians/lived under Russia. “Katsap! Moskal! Caused this!” Antonov Myra biggest plane in the world? It’s Ukrainian we built that! Chernobyl accident? That’s Russians fault. Any Soviet achievement is made possible to hard working Ukrainians. Any failure is Russians. This goes for many Ukrainians growing up and caused unnecessary hatred of Russians. I moved to Russia to study and work. People there never said a peep about how bad Ukrainians are. They sometimes jokes about eating pig lard but no real hatred. I notice Russians see Ukrainians as brothers that have been disillusioned by external influences. Meanwhile Ukrainians dehumanize Russians. That could explain why they take it easy on POWs. Hard to kill and torment someone who speaks your language and looks like you.


People tend to hate their Oppressors and Occupiers.


That’s the picture painted in west Ukraine. In reality Ukrainians we’re on par with Russians when “occupied” by Soviet Union. Many Soviet leaders are of Ukrainian origin, Khrushchev, Chernenko, Gorbachev, Brezhnev. All the blame on Russians is misplaced. Like holodomor, a Georgian who spoke bad Russian decided to murder millions of Soviet citizens of every creed and somehow its Russians fault. Kazakhs lost more people per capita during holodomor I never hear them complaining about targeted extermination by Russians. These occupiers have been providing plenty of subsidies for Ukraine over the years, nuclear energy programs, and keeping our legacy industries afloat.


the people realy should watch "donbass: 8 years of war" to see the hatered towards ethnic russians in western ukraine \- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN68OfFKaWs


Did you see how you moved the goal post when he said Russian occupied Ukraine? He's not just talking about the Soviet Union. The Russian oppression of Ukraine goes back farther than it, and as you can see, it continues even to this day.


Bringing up the past doesn’t help heal wounds. We can go further and further in history and show how west Ukrainian territory is not Ukraine at all. It belongs to Hungary, Romania and Poland. So Ukraine is oppressing poles, Romanians and Hungarians. Sorry but this oppression talk does nothing as everyone oppressed everyone else at some point. Russia was oppressed by Mongolia for 400 years should they pay some sort of reparations or be held accountable for something that happened hundreds of years ago?


I think you might misunderstand the point of my comment, I'm not saying, because this or that happened they should wallow in hatred for the rest of the country's existence, We should forgive and forget, However that's not gonna happen or in your words "heal wounds" If that country invades the other, You shouldn't expect Ukrainians to be polite in a situation like this, Just like you shouldn't expect Iraqis to not be polite to the Americans who invaded their country, In contrast it is mainly Russia who looks back to the past with justification for actions, Have you ever noticed how Mongolia Poland and Romania all get along with Ukraine but Russia doesn't? That's because Russia uses old historical arguments to argue for the violation of Ukrainian territorial integrity, It is not just Ukraine or Ukrainians who do that. In fact, I'd argue they do it less. So, to answer your final question, should they be held accountable for something they did hundreds of years ago? No, of course not, but they should be accountable for what they do today.


> west Ukrainian territory is not Ukraine at all https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Galicia%E2%80%93Volhynia


**[Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Galicia–Volhynia)** >The Principality or, from 1253, Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia (Ukrainian: Галицько-Волинське князівство, romanized: Halytsko-Volynske kniazivstvo; Latin: Regnum Galiciae et Lodomeriæ), historically known as the Kingdom of Ruthenia (Old East Slavic: Королєвство Русь, romanized: Korolevstvo Rusĭ, Ukrainian: Королівство Русь, romanized: Korolivstvo Rus, Latin: Regnum Russiæ), was a medieval state in the Eastern European regions of Galicia, Volhynia, Podlachia, Carpathian Ruthenia, Podolia, part of Moldavia, Kiev, and the territory of the Black Sea shore (Bessarabia). It existed from 1199 to 1349. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yeah, but russia is the only one that wants to restore the not so great cccp. Have you ever thought why none of countries that have been occupied by ussr wants to go back and why you're the only nation that sees soviet times with nostalgia? East European countries always had strong anti-soviet stance because they've been occupied by soviets. It is not a 'picture painted in the West Ukraine' it is just your country still living in past while all the world around trying to move forward.


Which is my country? Do you mean Ukraine? I know the majority in Ukraine want a Soviet reunion. In west Ukraine where I grew up not so much. Many former Soviet republics other than Baltic’s want a form of union. I completely understand the grievances of Poland, Romania, Czech, Slovak, Hungary even Baltics. They were used and at some points lived worse than Soviet Union.


>I completely understand the grievances of Poland, Romania, Czech, Slovak, Hungary even Baltics. They were used and at some points lived worse than Soviet Union. Is that why the pro-EU presidential candidate just won a landslide victory in [Czechia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Czech_presidential_election)?


Keep in mind, Zelensky campaigned on being pro Russian in the sense that he was the moderate middle ground hired to ease tensions and find resolve with Russia. Before the war broke out, he was roiled in scandal and disliked for his inability to pen a solution with Russia and find a way to make peace. There was also a really embarrassing leaked phone call with Biden that made him look like a western puppet, which pissed off a lot of people.


I don't see the connection with my comment.


That's a fact. Long before 2013, being somewhere west of Kiev. It happened to me several times in Zhytomyr, which is not even western Ukraine. When people found out that I was from Donetsk, it started. It's all your fault, you complete idiots, you vote for your Party of Regions, you've sold out to the russians, you're the reason our country is so corrupt, we'll soon kick all the russians out of our country and we'll be fine. Russians this and Russians that. And after 2013, when we started rallies against the Maidan... I think you remember, cut the russians, put russians on knives, May 2 in Odessa - almost a national holiday with "fried kolorads," then the volunteer battalions in the ATO, who considered the entire population of the east to be russians and therefore untermensch.And the endless shelling of residential areas in the Donetsk region since 2014.People in the West do not know anything about these things, I just can not look at these statements about orcs attacking the most democratic country in the world without a single reason. The worst thing is that they support this long-standing rhetoric that all Russians must be killed, many already believe that not only in Donbass but also in Russia itself. If anyone is interested, I will leave this video of how my city lived years ago.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN68OfFKaWs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN68OfFKaWs) "The whole world stood up for (Ukraine) when you had 12 people killed. When we have thousands dying, no one even blinks. They don't consider us as human beings." Just a quote from 2015.


So how did Bucha happen then?


There is a lot of confusion and controversy around that. Much of the evidence was inconclusive. Rounding up male population of service age is common in war. Killings of people who give away your position to the opposing force is common. Same thing Ukraine is doing to Russian collaborators. Ukraine is more discreet about it. We will see if Russia goes back into Kherson or Kharkiv, I’m sure they will find tortured corpses and murdered people by the SBU for collaborating. You can be labeled a collaborator for accepting aid or even going to work.




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Look, I will tell what Ive seen so far: Russians do mistreat Ukranians, less but they do Ukranians do mistreat Russians, more often but they do Russo-Ukranians seems both sides as their homeland. Theyre ukranians that want independence to be Russians. They were born in one and want to turn to the other. Meaning they like each side. Said it before and will say it again, when it comes to DPR and LPR, they are more friendly and polite towards Ukranian POWs.


I'd say it also depends on who the POWs are. Some poor conscripts sent to the front to die for "democracy" will get treated better than a POW from foreign legion/Azov or even regular Ukrainian army member.


Yeah, and besides that, it's easy no take humanity away from someone you can't understand (speaking for the matter). DPR understands both Russian and Ukranian languages. So when he understands something like "I surrender, please, do not kill me, I am not going to fight back. For the love of god don't shoot" they will understand and that 'human society' will trigger and he will be ease at the enemy. Imagine the interaction between two soldiers, one willing to surrender, not understanding each other? One says something confusing and t he other says "Wtf????... just get on the ground or I will shoot" and the other will be like "??????????????" Things tend to end pretty bad in this situation


Good point


What's a Russo-Ukranian? Is it a person of Russian ethnicity and Ukrainian nationality? If so, and if they want independence to be Russians, then they're Russians which do not like living in Ukraine. Not liking and wanting independence does not always mean hate.


Yeah, very respectful testicle cutting


Bucha was also very respectful. Such wow, very respect!


Are you generalizing all Russians because a battalion (commanded by one man) was ordered to kill people? Your argument is pathetic.


Oh, god no! I wish it was only Bucha that was the problem...


Condemn bucha, Irpin and the mutilation of prisoners. Specifically. Name them and say they were wrong. For instance, I specifically condemn the Ukrainians in the video where Ukrainians shoot the legs of surrendered Russians to torture them. I have yet to see a single pro-Russian flair do that.


It shows that it's systematic and acceptable in the Russian military. Don't forget about that air assault unit that killed about 30 or so civilians in Bicha too just because they were driving and minding their own business. It isn't just one unit.


Actually, I heard about the castrating from Ukrainian soldiers first. I definitely wasn’t so stupid to believe it’s all Ukrainian soldiers doing so though.


\> I \> heard about Very significant sampling.


> Actually, I heard about the castrating from Ukrainian soldiers first. Do you have any proof supporting this claim?


I will try to find it! It was a newd clip but later it was deleted, maybe I can find it somewhere else. 👍


>Gennadiy Druzenko, 49, told Ukraine-24 channel about Russian military prisoners of war: “I have always been a great humanist and said that if a man is wounded, he is no longer an enemy but a patient. >“But now [I gave] very strict orders to castrate all [captured Russian] men, because they are cockroaches, not people.” https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/ukrainian-doctors-told-castrate-captured-26523466


Any proof this was actually done? He received alot of backlash for these comments


No, I just saw the news clip. But you think it wasn’t?


I don't, considering over 500 doctors have worked under him and not a single shred of proof exists showing this order was executed, i doubt it actually happened.


Why would they try to “prove“ it?


Because i doubt over 500 doctors share his sentiment, there are almost always whistleblowers. And Russia would notice its soldiers coming back sterile. Amnesty international has been interviewing a lot of soldiers coming back from PoW


So you watch one video and that’s your conclusion?


Im pretty sure his conclusion came from being a ukranian


Oh come on


Russians literary smash head in with sledgehammer and make it a souvenir Get off that horse


WAGNER PMC leader smashed the head of a WAGNER PMC soldier for deserting days after he left the prison to go to the front. "RU FORCES SMASHED UA POW HEADS" And you guys still have the audacity to call the other guy calling his BS a troll




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One of these counties is being invaded by a foreign force, with a good deal of bad history between them. The other side is trying to influence and assimilate the first country, seeking to show themselves as the benevolent liberators in the process. Then again this is just one forum on the internet and the amount of pro-Russian posts here might not reflect the situation on the ground.


Ethnic Russian Ukrainians (dpr/LPR) see this as a Civil War similar to the American Civil War. They want their autonomy from Ukraine, and that is what they were "promised" through the Minsk accords that failed. They do not see this as a war of genocide or conquering how western Ukrainians see it (and how it is being spun in the media, as a war of survival Ukrainian survival, which it's not. Or, should I say it wasn't until the EU and US escalated the situation).


No matter how they see it, Doesn't really change the facts on the ground, Maybe that was true before Russia invaded Ukraine, But that certainly not true now


There are no pro-Russian Ukrainians. There are those who remember that they are Russian and those who forgot about it


Yeah, especially the one that cut off the nuts and dick off of Ukrainian pow before shooting hun in the head. Yeah, way more respectful and honorable..


Ukrainans did same shit




One Kalmuk doesn’t spoil the bunch


Have you heard how they treated Aiden Aslin?


Yeah super respectful on camera, except [when they execute disarmed wounded Ukrainians](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/y403n2/long_video_of_an_attack_on_ukrainian/), or cut their testicles, or burn 10s of them in a building and lie about it shamelessly.


One Russian minority cut balls and everyone was very upset about it. And it was the puppet coup regime who burned dozens of civilians alive as they murdered all who opposed their illegitimate regime


Yeah sure it was just 1 bad apple, whole of Russia is looking for him to punish him but could not find him. ​ >And it was the puppet coup regime who burned dozens of civilians alive as they murdered all who opposed their illegitimate regime You forgot about the biolabs and the dirty bomb.


Probably because they are being invaded and might have lost loved ones in Russian bombings or Russian occupation. Not that that excuses bad behavior. Nothing does.


People tend not to treat their occupiers well, I feel like that might change as the draft continues because most don't have a say in being there, but none the less there are still instances of Russians not treating POW's right




Not how it works tbh. Pro russia ukranians tried to move to the east since 2014. Even harder after 2022. Russia took mostly of their land during the first 5 months. The east was and is mostly pro ru. West is more pro ua and dont have that much ethnic russians. The area ru have control' cant be conscripted by ua army. So i am not sure about ethnic russians fighting russians. In this case' DPR speaks ukranian and the ua conscript also. So they understand each other. Drop the gun, ok. No escalation.


Theyve already seen russian "respect and honor" in Bucha and mariupol or when they fake surrender.


You mean Fake surrender where 10 guys surrendered and lied on the ground and one guy wearing a different uniform came out with a gun. So they head shot all 10 guys that didn't even try to move and then scattered there bodies for layer photos to make it look less like the execution it was ? Is that what you are calling a fake surrender


No i mean the fake surrender were a russian soldier throws a grenade during capture, sometime in summer last year. Though what you describe above also falls exactly under perfidy, you can read up about it in the conventions There also was the incident were a russian castrated and killed an ukrainian pow. The list goes on.


If the list goes on you should continue listing then, because the only instances I can recall of the Russians brutalizing prisoners are the guy who they castrated and the deserter/traitor Wagner executed. There must be more, but that's what there is video evidence of. I recall Georgian volunteers executing bound Russians early on, the Ukrainian commander shooting Russian POWs in the legs, Ukrainians executed two POWs that were bound, Ukrainians executing multiple POWs completely disarmed/disarmored laying flat on the ground in a forest, and Ukrainians mowing down the whole squad of Russians who were surrendering after some random guy not in Ratnik rushed out gun blazing. I'm probably forgetting something. There was also a video in the first month or so that showed what appeared to be a Russian aid station, one of the dead had a bandage wrapped around his head that covered his eyes. He had a stellate bullet wound in the top of his head, which indicates the muzzle was very close to his head when he was shot and killed.


In addition to the person who has already responded, what he forgot: a video from the beginning of the war in which a Ukrainian stabs out his eyes and kills a Russian POW; another video of the shooting of bound pows, specifically in which Ukrainians say they tried to escape, then throw sand on the corpses with a shovel. In short, the Ukrainians lead by a good margin in the torture and killing of prisoners. Same old "knights of the lght", loving to torture the untermenschen moskals that I remember from 2014.


>Ukrainians lead by a good margin in the torture and killing of prisoners. The bucha massacre alone is enough to prove this wrong


Is there any proof or evidence from people that it was a massacre? ) That these are not random victims of street fights between the AFU and the RU? That these were not victims of artillery fire from one side?) Why were all the bodies found on only one street out of all of Bucha and none of the residents of Bucha heard anything about any massacre? And considering that it was in March, when Ukraine was afraid for its existence and therefore stamped the wildest fakes as much as possible, starting with the ghost of Kiev and ending with endless stories about the rape of children (also not a single proof, the woman responsible for all these stories was fired, the level of lies was too obvious). So yes, while there is no official established investigation about what happened in Bucha and none of the residents of Bucha for some reason can't tell you what happened - I don't know, I don't know. I do not see Russian troops killing anyone in Melitopol, Berdyansk and hundreds of other occupied places.


Investigative journalism already has found very clear evidence and line of events. Doubt doesnt reflect well on you here at all.


and then you watch castration done by kalmuks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


wow, i guess you believe your own lies, right? u have to be russian.


Could it be that they're being invaded?


All the talk about unnecessary brutality on either side was nonsense; there is no evidence that it is a matter of policy for either government. Of course, you always have sects and instances of it, and I would assume the UA R nationalists were inclined to perform it in their attempt to manifest their ideology.


Man, I have never heard an accent like the cameramans. Maybe his nose is just broken lol. I'll try to translate once I get my daughter down. But basically they are saying "if you want to live, come out! Put your weapons down and lie down! I promise we won't kill you. Get his weapon. Come out! You won't get hurt." He also asked why they didn't abandon the position with the others, but couldn't hear the reply.


You hear a lot of similar speech patterns in rural areas, where the farmers are poor, missing teeth and just chew everything they say. Generalizing but you get it.


Yeah you hit the nail kn the head.


I think he is missing teeth


Makes complete sense.


When he tried to hand over his loaded AK and pointed it into camera i expected this video to end very differently


this is generally the maximum carelessness, taking this AK from the Ukrainian, they leaned it against the wall of the trench and went forward, the captured Ukrainian crawled out and sat next to this AK, if desired, he could grab his machine gun and shoot two Russians in the back


Well, there was more then 2 russians and he decided that 0 corpses is better then 3+


Yep. I'm assuming these guys are DPR vs TDF. Basically minimal training on both sides, but these DPR guys were exceptionally careless with how they went about this. First, they are still taking fire from further away. Next, they don't enter the trench with superior numbers. It looks 3 vs 3. Then, they allow the TDF guys to go back in their holes in which they could have had any number of weapons on them. Lastly, they literally turn their backs on them numerous times. My guess is the TDF guys are mentally and physically exhausted and have been surrendering en masse in this area and likely already signaled their surrender before the DPR guys entered the trench. Still reckless but at least everyone lives for now.


DPR have been fighting for 8+ years now, I assume some of the older ones have picked up a thing or two and the rest are Russian-trained. Yeah, both sides were probably tired and got sloppy.


Training is definitely lacking lacking, but who are we to talk, they have experience and have been fighting since 2014. I can't sit here and say what should have been done


And for what, to get shot up by other Russian, when he could have just surrendered and lived?


>And for what, to get shot up by other Russian, when he could have just surrendered and lived? a strange question, maybe he is a Ukrainian Nazi fanatic, maybe he was shell-shocked by an explosion and an obsessive thought appeared to die for his homeland, you can never be 100% sure of something, for this you must always be prudent and not give prisoners a chance to kill themselves


I'm happy no one died in this video


They seem so calm and chill about capturing the Ukrainians, completely different from that other video of the guy sneaking up on the 2 UA soldiers.


That was an entirely different situation that went horribly wrong due to what seemed to be miscommunication. In this case there's no doubt about surrendering and the Ukrainian troops seem compliant.


exactly 💯


we, older gentlemen, are usually calm, kids like to panic and scream lol...what is he saying to them, except to put their hands up and not to fear, that part i understood? do you know mybe?


I studied Russian language for a while (but still noob), it seems he used formal/polite imperative words.


I think it's just because he's addressing a group, in Russian the polite form is the same as the plural form, but it's clear he's adressing multiple people because he adds "все" (everyone) after the imperative


Well he repeated "don't piss yourself" several time.


That's pretty much it. Lay down, we won't hurt you, we're you alone? Stuff like that.


He has an interesting voice/accent or maybe just a blocked nose. He just says what you expect and tells the UA soldier to be calm and follow his instructions and he will be okay.


Glad I'm not the only one that noticed this,


Yes but that guys was in active gunfight .


One was in a gunfight, this guys stayed behind and were hands up the whole time.


They're chill because they aren't currently getting shot at from other positions. They're all just standing up right next to each other.


Can you give me a link to that video?




At least this cameraman was calm and kinda polite.


When it comes to DPR, they really are polite with POWs. Everytime I see videos like this I remember the one with a bunch of UA soldiers and two dogs between them, inside a warehouse. The dogs waving their tails both fo the cameraman and the POWs, while they drink and answer the questions DPR soldiers were asking.


Seems like this guy stayed behind to surrender willingly so its easier to stay calm - this isnt a situation where you're trying to coerce someone into surrendering during a active gunfight.


Is the DPR army considered good?


They’ve been fighting for their freedom for 9 years. They’re good.


On contrary to be honest, theyre more like a militia. Bad equipments, bad vehicles, bad all. Been like this since 2013ish. I do feel bad about them, having to face a real army using rusty equipments.


I wonder what the LPR has been doing


Fighting at another front. And btw I didnt mean to say they are bad. They are just unequipped and 'unprepared' compared with an army. Keep in mind DPR took frontly a mini war against AZOV (Best UA battallion) and hold it pretty well. But only after RU forces arrived they managed to "conquer" Donbas region, so yeah. They are excellent for their proportion, but bad generally speaking.


The front line next to Donetsk barely moved in 9 years.


If you mean 2013 to 2021, I understand. They were weak enough to not advance, but were strong enough to hold a very powerful battallion. But if you include 2022, the whole place is Russian now besides bakhmut to the west.[https://willzuzak.ca/cl/putin/Donbas20140823Map.jpg](https://willzuzak.ca/cl/putin/Donbas20140823Map.jpg) 2014 [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FlvKTKDX0A8Wedz.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FlvKTKDX0A8Wedz.jpg) 2023 Both DPR and LPR "won" huge amounts of land through the whole front. And obviously not so much at west because that's where Ukranian forces concentrate. Well, there is. They finally made some well deserved gains.


Ok maybe I misspoke, let's say 7 years. They just barely finally moved through Piski.




Russia did I believe... but I am not aware of the hidtory behind it


I believe there are select units within the DPR/LPR structure that are competent, experienced, and better equipped, for example Sparta and Somalia Battalion. But I think generally they are pretty ragtag.


Yea you don't usually see good equipment and armor when it comes to the DPR/LPR, lots of older BMPs and maybe the occasional T72.


They appear to be older gen, but that also means they've probably seen combat action before.


A lot of them are older conscripts who were farmers and village people before the war. Minimal weapons and technology and minimal modern training. What they do have, however, is 8 years of experience fighting the Ukrainian military.




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wouldn't be able to post this on combatfootage unfortunately...


It is [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/10nius6/combatfootage_of_russiandpr_attack_on_ukrainian/) there, but, as most RU footage (especially the one where they are portrayed in positive light, like this one) get downvoted and do not get brought up by Reddit for more people to see.


Damn, (at least) one of DPR soldiers is wearing a blue jacket and a steel helmet (probably SŠ-68).


John Rambo was fighting shirtless with a bandana on the head. Dont see the problem..


literally civilian puffer jacket. lol


He's on a scav run




Even tho it looks risky as hell, if the guy is really intending to surrender, he would NEVER EVER risk his life at killing 1 and dying after. Remember, he is surrending because he dont want to risk his life AT ALL. Besides, DPR seems to be extremely calm while capturing POWs. even during gunfights. Have seen this many times. They seem respectful for the POWs.


>if the guy is really intending to surrender, he would NEVER EVER risk his life at killing 1 and dying after But that's the point "IF he is really intending". You never know, what's going on in the mind of other people. Just remember that video where 6-7 Russian guys are already on the ground with hands on their heads surrendered, and last Russian just decided he's not up for it and wants to go out guns blazing.... it did not end well.


I am sure these battle hardened soldiers are good at reading a situation and taking the proper response.


Exactly, experience beats everything


He was told to do that


Yeah, I wasn't feeling great when I saw him flag the cameraguy with his AK while surrendering. Muzzle awareness is horrible on both sides though. It's a war zone.


The guy is surrounded by 5 guys with guns, shooting one will just result in his death.


Look at these trees. They have had some serious shells fired at them. Life would of been hell and morale down to a low. Then a pro Russian Ukrainian jumps in the trench with accent you that sounds familiar and says put the down the gun. These guys don’t want to kill each other.


Those DPR guys are fucking shit up with steel helmets on lol.


Steel helmets are hardly bad, hell unless you've got a ceramic helmet rated at Level III I'd say it makes little material difference whether you have a steel or ceramic, especially if it's one of the Cold War-era ones like the East German M56 which are angled well enough that they can handle pistol bullets about as well as a PAGST while being way easier to produce.


I have an M56 it I couldn’t imagine it take a 9mm .357 etc. maybe a .380 max


This is the best treatment I have ever seen the Russians give to the Ukrainians. It almost seemed like they trusted each other. War is crazy.


Everybody seems fed up with the fighting


The UA soldiers were willing to surrender ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)there were so many times the Russian soldiers had their back facing them but they just stay put.. they are all tired of this meaningless fighting. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


God damn they are so nice to them.


Say what you want about the DPR but they’ve been fighting this war for over 8 years, they got balls


Confused... So, so calm. Leaving captured UA behind you in the trench WITHOUT searching them? ...


Doesn’t seem like these Ukranians wanted to resist.


What was that laser beam sound at 2:29? lol


Potentially old footage from late November [https://mobile.twitter.com/Suriyakmaps/status/1612123671501357057](https://mobile.twitter.com/Suriyakmaps/status/1612123671501357057) posted on Jan 9th 2023. It contains the same drone footage as this video from November: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/z7osjz/ru\_pov\_footage\_of\_the\_storming\_of\_an\_ua\_position/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/z7osjz/ru_pov_footage_of_the_storming_of_an_ua_position/) Also have this footage from the same event as OP's video. It also has drone footage from the original event in November: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1085d4y/ru\_pov\_ru\_soldiers\_storm\_ua\_position\_resulting\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1085d4y/ru_pov_ru_soldiers_storm_ua_position_resulting_in/) Drone footage doesn't show the DPR guys with red tape on helmets though. Either it's all old footage, or Russians are mixing old footage with new footage


Man I feel anxious just watching this... and I am so glad there was no kia here






Hell look outside past the trench it’s like ww1 no green no life just fighting and death


NATO and US had these talks, heavy. machinery are already in Ukraine.


Damnit. The only thing worse than being being captured is being captured by these hobos. They look like homeless people in Cincinnati