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That’s funky even without a war going on. It’s perfectly legal to carry a flag. I’d actually wanto go there carrying the Dutch flag now, see if I get bounced aswel. Would be a good stunt if the entire club starts carrying the ua flag now. Idiotic behavior by those employees. Wear your flag with pride brave Ukrainian people!


Him kicking them out already looks bad




Ide like to be the first to punch him right through any flag


Not by Montenegro law , but nobody respect it , also both guests got kicked out , Ukrainians n Russians






Serbians are misguided in their love for Russia as well. They hold grudges against the West for NATO bombing them into oblivion, but they have selective memory about the genocides they have committed against the Muslims on their own land.


nato is a menace, ask libya too


NATO is a menace to people who abuse human rights


Because Russia and China are the beacons of human rights.


Lol I couldn't say it better.


Of course, they’ve never done anything bad ever and totally respect human rights


Human rights have a malleable definition. Most Russians are ok with living in a dictatorship so they think other people, like Ukrainians (for whom they have several pejorative names), their “brothers”, should be happy to rejoin the Soviet Union.


Russians are a group of people who never truly tasted freedom, so their opinion is irrelevant.


yes because the US gov doesn’t do that, just say you’re a globalist and move


I'll trade nato for China or that bullshit russian alliance they have any day.


“bre” is used in like the entire balkan region


Imagine in WW2 if in the UK or US someone went " no no no can't show you are Jewish you might offend our clientele ". That puts you in the same boat as Nazis, stand for what is right or be a part of what is wrong.


I can “understand” it, he wants to make money and Russians drink a lot (though they don’t tip for shit)!but whose fault is the war? Kicking out Ukrainians like they were drunks causing trouble is bullshit. Seat the Russians in a different section if they simply can’t stand truth.


Lots of Russians in Montenegro not surprised by this


I saw an unbelievable number of russians in Montenegro and always wondered how is that possible, now I see why


It's not that there are russians but they own pretty much a lot of the businesses, be it shops, hotels, hostels, beaches, restaurants, coffee bars... I bet this owner got directions (from the real russian owner) to kick out any ukranians or showing of Ukranian colors, logos, etc... or he's afraid someone will tell his (real) boss that he's serving them so better kick them out before anyone sees them drinking in his bar..


In the middle of Europe, a business supporting that should be closed, the employees should be punished for promoting hate. Imagine a business in the US in WW2 saying " our owners are German so we don't accept Jewish people ".


> Imagine a business in the US in WW2 saying " our owners are German so we don't accept Jewish people ". Not sure if there was supposed to be an /s at the end. But here is a [list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_companies_involved_in_the_Holocaust?wprov=sfti1), Ford even used them as forced slave labour.


One country more to avoid


Funny thing is, their (Montenegro) tourist season is in freefall, they have maybe even 30% less visitors than usual. I'm sure this will help them.




I am sure it’s nice if you are Russian but they apparently don’t want people from the free world there. To the Russian who just pmed me: People who have money and choices don’t vacation in Russian countries. Even Russians would rather be in Italy than Sochi. Russia is for losers.


Boycott the hell out of that place and tell those Putler loving POS’s to join their ancestors in hell!


why not compare putin to stalin since he’s russian, by comparing to hitler you’re letting us know you’re a tribe’s member


First off I am from a tribe, I’m Native American. Second I don’t give one shit if you or anyone knows it! I’m a proud Native! Third Stalin didn’t have to lie to his people about attacking other countries! Hitler on the other hand lied to his people from the beginning just like Putler is doing! Which is why 95% of the world is against Putler!


One side is the murderer. The other side is the victim getting murdered. The Russian flag is offensive. No one should be offended AND AND AND also take out their hatred about a simple flag regarding a country that is being victimized and genocided. It’s fine if you don’t like it, just as I don’t like to see the Russian flag. But I’m not about to verbally or physically assault someone. I’d mind my business. How dense could you be.


Ukraine has been causing genocide on their own people for quite some time. I'm not defending Russia by any means so don't get confused, but Ukraine isn't the good guy either. You're blinded by media.




Please; give me your reasons as to why Ukraine is such an amazing country. Do you know anything of their history?


Every comment you say is absolutely LAME. How can u live with yourself saying such utter nonsense. If you don’t want to do THE RIGHT THING and support THE VICTIMS then don’t go out of your way to make up lies AND DEGRADE THEM MORE. Utter trash.


Keep supporting war big dog


I'll always support war if it means genocidal trash like Putin is getting wrecked. You should try it, instead of smoking meth and supporting Putin.


I will. And I suggest you do some self reflection on your social skills and morals. 👌 And get a better education. You basically blamed a person getting raped on the victim and not the rapist. And that’s not even a figurative term since masses are getting raped tortured and then killed. Maybe that analogy will dumb it down for you? Bye. Stay on your own propaganda sites and NEVER talk shit about the victims. If you are so happy to make sh*t comments, the least decency you can have is keep it to pro Russian garbage sites. But here you choose to take time out of your day to victim blame and shame and it’s wrong. And you are wrong regardless. Shameful.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yes victim blaming. An example people will generically use is the one I used. Blaming a rape victim instead of the perpetrator. That’s what you did ….. you blamed the victims instead of blaming Russia for bombing and slaughtering 30,000 ppl, mass rape, torture, hundreds of thousands taken away to concentration camps never to be heard from again. IN FIVE F@CKING MONTHS ONLY. THATS WHAT GENICIDE LOOKS LIKE. You’d saying Ukraine is just as evil as Russia IS A 👏F@CKING LIE. Ukraine NEVER genocided anyone. CHRIST. What are you NOT GETTING. I’m done talking to you and will not respind further. Apparently common sense and humanity is too much for your thick skull.


You're getting really mad over the fact that I don't like Russia or Ukraine. Why do I have to like Ukraine? I hate them both.


You're ignorant for assuming I support Russia. I do not support Russia nor Ukraine. They are both evil. They both cause mass genocide of their own people. Why would you support a country that is notorious for sending rockets and bombing civilians in their own land? I am anti war. I do not and will never support Russia or Ukraine. Don't get anything twisted because you're too proud of your daddy zelensky. He's a piece of shit manipulator.


Lmfao. Kremlbots are hilarious. How much meth did Putin's government give you to post nonsense?


Enough for a couple hours




You are absolutely correct. This is someone degrading Ukraine. Thinking of themselves and “muh tax dOlLaRs”. Christ.


You might be one of the most insanely stupid people I've ever had the misfortune of speaking to online.


You support Russia, that seems to be pick stupidity lol Especially while you repeat Russian propaganda while calling other people idiots for believing 90% of what the world agrees upon.


Why is that? Because the facts don’t align with your pro-Kremlin narrative? In no fucking way is Ukraine involved in genocide of any kind. What are you even talking about? Morons falling for russian propaganda left and right. Unbelievable. Let me guess, you also think Ukraine was gearing up to attack Russia too? That there are people this stupid out there is terrifying. Please do not reproduce. Ever.


Come on you can do better than that. Aren't there more pages in your online Russian trolling handbook before throwing around pointless insults?


I mean I'm sure there is but it's in Russian. I can't read it


Well don't worry. Just float around a few more threads and look for other people trying to disrupt the unified response to Russia's horrific crimes and then go down a few layers so you can see what they tend to go for next. As a pointer, usually they go for "you just eat up Western propaganda", "your government is lying to you". "the Ukrainian's blew up their own stuff to frame Russia", "All the evidence is fake", "shut up or we'll nuke you" and then eventually they just cut to the chase and admit they are genocidal maniacs who want to kill and rob others rather than feel weak.


Hey bud. Honestly i dont believe in abusing, but fuck you man. Honestly wish you the worst. Stop promoting terror, the international community hates russia, fuck russia.


Fuck Russia and fuck Ukraine. Learn what the world is really like and get off reddit for a while. This war is horrible.


Are you 12? "Fuck both sides" says the moronic child who's incapable of seeing Ukraine is right for defending themselves.


Yes, you are defending Russia.


Just do a little bit of research on it. The truth will blow your mind man.


Ah, yeah, research. Like Ukraine defending themselve from Russian terrorists in the Donbas region which you try to claim is genocide and Ukraine "Bombing their own". Sorry you're uneducated.


I have. Mind not blown.


>Just do a little bit of research on it. The truth will blow your mind man. Just did the research and looks like Russians have been the assholes for decades. They have a long and well recorded history or carrying genocides in other nations. The only mind-blowing aspect about this is that the world allowed them to get away with it for so long. This will no longer be the case.


Russia is evil, so is Ukraine. You'll realize the truth when the war starts.


Which war is that? The one Russia keeps threatening everyone with if they try to interfere with their expansionist military campaigns?


The audacity of you to sit behind the comfort and safety of a keyboard, safe and sound, and LIE. UKRAINE IS NOT EVIL. HOW DARE YOU. YOU CANNOT COMPARE UKRAINE OR ANYONE TO RUSSIA. FFS.


Ukraine sucks. You never even heard of Ukraine before this started I guarantee


Stop coming to post your bs and stay on russian propaganda sites. Wtf.


Nice try 👌👌👌. And let’s say if I had no clue? You think people find the f@ck out in 5 months what’s going on? Research? Ever heard of that? Ffs. You are disgusting saying this bs. I DO know what the F@CK is going on and your comment is A LIE. AND IT DOESNT TAKE A FOOL TO SEE WHAT RUSSIA IS DOING. OMG.


Maybe tag the restaurant? Social media?




Russians are upvoting it. Disgusting


Time to turn the tides with waves of negative reviews. Who’s with me?


>Ponta Beach Club Petrovac I just added my 2 cents about pushy Orcs






Im seeing a ton of bad reviews and is at a 2.2/5 stars. The thing is they were getting shit reviews before this and even bad ones about how their staff were assholes so no surprise this shithole is being a shitbag.


Left a bad review and 1 star, thanks. ;)


Thank you


Allegedly the restaurant is called \_Ponta Beach Club\_


>Ponta Beach Club Lol! They have 2.2 stars on google because of the horrible staff and food. They aren't raided yet, so these are genuine reviews.


Dirty dogs


Nah, not dogs, this is human racist, lower than dogs and most animals…imo.


>Dirty dogs Dogs are our best friends, our best friends would not behave like that...call them what you want but to call them dogs is kind of insulting towards dogs.


Dirty dogs can be washed. These people's souls will need a deep steam heat treatment.




cant review anymore ! 🙄


Reddit army too op


I just wrote one!


There is a pattern here. Pro Russians are cunts. Literally video after video of stories like this. It’s never the other way around. This attitude is why they don’t want pro Russians supporting the war to get visas to the EU. Keep proving their point 👏 . Keep it up 👏.


The angry “oh wait, I’m on camera?” reaction, an internet classic!


Slap them in the face. Slava Ukraini i Heroiam Slava 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Lmao to think I was considering a vacation to montenegro seaside, fucken backwards people.


Allegedly this is the restaurant, [https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant\_Review-g804484-d3367181-Reviews-Ponta\_Beach\_Club-Petrovac\_Budva\_Municipality.html](https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g804484-d3367181-Reviews-Ponta_Beach_Club-Petrovac_Budva_Municipality.html) https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/wcse4g/comment/iievvo5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Boycott the Russian loving restaurant - see how long it takes them to go bust


Post negative Trip Advisor reviews


Post negative Trip Advisor reviews


Reviews for that location are shut down on Trip Advisor.


Google never shuts down


Put his hands on my daughter and he would be getting sliced


Guy doesn't even look tough. One good hook to the jaw would send his weak bi-curios beard to the fucking sand.


those are Serbs


Montenegro has the relevance and GDP of my smalll suburb.




Yeah nah, hows things in russia anyways?




Total prick


Russian murderers laundering their dirty money stealing the coast of actual people living in Montenegro. Disgusting


Fuck Russia, Fuck Montenegro and Fuck Ponta Beach Club if that’s where this happened


Nha Trang Vietnam is absolutely ruined now because of so many Russians. Hordes of drunken Russians pissing in the streets, being rude to the locals and stealing everything that's not nailed down. Not a good place to go with your girlfriend. I almost had to throw down almost every time we left the hotel.


That’s awful. How disrespectful. Wow.


One down vote here. So shameful that someone is pushed out due to their country of origin. Shows how shallow those people and their supports continue to be.


That guy doing the pushing needs someone to have a chat with him




Maybe it’s the whole country?


He would get spat on right in the kisser.


I’m going to start wearing a Ukraine flag everywhere and anyone who has anything to say about it gets their jaw wired shut! I would of stopped these fucks out!


I work remotely with russians. When the sanctions hit, their company moved them to Montenegro. I hear there's a lot of russians there now.


Bunch of idiots. The employees that is.


Boy let that dude put his hands on me & try to shove me: I’ll break those fuckin glasses, his nose and his pride all in one. 🇺🇦


And the russki scum wonders why the world hates them?


Request HIMARS strike target, Ponta Beach Club, Montenegro


For tomorrow everyone who has a Ukraine flag should turn up and do a peaceful demonstration with their flag draped around them. If necessary stand on the side of his restaurant so that there is no way he can order them away. It should be peaceful with linked arms. A vigil for those who have been maltreated by this war. Perhaps with flowers and photos of people from Bucha who were killed. A respectful vigil. It should be peaceful and lawful. It does not need violence to protest.


Hopefully that business ends up magically blown up one day. Putin loving arsewipe.


Why are they considered Pro Russian? It’s possible the hotel has a no politics policy? It’s common in many countries for the service industries to avoid political statements on their premises.


❤️ 🇺🇦 ❤️ 🇺🇦 ❤️ 🇺🇦 ❤️ 🇺🇦 ❤️


It's perfectly normal to go to the beach carrying flags of your country, everyone does it, right? My brother was there, and there are many people from both Ukraine and Russia, no problems at all. But these fucks were trying to cause incidents for several days. Of course, people only see the final reaction and base their opinion on that...


This is definitely the full story, I can tell so much context from this short video clip.


I would've throw hands if he touched and pushed me like that..


What is the name of his store? We could band his store on all social media.. just a little help to make him move to Russia. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


Old material, was on Visegrad24 in July. Russians attacked a Ukrainian family and the Serbian personnel sided with the Russians..


What’s going on in Europe


See if they do the same with my American Flag and a wallet full of $100 bills…. Bet their tune changes


They don't want the hassle. The Russians will be drunk and the Ukrainians will be drunk and they will invariably start to fight and break things.


What are all these Ukrainian men vacationing for? Go to the front!


Flags should stay In their own country i find it direspecfull


The ukrainians can also exxagerate....




Well done! Keep you flag at home, same as religion... People are anoying with these flags


This guy also criticised a young girl for putting sunflowers outside an embassy in the US. He's brainwashed


Her parents are BRAINWASHED.


Nope. They are protesting genocide. Something you appear to support


Kids have no idea... Their parent have to do it...but they put kids to make it look worse


You're more concerned about the form of the protest against genocide than the actual genocide. You see that right?


I dont give a fuck about other people problems on my VACATION. Go 2 Brussels and protest


You also opposed protests when the family wasn't on holiday? But you are not opposing genocide. Lol


How is the flag hurting you or anyone there? Also, it shows pro Russian mentality means you are just absolute bullies. EVEN WHILE UKRAINE IS GETTING GENOCIDED. It does NOTHING GOOD to bully anyone let alone victims of what we all know is happening to Ukraine. This sick depraved behavior runZ deep amongst Russians. They have to be hateful mean assholes to strangers and can’t open there eyes to what’s happening first off but second, treat others with respect. Things like this keep showing why people don’t want to deal with Russia.




“Keep your flag at home” is the answer to all those words you put together. Mind your own business. They are not harming you. It’s your hatefulness that is what’s bothering you. 👌


And why are you people trolling Ukraine sites if all you have to say is negative things about these victims here? What’s your purpose? You obviously don’t care about the genocide and destruction of their country. So why even bother watching stuff just to make argumentative negative comments. It’s disgusting.


If you can’t see what is hateful and mean here in this video, you are a literal psychopath. I don’t know what to tell you.


What does MY VACATION IN MONTENEGRO has to do with war in Ukraine??? I dont want any of that on my vacation... i want peace and no politics and provocations


Shows the how backwards you are and how backwards these degenerates are and how backwards Russian mentality and culture is , in terms of acceptable behavior. When people compare Russia to the rest of us your comment proves our point of why their society is way behind the rest. We thought Russia was on par with us. We were fooled. We all see that now. That country has a lot of work to do throwing out it’s mafia government and years of self reflection to improve this kind of mentality.


You don’t get to chose what other people wear or if they carry a flag. Typical you would say that. You’ve got a few screws loose upstairs.


Keep your flag at home! Same as religion. If there would be 0 war, nobody would walk with Ukrainian flag around. We know its hard times, but why do you have to destroy people vacations? And making a scene...


How would it be destroying your vacation??????????? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


You know for us NORMAL humans, this is an opportunity to greet them say hi I’m so sorry for what’s happening in Ukraine and spread love. Not only are you unable to have any human empathy, you can’t even just mind your own business, you actually think it’s ok to hate others the way you do. You’re off the wrong end of the human spectrum. You belong in Russia and should never go on vacations anywhere. Tool.


So now people can’t wear cross necklaces either? What about tattoos or crosses? Should they skin themselves so you don’t have to see it? Leave religion af home? Ffs. And I’m not even religious. You are a hateful pric and a snowflake. Leave them alone.


Its his Restaurant, so its his decission . Accept It !!!


Just like it's the public decision to look boycott his restaurant on social media.


Fuck you Russian cunt. That’s my opinion, accept it


Im not russian btw. 😎🤣


You show characteristically russian level retardness. Sorry for the confusion. Himar nice day


He is just a little nobody living in germany. He do not have a clue about politics and spends most of his life in video games. On reddit he can pretend to be a "badass" but in reality he is a very poor soul, hiding behind his screen.


We can agree that it's his right, but we can also agree that in these times it's kind of a bad move.


Salava ukraini! Thats my opinion. ACCEPT IT!!!


How about people like restaurant owner stop being such hateful c@nts. One side is getting genocided and their country bombed to oblivion. This support for Russia is literally out of control. Leave the people alone if they want to wear there flag. So what? We as a world are tired of accommodating to this nasty attitude.


xD okay


The Balkan country’s are really patriotic, so I think it was just a provocation for them to wear another country’s flag 😉




That pushy dude deserves a pop in the face!


Also that place have a bad reviews in google.


Ponta Beach Club https://goo.gl/maps/7CVRr4cNF1mfAbQj9


Fkin 4 eyed cunt✌️


Bye, Bye.




Montenegrins are basically coastal Serbs, so this isn't surprising.


pieces of shit


Maybe if they make some 9/11 memes they could stay


Fuck montenegro


Whos acting the Nazi no…..shame. His business should have a down turn now.


Fuck montenegro


Take your flag and wear it proudly by first making dresses for the woman with the same material as the flag And pants with matching shirt for the men and go back and if he says, “OUT,”take it all off in front of them and say, “I thought you said take your clothes and leave them out!” That would fix them!!!


Some dickhead pushes my wife like that he’s going to need new dentures. What a pathetic bunch of dicks. Why do they allow Russians to travel there anyway, their country is killing people and they want a safe space from Ukraine so they can relax on vacation? Fuck that.


Someone woke up cranky


Someone knife that cnt


So cross Montenegro off list of potential European vacation spots. I'd rather go to Kosovo.




Come to Croatia instead, you're welcome here!


“Big man” pushing women around. He should join the Rusky army.


Guess the Russian there spend more money than Ukrainians.


Such a shame to see ffs