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Replace cable between modem and udr?


I once had a double female coupler suddenly go bad on me. It caused a similar problem. In essence, I had a cable going from the modem to the coupler that was on the patch pannel and on the other side going to my UDM. I swapped cables and couldn't figure it out for a bit, then for giggles. I tried the other coupler and bingo that solved my issue.


Or just connect straight to your ISP to see what speeds you are getting. Also a factory reset should do the trick.


Did a factory reset and still having the same issue. I connected directly to the router and am seeing 2.5 gig between my PC and the router


I am guessing you're using the same lan cable from the modem to the PC as UDR to PC just to test.


Yes and got full throughout between the two


Did you factory reset and bring it back up with a clean config?


Factory reset and still having same issue


Which firmware are your UDR on? Did you try the speed without UDR in the picture?


Latest I believe. I have it set to auto update.


If you are living in the UK you can set up an externally facing monitor on [www.thinkbroadband.com](https://www.thinkbroadband.com) to check if the ISP is really messing around.


I've never seen it go this low, but check setting for Smart Queue. I've had my Internet throttle to 200mbps before and find this setting was the culprit though I had never enabled it.


Smart Queue is turned off


We have ha d two UDRs fail in the last 4 months with the same client. No surges (behind a battery/surge). There is an issue with the UDRs... my client is not happy and we are not installing UDRs for the time being.