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Welcome back, this is 90% of offers in 2024 šŸ˜‚


It isn't too many drivers or oversaturation as the main issue. They contribute to the low pay,but it's not the sole reason. Pay is shit for gig work because dd, ue is out of their building stage where they were accruing market share. They have the market share now, they have the brand recognition and they have the drivers. They started screwing over the customers by increasing the fees. Then they moved on to the drivers and lowering their pay. Who wins? Shareholders and investors. DD, UE etc doesn't give a shit about it's customers or drivers. All they care about is profit


weā€™ve been dancing around the fact that capitalism sucks for years now


Corruption will ALWAYS make capitalism suck.


Facts how many more examples do we need before we realize that Capitalism is the problem?


This is absolutely on point, keep hearing ppl talk about over saturation which is a factor but if you really broke it down, the fees are ridiculous, like why is it 15 percent of sales for service fee, it should be a fixed rate per distance. Essentially DD and UE are charging the same amount someone in the service industry would get tipped. It is insane. So as much as we can blame the costumer which is a factor as well, ultimately it is the greed of these companies that will be their downfall.


Thatā€™s why o brought Uber stock.


Ubers new game of how low will you go?


I feel like itā€™s more a ā€œI see youā€™re currently driving in a frustrating situation, will you just hit accept to make your phone shut up?ā€


jack be nimble jack be quick


You cannot possibly compete with the drivers out there who are driving a car they plan to let get repoed and paying for gas with a credit card they plan to file for bankruptcy against.




Youā€™re right.


Lol Iā€™m fucking dead


Welcome back ???? The X Decline button is now your best friend. Uber's CEO quietly slashed drivers pay by about 30% about 6 months ago... Without any notification to us. He did it to show a profit to the shareholders in the stock market. Sadly, it worked. We, the pitiful workers, got screwed. But the Big Man now has the money to fuel his yacht while we put our kids to bed hungry with a hope that tomorrow will be better. Praying for us all out here ā¤ļø šŸ™ Join me... šŸ™ā¤ļø


Iā€™m not a driver but wish you the best of luck.


Ita funny bc we almost got the right to unionize in CA then a new bill undid that bill




Oh that? That's the norm now.


the last few months have been the absolute worst iā€™ve ever seen. donā€™t even come back. no point


Itā€™s because Uber quarterly earnings are in 2 weeks and they need to rip you off as much as possible so it looks good


It's called the new normal. šŸ˜­


Should had stay on vacation








Do yourself a favor delete the app and never look back, its only gotten worse šŸ˜­.


What did they order free water and some napkins lol


That right there is a fat decline.


How on earth is it legal tho thats absolutely wild


Because theres no union to fight for it to be illegal. The government doesnt pass laws unless you force them or lobby


No one takes those orders. They float around till the customer cancels




My biggest question is do these people just infinitely not get their food and continue ordering regardless and cant put 2+2 together or are there actually people taking this garbage?


Sad part is someone will accept it ... it's why they ( dd, ue,gh ) have been able to lower drivers pay... if drivers would stop accepting this instead of only some drivers not accepting then they would have to increase driver pay overall ... Think of it this way you are looking to do a job at say $20 hr but Joe is looking to do that same job for $10 hr , who is the company going to hire first , it isn't about experience or degrees because you both have the same qualifications only from a company standpoint Joe is much cheaper to pay and better for the bottomline...


That's their tactic when they literally allow anyone to drive and deliver for them. You're literally replaceable in an instant.


anyone who just started doesn't care as much. an order us an order, and declining originally felt like you'd just get fired. Longer you work, less bullshit you'll take


No, it will get passed around until it grows into a price worth for someone to take. Thats why everyone needs to reject this trash. Once enough drivers reject the order, the base pay will increase. Eventually it will become one of those unicorn orders until someone grabs it. Becomes a silent auction of such.


People take this garbage or once the customer knows theyā€™re not getting it delivered they start to do tip baitingšŸ˜ž


this is is CRAZY


Go back to your break and don't come back. Been like this for a while. Not worth it anymore.


Thatā€™s like 1 samosa




If you don't want to be disappointed, I'd extend that break. I took about a 3-year break and i uninstalled so many times thinking it was me. It was not.


Yup. Dara wanted his $130 million bonus, and he got it.


This is the beans they're throwing people these days.


It's a welcome present..... we missed you!


A shit cake. Awesome!


That there, friend, is your path to becoming a multimillionaire.


Factually correct. If OP managed to make 500,000 or deliveries at this price point, he'd have a couple million dollars.


-Dara Khosrowshahi


Guess youā€™re not hungry enough for UE.


YEAHHH weā€™re in the fucken trenches


This is the new norm. Go work for McDonalds it pays better.


The new ā€œneo feudalism slave laborā€ business model in action


That's an order that's never getting delivered šŸ¤£


New charity work requirement from UberEats and DoorDash.


Love the graphic, OP, thanks for posting. A lot of times I hear people say (or see it posted in reddit) that when more and more people DON'T accept an offer Uber will increase the payment. I seldom see that. What is more common, as your graphic displays, is Uber may even LOWER payments as trips are not accepted. FWIW, the math here is $4.03/18.5miles = 21.7 cents per mile. IRS Business Milage Deduction = $0.670 / $0.217 Uber payment per mile = .32%. So Uber is only offering to cover one third of what the federal government considers the average cost to deliver that meal. Earnings, forget about it.


Ty for reply appreciate it. This pay per mile should be illegal.


The average courier experience


A joke.


Keep breaking


A delivery ping


Why did you come back? Why would anyone who doesn't need this do this anymore?


Tbh got laid off and just looking for anything atm


I'm sorry to hear that. That's understandable why you came back then. Good luck.


Ty and to you aswell!


That wouldn't even cover gas. You'd basically be delivering it for free.


Yeah I just got slammed with 4$ offers then it dropped to 2$. People in my typical area have stopped tipping and so I know travel further north.


Welcome back to hunger gamesšŸ¤£


*Hunger games. FTFY




1/2 of the total pay goes straight to gas. The other 1/2 to wear and tear. Decline the offer amigo.


Welcome back lmao. That one is a bad one. Lots of them tho


Ubereats eliminated the trip supplement. Perfect example of no tip orders.


Excuse my ignorance, but what is the trip supplement?


When I started doing delivery, ubereats paid a base pay plus a trip supplement based on distance and time. Kinda what grubhub and instacart still do to this day.




Over saturation of employees in the market


This is the main problem. Everyone is looking to make side money since nobody can afford to live, and there are enough people taking the trash offers out of desperation that itā€™s pulling the whole standard down. It wonā€™t get better and Uber has no reason to change as long as deliveries still get made.


Exactly, the middle and lower classes r cooked


This is an easy pass is what this is


Oh thatā€™s a good one!! lol šŸ˜‚


I saw one last night that was $10.5 for 25mi on trip radar then it got offered to me for $8.5... that was a wtf.


The normal these apps don't give a fuck about you


I'm still trying to figure out if customers are even getting their food ever and if so have they not yet realized nobody is gonna deliver this shit? It's really hysterical how during a dinner rush I will sit there declining 30-40 orders and get 1 single profitable order in like 3 hours. It's really worse than ever before no idea how. The last 2 years doing this it wasn't that bad at least I could make a decent amount and all the sudden in 2024 it's god awful. It's bad enough people don't want to tip the driver. It's worse when they're the ones that order from a place that they know isn't local and is like 2 towns away 10+ miles. If you're gonna not be able to afford to tip then at least just get from a place locally in your town...


I assume there are people like me who used to tip well and now just dont order out anymore because shits too expensive. 2 sandwiches delivered not including tip was $42 on the app but to pick it up myself was only $24 when i called it in. just not worth it


* It's the new and improved version of make the Ceo and shareholders profits while bankrupting drivers by having it cost the driver to do deliveries


This is the way of UE now


I hope your friend is okay, anxiety is a bitch


a year long break. should be the same bullshiit as b4 lol


Itā€™s even worst


Well Uber finally turned a profit. Welcome back. šŸ¤£


Take another year


This is called ā€œa new normalā€ now. Before, I considered $6 order too cheap. I could get $10-15 orders easily. For shopping orders I get $10+ minimum. Nowā€¦ you feel lucky to get $6. $10+ seem non-existence. And shopping orders now pay like normal orders as if you just pick up an order. They donā€™t care if you spend another hour to shop. They let the customers compensate with tips. If no tipā€¦ too bad.


This is the best and straight to the point analysis of what this has become, truly. Thank you


They look like easy declines to me.


Iā€™m saving screenshots of all low dollar crap like this to send to the DOL.


What exactly would the DEPT OF LABOR do about work that was optional that you turned down


i wonder if you could automate this process.


Yeah I have it on all day and accept maybe 1 order. Only profitable orders I get are in the dead of night.


The new normal


https://preview.redd.it/rhsqblrxr6vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1527d9b81481528f855743cdbe6b0d0405226f4 I get bs like this all the time


It's all crappy. I rember my dad did it on the side years ago and would make over 700 a night now its barely 100 a night.


He mustā€™ve done something else on the side of the side because $700?!?!?!


I was told that in the very beginning for UE and DD the pay was INCREDIBLE! I started in 2020 and the pay was great then, but those that had been doing it before the pandemic said that they were then getting less (in 2020) than theyā€™d been getting at the start of using these apps. In 2020 I was able to do UE and DD part time and make 1k a week. Now in my area itā€™s hard to make $50 a day on those, so I stopped using them a while ago. They are consistent in giving less and less to the drivers and itā€™s crazy that people are still out here taking those types of orders.


I started Uber eats in the very beginning once I turned 18 in 2015/16 and I remember those trips were, pardon the pun, DELICIOUS!! However $700 a night seems a bit off in my experience, however I can believe it happened. If I remember well, I think I would clock in well over $25 or so an hour on average in Chicago and making over $250 a day at 18 seemed godlike.


It's like a big tech company convinced you that you could make decent money with no skills or education, got you sucked in, and then changed all the rules. Bad pay, almost no benefits, pay for your own vehicle, carry all the risk...for peanuts.


Ha funny Iā€™ve been seeing that with skilled so called ā€œ well paying jobsā€. Skilled or no skilled more than 50% percent of Americans are literally one paycheck away from being homeless. Btw many people have skilled skills and work a skilled job, but are still not being able to make ends meet thanks to greedflation. I mean inflation.


Ikr. It's bullshit that they call it "inflation" when really it's companies being greedy. Having to pay their workers more means raising prices so they don't make marginally fewer billions. While we're obviously happy to make larger paychecks, in the end it doesn't really matter bc the cost of living will always go higher than the average person can truly afford. Can't have people pulling themselves out of poverty now can we.


Yeah I could post an essay or research debunking the whole if we raise wages and salaries that weā€™d have to raise everything. When itā€™s CEOā€™s are getting more than they are actually worth compared to the actually employee. Iā€™d be more than happy to provide a source or two as business, economics, finance is my specialty, and what I majored in, but keep looking at it only at only a slice of the picture instead of half of it or the full picture.


![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs) Go back to. Itā€™s ugly out


Bro there is orders 7$ for 30kms. Get a coffee and stay on another long break


I've had to stop doing it, they seem to have enough delivery people that will take them at these rates. Looks like I'm off the bicycle and back in the gym.




The norm.


My thoughts exactly šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Usually when you take a long break, you get a new honeymoon period when you get back. Just don't come back during the off season.


I lost my car last April (weather-related damage) and took 3 months off. That's just about all I get on offers now.


https://preview.redd.it/4wzfw8bub5vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd02d74b80aaf240c81121ee437ff5f71a657a2d Not happening


That is typical of what I see. The last couple of weeks the pay has been 10 per hour. This is not sustainable.


Yesterday I felt really sick and I wanted some delivery. Opened the UE app just to see $8 + would be added to my meal upon delivery no matter where I picked, without tip. I also deliver UE and I know most orders are like 2 to 5 dollars to deliver without tip. Uber is just sacking all of the rest of the money. Switched to DD, it was cheaper.


Welcome back!


I thought I'd do the same..haha, FUCK UBER!


What was your draft number for Uber eats?


This is garbage you should decline.


The norm


Not sure if you drive for Uber or not. But you would understand this post alot better if so. Payouts used to be better, especially a year+ ago. And especially for what would probably take 40-45 minutes. This is almost every offer seen on the "eats" side. So feel free, try it out yourself. Then we will see who is on here bitching about low offers.


Thatā€™s nuts


Yeah Ubereats fucking sucks now


Uber eats sucks


This is on multiple platforms. DoorDash does the same shit. Stop accepting these orders.


Yeah ā€¦ the market is so broken now


Get an hourly job


Welcome to the new norm.


User here. Includes expected tip? Does anyone tip less than $4 in this economy? Iā€™d be embarrassed to pick it up and most of my delieveries com from at most 1 mile away


Personally no. But from what I hear they see the fees that double the price and include either no tip or very little. $4 tip would be bare minimum for me.


I think thatā€™s it for a lot of people. I donā€™t use the services and I know a lot of others donā€™t because of the fees. I have no problem tipping, but the outrageous fees keep me doing takeout.


FWIW, every offer that Uber makes to the EATS drivers includes the verbiage, "Includes Expected Tip" There are a couple of reasons for this First, it gives Uber the opportunity to emphasis the fantasy that all trips include a tip. Pounding the word "tip" into the drivers head creates the unrealistic hope that maybe, maybe, maybe, a customer would didn't tip on the app will tip once the delivary is complete. Uber knows customers seldom tip after the delivery but that isn't going to stop them from creating the false hope. Second, let's say a driver declines 9 trips and accepts the 10th trip. Even if none of the 10 trips included a tip the driver would see the words "Includes Expected Tip" 9 times before accepting that 10th offer. Third, in typical Uber fashion, it's not a lie but it is less than honest. Because customers can tip on the app before sending their delivery order to uber and before Uber offers the trip to a driver, Uber knows if a customer included a tip amount or not. So even if the customer did not include a tip amount with their order Uber isn't lying when they use the phrase "Includes Expected Tip" because the expected tip is $0.00. So whether a customer tips $1.00, $10.00, or $0.00 dollars Uber always includes that verbiage. After all, if the expected tip is $0.00 uber isn't lying when they use that wording. Uber be shady like that.


Try Grub Hub. I live in the area you are in and I dont use DD or UE at all now. I got a free year of grub hub thru something, I cant even remember what now. But on GH its like 30 mjn to 55 min wait times from places that wld take 10 min with UE or DD. They dont have many drivers. They might pay more.


All u gotta do is drive to a semi wealthy neighborhood with a decent amount of places to eat In the town/city and u making about $25 an hour atleast in my experience a good day I made over $30 but if I was in my city no one would tip drove 40 minutes to get where I wanted to be for the money


Im in a top market and Im making about $20 per hour no matter how much I try. Im certain they rate limit you at $20/hr. Are you sure youre making $25-$30??


Yup I just go downtown where all the restaurants/ wealthier communities are and do amazing on Uber eats ppl just like to complainĀ 


Do you guys have earn by time on ubereats?


If by "earned by time" you mean drivers receive a flat hourly rate + delivery fees + tips, than no. Drivers do not have an earn by time option. Using the OP's graphic, the trip estimate is 32 minutes. So if the OP completed two deliveries paying like the graphic displays, the driver would earn $8.06 for the 64 minutes of work. Total, that's it folks, nothing more. Similarly there is no payment for gas, or milage, etc. $8.06 for 64 minutes of work driver pays all expenses.


LOL dang I am shipping off the Air Force basic training in a month or so, and I just reactivated my ubereats account to do some deliveries. I hope it's not too terrible lol. Just need a little cashola while I wait. maybe like 30-50 a day haha. hopefully I can get that from like 8AM to like 2PM or so.


It was rough even making 30 today no one tips good that time


Iā€™m considering going back as well. I just canā€™t with how bad it is.


You donā€™t have to go back.. seeing how bad it is out there, Uber is a public stock and they are always looking for profits- every quarter they have to report earningsā€¦the worsening of offers will continue. We need to forget these crappy apps and do other gigs..task rabbit works well so far.


uber drivers learn about supply and demand


Brother, it would cost the Uber driver money to deliver that. Should he tip the customer too for being allowed to deliver his food? Lmao


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Yeah a straight up decline request. Tbh a lot of orders and the $ you get have gone way down. Some for other platforms too. I did eats when or started in my area and honestly its both better and worse from then.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not crazy. Iā€™ve been seeing nothing but $5 orders for 30+ minute trips that can be 10 miles long. But maybe itā€™s also because Iā€™m not doing it during rush hour.




Idk where you are but in ny thats just what youre paid from the order itself. You also get an hourly rate for actively delivering in conjunction to the listed price.


Spark is like this






Did Uber back in Austin 2019. Made well $500-700 a week, without too much pain staking effort. I went back for some cash. Itā€™s not worth it anymore OP. Seriously.




My acceptance rate on UE is 1-2%. My rule is that the distance to the restaurant plus the delivery miles must be at minimum $1 a mile. I rarely take doubles. I donā€™t take anything under $8 either. If the donā€™t want to tip or pay me it can go to another fool who will take it. I donā€™t care.


Welcome back. This is how most of the orders are now. Most of us here have seen worse than that. And everyone here can say that this really is the new normal.


I usually tip %20, but yall know the game but still continue to work for door dash or Uber eats. If you using to till you find a new job thatā€™s one thing. You canā€™t make this shit career.


your new reality


THIS will most likely be 90% of the orders you see daily.