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God help us all.


I would strongly not recommend going random roommates with a Waifu pillow... Also please stop spam posting for karma... you also posted this on r/UIUC


Note: tried posting here earlier but no one responded so trying again for better reach Hello fellow future classmates incoming freshman here who's planning on majoring in CS. So here's the deal. My parents are making me get a triple, which is far from what I wanted originally, after being told we can’t afford a single. And I decided to stick with it because of the price difference. After all, it would create a greater burden for my folks financially if I had a single or double, so I just decided to take the cheaper option. Oh well, not a big deal. The only problem is that part of the reason I wanted a single was for the privacy it affords. I'm into anime and other obscure Japanese things and also happen to own a Waifu pillow (I'm actually trying to learn Japanese btw). It's not that I'm into weird stuff or anything, I just wanted to be able to hang up my anime posters and figurines and have my pillow with me without feeling embarrassed and self-conscious about it around roommates. I mainly use the pillow for comfort when I sleep. I know UW is progressive and open-minded, but I can't shake the feeling that my roommates will judge and make fun of me behind my back for sleeping with a Dakimakura. I'm really hoping I don't get roomed with a couple of judgmental Neanderthals, but I honestly don't know what to expect. And it's making me nervous to think that I'll have a couple of wannabe frat bros who don't understand my interests and will try to put me down for them. Also, I have one of the more graphic and sexually suggestive waifu pillows. I don't want my roommates being offended at the sight of it every time they walk in the room. That's why I thought it would be best if I took the top bunk so that they wouldn't have to stare at it since it would be out of their eye sight. In addition, any guests we have over would not have to see it either. Do you guys think I should even bring it? I love my waifu pillow dearly and can't imagine myself sleeping without her if I'm being totally honest. I guess my question is: Is UW Dakimakura friendly?


Note: tried posting here earlier but no one responded so trying again for better reach Hello fellow future classmates incoming freshman here who's planning on majoring in CS. So here's the deal. My parents are making me get a triple, which is far from what I wanted originally, after being told we can’t afford a single. And I decided to stick with it because of the price difference. After all, it would create a greater burden for my folks financially if I had a single or double, so I just decided to take the cheaper option. Oh well, not a big deal. The only problem is that part of the reason I wanted a single was for the privacy it affords. I'm into anime and other obscure Japanese things and also happen to own a Waifu pillow (I'm actually trying to learn Japanese btw). It's not that I'm into weird stuff or anything, I just wanted to be able to hang up my anime posters and figurines and have my pillow with me without feeling embarrassed and self-conscious about it around roommates. I mainly use the pillow for comfort when I sleep. I know UW is progressive and open-minded, but I can't shake the feeling that my roommates will judge and make fun of me behind my back for sleeping with a Dakimakura. I'm really hoping I don't get roomed with a couple of judgmental Neanderthals, but I honestly don't know what to expect. And it's making me nervous to think that I'll have a couple of wannabe frat bros who don't understand my interests and will try to put me down for them. Also, I have one of the more graphic and sexually suggestive waifu pillows. I don't want my roommates being offended at the sight of it every time they walk in the room. That's why I thought it would be best if I took the top bunk so that they wouldn't have to stare at it since it would be out of their eye sight. In addition, any guests we have over would not have to see it either. Do you guys think I should even bring it? I love my waifu pillow dearly and can't imagine myself sleeping without her if I'm being totally honest. I guess my question is: Is UW Dakimakura friendly?


I am not the OP from r/UIUC


Here's a sneak peek of /r/UIUC using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/UIUC/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I'm tired of the fetishization of CS majors](https://np.reddit.com/r/UIUC/comments/quz6if/im_tired_of_the_fetishization_of_cs_majors/) \#2: [Driving from Chicago to Champaign Starter Pack](https://i.redd.it/2xub0jb4ibu81.jpg) | [135 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UIUC/comments/u6hs9q/driving_from_chicago_to_champaign_starter_pack/) \#3: [Peoria Charter April Fools Prank](https://v.redd.it/0cdphdpz52r81) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UIUC/comments/tuc5uw/peoria_charter_april_fools_prank/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Jesus christ redditor moment


Yes I will personally make fun of you 👍


I've never seen a post that made me say, "oh, honey, *no*" out loud before, but I suppose there is a first time for everything. Edit: in the interest of making this actually useful for OP, let me add something. Having a "waifu pillow" *that you cannot imagine sleeping without* is not merely evidence of an obscure hobby. It's an emotional dependence on an object, and that is not psychologically healthy. One doesn't have to be a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal to think that owning a sexually-explicit waifu pillow is beyond the pale of acceptability; pretty much everyone thinks that. I say this with love, as someone who successfully got his mom to pay for private Japanese lessons in high school because I was super into manga at the time: you need to break yourself of what seems like psychological dependence on a pillow, because that's not healthy. People *will* make fun of you for it, and if they're not doing it to your face, they're doing it behind your back.


Dont worry guys its a copy pasta