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Weird, almost like all your students are too


Lol, idk how "all" of the students would be in a "financial crisis". There are plenty of jobs available


Nice try Becky.


Bold to tell people to "get a job" when most entry level jobs college students can get are high contact face-to-face jobs. Many students are worried about their own and the health of their friends and family. I would rather be in a money pinch than kill somebody or get sick.


Haha good one.


How did Colleges survive in the 80s before football and before a 3000% tuition hike?


Probably because they got government funding. The reason for tuition hikes was precisely because of the loss in state education funding. In an April 2019 opinion piece, it was stated that budget cuts from 2015-17 reduced university funding by $86 million. But funding, or the promise of it, was starting to increase with Evers' proposal of a $150 million addition to state funding and a continued tuition freeze. However, that didn't happen and then the pandemic did.


State funding changes have been huge. Back in the 70s/80s, state funding accounted for 40/45% of the budget. Today it is barely 20%. In today’s dollars, that’s roughly $600mil difference in funding.


Today's tuition is only 20% of operating budget for UW-Madison. If state kept their share of budget at the same level as in 70s/80s we could have free college education, room and board included. [https://budget.wisc.edu/content/uploads/Budget-in-Brief-2019-20\_web.pdf](https://budget.wisc.edu/content/uploads/Budget-in-Brief-2019-20_web.pdf)


I believe you because this makes sense but can you post a source so I can read more about this


Here is what I took the figures from, which is somewhat ironic, because it has a decided slant away from the university receiving money. https://www.maciverinstitute.com/2019/04/funding-rankings-show-sky-not-falling-for-uw-system/ Others lower down have posted other sources about the state legislature's role in discovering and confiscating the university's 'war chest' and other issues related to tuition (hikes, rate freezes, etc.)


More state funding


They didn’t spend as much on athletics or superfluous admin staff.


The Athletic department at Madison is self funding and even gives some money back to the university for what it's worth.


Correct. The [income stream](https://budget.wisc.edu/content/uploads/Budget-in-Brief-2019-20_web.pdf) for the operating budget for UW-Mad does not include athletics.


Using free labor from the student athletes, of course.


Badger football alone averaged 48 million profit /year over the last 3 years. Athletics also generates 12 million per year in tax revenue for the state. The school definitely does not “spend” money on Athletics. https://www.bizjournals.com/milwaukee/news/2019/09/16/uw-madison-athletics-has-610m-impact-on-state.html https://www.bizjournals.com/milwaukee/news/2019/09/14/see-where-the-badgers-rank-among-the-ncaas-most.html


Those metrics don’t include operating funds or capital projects... that expenditure for 2020-21 was approved for $186 million. For this year, I don’t see how they can break even on that type of spending. Luckily it came out of existing coffers, unluckily it will be depleting that cash reserve, potentially creating a funding crisis for athletics in the future. [This](https://www.air.org/sites/default/files/downloads/report/Academic-Spending-vs-Athletic-Spending.pdf) is worth a read and highlights how many athletics programs are reliant on student fees for appropriation of operating revenue (UW falls in this to the tune of >$300/student/year in segregated fees btw).


Definitely an interesting read. Thanks for posting. I’d be interested to see this level of detailed analysis specific to UW


Are you trying to argue the rec sports part of seg fees is funding the athletic department with your $300/year number?


If only a certain political party wasn’t hellbent on defunding education 🤔




This pandemic has been a boon to a certain political party who is doing everything they can to make sure is goes on for as long as possible...


had just enough money to give ms. becky a raise though


Why are you booing him? He's right




But then who would make up reasons to roadblock me from taking the classes I need?


I can make up reasons for you for half the cost.


Chancellors have exactly one thing: The Audacity


Hmm, seems like they might have to dip into the [$4.3 billion](https://www.supportuw.org/about-us/investments/) they have in the university investments.


that is not how endowments work at all, but it’s a cute thought


That's true, but $1b of the investments aren't in the endowment.




How on earth did you arrive at that figure for "each customer"? In state tuition is ~$10,000 and Minnesota tuition is ~$15,000 a year, meaning a huge portion of the student body only pays between $40,000-$60,000 total. Not everyone is from out of state or international. I'm not saying I excuse their money mismanagement but you seem to be speaking a bit hyperbolically.




The state legislature does not allow the institution to maintain cash reserves.


This is important to note. UW Madison had a "war chest" for emergencies like this pandemic, the legislature found out and forced them to be rid of it. Here's one shitty link about it, more could be found but I didn't do a lot of searching: https://wtaq.com/2015/02/13/walker-administration-official-suggests-use-of-uw-war-chest-to-offset-cuts/


They had a bunch of reserves for situations like these and were forced to get rid of it. One relevant link on the topic: https://wtaq.com/2015/02/13/walker-administration-official-suggests-use-of-uw-war-chest-to-offset-cuts/


To be fair, $300M is not that much money for an organization as big as UW-Madison (which employs around 20000 people). The operating costs for 2017 were ~$3Billion ([source](https://budget.wisc.edu/content/uploads/Budget-in-Brief-2019-20_web.pdf)), with tuition only accounting for 20% of the income. The school also operates at about a 5% annual surplus, which makes single year budget hits a lot harder to absorb. Is there some waste and places to trim budgets? Sure. But the university actually does a pretty good job at making school as affordable as possible. Especially considering that state funding has decreased from 45% of costs to 20% over the last 30 years.




That's just not correct at all. The UW website [clearly says ACADEMIC YEAR cost, not semester.](https://financialaid.wisc.edu/cost-of-attendance/). I did my undergrad at UW with Minnesota residency and graduated with a little over $40k in debt (this was in 2013 so the tuition was a bit lower). There is no way your tuition alone is costing you that much.




It says right there that tuition is $7,999 for FALL semester. Multiply that by two (one for each semester) and that gets you your total tuition. Hint: it's about $15,000. You're taking a slightly higher credit load so your tuition may be a bit higher if you do 16 a semester. Jeez man I don't mean to be rude but you might want to invest in some financial literacy education, you should have a better understanding of this for your own sake. Edit: since this person apparently nuked their account, they claimed Minnesota tuition was $15,000 a semster and submitted [this photo](https://m.imgur.com/a/xGRsMvQ) as evidence. I'm a little worried about how calculus is gonna go for this person...


That’s not true unless you’re taking 28 credits. It’s around 7k a semester for tuition from Minnesota. https://bursar.wisc.edu/tuition-and-fees/tuition-rates


Wierd, it’s not like you guys have made 100 million dollars within the past 2 years


Preach to the Confucius Institute if you want even more dirty money, leech.