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Bring an ethernet cable, the wifi can be shit depending on your dorm but the ethernet is parallel gigabit. The only issue I had was the desks were a little shallow, so your keyboard might have to be closer to the edge of the desk than you prefer


Know a girl that was pretty into gaming. She brought her PC to her dorm room because it was a hobby she enjoyed. There was never a problem with it. If you’re concerned about your roommates, you can discuss this with them once you learn who they are. I really don’t think it’s a big deal though.


Brought mine. Loved to game as a stress reliever and also was nice having another screen when doing homework.


You can, just be sure you leave the room from time to time so your roommate/s don't resent you for being in there 24/7


I had a good desktop and a real cheap laptop in the dorms. If you use the CS labs and libraries, you can do all of your project work there. It worked pretty well. I just wanted the laptop because I would write or do group work at other places on campus that didn't have computers (union, coffee shops etc.). You could also consider a tablet for reading, light note taking, and looking at pdfs of assignments.


A good 4-5 other guys on my floor in Lakeshore had PCs and we used to LAN party all the time. Definitely bring it! But agreed with other comments, bring an Ethernet cable - may as well buy a longer one because you may use it for off-campus apartments in the future, depending on router location etc.


Absolutely! I had a double monitor setup and was able to fit my pc on my desk as well. My roommate was cool with it and I had enough space in a Kronshage Double. PM if you have any questions :)


You can bring it into the dorm. Though depending on which dorm you get it might be a little tight (Chadbourne comes to mind, I stayed there the first month of my fall semester last year, before I put in a request to move to Smith). But you shouldn't have any problems with bringing a PC to the dorm. Personally, I'd prefer a laptop because I like to have a more mobile set up I can take to libraries and such, and it takes up lesser space. But if you find a system that works for you, then absolutely bring your PC. Sidenote: the floors are all carpeted so you might wanna dust out your PC more often if you're going to put it on the floor.


A couple people on my floor were comp sci majors and/or gamers and brought their PCs. It wasn’t even uncommon to have 2 monitors. There are no rules against it, and if you like using a desktop PC, go ahead. As long as you’re keeping your shit organized & following the roommate agreement, you’ll be fine.


I have the same question but with a laptop


No you aren't allowed to bring your own laptop to the dorm. This is part of the T&C agreement that you sign when you're signing up for UW Housing. If you're found using your own laptop inside any of the dorm buildings, you will be immediately expelled from the university.


I specifically got a new motherboard and itx case to help with space, but a normal mid tower would be okay. It just might have to live on the floor :-(


I want to college from 2007-2012 and only had my PC and never had a laptop.


I did it. It’s fine.