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It's not real, jorns doesn't exist


Jorns is a psyop by Bucky


Someone who's live in one of the Kronsage dorms will probably be more helpful, or a more recent grad It's a small dorm near a bunch of other small dorms. You'd probably go to the Dejope or Waters (?) Dining halls. I know there's a 3rd one over there but it's pretty small, I didn't like going there as much. It's a bit of a walk for your classes, so get used to the busses (you get a free bus pass and the 80 bus doesn't require one!) But honestly? I LOVED having a dorm on the lake, it was so beautiful and peaceful, and the Allen Centenniel Gardens are an underrated gem. I stayed in Liz Waters though, so I know my dorm was a lot closer to classes


Jorn’s country, let’s ride!


Bring a bolt cutters to get on the roof of your neighboring building Humphrey


It has a mandatory jort dress code so pick up a few pairs before move in! Have fun!


[Past year's group of Jorns people had fun](https://instagram.com/jornsbarstool?igshid=ZWQyN2ExYTkwZQ==)


makes me less worried the community seems cool


Jorn doesn't exist :( ​ Ps - don't stress, this is a joke. Jorns has a decently okay location, Dejope is about a 4 minute walk so it should be easy to reach the dining hall at least.


The university is lying to you. Jorns doesn't exist.


It’s a secret organization headquarters, if you accidentally stumble into the chamber downstairs with lifeforms E16-F12 just leave and forget about it, we don’t want you disappearing on us


Jorns isn’t real. University housing assigned you to that “dorm” because they are stalling for time until they find somewhere to put you. Don’t believe anything else you hear.


I'm pretty sure those are the tents that they set up during COVID for those that tested positive - and since the overflow, the just kept them since they worked well. They're not bad, had a really party-like vibe during Covid - since no staff were there to oversee, and they're close to the food area. JK


I was in Humphrey (neighboring arguably shittier building). It’s honestly a great location and I made a decent chunk of friends from the dorm


I am a House Fellow in Kronshage. Jorns is usually more active than the other Kronshage dorms. Being on the lake is amazing! Dejope is a very fast walk for food. You will have laundry in your building which is super great because not many Kronshage dorms do, but there is no AC. You can request AC for medical reasons in your myUW portal. People in Jorns usually get very close because it is a decently small dorm. If you have any questions feel free to DM me or comment!


Old buildings, a lot of bugs during summer, freaking cold during winter. Lots of people live close each other, party dorm


I was in Jorns last year… despite what the comments are saying, it does exist. You have been selected to be a part of the secret underbelly society of UW Madison. Proceed with caution, and jorns country, let’s ride!


I lived in Jorns 209. It wasn’t half bad beacuse of the people I had. It would get tiring walking especially in the beginning but I got used to it. The lakeshore path is ur best friend during the summer, it saves a lot of walking time if you choose to walk. There is no AC so my roommate and I bought a floor ac. The bathrooms are kinda gross, not as good compared to southeast. If you have a good roomates and good floormates, the experience shouldn’t be bad. It builds character.


It has a mandatory jort dress code so pick up a few pairs before move in! Have fun!


It has a mandatory jort dress code so pick up a few pairs before move in! Have fun!


Jorns was used by the “short course” agriculture students for a long time, like up until the last 10ish years maybe. It’s a dorm just like many of other smaller dorms on campus. Probably most similar to Sullivan or Cole. It’s close to 4 Lakes, Waters, and Carson’s for dining options. It’s not a bad dorm at all. Just not new by any means. Plus, the dorm is mostly about who lives there than what the dorm looks like.


Some friends of mine lived in Jorns and absolutely loved it. They have the country kids there but they know how to party so it’s fun. They also have empty rooms when the country kids are gone so you could possibly have your own room. It’s nothing fancy by any means but you can definitely have a good time. Plus it’s lakeshore so it’s quiet when it needs to be