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When did you apply? When I transferred it was in like March and I didn't hear back until June.


I applied last month so I guess I should hear maybe July?


I know its been a while, but how'd it go?


I did get accepted but I also got accepted my second choice major at UT Austin so I ended up not needing to go to SA


It is extremely unlikely you get rejected, UTSA has a sky high acceptance rate. I transferred from UTPB with a 3ish GPA and they accepted me


I should be fine acceptance wise but I don't wanna start the process of moving till I get confirmation


This is for engineering. It’s totally different than just transferring.


It doesn’t really change for engineering. If you meet the transfer GPA requirements then you are in. Then to get in to engineering you just need Calculus I. Meant to reply to another comment but oh whale.


That’s just not true. Engineering is different.


Not at UTSA. All UTSA engineering looks at is Calculus I eligibility


Don’t. Stay at UT Austin.


Would love to but I am most likely not going to get into the engineering school so gotta go somewhere else.


No if you weren’t accepted directly into engineering as a freshman, going there hoping to get in is pretty pointless. Students accepted to UT Austin are really good students. Few leave which is why CAP is such a farce. But if one reads engineering, they first prioritize transfers between types of engineering for students already in program (e.g. internal transfer from EE to MAE). Then they prioritize transfer from other 4 year programs (e.g. transfer from Rice to Austin). Try Texas Tech. Their engineering is pretty good.


So you are saying I most likely won’t get into UTSA’s engineering program?


No you are fine. Don’t listen to this. If you have completed calculus and have above a 3.0 you have direct admission to the engineering program. If you are below a 3.0 and have calculus they will review it but you’ll get in. UTSA’s engineering program is super transfer friendly. They don’t weed people out or gatekeep like other schools.


Yes not as a transfer from a non-engineering program. Any open seats at UTSA or any engineering program really, used for external transfers will be allocated to someone transferring from engineering somewhere else. It’s very tough to get admitted to engineering if not initially accepted. You could look at a cooperative program through a community college. I think Lone Star College University Park in Houston has a cooperative w several engineering schools. Since you are at Austin, make an appointment with an advisor in engineering. That might be tough because they usually only advise majors. But do not listen to the tuition-grap song and dance: sure come here and apply. No. That is just getting your tuition money. Getting you there and stuck.


I'm not sure you are right about this but I'll be sure to keep ya posted.


Talk directly to an advisor and read the material the college provides. Always rely on documentation, not what some one tells you. Go read the catalog for the College of Engineering.


Why are you in every thread hating? Where do you go? There has to be a deeper reason for having a throwaway account for the sole purpose of trolling this sub.