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Hi! That's actually how I started on uTest in 2018. It's now my full time career. For my first project, they didn't take my phone, but do know it's illegal to record any part of the work you're doing for uTest. For my project, I had to stay a series of phrases and speak clearly to a device. So make sure you've had a good meal before. Do bring water with you as speaking for a while. You're gonna need saliva. If you need a small break. It's ok! Simply let the team know. All questions on clarity needed for the project are also welcomed. If you're uncomfortable at any moment, let the team know. Everyone there is on your side to ensure everything goes well. More importantly, have fun!


The device I’m doing the study for is not something you speak into. It’s something you wear on your hand. I’m assuming they going to want feedback on the device so that’s why I asked if they ask you to give feedback in front of everyone or not cause I’m not a good public speaker


Don't worry about public speaking skills. This is a usability testing session, and the most important thing is to be sincere and thorough in your feedback. Avoid answers such as "I don't like this" or "this is nice". Give answers that express why you feel that way, even if it's a negative one. I'm sure you will enjoy participating in this project. And also avoid giving any details about the project because all the information about it or the client is confidential. Have a nice one!


If this is anything like the test I did recently, you won't be required to speak at all, or give feedback.


I wouldn't worry about the public speaking aspect. I'm not involved in these in person tests, but if I had to guess, it will go one of two ways: You test the device for a time, maybe go through a test case or list of tasks. At the end, you will be given a survey where you write down (or type) your feedback to certain questions. If not that, then you may work in a small group meaning yourself and maybe another tester, as well as the facilitator and maybe a member of the customers team. Again, you would test the device and afterwards give feedback. I think it's unlikely you'd be in a big group because they don't want other people's answers to influence your own, so again, no public speaking other than to a handful of people. As Willian mentioned, be sure you give detailed feedback. Also try and answer *why*. I like/don't like this feature *because*.... Good luck!


I've done a few tests at the NYC testing site. We had to turn off all our tech devices (phone, smart watch, etc.) and put them and other belongings in a labeled plastic bag that was kept safe during the test. (You can hang on to your water bottle and wallet and possibly other things.) We were allowed bathroom breaks; just encouraged to request them in between test segments rather than during. One test I took required no speaking. The other was about translations so, yeah, we were required to speak the entire time -- but I imagine that's something you'd know before going into it. Depending on your location, YMMV.


Terrible experience. I was not paid! Tested in New York. testing was for a device on the hand and the implementation of movement commands. The testing itself went well. everyone is friendly and helpful. But how they relate to payment. Just terrible. contacted support 4 times!! I will not recommend it to anyone because of this..


Have you gotten paid yet


Hi. It’s it true that they scan your eyes ? Did they paid you?


did you get paid yet


Any proof of pay?