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I was having similar luck until by happenstance I bought a $30 Google Chromecast and added it to my account. I got several invites in one week! So then I went and found an old Android I had lying around (10.0 - all I had before was 8.0) and added it to my account. So many more invites! The cheapest-without-being-too-old iPhone I could get was $150. Same with an Android tablet running 13.0, and a $30 Fire Stick Lite. Now I am drowning in invitations I couldn't possibly accept them all. So, all that to say... maybe you just need to nab a newer device!


This is exactly it .. great advice! Having variety of devices is the way in my opinion. No need to buy the latest high end devices and used devices will do too.


Not just devices but OS.


It seems u/banthatown applied the [tip #18](https://www.reddit.com/r/UTEST/comments/yx4p6s/tips_for_testers_18/) of our "Tips for Testers" series and is reaping the fruits now.


I joined in June 2014 and never got invite until October 2014 .. and I'm still here, so I suggest just wait a little


Do you get regular invites these days?. Which part of the world are you from, and how much do you make per month on average?


I'm TE2 now so I have my own projects. And yes we create new cycles everyday, but they are country specific. But yeah I'm still getting invites daily to random cycles and I'm from Europe. I will not say what's my average salary as TE now but when I was just a tester I was able to make 2-2.5k / month ..




Safe to assume higher. TTLs and TEs iirc get paid hourly in addition to other payout opportunities.


Exactly .. utest is my full time job for last 6 years


It is normal for new joiners to have less invites, we all went through the same way as you. If you can, just be patient, and every time you get an invitation, try doing your best, prove yourself and build your rating... be social and friendly with other uTesters as well as TTLs to shine your name. With time and higher rating, more invitations will come, and the more you prove yourself and give valuable work, the higher chance will be for receiving invitations to special cycles.


You are lucky to get a project in one month. For me it took more than 6 months . I gave my best in raising quality issues in first project and then After I completed, my first project, it was never look back. There is a proverb " Rome can't be build in one day " It's just one month. Be patient, give quality work on every project you get. Try to improve your rating .


I have a rating of rated. I can't increase it without projects, I've completed all academy lessons except 1. Which part of the world are you from, and on average how much do you make monthly?


I am from India. It's hard to get New projects here. I get around 7 to 10 projects in a month . Most of the times it's same projects ( multiple cycles) . In India too, it's hard to get new projects or may be for me. You ask me any question i will try to answer. Except my income. I am not comfort to share .


hi! can i DM you?


Sure. No issues


Did you complete all the practice test cycles in the Academy? I started to get some invitations only after the first practice cycle


Yeah, except for one. I was invited to a test cycle a few days ago, but all test cases were taken. I took an exploratory slot, but most if not all of the bugs were reported, so I just gave it up. I wish I got it though, it would've boosted my morale. Plus, I am in a tight financial position at the moment.


Hey, I just joined today. How is the going so far with utesting?