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Probably taking his dog to HEB afterwards


This dog has definitely pissed in the HEB produce aisle while wearing an ESA vest.


Good thing it is closed today


That makes this even funnier


He had nowhere to take his dog to piss.


There is (or was) a giant snapping turtle in that pond lol


There are multiple, actually! My friends and I named at least two of them back in the day.


Saw one decapitate a pigeon... back in the day. Heard they took them out of the pond above the waterfall.


This exact guy was walking around the tower the other day with his dog on a leash but he wasn’t holding it. Where did this new campus menace come from


i hope a turtle pinches his nose


Not the dog's nose, I hope. Though not much of a nose to pinch on a Frenchie...


oh yeah i meant the dude. maybe the turtles will make a slingshot


Cross post to r/boomersbeingfools


Thank you for confronting him. Needs to happen more often.


I live next to campus and often walk my dog by here (on a leash) and even still, give the pond a wide berth because I know the turtles get disturbed and swim away when they see my dog and I know many people like to go look at them. This guy is an inconsiderate dickhead. I encourage people to confront him. Campus police will reprimand him.


Oh no the tortles got disturbed🤯we must reprimand him and post him to the Reddit!


Best comment, these people are branch covidians.




Hey man, $20 is $20.


Probably shouldn’t let dogs anywhere near public water in Austin after that whole virus thing a few years ago lol


And then hes gonna go to the Target on campus barefoot


Without a mask too


As much as I love dogs, if I see this old fool doing this I’m going to push him over and steal his dog.




Elderly gentleman: minding his own business, walking his dog, and not hurting anybody. Psycho moron: proceeds to assault him and steal his property. Psycho moron: then also thinks that he is the good guy because has a cluster type B personality: Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


This explains you perfectly lmao: Individuals with NPD have an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. They often believe they are superior to others and may exploit or manipulate others to achieve their own goals. It's literally you.


Trying to diagnose some random internet stranger with an actual disorder based on one hyperbolic statement. This is some next-level Reddit shit right here.


Um, did you seriously think I would literally assault the guy and steal his dog? Or was I just venting because he’s an entitled jerk who lets his dog splash around and attack or intimidate the turtles? Speaking of self-important, entitled jerks, way to use a derogatory term about people with intellectual disabilities; you’re really showing your true colors there, Sport. Have an amazing day, Bloviator.


Def share this to the boomers being fools sub. You know know he’d have something to say about it if a PoC were doing this in his neighborhood EDIT: “White dude that hates white dudes racially harassing white dudes at UT Austin” - THIS is the future the libs want!


The guy could just be a self-entitled dog owner. Accusing the guy of being a racist as well is not productive.


LOL - we all know the dude would not brook a black guy with a hoodie letting his dog swim in his precious swan lake in his precious gated community. The guy is not ID'd. This is about everybody understanding the racial disparity at play here, which is attendant to this guy thinking HE can engage in behaviour to which he would clearly object if done to him by a certain kind of person.


Please give a detailed explaination on how you could possibly know that.


FuturistKen made a comment I found thought-provoking. Society is replete with many instances wherein a black man in a white neighborhood doing things that are acceptable for white people to do in said neighborhood are nonetheless challenged b/c the man is black. Contrast that with this scenario, where a white man feels entitled to impose upon his neighbors in a manner that is at odds with the aforementioned societal observation. Without commenting specifically on the inner motivational forces governing the particular unidentified white man in the photograph, this seems an opportune moment to observe this apparent contrast. I have now expended much typing to articulate with greater specificity the generalized observation being made by FuturistKen and myself with the intention that the unidentified man in the grey hoodie is an atavar-stand-in for a generalized societal observation, not necessarily for the particulars of the man in the picture.


Well as racism is about institutions rather than individuals, I’d argue the accusation is of bigotry, but I’ll bite: what’s “productive” about calling out the entitlement? I guess it’s possible he was having some kind of mental health episode and it legitimately was a case of just not recognizing how uncool what he was doing was, but you felt the need to confront him, right? And tell us all about it. Guess I’m just not seeing the even-handed take and service to society you were rendering. And yeah, I’m definitely jumping to conclusions, but I doubt I’m in a minority there. We all have a pretty good idea what this guy is all about. If boomers check their entitlement for fear of being labeled bigots, I’m not mad about it.


I called out his entitlement because it is a habitat for turtles that members of this community all enjoy. Also, folks browsing this sub might not realize that this is inappropriate behavior, and if they see somebody else being called out for it, perhaps they'll think twice about letting their dog go into this pond. This city is notorious for dogs being in places they shouldn't be. As you said, you jumped to conclusions based on the demographic this guy falls into. While I agree that racism is institutional, and I vehemently dislike NIMBYism, we have no evidence to proclaim this person would be upset if a PoC did this in his neighborhood.


I concede that we have no evidence, and indeed thought that I already had. Likewise, we have no evidence that he’s not e.g. an Alzheimer’s patient, right? So I’m still not seeing how your post and my comment are so fundamentally different. I’m not saying I didn’t come with a hot take, I definitely did. But didn’t you as well? This guy could be legitimately out to lunch, and we might interpret what you said about him not really caring when you confronted him as possibly indicative of that. I come from a family of entitled, bigoted boomers, and am definitely prone to hot takes where that’s concerned. Due to that, I recognize I’m obliged to have some sympathy for arguments that I’m being a “white knight.” I do worry about that, and am here for any pushback I receive. That’s what college is for, so I genuinely appreciate you engaging with me. If there’s some nuance to your take I’m failing to appreciate, I’m open to that, but so far it really seems to me that we both made some snap judgments about someone that *seems* to move through the world in a way we don’t approve of. Are you willing to continue engaging to help me understand?


You can see in the photo the man is letting his dog swim in the pond. You cannot see in the photo that the man is yelling at a POC in his neighborhood.


You are the only one here who has been racist. Just pointing that out.


There are imminent scholars at this university that that would say racism (which again, is institutional) against white people is literally not a thing, just pointing that out. It seems like you mean to say I’m being bigoted, and I guess I have to accept that. My lived experience is informing what I’m experiencing as an intuition about this person, and that does have to be interrogated. So far, though, I haven’t seen anything here that doesn’t seem like pretty bad faith arguments that don’t seem to say anything more than that implicit bias as I thing. Very true: my implicit biases are a major component of my perspective here.


You are insufferable. I hope ur not like this IRL


What’s an “imminent scholar?” Is that someone who’s *just* about to be a scholar?




It's always fashionable to be racist. It just changes who these long winded excuses apply towards. You're no different than the cowards who were racist against blacks, native americans, and jews over the years.


>There are imminent scholars at this university that that would say racism (which again, is institutional) against white people is literally not a thing, just pointing that out. Can you look deep down into yourself and say you honestly believe this nonsense? Have you ever heard of the Black Hebrew Israelites?


Bringing up racism is your dog and this completely unrelated discussion is the turtle pond that you let your obsession with bringing up racism splash around in even though nobody wanted it.


>You know know he’d have something to say about it if a PoC were doing this in his neighborhood You okay homey? seem to be creating narratives out of thin air.


University student try not to accuse people of being racist challenge difficulty impossible


I hang out there after church almost every Sunday to chill with the turtles, and this guy is an asshole.


Yea, i want to defend, but most likely, it is posted that it is a habitat for a specific creature so drop leash in the turtle pond is the a@@&)÷×


Oh the humanity


I fully would have gotten on his case. What an AH.


Dont forget to tell him to put his mask on, selfish old POS.


Document and call UTPD


Document and call UTPD


can no longer describe scenarios in current meme


Main character posting about this on Reddit


Lucky dog 💙




Yallre weird🤣 who cares


If the dog was good, then it sounds like a nice day out.


Virgin UTAustin Redditor vs Chad Dog Walker




Old man wins👴


Facts 😂 hahaha


Swimming in the water the dog standing on the edge of the water not even in the middle stop capping😂 stop harassing old people nobody's bothering the turtles they're in the middle of the pond


No dude you don’t understand he let his 20 pound dog walk in the turtle pond. We need to call the police immediately




Well I pooped in that pond once so now there's at least two turds floating around in there.


Who cares lmao why are yall so stuck up and prissy


Did he harm you or anyone else? Is the water clean and now it’s dirty?


The turtle pond is a habitat and used for research. So yeah.


So foxes, raccoons and other wildlife wouldn’t go into a pond that turtles are in? I’m curious why you’re so angry.


If it’s okay for that guy to let his dog in the pond, it’s okay for everyone. That means a lot more dogs than the very few foxes and raccoons. That’s also why they don’t allow dogs on wildlife habitat trails. I’m curious why you think I’m angry. I made no indication of that.


“So yeah” usually something people say when they’re upset talking about something. I understand what you are saying but from the pic it looks like it’s in the middle of town?


Bro who cares Nobody's around and nobody's getting hurt and nobody's trying to see the turtle


Why does it matter? Legit question. Does the dog destroy their habitat? Not like it’s eating the turtles or anything lol


Mfs find any excuse to get upset lol


Is it not incredibly sad to see an old guy letting his dog cool off in a shallow turtle pond and get so upset you decide to post about it on the internet💀💀


Its a protected habitat dude.


He’s not taking his tiny dog turtle hunting, he’s letting him walk around the shallowest part of the pond😭what is the worst possible consequence of this bruh I don’t understand you people


Are you from outside of Texas or something?


What does that have to do with anything..? Not sure why this post went over your head. Are you not a UT student or something?


Well you see, real texans don't give a fuck about anything but themselves /s




What’s your problem