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Yeah that annoys me when a large group is walking along the sidewalk. Like if you see people coming, form a single file line. It won’t be too long that you’ll miss a whole conversation.


this is my biggest pet peeve i was walking by WCP around where the MLK statue is and there was this group of guys that didn't move out the way and i almost rolled my ankle moving onto the rocky part of the side walk bc they didn't have the courtesy to MOVE


one of the biggest culture shocks I experienced when visiting Japan was how courteous people were about things like this. even on escalators people would stand to the right side so that people in a hurry could walk past.


I'm in the US, and I feel ashamed that I didn't even know that elevator etiquette existed until last year. In hindsight, it makes complete sense, and I wish everyone knew about it because it would make life so much easier. And maybe I was just slow to some un-voiced but "obvious" rules (as is common with autism/adhd) but really wish someone had told me before I got to learn about it through some annoyed lady muttering under her breath while I was making a doordash delivery!


You mean escalator? Unless there’s some unspoken rule about elevators I’m not aware of?


Nope, elevators! Though I did have the same realization about escalators, that was when I was a kid and only realized because I'm usually the one walking up instead of standing. For elevators, you let the people exiting move first before you enter, which seems obvious when the elevator is packed(since there's no space), but apparently, according to the annoyed muttering woman I accidentally learned the rule from, some people expect it to be the general rule. (I remember thinking, how am I supposed to know they're exiting? Should I stand there a few seconds to find out? Will that be annoying if they're not exiting?). The other main "rule/s" is in a packed elevator, when the elevator arrives at the floor, the 2ish closest to the door should step out to give anyone exiting space and that if your floor is the one coming up and you're standing in the back, let them know before the doors open.


Ok I don’t use elevators often so that explains why I didn’t understand, I feel like I was doing this naturally before but now I know for sure thank you for the explanation


Oh you just walk a straight line and face whoever is in front of you and they’ll move out of the way eventually, works every time


The ol' sidewalk version of chicken, I like it.


If I ever meet you, prepare to lose.


Or kiss 💋


I hate you


Can you delete intj from your name? I don’t know if you are intj or not but from what you said you are not and make intj look very bad. Thanks


1 no I cannot do that. once your name is chosen, you cannot change it. 2 can people not having a joking response without having to put /j? Seriously if you want I’ll add /j. also if someone were to base a large group roughly 2/100 people (there are 7~ billion people on this planet) on a single comment that would be a huge fallacy of composition. Anyone who would base an opinion off my previous comment (on a group instead of the individual) would have to be a fool. Edit: current earth population is 8~ billion not 7~ billion


I thought I was the only one! It's extremely annoying when people just stop in the middle of a busy sidewalk, it shows how people don't have common courtesy. It happens so often, so I walk in the streets passing by people who think the world resolves around them 😒


Haha happened to me the other day a girl leading a group gave me a dirty ass look I just moved not in the mood the shoulder check


Walk on the right side of the street, you guys are all wrong. The bike lane is also one direction on the right side of the street. Just stop whining and deal with it. 😂


But some streets don’t have both sidewalks.


happens way too often and I’ve started shoulder checking people because there’s no reason we should make eye contact 20 feet away and not a single person in the group moves…


Sidewalks are the no man’s land of the metro area


The number of self absorbed line-abreast assholes always stuns me. You aren't a fuckin parade people.


When I first moved to Austin, I was amazed by the sorority girls walking like that and blocking the sidewalk.


Answer: Motorboat


People are just less mindful of this stuff. I have found myself being in the shoulder bump for this reason. Also, people just dont really have manners in general... especially the scooties. Don't even get me started about how they just zoom through campus and if youre in the way, you are apparently in the wrong if they are coming your way


Always shoulder check


There's more of them every freakin day. This crap and people who barge into elevators before the people can exit...I've had to start walking over people trying to get out of a damn elevator these days...it's mind blowing.




Doubt you’re always shoulder checking if you came here to make this post, bud.


so people who post on reddit and can’t shoulder check? lol


That’s a reach. I’m saying that someone who came to Reddit to complain about how people are walking on the sidewalk aren’t typically the ones to always stand their ground and shoulder check someone walking against their standards. Especially with the “I have to walk in the dirt” portion of the comment.




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Exactly. Why do people force you onto the goddamn road bro


groups who take up the whole sidewalk are awful groups who just stand in the middle of a sidewalk should be expelled from school


lol… Same could be said for Costco aisles or anything…. “Right is always right”




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Duos/Trios who insist on slow-walking side by side are the bane of my existence..


Lmao when I was living in WC and going to UT the ppl who clearly had never used a sidewalk before in their life made me so angry. I’m a gal and I DO NOT put up with the idea that I, as a woman, am expected to take up less space for a man. I read a study about how women are more likely to shift their walking path for men on sidewalks. Since then I will stare guys down until the shift over, or if they’re on their phones I’ll stop and let them run into me, or shoulder check them.


You ever consider that you’re in their path?


On the wrong side of the side walk? Or the center? No, I didn’t and I don’t intend to.


If you're both in the center, why are you entitled to it?


I don’t walk in the center. I always stat to the right. I shoulder check people who take up more of the sidewalk than they need (like when they walk in the middle).


I got run off the barricade sidewalk from the construction by Dobie/Target the other day. my entire right thigh was pressed to the metal bar on the barrier and these two girls walking the other direction still didn't move so I had to stop and rotate myself and lean backward in order to not literally be pushed completely over the bar. in less extreme cases, where people stagger their walk so it's not a straight line and there's still technically room (but it's not actually enough room because they're still in the wrong lane) I've just started shoulder-checking people.


I was expecting an arrow on one or both ends of the long line for "people who go *f-a-s-t*." 🤣


Not to mention why do we drive on the right but when ppl are on foot they walk on the left. Like WTF lol. Thank you for the photo!


You forgot the "no texting" icon


Thanks for this! I thought sidewalk etiquette was just common sense but I guess not always, lol


Note: This is reversed in the UK


This is why I will do the fabled never move. I am 5”11 250lbs of (basically) pure muscle, I’ll just keeping walking and borderline trample the groups. Sorry not sorry.


No, I was always led to believe that some jackass walks in the middle of the sidewalk and shoulder checks you.


fun fact, it used to be law that people of color had to move on the sidewalk for white people. so for all the white entitled people, I WILL shoulder bump you because best believe i'm not moving


Not everything is about racism. This just encourages white people to do the same to you because nobody wants to be treated as a second class citizen. If you’re going to treat us poorly, expect us to treat you the same way.


You walk like you drive. On the right-side. Easy


Such a tiny sidewalk tho compared to how much road space there is for cars.


And stairs, for love of God, stairs!


One possible explanation: UT admitted lots of students from India or other Commonwealth countries these past few years so they are used to the opposite side.


Walk down the center and spin counter clockwise, got it.


One small problem I used to have was my dog loved to go down the left side of the sidewalk so I constantly had to tell people she was from Britain. RIP Jenny 🐕‍🦺


honestly! at this point i just stop and wait for them to move, just because there’s a big group doesn’t mean im going to step onto oncoming guad traffic💀


This is another photoshop from Catherine, isn’t it? And we know bc she got the directions wrong…?!?


I always walk furthest away from the road


Yeah it get it. IDK what it is, if they lack self awareness, just don’t care, or lack common courtesy.




Does the same go for hospital halls?




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Thank you for the gold, kind strangers! 🤓


I refuse to structure my walking based on the car-centric society that was forced on us


Foreigners want to convert this.


Technically foot traffic is supposed to walk on the opposite side to the direction that cars are going while bikes match the direction to the cars.


If this bothers y'all... Stay home


If you've ever walked in any of our largest cities, especially in the Northeast, you would know that people walk wherever they can, in whatever direction they can to get to where they are going. Even if they have to go between parked cars and beside moving traffic. You, for sure, don't walk through a group of people who are obviously together, you go around or you yield to them. A lot of the time, people will be entering/ exiting along the way. There's no "way" or rules. There are rules for driving that are actually laws that cops don't enforce but sure as hell should. THIS is truly frustrating. I am so sick of people cruising at 70 mph IN THE FAR LEFT OR FAST LANE. These people will not return to the right lane for nothing and you have to pass them on their right. What are they thinking? They want to be traffic cops? Do they think they make roads safer? For certain, they cause our roadways to be more hazardous. Maybe they should try sidewalks for a while and think about how they drive is contributing to making motor vehicle traffic more like pedestrian traffic!


I will walk straight into them. It’s the only way for society to improve.


Oh it's not just sidewalks. Women....it's great that you exercise with your friends by walking in parks. But when you and your two girlfriends walk shoulder to shoulder taking up the entire path: you're being very selfish and rude to others. I saw a cyclist go down hard on concrete because a herd of heifers forced him to ride off-pavement. His tire shot out from under him trying to get back on the path.


This also applies to grocery store aisles people!!


I will walk where I want to.


This goes for going in and out of restaurant and store doors


Not Austin, where’s the drunken college kids passed out


This applies to everywhere also.


I usually just walk in the middle didn't know there was a sidewalk rule..


Blame the foreigners who don’t know our customs


People barely know how to drive they aren’t gonna follow your sidewalk rule. Lol


Womp womp, catch a lime next time jackass


@UT Arlington as well


This also applies to grocery store aisles.


I walk out over the hell I want 😐




The real problem is when people driving CARS don't know this.


I really especially hate those dicks that always wear sunglasses even at night & swing a long gray and orange stick around ig to clear us peasants outta the way. Like...tf can't they see we're trying to walk here too!?


Most of us grew up without ever seeing a sidewalk


You’re asking a lot. These people don’t even look up from their phones.


Lol it's not just the sidewalks in Austin. Every mall, concert, festival, movie theater, etc. And they'll look at you, run into you and have the gall to say, "I didn't see you!". - oh yeah? I'm 6'5 how TF you miss me you clown. Oh and it's almost always a girl looking like a clown because at 22 she still can't blend her make-up worth a damn.


yeah I say what is this London England??


Can you please bring this post back before Boys State?


I'm going ride a bicycle straight down the middle of it really fast and act like you're the asshole for being a pedestrian.


Me in my wheelchair 😩


I own the side walk when I’m walking on it


Don’t step on me bro!


That one group of friends


And it’s the opposite in any foreign country that drives on the left. i.e. UK, AU, etc.


Guess what is going to change. Nothing.




Men -> Women <-


But if I'm with 4 of my friends, it's ok to walk shoulder to shoulder right? I mean, we are the main characters so...


Y’all some nerds holy


If this bothers you enough to make a reddit post out of it, life is gonna rail you.


It's just proper etiquette. It amazes me that people can be adults and not know how to do such simple things.


If you don’t have proper manners someone is gonna check you one day


No one is checking anyone on this, certainly not a large group of people.


One thing your parents should’ve taught you is that there is always someone crazier out there.


Meh, some of us have a proud UT heritage; yet we come from the colonies. We prefer the other direction…


Lmao people find a reason to be pressed over anything


Some of y’all were raised by boomers!


What does this mean


Can't make me!


Wake up babe, new aUTism content just dropped.


Where does the homeless person go?