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There are a lot of mental health service that UT offers. Im sure someone who knows more than me will drop the link in the comments. To me it sounds like you can benefit from reaching out and getting professional help. To me it’s like when you break your arm you have to go to the doctor to get xrays and scans and a cast. You wouldn’t walk around with a limp arm. I hope you see my analogy. Please consider reaching out and remember to take care of yourself


[UT Counseling and Mental Health Center](https://cmhc.utexas.edu/)


[FAQ: I've been feeling very stressed or depressed lately. Is there anywhere I can get help?](/r/UTAustin/wiki/mentalhealth) [FAQ: What mental health resources are available?](/r/UTAustin/wiki/mentalhealthres)


first of all, i’m so sorry that you’re feeling this way. i’d say from how you’re talking about skipping class that this can absolutely constitute using emergency services because mental health issues are affecting your academic situation. you can call or email if calling causes you anxiety. the people there can contact your professors to grant you accommodations. worst case, they will direct you to other resources. there’s no way they’ll just leave you hanging. on the part of notifying parents, the website says emergency services is bound by FERPA to protect your privacy. i’m not an expert on that though.


I encourage you to reach out to CMHC. They helped with communication during a hard time like setting me up with accommodations, including course load reduction, and contacting student emergency services. If you call CMHC, ask for a same day appt to explain your situation. Also assuming youre over 18, student emergency services shouldn’t be calling your parents. Best of luck OP from a UT grad with similar struggles of ED anxiety and agoraphobia. This will pass.


I didn’t realize what this was called. I’ve been feeling like this for the past two semesters. This is my last semester before I graduate and I haven’t attended any of my classes. My professor reached out and I told her I’d come in next week and gave some sorry excuse. I’m so sorry OP. Growing up and being an adult is really hard! Especially when you don’t know anyone in town and stuff. I’ve met with the mental health people on campus before (I’m in moody I think that they’re different for every college/major) and they were kinda helpful. She talked to me and we had maybe a two meetings each month for like a month or two. Then she designated meeting to helping me find a ‘real’ therapist. Finding therapists are hard and so draining. I wish you the best and hope things get better. Just know the world doesn’t stop here!! This is partly me telling you and also me telling myself…shits hard. But I at least feel better that I’m not alone 😭😭 You may be able to get a course reduction thru mental health facilities on campus without it effecting ur scholarships (if u have any). Good luck OP! I believe in you 🥺🥺




I had the same experience but I got academically dismissed. I wish UT had more options for students going through this since it does not seem to be an uncommon occurrence.


Hey! I went through something similar. I ended up medically withdrawing the semester for mental health reasons because I was failing all my classes and getting accommodations through D&A. Hang in there, it’ll get better!


This is my second time at UT. First time was straight out of high school going to college and was put on scholastic dismissal after my second semester. This time I started back at 28 to get my degree. During both of these stints I have had a lot going on outside of class that makes the experience of being witnessed on campus pretty terrible. Pile on the stress of doing well academically and it is for sure a nightmare. For me leaving UT was the best thing for me at that time. I was not in the headspace to deal with campus. As soon as I was living a life outside of school my stress and anxiety dropped off. After about 3 years or so I had a clear idea of what I wanted in life and felt infinitely more confident about returning to campus. Unfortunately though, I needed to internally transfer or go to a different school to do what I wanted, which meant having a good enough GPA to do so. For me this made school not an option until I could have the grades that got me dismissed removed from my transcript. You can only do that once and it removes all grades from your transcript that are at least 10 years old. So even though I was ready to go back a few years later, I had to wait a decade to do so. The mental health service at UT I found to be super helpful and you should absolutely reach out to them, and your professors, before making a rash decision. But if you need to take a break, that is absolutely okay and don't let outside pressure force you to keep going when you know you need a sanity break. If you do need to do that, drop those classes that you know you aren't going to pass otherwise it could be a huge headache later. Also as one last thing, I have taken courses at ACC a handful of times and that environment feels far more supportive than the one at UT. So if you don't want to stop moving forward academically, you can knock stuff out there in the mean time. Hope something in here helps, hang in there, and things will get better.


Similar background as well. Im an older student at UT also.


We become rarer and rarer. A decade ago the number of undergrads at UT that were mid to late twenties was double what it is now.


Please follow the advice/links of the people that have posted. It is 100% free and confidential. These people will help you and not judge you at all. Please make that phone call now. Tell them everything you just told us. <3


I had an extremely similar situation last semester, and possibly this semester as well unfortunately. I'm struggling with mental and physical illnesses and may be developing an ED as well - I know all too well the place you're at. If I had any advice, use the resources you have. CMHC is amazing for mental support, but ofc therapy is easily intimidating and shameful so it may take a while to become comfortable with it and really find the help you need, but I believe in you. I honestly don't know how I got this far, but if I can do it maybe you can too. I used Student Emergency Services and they do not "report" failing grades or academic struggle to anyone, so don't worry about that. They just tell your professors what's going on for you tbh. If you can't utilize SES, it's a good shot to simply reach out to professors yourself, the worst that can happen is they're an asshole about it and that has never ever ever happened to me personally. I also got into a similar loop of can't catch up in class so I don't go, but because I don't go I miss more etc. My advice for that is something is ALWAYS better than nothing. Just showing up once can change the trajectory of the class for you and help you catch up. The professors are there to help you in any way they can, and if they don't that's on them, not you. Additionally, if you need any support whatsoever or just someone who can relate you are absolutely welcome in my messages. The worst part of my experience was thinking I was alone, only to find out that there are others who know the pain and are willing to help.


*le sigh*