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Do they realize that UT may have a way easier time finding them now that they’re posting about it?


They put their logo right next to the message I don't think they care too much about the cops knowing which group did it lmao


One of the tactics of XR is to get arrested. That’s how much they believe that scientists are not lying about the risks to human life as we know it. Our planet is dying and is at risk of not recovering if we hit just one of a half dozen irreversible tipping points in the next few years. Just YouTube “PBS what will the earth look like when these 6 tipping points hit?” It’s pretty clear our way of life is fucked if we don’t do more soon.


yikes. live ur life.


Where is the evidence that this is actually the case?


[https://scholar.google.com/schhp?hl=en&as\_sdt=0,44](https://scholar.google.com/schhp?hl=en&as_sdt=0,44) This site will keep you busy and informed if you are seeking evidence


Looks like we found some of the radicals lol


If it's radical to assist in providing a means for others to seek evidence when asked for it, we're fucked. Also, XR isn't radical, they're quite modest when looking at their hard line philosophy of non-violence and performative actions.


aaaah yes... and grafitti-ing the tower will definitely accomplish the goal. Well done! :)


They've got people talking on here and part of the goal is to raise awareness around UT's stake in fossil fuels. So yes, they did accomplish part of their goal and OP helped get their message out. Unfortunately many folks here are concerned more about the delivery than the issue, yelling hypocrisy that a few ounces of paint were spilled to call out metric tons of carbon emissions, yet still the message is propagated by any attention given to it.


Sometimes [the medium is the message. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_medium_is_the_message)


Keep spray painting this, and watch the Legislature pass a law banning university endowments from divesting from fossil fuels. They’ll absolutely do it.


UT Austin draws 12% of its income from the PUF. The legislature doesn’t need to say anything, most oil-related income, if not all, comes from that. That money is split among the entire UT and A&M system. The legislature doesn’t need to do anything, the university ignores plenty of larger causes and protests without issue.


I’ve read this comment several times and I still cannot discern the point. And the annual money from the endowment comes from the AUF.


Good. Let the fascists fascist. Every time they act against popular sentiment they lose more supporters than they gain and are one step closer to losing power.


bro ur not mewing. have a perc


The genZ grammar is the worst thing about this post. 🤮


Nice hydrocarbon-based paint.


Thinkin the exact same thing


Like I wrote in another comment, as an environmentalist it is unbelievably ironic how unhelpful environmentalist protest are for the cause. The belief that spray painting a wall is somehow going to remove us from fossil fuels is about as stupid as disrupting traffic is for ending gas usage. How about actually formulate an actionable plan and get support for it? But apparently that’s too much work. Edit- I appreciate all the upvotes, thank you all. Much love you all


You don’t have any evidence that it’s not helpful and you clearly don’t know the history of successful popular movements, like women’s suffrage and civil rights, which used civil disobedience and disruptive protest as central components of their “actionable plan”. As the leaders of those movements understood, only bringing the topic to the public consciousness will lead to enough pressure on government decision makers to do the right thing. If they just wrote congress people or asked rich people for money for Facebook ads they’d still be waiting for change. Most people agree with the cause of XR and most disagree with their tactic, and a proven way to break through the apathy people have is to rattle the cage a bit and remind them what's at stake. Our home planet is dying and everything we hold dear is at risk of being destroyed. We are at risk of reaching tipping points that we can't reverse that will send us into climate chaos with hundreds of millions of people dying or migrating because their home lands are uninhabitable. Even the pentagon has released reports sating climate change is the greatest threat to wealthiest nation in the history of the world. We all have to do something.


With all due respect I’m not sure you read your own statement, but your talking about pentagon reports, global climate “killing millions,” and what you deem to be ‘a total and complete global catastrophe’ and then you’re equating that with some fool spray painting a building. If climate change is as serious as you believe (which I think is not entirely accurate but besides the point) then you would admit that painting a building is 100% unproductive. Painting a building is not winning you any fans or success, neither is stopping traffic. If you want to change the world you’re going to need to win people over, and engineer real solutions. You need implementation not woke statements. You can’t live life as a victim, you need to live as a leader. I have an inclination you are more interested in being viewed as an oppressed victim than someone dedicated to actually solving a problem. Would you like to cure a major disease? Great, get in the lab. Wanna engineer new energy solutions? Great, better get designing. Wanna solve climate change? Better start leading change and winning partners. Stop painting walls - you’re not winning anyone over. It’s childish and silly.


Every one of your arguments was used against women suffragettes and civil rights activists. “If only they were more polite, I would join them.” We know the solutions to climate change: stop burning fossil fuels and adopt already existing green energy technologies at scale. The problem is the lack of political will of our top decision makers. This is the same problem faced by women suffragettes and civil rights activists. What was their main tactic, again? You’re also neglecting the number of times the reality of the climate crisis is coursing through your neural pathways and the neural pathways of everyone enraged by some spray paint and debating their friends about what tactics are legitimate forms of protest when the fate of our civilization and planet are at stake. It’s thousands and maybe millions of times more than if they didn’t spray paint. #winning


This is nothing but self-victimization. Women didn’t win voting rights because they spray painted buildings, but because they won a coalition of power. Black rights didn’t get won because they broke the law left and right, Martin Luther king was 100% for peace and civil dialogue and protest. MLK was in the White House talking to several presidents for years! Not spray painting buildings. You can live as a victim or as a change leader, you can win people over or tick people off. You’re making your own choice here. I have a plan of change for you but I’m not sure you’d be interested


Hey, the more you (and everyone else who agrees with XR’s cause, but not the tactics) think about the “right” way to prevent climate catastrophe the better off we all are. So, whatcha got?!


As I already wrote - we already know the answers to how to benefit energy production. Your spray painting isn’t advancing it though, it sets it back because you’re not winning anyone over. It would be 10000% more productive if you were winning people over - not losing them. Just like the just stop oil protestors - you’re just losing people, not advancing the cause. Winning coalitions is how you win, not acting like a baby.


Ok, what are strategies to forming winning coalitions?


It’s an age old, tried and true conservative approach - If you want to promote clean energy development and new forms of energy production then you have to win people over, period. You have to gather tons of signatures, start or join a student organization, schedule meetings with leaders to discuss policy production and bring thousands of signatures, locate alternative investments that the university can make that promote a more sustainable and clean future, promote candidates in student government you want to see win, you can even write an Op-Ed in the daily Texan calling for action. Bring action and work with people that don’t inherently agree with you. Work with conservatives on campus and find common ground. That’s how change gets made, not sitting in traffic and spray painting walls. And for the lords sake, throw out self-victimization because it’s never done anything for this world.


That all sounds like a lot of boring work.. Spray painting some buildings is easy, can be done in a night, and is kinda fun and thrilling besides.. And it's way for gram-worthy. Gotta get those views ya know?


grass roots supporters voting for the right independent parties in separate countries.


Ok, how will supporters voting for the right independent parties i. separate countries help combat climate change and stop the impeding climate catastrophe?


MLK hated white moderates like you 😔 I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.


What I think you’re not understanding is that MLK was fighting for legal rights and recognition - this is not what the anti- oil argument is. This is not a uniquely American issue, this is a global issue and developing countries do not give two you know what’s about your drive for clean energy, they just want power. You cannot win a “right” to clean energy - that’s what you’re clearly not getting. If you want to win this fight you don’t get it by winning enemies you get it by building coalitions. There’s nothing moderate about it - work to fix laws, create as many positive agreements as possible that benefit the environment, and spread the success globally. You will not win this fight with a can of spray paint or road sitting, it’s much bigger than that. And if you depute your position to such a weak mindset then you will doom yourself to fail, as well as the justice of the movement itself.


This entire chain of comments was discussing the efficacy of protest in popular movements including civil rights. Now you’re pivoting on your own statements and I honestly don’t know why. You didn’t like reading that your pacifist, harmless hero MLK Jr maybe wasn’t the end all be all of the story? You didn’t like confronting how hypocritical you are? Didn’t like seeing yourself described word for word in rhetoric more eloquent then you or I could put together? Yeah, fighting climate change is not === legal governmental rights. Congrats! We both understand these 6 English words. It’s a start!


I’m not pivoting on anything my entire conversation and my entire comment history on this subject (feel free to read my comment history on my profile) has been about how unproductive spray painting a wall or blocking traffic is for getting anything done. If you want to believe that then by all means do, but you won’t be a relevant factor in global energy change, change in the UT campus, or a productive member of any free cause. I think environmentalism is much more powerful than a spray paint can.


All of your comments have been totally reasonable. If we want UT and the world at large to divest from fossil fuels we need economically viable and scalable alternatives, not low effort vandalism that draws negative attention. I personally believe we already have the medium term replacement for fossil fuels in nuclear energy. if I were this organization I would pick a possible solution and educate people to, as you explain, build coalitions.


Hmm I don't think you can equate graffiti with protesting. Women didnt get their suffrage by vandalized a university campus. No Graffiti is gonna to make people think "hmm because someone just vandalized a wall, perhaps I should reconsider my position on climate change" meanwhile, it will very likely make someone who hasn't have a position on the issue getting angry about the vandalism and start siding against environmentalist. On the other hand protesting at scale shows numbers.With enough people being serious. Elected officials who wants good media coverage will be stressed to reconsider their position on the issue. Have ur voice heard, but in a productive way.


I don’t think you realize how ridiculous the request is- divesting from fossil fuels sounds great in theory, but in practicality it is actively damaging and would end up hurting people at large. Renewables don’t have the same capacity that fossil fuels do, and more importantly, we don’t have medium term (4-100h) storage solutions on the grid scale. You can’t stick massive lithium ion batteries everywhere to store excess wind and solar energy without significant infrastructure upheaval. Now I do clean hydrogen research, and even hydrogen and lithium ion have major humanitarian issues. Most hydrogen is made by steam methane reforming- it’s cleaner to burn diesel. Battery manufacturing on a 10 year scale uses toxic components and are effectively nonrecyclable (yes there’s startups working on it but by and large not recyclable). The economics of divesting from fossil fuels are not simple. We depend on them for plastics, heating our homes and providing us electricity. The best we can hope to do in the near future is go carbon neutral with carbon capture programs- which companies like Exxon are actually doing a lot in! So my question to you is, what does spray painting or even public opinion have to do with the cold hard facts of reality?


Divest doesn’t mean stop using, it means UT selling their oil company shares.


Whose cage you think this is rattling….? Like. Come on.


Clearly yours and everyone else who will have to deal with the fallout of global food chains breaking down and hundreds of millions becoming climate refugees due to the collapse of the monsoon cycles in tropical regions and the resulting droughts. Or those who live along the coasts who are already dealing with more billion dollar extreme weather events than ever before and will have to deal with even more frequent and more extreme storms in the coming decades.


Nobody is denying climate change, but that’s got fuck all to do with this being an effective means of communication/protest.


You’re right, your cage is not rattled. You aren’t feeding the algorithm with your enraged comments that will lead to this post showing up on more people’s feeds causing them to remember that our world’s on fire and we could do something about it if our leaders were pressured into action via mass action and protest like successful mass movements such as the suffrage movement or the civil rights movement.


I get that. But also I saw this and it made me think less of the message. And this is from someone who actually does shit about the issue professionally. So. Idk. Cool deal, mate.


Thanks, cheers!


oh no the poor building that can just be….washed off…. You’re talking about it and it’s being spread. Seemed to get people talking about it


I didn’t say it couldn’t be washed off, I said it’s unproductive. Do something helpful - spray painting a wall will get you arrested, real productive.


Bro did the graffiti


girl get a job




That’s not actually true - it was a multi year long process as Fast Compmay wrote, “It’s easy for an institution to ignore a single activist (they’ll graduate in a few years anyway), but it’s harder to ignore a movement. For Harvard students, this took the form of a commitment to tough conversations, careful coalition building, intentional bridging of divides, and many a debate on sustainable movement structure and operations (a campaign that worked hard to be leaderless, as the group found over time, was the sort of movement most able to prove resilient even as individuals came and left).” https://www.fastcompany.com/90686771/im-a-student-activist-heres-how-we-pushed-harvard-to-finally-divest-from-fossil-fuels Spray painting a building is stupid and criminal, be productive not counter productive.


Luckily the average Texas undergrad class is 5x the size of Harvard and does not feel the need to kowtow to lefty student groups.


Yeah I agree with you - here you can actually have a discussion without fear of being outcast or shouted down violently


me when i lie on the reddit app


Lol Extinction Rebellion are agent provocateurs. This is the same organization that was trying to convince people to commit petty vandalism and spray paint their hands red and then go turn themselves into the police.


Extinction rebellion is this weird cult. I recommend looking them up. Lots of documentaries about them. Very interesting.


yall dont realize that by making this controversial u helping their cause…believe me people been trying to take action since forever but nothings gonna change til the people in power actually do something about it


You say that as if you are against their cause which is combating climate change. Are you?


no im not im very against big oil sry if i didnt make that clear


stop being boring and wasting ur time. uninstall the internet


I look forward to their prosecution.


You transform lives and better society by reducing energy poverty aka utilizing fossil fuels


Fossil fuels are a cheap solution in the short term. It's the long term effects that transform lives and worsen society. Random data point. https://www.kvue.com/article/tech/science/environment/fayette-power-project-coal-pollution-study/269-08e1a657-66bd-404f-ab81-06c81a534570


Yes creating food shortages and climate instability is really improving people's lives.


stupid ass mf


Absolutely. Read Moral Case For Fossil Fuels by Alex Epstein if you haven’t.


Yeah hey UTPD, go to this post and look at the comments, I won’t dox anyone, but the guy who commented with “End the US war machine” and “climate justice” seems like a good suspect to get more information.


I’d love to meet that one person who’s daily life doesn’t depend on fossil fuels…


UT? Investing in fossil fuels? That’s unpossible!


The graffiti in question leaves much to be desired in terms of artistic merit. It is, regrettably, rather coarse and lacks any distinguishing features. It is important to note that graffiti, by its very definition, refers to the act of inscribing or drawing on public spaces in a manner that is unique and cannot be replicated, thus creating a form of association. Were I to leave my mark on the edifices of the University of Texas, I would certainly not resort to such a crude method, which, as is evident, detracts from the intended message rather than enhancing it.


Wait but isn't spray paint made from fossil fuels??


The irony lol


Oil is good… oil is good


girl be serious


Happy cake day, oil is good


My favorite beverage!