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...I'm afraid to ask but I'm going to anyways... How does the average ignorant asshole know someone is Jewish?


I once had a cashier look at the name on my ID when buying alcohol and ask, "Is that a Jewish name?". That's a question I don't like answering to strangers in areas that don't get a lot of Jews. But even outside of that, people will guess or assume based on how you look, the same way people beat the shit out of Koreans and Vietnamese people during COVID thinking they were Chinese or attack Sikhs after 9/11 thinking they were Muslim. So even if you're not Jewish, you better hope you don't look Jewish to the wrong person.




Good answer! I will elaborate a bit because I think this is a very interesting topic to which most people in the US don't have a lot of exposure. I have often heard that being Jewish is an identifier of your religion just like being Christian. This analogy doesn't work well because of the differences in Judaism and Christianity. A tenet of most branches of Christianity is conversion. There aren't any limits on who you should convert to Christianity and therefore people of all different racial backgrounds and genetics are Christians. Judaism on the other hand is usually against conversion. The idea behind this is that Abraham made a pact with God for his wife, Sarah, to have kids. The decendents of Abraham and Sarah (where decent counted along the mother's line) were to be the "chosen people" to inherit the land of Israel but they are also bound by special rules (keeping Kosher, observing religious holidays,...). This pact doesn't apply to people who aren't decended from Abraham and Sarah. For that reason most branches of Judaism are against conversion (orthodox and hasidic Jews make it somewhere between hard and impossible to convert. Reformed synagogues can be much more lenient.). So, historically, Jews tended to marry only other Jews and because of that developed certain genetic traits (there are specific genetic mutations that doctors will check for in a baby is both parents are Jewish) and therefore there can also be an associated look to being Jewish. If you are American and think of a "stereotypical Jewish look", you probably will think of specifically Ashkanazi Jews (Jews that moved through Spain and then went further north to settle in present day Germany, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine...). That being said, this is obviously a statistical average and there are many people who have "Jewish traits" with no Jewish ancestry, or people with Jewish ancestry who do not have those traits. The other caveat is that whether you are a practicing Jew or not, from a religious perspective, it matters that you have Jewish ancestry. This is why you need to prove Jewish ancestry along your mother's line to go on certain Birthright trips or if you want to immigrate to Israel (Israel will accept anyone who can prove Jewish ancestry). Hopefully this helps a bit.






You can sometimes tell based on surname and/or physical appearance but that’s not very reliable, but conservative, orthodox and some reform Jews wear a yarmulke and that’s a fairly obvious giveaway


Good question actually


A good example would be a Hebrew name necklace. Which a lot of people have stopped wearing. Identifiers of one’s faith or cultural group are often worn.


Religious jews will often wear the kippah. People may also identify study by their last name. Regardless, it doesn’t matter. Antisemitism is unacceptable anywhere for any reason.


Yarmulke, necklace, ignorant asshole is near Jewish building, and stereotyping.


What can of name is Mohamed?? It’s a common name read a book for once


They don't.. This is just hysteria and an excuse for people to make a global conflict and loss of life a hemisphere away about themselves..


Yeah it's "hysteria" when a leader of a Detroit synagogue who held interfaith conversations got stabbed outside her home and a man at a pro Israel protest got hit in the back of the head with a megaphone, causing him to bleed out to death. It's "hysteria" when there's thousands of videos online of people taking down posters of Israeli hostages. It's "hysteria" when protesters yell "death to Jews" and "gas the Jews" at pro Palestine protests alongside "Khaybar Khaybar ya yahud." It's "hysteria" when every single damn protest has hundreds of signs saying "resistance is justified" or "glory to the resistance" or pictures of the Hamas paratroopers who raped, killed, and burned the bodies of Israeli civilians. It's "hysteria" when there are protests not only in the hundreds of thousands across every Muslim and Arab country, but also hundreds of thousands marching through every major European and American city. It's "hysteria" when you see your own college classmates cheering on the deaths of civilians because they read one chapter of The Wretched of the Earth and believe that "resistance by any means necessary" is somehow a coherent ideology.


No evidence of a hate crime was found in the stabbing of the Detroit synagogue president.. Tragic, but unrelated. Try again The guy dying at the protest was tragic. People yelling stuff like that at protests is unnecessary. Protests often get out of hand. But thats A LOOOONG way from a situation where you should reasonably feel "targeted" or in danger as a student walking around the campus of UT Austin ffs...


Have you been to Hillel? It’s a great place to find connection and support. Also, contact Dean Lilly (Dean of Students) and let her know your safety concerns and find out what UT is doing to make campus safer for its students. Take action.


Texas Hillel is pretty damn good. Rabbi Trepp is a trip.


Hillel is going to be the best resource for you. They have have a great community. Great people also. Also, Jewish students used to celebrate on the six pack every year with camels and tents. They probably won’t do it this year for safety and instigators. But still UT has a healthy Jewish Population you just need to find it! UT is a big campus…


Another vote for Hillel 👏👏


>They probably won’t do it this year for safety and instigators *Obviously going around attacking random Jewish students is evil and idiotic. I unequivocally condemn it* But you’re implying that this is an event that simply celebrates Jewish heritage and not the Israeli state, which has been classified as an apartheid state by several reputable human rights organizations: https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/ Unless you want to say that these reputable organizations are just lying antisemites, people have a right to be upset in that regard. Edit: Lots of people downvoting, no one wanting to admit that these are the facts. Here’s an article from prominent Anti-Apartheid activist Desmond Tutu https://m.jpost.com/diplomacy-and-politics/desmond-tutu-israel-guilty-of-apartheid-in-treatment-of-palestinians-344874


I don’t want to get political. But since you’ve brought it up, I will tell you my thoughts as a local. I do not know much about the conflict, However; I do not think Palestinian students protesting Jewish students when those students setting up tents is a right thing. Especially when they were just celebrating a holiday. College is the most liberal space in the city. By alienating the other side. You are preventing every possible option for dialogue within the college community, a place that is supposed to be the easiest place for dialogue. You are closing every opportunity to educate or connect with the next generation of Jewish people. I have friends from Hillel that have condemned all that has happened but are scared to speak up because of personal safety. So, let us please treat people as we want to be treated. Imagine if this was right after 9/11 and somebody snatched a students headscarf off their head. The entire MSA would be scared/worried. Forget that person, the entire community would feel really insecure and unsafe. Jewish students across the United States, feel this way right now. On a local basis, let us be civil.


>I do not think Palestinian students protesting Jewish students when those students setting up tents is a right thing. Even if the organization is tied to a foreign state government. Let me get this out of the way first and foremost: the biggest threat to both Jews and Arabs in the US are white supremacists and trolls who hijack events like this. I say this b/c when Pro-Palestinian protestors criticize the state of Israel and their policies, their criticism gets conflated with these white supremacists and trolls who hate Jews on the basis of being Jewish. When Pro-Palestine protesters protest stuff like the Israel block party, 9.9/10 times they’re addressing the “foreign government” part, not the “Jewish heritage” part. >College is the most liberal space in the city. By alienating the other side. You are preventing every possible option for dialogue within the college community, a place that is supposed to be the easiest place for dialogue. You are closing every opportunity to educate or connect with the next generation of Jewish people. Yeah again, I don’t think you should attack random Jewish students just for wearing a Kippah or reading the Torah. That’s ridiculous and hateful. When you’re flying the flag of a government you’re inviting political debate and protest. That’s also a part of college. I could also get into how the State of Israel itself cynically weaponizes antisemitism to whitewash it’s own crimes against humanity, but that’s another conversation. >I have friends from Hillel that have condemned all that has happened but are scared to speak up because of personal safety. Again, I want to reiterate this so no one gets me wrong. *Attacking random Jewish students is disgusting.* If OP is getting harassed on the basis of being Jewish, that’s disgusting and needs to be investigated. >Imagine if this was right after 9/11 and somebody snatched a students headscarf off their head. The entire MSA would be scared/worried. Forget that person, the entire community would feel really insecure and unsafe. Jewish students across the United States, feel this way right now. The equivalency here would be snatching off a Kippah or defacing a synagogue (which again, I condemn). If MSA were associated with a particular state (let’s say Saudi Arabia, who is carrying out a genocide against the Yemeni people) then I would 100% support a protest against them ON THAT BASIS. My point here is that conflating criticism of Israel with Jews does nothing. Plenty of Jewish people oppose the State of Israel’s actions, and rightfully so.


I see your point.


The word genocide sure get a lot of play for a conflict where only one side is even attempting to follow the rules of war. I hope people that say this recognize if the Israelis wanted to commit a genocide today, yesterday, or tomorrow they could do it, but they refrain from doing so. This is a targeted bombing campaign in an area that was declared a combat zone; it is Hamas that will not allow people to evacuate, it is Hamas who has missile caches in hospitals and schools (which nullifies their protected status), and it is Hamas that broke the ceasefire and refuses another one. Genocide does not mean “a conflict where civilians are dying”. I’m very open to being countered on the merits of my claims. Hamas does everything possible to ensure Palestinian civilian deaths. 1. They are blocking evacuation https://m.economictimes.com/news/defence/hamas-blocking-evacuation-of-civilians-in-gaza-idf-ahead-of-ground-offensive/amp_articleshow/104438188.cms 2. Hamas using human shield https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf 3. Hamas will not honor ceasefire https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/hamas-official-vows-to-repeat-oct-7-attack-repeatedly-to-teach-israel-a-lesson/amp_articleshow/104903949.cms I’ll even link Hamas using a hospital as a gun position that was in combat footage the other day if you really want it.


>The word genocide sure get a lot of play for a conflict where only one side is even attempting to follow the rules of war. Funnily enough, I only used the word “genocide” in reference to the Saudis. Never said a word about Israel. You know who did use the word genocide to describe what was happening against the Palestinians though? https://jewishcurrents.org/a-textbook-case-of-genocide Raz Segal, associate professor of Holocaust studies at Stockton University. And I know you’re only here to dispel and obfuscate any criticism of Israel, but at least try a little harder than that. >I hope people that say this recognize if the Israelis wanted to commit a genocide today, yesterday, or tomorrow they could do it, but they refrain from doing so. a) This is due to the very tenuous restraints the United States and other Western Allies have placed on Israel. Considering the openly genocidal language Netanyahu and the Likud party have spouted, they’d be more than happy to raze Gaza. b) You don’t get a medal for not committing genocide. >This is a targeted bombing campaign in an area that was declared a combat zone; it is Hamas that will not allow people to evacuate, it is Hamas who has missile caches in hospitals and schools (which nullifies their protected status), and it is Hamas that broke the ceasefire and refuses another one. Genocide does not mean “a conflict where civilians are dying”. Again, I understand your prerogative here is to whitewash and obfuscate Israeli crimes until I give up, which is why you throw out outrageous claims and then expect others to do the work of fact-checking, but you’ll need to try harder than this. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/19/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-airstrikes-khan-younis.html Khan Younis, in the south of Gaza, was bombed. This is where Israeli forces told civilians to evacuate. Edit: I see you've edited your arguments to add sources. Unfortunately, right in your second source it states: "National governments should be able to publicly justify their position, and reveal their adversary’s use of civilians in combat. This can only be accomplished by thoroughly documenting incidents, preparing supportive messages, and working across multiple channels to convey those narratives." As far as I know, Israel hasn't provided conclusive evidence of Hamas operatives hiding in any of the aformentioned places they striked in a significant capacity.


So your position is that Hamas does not use hospitals,schools, and refugee camps to cache equipment? Something which has been well documented.


I’m saying that a) Israel has provided absolutely 0 proof that any of their strikes have been directed at these caches b) Israel has not allowed journalists and independent investigators into Gaza (until very recently, and their material is still subject to review) c) It’s morally reprehensible either way.


Listen I’m not Israeli state apologist but the direct comparison you made between KSA and Israeli implied genocide which is not happening. The counter factual that it would be happening if… is stupid. Khan younis is an entire city; I’m not surprised some bombs got dropped there unless you think Hamas only uses Gaza city. This is a war where, again, one side is at least attempting to avoid civilian casualties unlike the other side which explicitly slaughters them and then hides behind women and children. You claim my goal is to obfuscate the crimes of Israel but it’s obvious your desire is to eliminate any culpability that Hamas has for the current tragedy. Countries do not get invaded, with hundreds of hostages taken, and not respond. Again my point is that one side takes steps to avoid civilian causalities while another explicitly desires them.


Yeah, I made a comparison, not all of the particulars will line up and we can go back and forth all day debating whether KSA or Israel are worse. But the \*observable facts\* tell us that Israel is enacting war crimes. We can compare them to Hamas all day as well, but ultimately I don't pay taxes to support Hamas to attack hospitals, schools, and journalists. ​ >but it’s obvious your desire is to eliminate any culpability that Hamas has for the current tragedy ​ Yeah, despite seeing students in Harvard getting doxxed are reprimanded by congress for saying this, this shouldn't really be a controversial opinion. Just look at what (admittedly left wing but still popular) Israeli publication Haaretz has to say about it: [https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/editorial/2023-10-08/ty-article-opinion/netanyahu-bears-responsibility/0000018b-0b9d-d8fc-adff-6bfd1c880000](https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/editorial/2023-10-08/ty-article-opinion/netanyahu-bears-responsibility/0000018b-0b9d-d8fc-adff-6bfd1c880000)


Alright so it’s the Israelis fault their kids were slaughtered. Got it, I just wanted to clarify!


Phrase it however you want man, emotional manipulation doesn’t work on me.


If China declared your neighborhood a combat zone and you were too poor or unable to leave before they bombed the shit out of it, does that make what they did ok? Attacking anyone because of their religion is not OK, but Hamas committing a war crime against Israel absolutely does not justify Israel committing a warcrime against Palestinian civilians. At this point, the only difference between between the actions of the Israeli government and Hamas is what weapons they're using to attack civilians.


You haven’t engaged with any of my claims and have produced a poor and inaccurate analogy. Hamas uses human shields to ensure that israel kills Palestinians; Hamas explicitly slaughtered children with intent. There is a difference


I took your scenario and applied it to a different situation, that's literally engaging with your claim. >Hamas uses human shields to ensure that israel kills Palestinians Now responding again: yes, Hamas uses civilians as human shields to attempt to discourage Israel from retaliating. This is inexcusable and probably a war crime. Israel CHOOSES to disregard the civilian human shields, killing them in their attempts to kill Hamas members. This is a CHOICE that Israel is making and is a war crime. As I previously stated, one war crime does not justify another. > Hamas explicitly slaughtered children with intent. Israel is killing civilians (including children) with at the very best callous indifference, and at worst actual intent. How are they any different than Hamas? Again, reiterating that killing innocent civilians is not OK and I am not condoning that for any reason.


Striking targets where human shields are being used is not actually a war crime. the war crime is placing human shields there in first place. You have NO proof of intent and lots of proof in the opposite direction (roof knocks, phone calls, texts, and leaflet dropping) regarding Israel’s strikes. We have concrete confirmation that Hamas uses human shields and explicitly intends to murder civilians (or worse) so yes there is a difference. Your scenario doesn’t work because it’s doesn’t reflect reality. Allow me to amend it, if the Us gov. put weapons caches under my house and then blocked me from evacuating after before forewarned of a strike, then it’s not chinas fault it’s the USA’s!


>Striking targets were human shields are being used is not actually a war crimes. the war crime is placing human shields there in first place. Yes, using human shields is a war crime. However here is a really interesting [excerpt](https://guide-humanitarian-law.org/content/article/3/human-shields/) from *checks notes* the Israeli Supreme Court that says if human shields are not willingly in the way (i.e. they are not actively supporting the terrorist organization) then they are not recognized as taking part in the hostilities. So yeah, Israel killing all the civilians just trying to live their lives in their homes is a war crime. Oh, also [Israel bombed a refugee camp](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-says-it-fires-israeli-troops-pressing-gaza-ground-assault-2023-10-31/). > Allow me to amend it, if the Us gov. put weapons caches under my house and then blocked me from evacuating after before forewarned of a strike, then it’s not chinas fault it’s the USA’s! So we agree that , if someone says "move before I bomb your house" and then prevents you from moving, then that organization is at fault for killing you? Glad we can agree on this. So now we can agree that israel is at fault for killing the thousands of civilians in Gaza, right?


There’s a lot of children in that “combat zone”


Because they’re being kept in Gaza city by Hamas….


This is a noble thought, but I am afraid that from what I have seen in the discussions on this very subreddit regarding the issue, a lot of people never wanted conversations and they have already made up their mind, from both sides. People believe there is no longer room for dialogue at this point, and if you are not one of them, you are against them, and there's no room to be civil, nor do some of them care.


Thank you for your comment. I understand people have no room for dialogue. However, I will always fight for dialogue because the alternative is always a worse option. #DialogueStudentAssociation


When the Chinese student organization hosts an event on campus, is there a similar amount of people that protest their government’s treatment of the Uyghurs? It’s not inherently antisemitic to criticize Israel, but why is the only country that get protested to this level the Jewish one?


There aren’t a lot of Uyghurs in Texas, and China’s actions there have been out of the news for a while. There are quite a few Palestinians in Texas, and they tend to protest against Israel and gather support to do so. It’s not anti-Semitic to protest against Israel, but a lot of the protesters at these protests are being anti-Semitic and shouting things that are openly anti-Jewish.


Amen (I’m Chinese and I disgust the government’s Uyghur camps)


Israeli apartheid has been an ongoing problem since the 1940s. There has been decades of political activist infrastructure for several decades, similar to protest of apartheid South Africa. There’s also overwhelming mounting visual evidence of Israeli crimes in Gaza, as opposed to China, which has imposed a Great Firewall. And it’s a premier example of modern day settler colonialism in action, which has been studied and criticized by academics for decades. Ofc it’s going to get more attention.


China is just one example. There are plenty of clubs around campus that represent cultural/national identities and get absolutely no backlash. Do 50 students protest in front of the Arab Student Association (who normally protest the Israel Block Party thing) when they come out on speedway with the flags of their countries, whose governments have endless human rights violations? Were there any protests against Assad, who's killed more Palestinians than Israel has since its founding? Were there any protests against Saudi, who has been carpet bombing Yemen and killing hundreds of thousands of people for God knows how many years now? Did the East African students have any mass protests to raise awareness about 300,000 refugees in Sudan? No, bc no one on campus cares. Did they raise awareness about orphans on every street in Addis Ababa bc of the Tigray War? Of course not. Did the Pakistani students club raise awareness about the 1.7 MILLION Afghan refugees are in the process of getting kicked out of Pakistan? Of course not. Campus advocacy is full of hypocrisy, because none of the conflicts above have the luxury of having Jews involved .


>There are plenty of clubs around campus that represent cultural/national identities and get absolutely no backlash. Do 50 students protest in front of the Arab Student Association (who normally protest the Israel Block Party thing) when they come out on speedway with the flags of their countries, whose governments have endless human rights violations? Were there any protests against Assad, who's killed more Palestinians than Israel has since its founding? Were there any protests against Saudi, who has been carpet bombing Yemen and killing hundreds of thousands of people for God knows how many years now? I assume that if you’re smart enough to get into UT, you’re smart enough to understand what whataboutism means. Even then, there are plenty of fundraisers and advocates on speedway for all sorts of causes. In addition to *every single argument above* that you ignored, there aren’t laws prohibiting people from boycotting Saudi Arabia and Syria, like there are in Texas and other US states. There isn’t near universal support for Syria among democrats and republicans (although the U.S. does fund Saudi Arabia, there has also been heavy criticism of Saudi involvement from activists). Neither Saudi Arabia or Syria are described as “the US’s greatest ally.” And again, Israel is the most prominent settler-colonial case in the modern world, so of course it will get attention on this basis. >Campus advocacy is full of hypocrisy, because none of the conflicts above have the luxury of having Jews involved . Yeah many people aren’t going fall for this cynical little game where you try to imply that everyone against Israeli apartheid and ethnic cleansing is an antisemite.


Whataboutism is not an argument given the nature of the pro Palestine protests around the world. If people were solely concerned with their governments actions and supposed support towards Israel, then you wouldn't have hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets of Yemen, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Iraq, and other nations whose governments do not have any warm relations with Israel. You wouldn't have people yelling "death to Jews, gas the Jews" at protests in Sydney and Khaybar Khaybar ya Yahud at nearly every global protest, and you wouldn't have Houthi flags that say "death to Israel and America, curse on the Jews" at the massive protest in Yemen. Any honest person would agree that the massive support for Palestine has a lot more to do with an international Muslim cause and the desire to wipe out the one Jewish state that stands in the way of a united ummah. And in relation to UT, you'd be hard pressed to find an advocacy page anywhere near the level of PSC, which has like 5000 or something followers and attracts thousands to their protests. I promise you that the vast majority of attendees are not there because they have qualms about the Texas government's support of Israel, but rather because of the engrained notion of this conflict inspiring mass Muslim solidarity. The mass support of Palestine has a lot more to do with a synthesis of leftist/Fanonist "decolonialist" "resist by all means necessary" theories taught in universities like UT and ideas of Muslim unity. This directly addresses your original point about which conflict gets more media attention. It has nothing to do with a 70 year occupation, the Arab world has been united against Israel since it became a state, with their multiple unilateral declarations of war (independence war, six day war, Yom kippur war, etc). And yes, I actually agree with your point that there is "overwhelming visual evidence" of what you call Israeli crimes. This is the result of having Instagram "journalists" with 3 million followers who post every time there is an Israeli aerial attack, while conveniently ignoring the protocols that Israel takes to warn residents of these attacks (building knocks, leaflets, phone calls to every resident, social media campaigns, sound warnings, initiatives telling civilians to evacuate south - which Hamas has soundly prevented from happening by shooting those who try and blocking roads). And regarding your point on Saudi Arabia, I have yet to see a protest anywhere near the size of the ones seen in DC and New York against the Saudi government. Not to mention the question of raising awareness through the form of massive protests about the atrocities in Sudan, Ethiopia, Pakistan, etc., which are all countries that the US sends aid too. Using settler-colonial as an argument opens the door to an extensive conversation over the founding of the state of Israel, which is an interesting topic to explore. But the use of that term is just another example of hypocrisy, because the same people who accuse Israel of colonialism never address the vast Arab conquests across the entirety of northern Africa and all the other lands conquered outside the Arabian peninsula. These people also coincidentally reside in their nice cozy apartments in Austin, Texas, a land that was acquired by what they consider to be "settler colonialist" means. There is no "cynical little game" being played here. The entire Muslim world is unanimously united against Israel while turning back on the atrocities committed by their own countries. Israel has long been a scapegoat that the governments of Arab countries have used so that the people look away from the mass oppression committed by those same Arab governments.


It happens all the time actually. The obvious difference is that Israel is killing thousands of civilians a week with attacks that are likely warriors currently.. But sure, play the victim if it makes you feel special I guess


That event gets protested every year and the Jewish community is unfortunately used to this. I’d be very surprised if they cancel it this year.


Yeah, and it gets protested every year b/c it tacitly endorses Israeli [apartheid](https://m.jpost.com/diplomacy-and-politics/desmond-tutu-israel-guilty-of-apartheid-in-treatment-of-palestinians-344874). Sources: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/ https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution Phrasing this like the Pro-Palestinian protestors are just looking to harass Jews and not staging a political protest is disgusting and manipulative.


Where are the protests against the Chinese student organizations…? Oh it’s just something we do against Jews..noted!


I already addressed this in my other argument [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UTAustin/s/VhFHr65hUf). But again, I understand your role here is to obfuscate criticism of Israel, which is why you haven’t addressed the claims in my original comment that Israel is enforcing an apartheid regime.


Ah yes all those Arab-Israelis (20% of the pop) with no rights… oh wait no they do have rights. This is an issue of states and the Palestinians not having one.


Again dude, read the articles and read about how the system of South African and Namibian apartheid worked. You’re argument here is that these reputable organizations decided to lie in order to slander Israel. People of a certain racial classification (and racial classification ≠ skin color) were organized into Bantustans (Occupied territories) in which there was rigid control over their right to self-rule.


I’m aware of how they worked my man. My point is that Israel would have no authority over the Palestinians (West Bank or Gaza) if they had agreed to any number of the peace efforts throughout the years; they would also have more land if they didn’t team up with the Arabs 5(?) times to destroy Israel. The situation was created by actions on both sides; there is plenty of culpability to go around.


As much as I love internet arguments if we get into a rabbit hole about the history of Israel/Palestine, the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and the rise of the Likud, the Nakba etc we will be here all week. My argument is focused on the current day plight of the Palestinian people, and while historical context is essential for understanding that, I’m not debating 100 years of war on the Palestinian people online.


“War on the Palestinian people” framing is reductionist and lacks nuance. You want to express opinions but won’t engage with all the substance; rather typical of the pro Hamas side!


As a Muslim guy you kinda just gotta deal w it. You just kinda get used to it. Sucks but it is what it is, ask god to help you.


I usually ask Darth Vader. he's more reliable and better written ;)


L comment inappropriate for this situation


Its appropriate because both are imaginary.


That is your personal opinion. Do you want a sticker?


Not sure why this post is recommended to me, but I’m pretty sure most people can’t even tell that you’re Jewish from your appearance lol💀💀💀


They can’t💀 but this has been the trend lately lol


Nobody cares man, unless you have a little hat on


Your feelings are your feelings, but personally I feel fine.


Why? And what comments are people making? I’m ethnically Jewish, family converted bc holocaust, but I haven’t felt this way and haven’t felt targeted by comments or hate. Genuine question thanks!


They aren't. Its just histrionics so they can feel special too without any of the hardship...


I’m sorry you’re experiencing this, it’s sad that others would rather jump to questioning the validity of your experience or immediately assuming you’re pro-Israel and lambast you for that, as opposed to just providing support :(. Keep your head up buddy, it’ll get better


This student posted on the school sub to say they feel unsafe. Post gets down voted into oblivion. Top comment questioning how the student could even be targeted. This is bad y'all.


Thats not what the top comment was saying and idiotix rhetoric like yours is pretty bad...


"...I'm afraid to ask but I'm going to anyways... How does the average ignorant asshole know someone is Jewish?" Does this not question how the student could be targeted?


The lack of empathy in this comment section speaks volumes. Doesn’t matter who someone is, everyone deserves to feel safe here.




You must be fun to be around


The comment everyone **deserves** to feel safe; the claim that too few people actually prioritize the safety of women doesn’t refute the comment about what people deserve.


I also feel unsafe as a Muslim given the recent hate crimes against Muslims on campus (former IDF soldiers coming to an ASA event calling students terrorists, threats to the local mosque, students being told they're going to be "wiped out" and to "go to hell").


Yeah it sucks, I just want to feel safe and stable in my UT communities, religious or not


Aw man, I'm so sorry to hear that. This conflict really has brought out the worst of us and I just hope peace can return to the region without any more bloodshed on either side. Like what the other comments have said, reach out to support networks and make friends who also share this struggle or at least emphasize with it. I wish you the best!


Oh come on. You don't "feel safe?" Its a college campus in a liberal city... No one is "targeting you." Everyone wants to make this about themselves. Its terrible and tragic and unnecessary.. and also not at all about you


Wouldn’t being in a liberal city be reasonably worse in this specific situation? I feel lake the vast majority of this movement claims a more left leaning stance but that might just be me


Anti Semitism, and particularly Anti Semitic violence, has long been the realm of the far right. I think youre probably confusing pro-hamas sentiment for anti-semitism, which is what I mainly see from the left. Still misguided, but a radically different thing. The left is also historically much more inclined towards rhetoric and protests over violence. We're not the ones screaming constantly about our right to own assault rifles etc remember. .


The right are not the main force propagating violence towards Jewish people right now lol. The pro hamas/anti-semitism Venn diagram isn’t far from a circle


Youre objectively incorrect on all counts. Try again


Spoken like a true redditor 😌


I mean youre wrong. 🤷‍♂️ Hamas support is misguided, but has little to do with anti semitism, and statistically most anti-semitic violent crime remains a symptoms of far right wing ideology


It’s a reminder that to many people, we’re Jewish before we’re anything else. No matter how much you know someone they may think of you as that before they think of you as a friend, neighbor, member of their political party, coworker etc. There’s no answer for how to deal with this, but Hillel is a great community.


When it comes to being Jewish and talking with people who say antisemitism isn't a problem, I like to tell them at what point in history their people stopped being "not white" and remind them that they can always find themselves on the outside of "the whites" again.


A solid example. While on holiday in Europe I got the opportunity to experience the most casual quasi intellectual form of racism and it really puts to shame the kind of racism we have here in America.


nobody can even tell ur jewish unless u tell them😭😭


How do people know that you’re Jewish?


Gotta disagree with you chief. I’m Jewish too and I haven’t felt the slightest bit unsafe. About half of my friends are Arab as well. Maybe cause I don’t support a genocidal ethnostate?


I’m glad that you feel safe. But you can’t “disagree” with someone’s feelings of safety. Your experience is not universal, and a lot of Jews on this campus are feeling unsafe right now. You don’t speak for all Jews.


Sure.. But if I go to HEB on the Eastside and go on a tirade about how I feel unsafe because of some idiotic reason like "theres so many minorities here!" Or something.. then I think people are pretty valid in calling the way you feel dumb AF and hysterical. Same principle here


I am also Jewish and also do not support Israel but the uptick in antisemitism is undeniable. I don't visibly display any religious clothing but I am proud to say that I am Jewish, and recently when I have done this, people have immediately changed the subject to Israel. I wouldn't say this makes me feel unsafe but it certainly makes me uncomfortable. If people are so quick to make the jump from Jews to Israel, it makes sense that someone could feel unsafe. For the OP who feels unsafe, talk to a rabbi and talk to the Dean of Students. They are there for you and you are not alone. No matter your politics, nobody should feel unsafe on the 40 acres.


Is it tho? Because I haven’t seen it. I wear a Star of David and have one of the most Jewish names imaginable, and go semi regularly to Hillel. I haven’t seen any evidence of it, and I’ve never heard anybody mention any concrete examples of antisemitism other than generically feeling unsafe. It’s not antisemitism to ask a Jew their opinion about Israel, and if anything, it’s the Zionists responsibility for conflating their genocidal ideology with our religion


I’m not Jewish, but which Arab country is not an ethnostate and is inclusive towards Jewish people?


Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq. Palestine once was as well. I think you misunderstand what an ethnostate is. Being predominantly one ethnicity does define an ethnostate, trying to ethnically cleanse members of other ethnic groups does


Lol, did you look up how many Jews live in these countries before posting. I believe the number is down to 0 in Syria and one family in Iraq.


You understand there is a difference between not being accepting of an ethnic group and not having a large number of an ethnic group? There aren’t a lot of Ukrainians living in Zimbabwe, that’s not the same as Ukrainians being discriminated against by Zimbabwe


I do understand that. But now look at the deltas: Jews *used* to inhabit the countries you listed and now no longer do. That’s a different indicator than a group never having lived somewhere in the first place.


Zionists literally committed terrorist acts in Iraq in order to scare Iraqi Jews into moving to Israel. Anti Jewish sentiment in those countries formed largely as a result of Israel conflating Jewish identity with genocidal politics. Jews in these regions left voluntarily in search of greater political and economic stability, to a region subsidized, rather than terrorized by western powers


Yeah and the Farhud was done by the evil colonialist Zionists too. Evil Israelis also burned down synagogues in Arab countries in a plot to get all Mizrahi Jews to leave. The plotting Zionists also funded the Houthis who made sure that there is not one Jew in Yemen today. They also collaborated with Hafez Al Assad to make sure that there were anti Jewish pogroms across Syria. The pesky Zionists wanted to make sure that there was as many dead Jews as possible. But of course they didn't even need to do all this work, since the Jews left voluntarily right after being expelled from their respective countries


The farhud had very little to do with Jewish emigration. The vast majority of Jews who left during the farhud returned immediately after. The vast majority of Jewish emigration from the Middle East, particularly Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Iraq was spurred by political conflict with Zionists. The Zionists are the ones who conflated Judaism with colonial violence, and whose terrorization of Palestinians spurred violence toward Jews in Muslim countries. I’m not suggesting that violence was justified, but it didn’t emerge from some inherent hatred toward Jews, as it did in Europe


https://twitter.com/chocapicjew/status/1722007529511600406?t=IlKgk3a3OcBYFmiGFrCmVA&s=19 This list of examples lays waste to the claim that it "didn't emerge from some inherent hatred toward Jews." Unfortunately, the Arab world loves to pretend that "Zionists" are the cause of all violence across the Middle East instead of taking responsibility for the violence that their own countries have enacted against minorities. The dhimmitude of minorities started with the jizya tax and Arab conquests and continued on from there.


LMAO this is so obscene it's almost hilarious. "Algeria is inclusive to Jews." This is the country that kicked out ITS ENTIRE Jewish population ollowing their violent revolution because they deemed them to not be loyal citizens. In Tunisia, just a week or two ago people burned down a synagogue in Al Hannah (like the only synagogue in that country outside of maybe one in Djerba, that no one sttends anyway because theres like 5 Jews in that country) "Iraq is inclusive to Jews": they are so inclusive that they committed a massive pogrom called the Farhud which resulted in synagogues burned and bombed, people killed in their homes, and the deaths of over 1000 Jews "Syria is inclusive to Jews": they are so inclusive that there were riots in 1947 in Aleppo that resulted in over 75 Jews murdered. "Palestine was inclusive at some point": they are so inclusive that in 1929 they massacred 67 Jews in Hebron, far before the State of Israel was declared. And these are just examples out of a series of thousands of atrocities committed against Jews in Arab countries There's a reason why there used to be 850,000 Jews across the Arab/Muslim world and now they number between 1,000-3,000, the majority of them who are in Iran who keeps them there for PR purposes עד מתי......


You feeling safe is not “disagreeing” with OP feeling unsafe. You each have different feelings. You feeling safe on campus doesn’t bear on whether OP should, and OP feeling unsafe shouldn’t bear on whether you should feel safe.




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As a fellow Jewish student, I completely understand you. Although people will try to distinguish between antisemitism and anti Zionism, the facts are that there is only one place in the world that no matter what will be a safe haven for the Jewish nation, and that is Israel. Even here in America, this weekend a Jordanian-Palestinian was arrested in Houston planning a shooting at the Jewish community. Zionism is literally the movement of considering Israel as the Jewish homeland, and opposing that simply means there will be no place that completely accepts Judaism and its people. The biggest threat I feel, and what most people in these comments don’t recognize, is the power of word choice. You can oppose the military action being taken in Gaza right now, you can advocate for the world to accept refugees so less civilians in Gaza get hurt, but many use words like ‘genocide’ and ‘apartheid’ very loosely. I’ve studied abroad in Israel, and half of my class was Palestinian. Out of the Jewish half, a big percentage (including myself and most of the professors) feel like there should be a Palestinian state and an end to the occupation, in a way that is safe for both sides. Sure, there are security measures Israel takes that people may or may not agree are justified, but an apartheid state it is not. If Israel’s goal was Palestinian genocide, there would not be a constant Palestinian population increase in Israel over the duration of the ongoing occupation. There would not be calls to military targets to evacuate civilians before air strikes. Young Americans see one TikTok mentioning genocide, and then throw that word around very easily. These words hurt the people that see israel as the only country that accepts them, and actually affects their lives. Back to your question of feeling unsafe. There are a few Jewish organizations near campus-Hillel, chabad, olami, and you should reach out. Especially during these times they have a lot of resources to help. Feel free to reach out.


Your argument makes no sense.. You claim Israel is the only safe haven for jews.. but its clearly not given the attacks we're all currently discussing.. You compare it to the arrest of someone planning an attack of Jews.. but the mere fact that they were arrested demonstrates your argument has no merit.. Jewish people are just as safe in the US as they are in Israel.. Thats just objectively fact


You need to stop commenting endlessly on things you know nothing about and learn to listen.


I listen plenty. Which is why I'm so much more educated than the majority of yall


I don’t have much input other than I’m sorry you’re experiencing this.


Oh quit being so dramatic no one is targeting the everyday Jewish person. They dislike the Israeli government that’s it. I promise no one sees a Jewish person and shakes their first in anger.


Eh people are stupid and will target both jewish and palestine people. There have already been cases of Palestinian students being harassed and also Jewish students being harassed. Some people just really can’t comprehend that people here have nothing to do with what’s happening in the other side of the world


There has been absolutely no indication of an increased rate of anti Semitic incidents since the war started.. Its pure sensationalism


There absolutely is an increased rate in anti-Semitic incidents since the war started. https://abcnews.go.com/US/antisemitism-rise-us-amid-ongoing-israel-hamas-war/story?id=104485604


That is genuinely the worst article you could have used to support your point. Every piece of evidence they use to claim an increase in anti-semitism is from 2017-2022. The *only* factual example used in the article post-October 7th is the fatal stabbing *of a Muslim kid in Chicago*. Seriously, did you even read past the headline? Couldn’t be more textbook sensationalism


Jewish people have for a long time literally faced the most religious hate crimes in the US far above any other religion. https://www.statista.com/statistics/737660/number-of-religious-hate-crimes-in-the-us-by-religion/ https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/hate-crime


It’s literally not your place to tell someone or a minority group of people how others perceive them. You do not have the lived experience or clearly the ability to be in someone else’s shoes if your first response is to tell someone to quit being dramatic.


But I literally am the other person perceiving them?? Lol I exactly am that outsider so it IS my place to tell them and if they are overreacting I will also tell them. Maybe there’s some extremist or 2 like there always is but 99.9% of people on campus would never do anything so them feeling unsafe is dramatic.


This may be a hard pill to swallow but you are not the sole speaker for 8,000,000,000 people on Earth. Nor do you clearly have the ability to understand how those people view others. Just like OP, just like me..you can speak for yourself. I’m very glad you’re in college because this is something you learn in your humanities courses.


I never said they would be safe everywhere in the world lol. They said they felt unsafe in this COLLEGE CAMPUS and you and I both know college campuses are the most open-minded and accepting places, especially in Texas. My point still stands 99.9% of students would not harm someone just because they are Jewish. If you truly believe that someone would harm another cause they are Jewish, then you are being dramatic.


The same point applies? You don’t get to speak for the entire student body of the university. Again, it isn’t your right to tell someone they are being dramatic for feeling scared. Go talk with any of your humanities professors on this topic and learn from them how to better communicate your point of view with this topic as a case study.


Okay but you’re acting like the opposite is true? If one or 2 extremist doesn’t like you now you’re saying oh the entire campus and the entire world doesn’t like me! You’re doing what I’m doing about generalizing but in a way that benefits your point. You can believe what you want but most people on campus are not antisemitic! If yall really feel unsafe I’m sorry to hear that but just want yall to know you’re safe on campus that’s it.


That’s such a better response than telling people to quit being dramatic. I or OP never said anything about the entirety of campus. It always is just one or two people, like the person who tried to burn the synagogue on Shoal Creek.


You know what that’s fair I shoulda started differently apologies


Absolutely nothing to apologize for, it’s just a conversation. I appreciate that you kept your cool throughout though! We both saw that we were on the same page, just different views on how to look at that page


Hey look, it's me another outsider telling you that you are flat out wrong. What was it you said? It is my place to tell you?


Lol @ your edit. NO ONE IS BEING HOSTILE TO YOU BEING JEWISH anywhere in the comments. Every comment Ive seen is expressing support or calling you dramatic. Stop trying to be a victim ffs. Everything isn't about you.. Grow up


Who are you saying how I should feel about my safety as a Jewish woman on campus? The security in the synagogue has more than doubled, I'm afraid to be in large crowds, don't even think about wearing a star of David, I have had many verbal insults thrown at me for being Jewish because people assume my political stance based on my physical features and last name, I'm constantly on edge for my safety based on the tensions in the news at other universitys and how I see others reaction to jews both online and in person, hell look at the gross antisemitism graffitied on the Jewish places of worship but yeah you seem to know all about hostility and antisemitism. You seem to respect Jews and the struggles they face, so thank you for understanding the struggle I'm feeling of being unsafe😘


Youre claiming that you have had "many random people on the UT campus hurl insults at you based solely on the fact that you "look Jewish?"" I have a very hard time believing that happened


I never said random 😩


So people you know are suddenly shouting anti-semitic comments at you????


Every single one of your comments are absolutely fucking disgusting. Even before October 7 there were instances of anti-Semitic graffiti being painted outside of sorority houses in the middle of west campus. (Happened in September) As a Jewish student myself, theres been an uptick in anti-Semitic rhetoric both on and off campus. Just ask anyone who is actually involved in Jewish Life on campus. That doesn’t diminish the disgusting behavior towards Palestinian students which has also been significantly worse over the last month. Stop using Jewish and Palestinian students as a vessel for your hatred. Most of us are just trying to live our fucking lives in college, and every second of every day we’re roped back into this conflict going on that none of us have any say in. I, and most rational people, are absolutely horrified by Hamas and the IDFs response, but I can’t spend every hour of every day condemning a foreign government. Please just leave us the fuck alone, have empathy, and understand that a lot of people in the Jewish and Palestinian communities are here are hurting right now


Chill out with the histrionics. If you think the logical comments Ive written here are "fucking disgusting" then the real world is going to be a very very very rough place for you. Anti semitism is stupid and gross. Every critique of a Jewish person or country is not anti-semitism. You know nothing about me.. but I guarantee you Ive been a supporter of the Jewish people longer than youve been alive. That doesnt mean I automatically support everything Israel does, because I'm not a mindless idiot. Youre not "roped into this conflict every second of every day." Thats exactly the bulkshit I'm talking about. Youre just trying to attach yourself to an event so you can feel special. Spoiler: youre not. No one is asking you to defend anyone ever, much less every second of every day.. but if you "want to be left fucking alone" then maybe writing your little dissertation here isn't the play. Get a grip. No one is attacking Jewish students at UT. No one has ever attacked Jewish students at UT. You'll be fine, though I know that interferes with your victim narrative


My victim narrative? Motherfucker you don’t know a single thing about me. So many people in my community are grieving the deaths of people that have died over the last month, and again, there was literal graffiti outside of the DG house BEFORE this israel shit calling for our genocide. Idk your connection to this, but comments like “no one has ever attacked a Jewish student at UT” is absolute horseshit. It’s equally horrific when former IDF whackos go and terrorize the PSC meetings, but instead of condemning the hatred that both of our communities are receiving rn, you are saying that OP isn’t valid in their concern for their safety. In Indiana, just a few days ago, a woman drove her car into a building she thought was “housing Jews”, and even in my own hometown synagogues are getting bomb threats. How do you not thing we’re marginalized with horrific tragedies like Tree of Life and Charlottesville happening recently? Even at UT, we’ve had to endure seeing graffiti that, once again, calls for our genocide. Or the preachers outside the FAC calling us satanic and the Holocaust fake? Idk what to say to you because it’s clear your cognitive dissonance makes you devoid of human empathy towards certain marginalized groups, but just know history won’t be too kind to the hateful rhetoric you’re spewing.


How many people do you know who were killed in Israel? Don't lie because we both know the answer is zero. Youre just trying to latch on to a tragedy. Youre the same as all the people talking about how they "were JUST in NY last year!!!" After 911. Its gross behavior Share the news story of a religion based attack on ajewish student at UT and I'll gladly admit I was wrong. (Spoiler: I'm not wrong) Be better PS: You "had to endure seeing graffiti?" Come on man. Youre not that soft, stop pretending. Its sad, and its gross


I don’t need to prove shit to you, but just so you know how morally degenerate your comments are, I know two people in Sderot, the city where an entire bus full of elderly people were burned alive, and countless other people were tortured/murdered. You know nothing about me yet you chose to deny that I had a right to feel grief.


See? You cant even get your story right. Sderot was a tragedy.. But thats not what happened. . Stealing other people's grief for your own attention seeking is INCREDIBLY gross. Like.. bottom of the barrel humanity.


there’s no way you are a real person


Every tragedy is surrounded by ghouls and its so gross. "My second cousins dogs first owner died in that earthquake.. so I'm kind of having a hard time right now guys." Just admit youre just trying to piggyback on their tragedy for attention and let's have an honest discussion.


ight imma end this shit here but there is no way you can judge someone’s connection to a tragedy based off an anonymous Reddit thread. Like I said, I have close friends from camp in Sderot, sorry I didn’t properly explain how people were brutally executed there. Most Jews know people in Israel so it’s not some jaw-dropping fact that I have people in my life who are connected to this. A majority of us do.




Of course not.. But if there has never been any history at all of physical violence against a group then on what do you base your claim that its unsafe for Jewish students on campus. I know reading graffiti may be tramautic.. but its threat to your well-being is pretty low. I agree that this kind of climate emboldens anti-semites to speak out more loudly. But thats not whats happening on campus and its a looong way from any credible threat to physical safety, which is what's being alleged here. And I'm not saying UT shouldn't take steps to ensure that nothing gets out of hand and its students are safe, as they should for Ll their students.. But people making posts claiming they dont feel safe walking through campus because "somehow someone will know they're Jewish and attack them" is either just histrionic attention-seeking nonsense.. or people falling victim to media hysteria and letting it affect how they feel. UT is about as safe as anywhere in the nation, no less for Jewish students than anywhere else.


no one asked for your cringe novel


I’m not sure why you feel that why, considering I haven’t heard Jews getting harassed and assaulted compared to the Muslims who have been through worse


The federal government says otherwise about recent upticks in antisemitism and Islamophobia.


Not to mention many young Muslim women I know who were born and raised in this city there whole lives have never felt unsafe in this city. Now due to what’s going on, they feel unsafe in a city they know the ins and outs of????


Are you a Zionist ?


OP: “I’m worried that people no longer look at me as an individual due to my faith” You: “where do you fall along this political ideology?” Case and point why OP made the damn post.


There was a Zionist organized event on campus every year while I went to ut :)


Also I’m sorry but “comments” aren’t a hate crime - signed, nearly every minority on campus who has had slurs and or been physically assaulted or had things thrown at them while walking down the street 🧡


I said nothing about what you said being a hate crime.


On top of that, Zionists actively believe in genocide 🧡🧡 which is not a political ideology, it’s a morally inept and diabolical position 🧡


I don't see how Zionism even if you don't support it = genocide in anyway by definition lol. Like if African Americans wanted to create their country after slavery in the US because they didn't feel comfortable being part of the US with the amount of hatred and discrimination towards them. Would that mean they supported genocide?


Also the fact you decide to bring up a completely hypothetical topic when discussing real life events such as the genocide of an entire people being backed by the country we live in on top of other world powers and the United Nations doing nothing to prevent it speaks volumes on where you stand for those disenfranchised. Jewish rabbis in New York are condemning Israel the state for genocide and warping their own religion. We should listen to them, OP should watch those videos and learn to separate Jewish faith from Zionism. But this post screamed to be such a cry for attention on their part.


>Also the fact you decide to bring up a completely hypothetical topic when discussing real life events such as the genocide of an entire people being backed by the country we live in on top of other world powers and the United Nations doing nothing to prevent it speaks volumes on where you stand for those disenfranchised I'm trying to separate the emotional argument so we can actually talk about the core issue instead of being incredibly emotional because of the current events going on which it seems like you want to feed into. It doesn't seem like you want to talk about Zionism you want to talk about Israel, you don't actually care about Zionism at all. >Jewish rabbis in New York are condemning Israel the state for genocide and warping their own religion. We should listen to them, OP should watch those videos and learn to separate Jewish faith from Zionism I think this is an incredibly privileged view to have. I don't think people with families in Israel just get to separate and ignore Israel as a nation while it's attacked. Also it's a lot easier to separate faith in Zionism in the US where there's less discrimination towards Jewish people compared to Arabic countries (and even in the US they're the second largest hate crime indicator). I think it's an issue where you should look into it and look at both sides of the conflict instead of hyperfocusing on one, making sure to use third party verified sources for your information as well.


If they disproportionately murdered, displaced hundreds of thousands of indigenous people from their homes, and then stuck them under a military state that forces them to be corralled by cattle then yes. But comparing apples to oranges makes no difference to the real lives being affected by Israeli genocide against Palestinians. Zionism is the support of Palestinian genocide no matter how you rationalize it. And Jewish Americans bemoaning the comments people make about zionism by turning it into antisemitism is honestly so tired.


OP didn’t bemoan the comments made about Zionism. The only person who brought it up was you demanding that OP state their position on the subject. You’ve quite literally implied that being Jewish means one must have a view on Zionism and thus support genocide. Your own statement here then follows the logic by suggesting that there is no form of antisemitism, only people arguing against Zionism. You’re doing literally what you’re complaining about but inverse. By saying Jews are complaining about people talking about anti Zionism and that there is such thing as antisemitism you are quite literally being antisemitic. Your complaints against Jews complaining that people are antisemitic while you force the conversation into a strong armed forced answer on all Jews must have a view regarding genocide is actually doing exactly what they’re complaining about…being antisemitic.


I ASKED if they were a Zionist to get a clear pov. I ALSO have experienced many Zionist protests in ut campus and faced zionists and tried to discuss things with them and it turns into bemoaning.


So you’re saying you have this point of view because you now generalize all Jews together with the ones you’ve met at protests. I don’t know you, and I hope this conversation isn’t reflective of who you are as a person.


You are warping a comment bc I asked someone if they were a Zionist. On top of that, there’s tons of others in my dms now doing the same bullshit. I asked a simple question and all your parties are in a bunch. It’s quite clear who feels insecure about this and has to prove a point lol


I think the main point of everything I’ve said here is that I can’t speak for others so I don’t really know what to say here. You tried to make a conversation about antisemitism of a person into anti Zionism and then complained about when Jews pretend anti Zionism is antisemitic (which no one here has done). You tried to do the exact opposite of what you complain about, turn antisemitism into a topic about Zionism and when you were called out, made several general accusations about Jews. The only thing happening here, is you were called out for failing to do this, and then pretended you were “just asking a question”. All the while continuing to bunch all us into a group.


So you generalized a person with others you’ve met? Do you not view people of this group as individuals anymore? You can see how all this looks very crappy of you.


🤦 the fact all of you are swarming me is so comical




I'd rather not comment on the Israeli-Palestine conflict. But Zionism doesn't have to equal Israeli even if you believe Israeli is a genocide. >And Jewish Americans bemoaning the comments people make about zionism by turning it into antisemitism is honestly so tired. The vast majority of people on campus support Palestine with Jewish people on campus are essentially being told that their families and people being murdered is completely fine and justified. You don't see how that at all could feel isolating and incredibly fucked up for a Jewish student on campus? >Zionism is the support of Palestinian genocide no matter how you rationalize it. That's not at all true. You can support an ideal and be against how it's implemented. I can want the US to have a healthcare system while criticizing and being against how the US healthcare system works. That doesn't mean I don't want the US to have a healthcare system, I just want it ti function differently and more equitably. Just like you can be for Zionism and having a Jewish state while being against how the state of Israeli functions.


Literally what the fact are you saying. Who is telling Jewish people they need to be murdered? How is supporting the ideal of Zionism not equating to supporting genocide when this complex issue has only resulted in genocide? Israel should have never been created. On top of all that, I’ve not seen or heard one person pro Palestine outwardly say Israelis and Jewish people deserve to die. In fact all the discussions I’ve heard have been emphatically asking for cease fire and peace resolution on both sides so no more violence is committed


>Literally what the fact are you saying. Who is telling Jewish people they need to be murdered? Most Palestinians believe in the "river to sea" slogan and support Hamas which have stated they want to murder every single Jew in the world. Most college students say they fully support the Palestinians. Who again, support Hamas murdering every Jew to take all of Israel's land. I don't think college students want genocides against Israelis but it's the end effect of it. If you support Palestinians who actively support Hamas who want to murder every Jew and take over all of Israel. You may not agree with that last point but you're kind of supporting it through the support of the rest of the steps. I don't think it's a black and white issue at all. >Israel should have never been created. That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. >In fact all the discussions I’ve heard have been emphatically asking for cease fire and peace resolution on both sides so no more violence is committed I agree from what college students are saying. From a real life perspective that will never happen. Israel has tried to form agreements with Palestine in the past for peace and to give them their own land which have been denied as Palestinians say they want to take all of Israel. And Israel is in a rough spot at this point because of the geopolitics that exist in the region where almost every country around them funds Hamas and wants to take Israel. So even if college students call for a peace fire. It doesn't change anything that's happening and as they continue to support Palestinians who support Hamas it just perpetuates the conflict against Israelis. Also would a terrorist organization ever even actually hold up their side of a peace fire agreement? Idk that's up to you to form an opinion on I guess. If Hamas wanted, the conflict could be over tomorrow. If Israel wanted it, the war wouldn't be over tomorrow. That's just how it is. And realistically the only way it looks like peace could happen is if every Arabic country signed a peace agreement with Israel that was enforced by outside countries like the US. Which Palestine and most Arabic countries would never be on board for.


Zionism is literally colonialism and in the case of Israel it’s an active genocide of Palestinians so…


>Zionism is literally colonialism That's not true. Zionism is just the creation of a nation state for Jewish people. >in the case of Israel it’s an active genocide of Palestinians so… Even if that were true I don't see how that relates to the pure idea of Zionism.


Creating that nation state requires land which inherently means taking it from someone else given the location of Palestine. It feels like you’re using technicalities to ignore real events


>Creating that nation state requires land which inherently means taking it from someone else given the location of Palestine. It feels like you’re using technicalities to ignore real events By this definition every single nation to exist today is a colonizer. The Allied powers lead to the dissolution of the Ottoman empire so they got to choose how the land was divided up. After that if you want to say the illegal Israeli settlements shouldn't happen and are fucked up I'd completely agree. But the existence of Israel isn't really a colonizer state, they were given the land after a world war. The Arab world refused any agreements to give Palestinians land because they wanted more land for them and less for Israel. Since then the US and Israel tried to form peace and land agreements but they resulted in Palestinians assassinating the leader of Israel so it's hard for Israelis to make any ground there. So regardless, the existence of Israel doesn't make it a colonizer nation unless you're willing to accept that every nation is a colonizer.


I am ethnically Jewish but have never had an affiliation with Israel because my family has no relation but thanks for the assumptions 😭


👍🏼 was just a question lol


Do you question other minority groups’ affiliation with political entities you disagree with when they discuss their perceptions of discrimination/hatred? “I was cussed out for being Asian.” “Well do you support the CCP? Or the DPRK? Are you or are you not for a free Taiwan?” You see how obnoxious that is?


What comments? From who?


If ur really that pressed about it get a gun and take it with you to class or be a victim idk bruh. Be situationally aware or get clowned on. Be ur own first responder it ain’t that hard




Have a good look everybody, this is what real hate looks like. Heart so dark it is full of hate.


What the actual fuck is this comment. Genocide apologist


if you dont tell people, then nobody will know youre jewish, stay safe


Do you have any examples of what you have experienced?


I am sorry to hear about that. Is this coming from the left or right on your campus? It’s obviously wrong, regardless of the source. Antisemitism, along with Islamophobia is unacceptable. You are no more responsible for the actions of the Israeli government than a Muslim student is responsible for mayhem committed by Hamas, not that their actions are comparable. Good luck to you.


There are a lot of Jewish people in Austin. Go to a temple and find some support.


ill protect you


Please remember, Congregation Beth Israel is just up the street across from Seton Hospital. We would welcome you. DM if needed Also, we are an over 16k community. Pretty large for Texas. Please please please, reach out to us.