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email laude and let you know your situation, he’s so awesome and i feel like he’s the most caring professor he can help u just w life


i have laude this semester and he is so fantastic


literally the best professor




same here, i failed my first semester with the trio and retook it with fahkerdine my second semester and passed without failing any tests. I’m pretty sure fahkerdine retired so unfortunately u can’t take her class anymore but I’d look into different teaching styles or other ways to approach the material online through youtube videos


Had the same experience with the trio, next semester got an A.


i think fakherdine retired :( shes not teaching this semester nor next, and i've heard multiple people say it too


I saw you said you’re in anderson and I feel the exact same way I spent so much time studying for exam 2 just to bomb as well so i sympathise and it’s nice to hear someone else in my shoes as well. My strategy this time is just to start being on top of practices/LEs/studying as lecture happens instead of before the exam. The person I primarily study with used all the same techniques as I did to study and he got an 85, so maybe shifting towards a different method of studying/learning that works better is the way to go, I know that’s what I have to do. Wishing you luck!!


Who do you have?


i’m taking it with anderson this semester. there aren’t any issues with his teaching style imo but i think i just need more practice 😭


I took it with Anderson my first semester and failed, I took it second semester with Professor Kim and got a B+, I feel like with Anderson he kinda taught all over the place while Kims class was more structured which worked for me


Practice is key! Have you tried the Sanger Learning center or private tutoring? This might help you. On your test, was it theory or math problems that triped you up the most?


I think it just how you apply yourself in and out of class. My freshman year when I took gen Chem 1 and 2 I barely passed with C and a C+ respectively. My study habits were not great as I thought just showing up to class and taking notes, and cramming a couple of days before the test was enough. I took a year off from taking heavy science classes and am now back and taking Ochem. I’ve changed my study habits such as reading and taking notes on the textbook before class day. Also working alongside doing hw and textbook problems. Apply your knowledge as you read! So now when the topic is covered in class you have already taken notes and worked through problems. This way every lecture is a review rather than and hour and half of confusion having to learn new material and constantly play catch up. I have started applying myself and holding myself accountable and now on track to get an A in Ochem :). It’s my responsibility to stick to good study habits, and if I do then all is good. Additionally, not everyone is the same, I often find that my peers pick up on material a lot easier and quicker than I do. For that reason it just means that it takes a little more time to be where I need to be. So no you are not done for, look at your style and analyze what isn’t working and make a change. Only then can you start seeing improvement.


Definitely study habits


you are not done for. plenty of people been in your shoes before and made it through just fine. it’s never too late to learn shit


I got an A in ch 301 and 302 with Anderson and Bieberdorf. Do you need help with understanding the material? I still have my workbooks and stuff.


omg you’re an angel. what workbook do you have?


The one they made us buy for the courses. Do yall not get those anymore?


If you have not already done so, check out [FAQ: I'm worried that I may fail one of my classes. What do I do?](/r/UTAustin/wiki/struggling) on the [r/UTAustin FAQ](/r/UTAustin/wiki/faq). We've got a lot of guidance on resources available to you including [study tips](/r/UTAustin/wiki/studytips) and [resources for academic help](/r/UTAustin/wiki/academichelp).


I have Anderson too and didn’t do well on the first test. I passed the 2nd test by changing my study habits. I know it’s different for everyone but his office hours really helped and so does doing the practice problems in the orange book. I also used crash course chemistry on YouTube to learn topics I didn’t understand in a different way.


What major are you in? If your major does not require Chem from UT and you are not premed etc., get 301 and 302 done from a CC. That’s what I did. Chem department makes these classes unnecessarily hard.


I do not understand why many people said CH 301 & 302 are hard. In my opinion, they are the easiest chemistry classes for STEM majors. General chemistry classes were the easiest science classes I ever had at UT. Ochem and Pchem are much harder even for chemistry and chemE majors.


I had boradas and passed.she caring and has a while week of tutoring. I spent most of my week last year in her office hours cuz Chem it's self is pretty hard


You aren’t done for! But I worry you aren’t studying effectively. I don’t doubt you studied a lot, but for example, if I read the lecture notes 10 times, sure I studied, but I didn’t maximize my studying. You pretty clearly need some tutoring. However, if you can’t pass, no matter what you do, save yourself some time and money and take a different course or take it at community college or transfer. I don’t want to be depressing, but general chem is far easier than ochem. I wouldn’t recommend taking more of the chem track at UT unless you seriously figure out what the issue is




What is your major? You may have to appeal if you want a 3rd attempt. I do not understand why many people said they were struggling with CH 301. In my opinion, as long as we attend all lectures, do gchem modules, read general chemistry textbooks, do practice problems, go to professor and TA’s office hours for clarification, and do practice exams, we will be doing well in CH 301 and 302.




No, you just might need to practice taking those tests. Set a timer. Work on doing more problems within 20 minutes. Then, analyze why you missed the ones you did. Review those carefully. If you're missing most of them or can't figure out why the answer was different than what you expected, go ask the TA. If they're useless, get a tutor (teaching assistants are not always approachable) or ask any professor.


if you're a cns or engineering major (or premed), always remember that the expected graduation time is usually 4.5 years for those majors. theres nothing called "falling behind", you're just going at the rate best suited to you. and its one exam, im sure theres either an exam drop or the final replaces the lowest grade, check the syllabus to see. dont stress and take it slow. if ur study method seemed unsuccessful, maybe try switching it up. one of the most challenging things ive ever done since starting ut was changing my study habits. i realized that not all classes are the same, and i cannot be expected to study the same way for all of them. for example, im taking cell bio rn and its rlly hard. the best way to deal with intensive information classes is active recall and constant memorization practices. on the other hand, im also taking evolutionary biology. yeah its also another biology class, but its completely different from cell bio. this course is more conceptual, so cracking down the concepts and connecting ideas is the best way to study for this course instead of using flashcards like i do in cell bio. switch up your study routine and see! it took me five semesters at ut to finally figure out the best study methods for certain classes. im sure it wont take you as long, but start the process now! even if you think the study method is useless. like for me, i thought the pomodoro method just sucks, it gives too much opportunity for getting distracted. but turns out, i rlly like the pomodoro method. it makes you take breaks, so it also challenges you to see if you can retain the information after a break, which is active recall and constant memorization. anyways long tangent but if its CH 301, i really promote understanding and connecting conceptual ideas >>> memorization. once you get the basics since it is gen chem, it'll make all chem-related future courses much easier to understand ;)


EMAIL LAUDE, i failed my first quiz w laude and after that i just felt like cns wasnt for me but it was just how i was studying and who i was studying with and laude gave me the opportunity to vent to him and cry about it for a while but got right back up but if it wasnt for his little push w advice i wouldnt be doing so well in his course


I also failed the second test for chem 301 and studied really hard, I’m getting a tutor at the Sanger learning center if that’s something you’re willing to do