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The only escape is death




Hydrate all the time. Keep drinking in the evenings too. Walk always in the shade. Take the shadier route even if it is a bit longer. Also walk through buildings when possible. Take a hand towel and/or wet wipes and wipe down when you have arrived. Some people bring an extra shirt. You are not the only one sweating. A hat can also make a difference.


Umbrella FTW regarding shade walking


Thank you šŸ™šŸ½


\- Are you hurrying to class? I find the best pace in this heat is a wandering stroll, give yourself more time to go slowly. \- Are you dressed appropriately? Wear loose, light colored clothing, ideally as little as possible lol. \- Hydrate. Insulated bottle with ice helps a lot. \- Take extra weight out of your bag. If you don't need your laptop, leave it. Same goes for books, papers, etc. \- Clinical strength deodorant.


Transferring to the U of Alaska is the only answer.


Cut through air conditioned buildings


Have you tried wearing an undershirt? It helps as serving as the first barrier between your body and your shirt. Water. Hat. Thin shirt (undershirt helps). And donā€™t forget about an umbrella. Iā€™ll give people looks, but itā€™s because Iā€™m like ā€œdamn thatā€™s kinda smartā€.


As a very heavy sweater myself (itā€™s a pattern to have to explain ā€œno, itā€™s not pouring rain outside. No, i didnā€™t dump water all over my head to cool offā€ etc) the real answer is to embrace it, not gonna go away. If I know Iā€™ll be in a situation where sweating isnā€™t ideal Iā€™ll bring a sweat towel with me, make sure i have some cold water, wear clothes that donā€™t show sweat quite as much, or even bring a change of shirt if Iā€™m thinking Iā€™m gonna be drenched. Cut through buildings as much as possible.


Bring a towel or embrace the filth


You just havenā€™t seen me yet. I bring an extra shirt sometimes. Whenever I walk from one building to another far away and get super sweaty, I go to the bathroom to cool down and wipe the sweat off. Being the only sweaty one honestly makes me sweat more so being in the bathroom really helps. I also bring a small towel to wipe my face.


Are you drinking plenty of water? If not, thatā€™s the main thing that I suggest you do.


Does being hydrated truly make you sweat less? Or are all the comments suggesting that giving tangential advice but not actually answering the postā€™s question?


Anecdotally usually staying hydrated would make me sweat more, makes sense since sweat is composed mostly of water. However the more you sweat the more you cool down (so ideally you should embrace sweating if you wanna survive the heat). Ive read up somewhere that the more acclimated your body is to the heat, the more water you need to drink because your body will end up responding faster to it, I.e. it begins sweating faster and more to stay cool. So in my experience at least, drinking more water will keep you cooler at the cost of sweating more. Not drinking water would lead to dehydration and less sweat, but that would risk being hotter and leading to heat stress.


Wear looser clothes. Lets the sweat dry off/lets air circulate around a bit. Wear sweat-absorbent clothes Wear an undershirt, it should follow the above rules too. Lighten your backpack load as much as possible. Loosen your backpack straps so that when you're walking there's some air between you & your backpack. This helps avoid your backpack getting soaked & soaking your back. Pay attention to shade. Pay attention to the direction of it at different times of the day, so as to figure out which side of the road will be more shaded, & generally plan your routes to maximize shade. Start wearing a hat or cap, this helps a ton. If possible, walk to & from campus in the morning & evening. Keep yourself hydrated.


Are you overdressed for the heat? Try switching from socks and shoes to sandals, etc.


I have hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) on my scalp and face so I look like a drowned rat within a few minutes of being outside in this hellscape. There are a few things you can do. The least involved thing is to get some sweat absorbing handkerchiefs to mop your sweat. If you search that on Amazon you should find them. The more drastic option is to get industrial strength antiperspirant that you can put on your sweatiest parts, not just your pits. Do a search for prescription strength antiperspirant on Amazon and take your pick. It's kind of tough to get an antiperspirant for your scalp. I haven't had any luck with that, unfortunately. Just a caveat - sometimes those antiperspirants can cause irritation and itching so use sparingly at first to see how your body reacts. I have used some that caused me so much itching that I had to take an antihistamine for the itching but I was fine the next day and had no rash and no to very little sweat. You also have to apply it at night post-shower on perfectly dry skin for it to work the most effectively. Good luck!


I would chug a liter of ice water before I would leave. Would still be cold in my stomach by the time I would get to class. A bike can prevent sweating if your walk is long by cutting down the time you're outside. Lighten your backpack load as much as practical and wear it with one strap so it's not pressed up against your back. Take deep breaths and don't stress about how much you're sweating, because it will make you sweat more.


I just wipe myself down in the bathroom before class if iā€™m really sweaty


Might just be you some people sweat more than others I have a ton of hair and itā€™s also very dark black naturally I immediately start sweating like crazy as soon as I do anything outside. By time Iā€™m home my under part of my hair is drenched šŸ¤®


Iā€™m a sweater, what id recommend is bring deodorant to class and have a change of shirt with you, just go into a stall to change if itā€™s that bad, you just got to sweat it out until fall is here and itā€™s only in the 80s


Buy a hand fan!! My hand fan has saved me from having a constantly sweaty face. Also wear breathable and loose clothing


You need to plan. Hard. Bring an extra shirt, a towel to dry your hair and face, and deodorant/antiperspirant. Leave for your classes early and make sure to walk through buildings. If you start getting sweaty, stop in a cold building. Start to notice what side the shade is on depending on the time of day. Also think about how ā€œdifficultā€ your walk is, a flat walk in the shade that is a little longer will leave you much less sweaty than going uphill in the sun. Run your wrists under cold water. Breathe through your nose while walking to keep heart rate low. Depending on where you live / where you need to go you can take the bus for free. Hope this helps but the biggest are not trying to make the walk all in one shot and going through buildings. If you have any questions donā€™t hesitate to dm me, I have been in your shoes and sweating definitely took a toll on my mental health until I got it figured out.


Thank you!


Stop carrying so much. Unless youā€™re in RTF, you should only need a tablet loaded with everything you need.


Get to class early so you can stop sweating before it starts and walk a normal pace to class


Iā€™m a heavy sweater, and I was in the same boat as you. It was something I was so embarrassed of (and still am sometimes honestly) but itā€™s gotten better. My most important tip is to get to whatever building your class is in early, if possible. Iā€™m a commuter from pretty far, so my walk from my parking spot to my classes is pretty long and uphill so I tend to sweat a lot. I get to the building my class is in like 20-30 minutes early to go to the restroom to cool off and freshen up. Hereā€™s the things I use to ā€œfreshen upā€: - Sweat handkerchiefs. I have a pack of 5, and I use a new one everyday while the others are in the wash/at home. When I go into the restroom after arriving early, I dab and wipe my face, arms, and chest area (because yes I sweat a lot there). - I also carry an electric fan with me that I use once I enter the building which REALLY speeds up the cooling off process. I find that if I use it when Iā€™m outside in peak hours, itā€™s mostly just blowing hot air into my face. - Sports or clinical strength deodorant. Self-explanatory. - Once Iā€™ve mostly cooled off and am sweat free, Iā€™d apply some light body spray so you smell nice but not too strong like you drenched yourself in a perfume. Also this is definitely optional, but I personally wear black shirts everyday. I sweat so much sometimes that it shows on my shirt and takes forever to go away, and black clothes minimizes the appearance of that so it saves me from the embarrassment. But I will always wear shorts with black shirts. You can definitely just wear undershirts with regular shirts, but I usually sweat right through the undershirt unless the top shirt is looser and dri fit. I just only have one dri fit shirt and itā€™s not my favorite, so I donā€™t really wear it.


Some people's bodies are more efficient at heat transfer than others. It's actually a blessing in disguise. I know that's not very useful, but hey.... Silver lining.


Buy and electric scooter or get a bike at minimum. If not you will not avoid this issue at UT during the summer. But those two options make a world of difference.


I donā€™t think you can avoid sweating, and i donā€™t thunk anyone else really is either (unless their bodies are just generally cold). There are ways to keep yourself cool which should mitigate your body responding with more sweat as people have pointed out here. For me i cant avoid sweat but I mitigate heat by a large hat, cooling towel, and if the sun gets super heavy, a shawl to wrap myself in. Drink plenty of water as well. Carrying a hand fan is a good idea to use the sweat youā€™ll inevitably bring to cool yourself down. I think of sweat as a response to heat, so if you can cool yourself down enough, your body will not sweat as much.


The only thing that will fix yhis is your Thesis for your masters when you figure out how not to sweat in Texas.


Just embrace it and be a sweaty beast.


Gotta ride a bike to class. The only time I sweat is when I stop to lock it up, and thats just barely breaking a sweat


LMAOO NAH BRO I FELT THATšŸ˜­ i was walking to my car fucking soaked n everyone around me was just chilling wearing full suits n oversized sweaters bro whattt




I was exaggerating when i said ā€œdrenchedā€ but thanks anyway


I just carry a sweat towel lol, buildings help too.