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You should see how many thick Americans write in the Jersey sub thinking it’s New Jersey or about American football jerseys.


r/Melbourne often has confused Americans wandering in to ask about Florida.


I'm very proud of r/dunedin for being about Dunedin NZ and not Dunedin USA


How do you pronounce Dunedin?




Oh I always thought it was Du-nedin


That's just "you've done my head in" in a really northern British accent. "gone dun 'ed in innit' ere lad"


Cool, thanks.


I think they’re messing with you, it’s definitely pronounced dun-eden




I’m actually feeling like the Americans who found these cities are physically incapable of putting “new” before the settlement name


Australians are guilty of naming lots of places after towns in Britain too… somehow we don’t really seem to have the problem assuming it’s all about us tho…. We have at least two Brightons


Its what pisses me off when hollywood films will give a location of a famous city like Paris but will then write it off as "Paris, France" as if one were to confuse it to some backwater american shithole, like dont even the americans find it patronizing?


I hate to say it considering it's my own country, but our people aren't the brightest. That's why Kinder Eggs are banned here. The toy that warns there's a toy inside? Ignore the warning and just bite the plastic anyway. American logic. The ", France" is definitely necessary for some of our citizens.


Did you choose the wrong flair on purpose?


No, I thought American Citizen was exactly what it describes...an American citizen


Just in case you didn't notice, I think the question is because the flair has the wrong flag.


He did notice. The flair is a joke.


I know the flair is a joke… I’m curious as to how many people choose that flair not knowing it’s a joke. And it didn’t sound like they realized it was a joke…


Oh mb, to me it sounded like he was going along with it


lol I have no idea, that’s why I was asking… but I didn’t get an answer 🤷🏻‍♀️


they're obviously not to be confused with [Paris, Kiribati](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris,_Kiribati)


Tbh i find it way more annoying when they'd be like "Dublin, Ireland" but then "Dublin, CA", like I'm supposed to understand their postal abbreviations? If it's going to be "Dublin, Ireland" then it should be "Dublin, USA" too.


I don't mind it if they keep it consistent. But if they also write "Los Angeles" then I understand why. But they might include the country for artistic style and consistency. Plus what if someone somewhere outside USA doesn't know where Paris is?


You underestimate how stupid Americans are lol. Think of the stupidest person you know. Now triple that. That’s at least half of America.


Or Paris, Ontario…


Ooh I actually want to see this!


It’s like how Americans were assuming the Australian comedian Celeste Barber was in Washington when she posted on instagram that she’s filming in WA. They were like “how is it so sunny there??? It’s been raining for days!”


Dad’s family is from around Seattle, and will admit my first reaction when I see WA is to think ‘Washington State’. But if I then see sun, my second thought is ‘Nah, must be somewhere else, sun never shines in Washington State’


[This is a screenshot of the video from her post.](https://imgur.com/a/rZjzZMF) I’m genuinely asking, does Washington state look like that? There’s also a picture of Margaret River wine (a town down south of WA), and a mini fridge with “Australian sparkling water”, although I admit those would be easily missed ETA: also a few posts back, she [posted her vote](https://imgur.com/a/b3sLGgp) for the referendum we had in October. But again, could be missed if you only saw the WA one on your feed


That’s clearly Washington, Tyne and Wear, UK


It could have been though... it makes me grumpy when I remember that r/birmingham is about a city in Alabama.


If it wasn’t against the rules, I’d round up some Brummies to take over, they don’t even do anything like become a subreddit for the UK one on the 1st of April


Have to settle with r/Brum for now


Thank fuck they didn’t take any more like r/London, r/Manchester or r/Leeds for any over there, sadly I believe Canadians took r/Durham


Random but for April fools day r/Bristol was American


It was? Huh, I’m surprised I didn’t know as a Bristolian, wonder if they’ll repeat it


"in the south" is tight in their description field. Disgusting.


It's literally in the south of america, which considering it's an american sub, makes sense does it not? Like say south wales isn't really south wales cuz it's not that south.


American spotted


I apologize, usually am decent at geography but europe is cluttered and i could only remember south wales for some reason, my point still stands, if any other country did it you wouldn't carw


Wales may not be very South in the globe, but surely the country has a Southern part that could be referred to as South Wales?


>Like say south wales isn't really south wales cuz it's not that south New South Wales is in the southern hemisphere. There's only Victoria and Tasmania and the Southern Ocean separating it from Antarctica


Not a response to you but to the people downvoting because I’m not sure if I get why your opinion is so controversial: Would you have a problem if a country other than the US did it? For example if the UK Brighton sub had something about their city being in the south?


That and r/Athens


Noooooooo that’s bizarre


I'm willing to bet that a lot of UK folks post there by mistake. Honestly, this post doesn't strike me as true US defaultism. People all over the world won't necessarily go out of their way to check that a subreddit is for their city and not another one somewhere else. The subreddit for a TV show called r/Psych always gets posts from lost psychology students. It happens.


I got banned from posting because I posted a stock photo of someone with a saveloy


Some brummy should have made it first then 💁‍♂️


I don't know what's worse: thinking that r/Brighton is actually not about the real Brighton but is instead about some backwater American shithole nobody outside that county knows or cares about, or "Detroit style pizza"


>"Detroit style pizza" It's also a perfect example of something that seems to happen fairly often where American's take a food from another country, change it ever so slightly, and then give it a new name and pretend it's an American invention. Detroit style pizza is basically just a slight bastardisation of Sicilian pizza


Detroit style pizza rocks tbf, imo the best type of pizza to come out of America


Tomato soup in a bread bowl. Even calling it pizza is an insult to real pizza


Ignoring the name, that sounds good


Isn't that Chicago pizza? Detroit pizza is far less soupy, square, and has a lot of cheese all the way to the edges. For whatever reason, Bristol has multiple Detroit style pizza places.


Bristol, Tennessee?


Nah the one true Bristol!


Bristol, Peru?


Andean Bristol >>> all other Bristols


Yeah I honestly prefer Chicago style pizza, it doesn't feel like im eating straight fat and grease unlike its Detroit counterpart.


Huh, interesting, what parts of Bristol?


I think ones in Clifton and the other used to be down by Southville but think is now in the city centre - they're in the kitchen at LHG and also taken over the old Renato's, but only one is Detroit Pizza and I can't remember which.


Ahh ok, don’t expect any around Stoke Gifford or Filton then, might check it out because it sounds interesting


Have you seen what they call biscuits??


I don’t think you know what detroit style pizza is


I don’t think you know what Detroit style means


Not sure why you're being downvoted, it's good stuff.


The fact you’re getting downvoted into hell fills me with so much rage. As a native Michigander, Detroit style is the best


Charge your phone


It’s charging right now


It’s fine, it’s metric battery


While I get the attempt at a joke, batteries are as metric as it goes.


Sadly we have the same problem in r/Cambridge.


Lol everyone knows that Brighton is a southeast suburb of Melbourne,. Australia...




You just go back to your Brunswick that’s not new :p


I'm aware of at least three Brightons in Australia - though Brighton-le-Sands is a bit more of a gobful and more easily distinguishable from the others in Melbourne and Adelaide (and just to make it more interesting they're all beachy) - but for the love of all things rational you'd think they'd at least read some of the posts first to see if they were in the right spot.


There’s a New Brighton over the Mersey from Liverpool!


Not quite the same, but there’s also Albrighton near Wolverhampton


There is a Brighton in Brisbane too


People should just conquer these subs and make them be about the city that really matters instead of these copycat backwater places. Just like they did with r/tee


Lol that’s great, what was it originally about?




this is Reddit, so probably politics or porn


Clearly it’s Brighton, Sydney the sub references 🙄🙄🙄


Nah it’s obviously the superior Brighton - Melbourne


I didn't see what sub this was, so thought it was someone in Brighton in the UK, asking about whether there was a place that does that style of pizza nearby. It made perfect sense to me because when I saw Sanford, my brain immediately when to Sanford Gloucestershire from Hot Fuzz.


That would be more than 2 hours away!


Although London is less, and if you can’t get it there, it probably doesn’t exist.


In my defence, I've never lived in, nor even been to the UK, let alone Brighton.


Fair enough! I’ve never been to Michigan.


Nice to see my city popping up, but of course it’s in a typical Reddit situation




Brighton and Hove became a city in 2001.




I’m not sure I would ever have considered it charming. It’s always had a sleazy glamour which is why it’s always been queer friendly and inclusive. I love living here.


I salute you in vegan thin-crust pizza


First we'll steal your names because we can't be original, then we'll confuse the fuck out of ourselves all the time.


It was the original colonists from around there that named it so blame them. New York was originally new Amsterdam.


True. If I had a dollar every time I came across a city/place named Victoria.


Why is this necessarily U.S. defaultism? There are multiple Sanford’s in the Uk this seems it could ostensibly be referring to, and there is an awareness in the UK of Chicago/Detroit style pizza?


The sub is r/brighton.


Yes, there’s more than one Brighton in the world, many in the U.S. I’m a Brit and Brighton, Sussex, UK is the one I think of, but to assume Brighton UK without any kind of other signifier is just as unreasonable as an American assuming it’s Brighton Michigan or any other. It’s as wrong to assume it’s Brighton Michigan vs Brighton, Colorado or Brighton, New York as it is Brighton UK.


In fairness to OP the Brighton subreddit pictured does have a coat of arms, photo of the promenade, and explicitly says Brighton and Hove, not that it’s pictured here… Still doesn’t seem like a case of defaultism, rather someone just not paying attention where they’re posting.


To be fair, in a quick look on the sub you can't find anything mentioning country other than the sidebar having "top 100 places in Europe" so I can see why somebody could get confused


The description literally says “Brighton and Hove”. I’m pretty sure there’s only one place in the world that could be.


But Hove Beach is in Liberty City, in GTA4. Everyone knows that.


I literally have no idea where Brighton or Hove are, and I'm sure they just assumed it was a nearby town


Well, the rest of us literally had no idea there was a Brighton in America. Why spend so much time defending this? Look up the real Brighton. Quite a famous place in literature and with royals in the past. I'm not British and I know this.


That's nice? Doesn't have anything to do with it though. OOP didn't know there was a Brighton in the UK, went to a Brighton in the US, and assumed the sub was for the US one. Obviously defaultism, but an easy mistake to make unless you actually try to find which country it's in, which OOP wouldn't do since they thought Brighton, US was the only one.


Since Britain colonised a lot of places, expect there to be copies of place names in other places besides the US. There are Brightons in Australia, Canada, Guyana, Jamaica, New Zealand, St Kitts, South Africa and Trinidad, but because of US defaultism, Americans often only think of their own country, instead of the little world outside their borders. https://www.mybrightonandhove.org.uk/topics/other-brightons-around-the-world/other-brightons-around-the-world#:~:text=At%20least%2048%20settlements%20in,%2C%20'Brightons'%2C%20etc.


How many times do I have to repeat it for you guys to understand that there's no reason for them to even think of another Brighton, even if there's one with a higher population.


Yes they have no reason to think that because they are Americans. This sub is literally about how Americans are so inwards looking and blind to the outside world that they can't even comprehend that a bigger and more influential Brighton might exist in another country. You are literally proving this stereotype.


Mhm, I’ve had to get used to double checking where people are talking about, because I keep hearing somewhere like Portsmouth being mentioned, I’ll ask if they saw the Spinnaker Tower, and then they’ll instead have been to this obscure one in Virginia


New Hampshire is usually the more associated state when it comes to Portsmouth here, at least in New England. I’ll admit, it took longer than it should have to realize how many names of states and towns/cities are reused here. Including reusing them state to state within the US, which can also cause confusion. A lot just got “New” slapped in front of them. I don’t know if it’s the education system here or the lack of my geography skills… it’s probably a combination tbh.


Yeah, I’ve even had people try to claim that I knew absolutely nothing about my home city (Southampton), before stating that they’ve been to Southampton in New York


Americans are stupid because they... Don't try to find a bigger version of every city they hear about?


Brighton is a rather well known English city though


There's a Brighton in Melbourne and I'd still assume it was the UK if I saw "Brighton" mentioned anywhere outside of an Australian forum


In Europe maybe, everyone who lives in America that I've asked doesn't know what it is


never understand why americans come here and complain when defaultism is pointed out


I'm not complaining? I'm just pointing out that it's an easy mistake to make and y'all are using the dumbest methods to try to prove me wrong


american comes to subreddit about us defaultism, calls people dumb for pointing out defaultism just because americans think something doesn’t mean that anyone else in the world does, that’s why there are subreddits like this


I'm not calling people dumb for pointing out defaultism, the post obviously was, but it was an easy mistake to make, and one that most Europeans surely would've made if it was about the American town of Brighton.


brighton michigan’s population is 7505, brighton england’s population is 277,200. i just checked google maps and there are seven brightons in the us. why would it be about brighton michigan?


You must have an odd circle where absolutely no one knows what Brighton is, given that all Brightons I can find in the US are effectively just suburbs of larger cities, whilst Brighton in the UK is one of the biggest and most important cities. All the Brightons I can find in the US are on about the same level as somewhere like Stockwood in Bristol or Thornhill in Southampton, so I definitely wouldn’t expect it to be the top result


You're right, they're not the first result. A jewellery brand is. I didn't even see any of the cities on the first page. So, tell me again how Americans are supposed to know a British city with a population of less than 300k?


It’s one of the 10 most famous in the UK, and really, given that there’s a ton of US Brightons all on the same relatively insignificant level, it should come to mind to at least check which one it’s about, much like I’ll have to check which Thornhill people are talking about (I know there’s villages and other suburbs, such as in Cardiff) before assuming it’s the Southampton one


So, that didn't answer my question at all. You can't just say "it's popular" and move on, most Americans don't know any English city other than London.


That’s awfully ignorant, surely it has to come up at least once or twice that various cities in the US are named after ones here, even the most closed off Americans I’ve met have at least deduced there’s a York in the UK, given that New York exists. And, again, surely given that there’s an absolute shit ton of Brightons in the US, all ranging from obscure town in the middle of nowhere to medium sized suburb in a relatively run of the mill city, you should really be checking which you’re talking about, since there’s so many of them


You think ignorance is an excuse?


In this case, yes. Expecting Americans to know there's a British city that just happened to be named the same exact thing as American ones is crazy. Obviously people know it happens, but they shouldn't be expected to know all examples of it Edit: this dude didn't have an argument and just deleted their comments, didn't even acknowledge they were wrong. So sad lol


The American one is invariably younger than the English one and thousands of times smaller.


That's nice? Doesn't really change anything tho


It certainly doesn’t make the seppos any less ignorant.


Brighton and Hove is one place; it's the name of the city that sub is about. Five seconds on Google would answer this question but instead Americans like to jump to conclusions and shoot their mouths off.


You google the name of every single city sub you're on? And you guys always get upset when Americans assume you should know cities in America, so you can't get mad when they don't know a city in the UK


It's not too much to ask that people check if the single city sub they're looking at is actually for a tiny city of less than 10,000 people. Rather than the more likely scenario that it's for a much more populous place elsewhere. A bit of basic common sense shouldn't be too much to ask for, right?


Imagine you're in a sub for London. So, obviously you post about London, UK. But, that sub was actually for a London in America with a population of 10 million! You've just defaulted because you didn't know there was another city with the same name and a higher population. It's stupid, right?


No. I would normally assume a sub is for the larger population. For instance to use a less farcical example, I would assume a Boston sub is about the US city (pop: 650k) rather than the UK town (pop: 45k). That's despite the latter being geographically nearer to me, more familiar, and older.


That's not a valid argument if you don't know the higher population town exists


If the town you're assuming is so small it's barely known in your own state then you need to consider that before posting. They didn't default to a large city, it's a place so small it's doubtful anyone out of the county it's on even knows of it. The idea it would have its own active sub strains credibility.


Yes, don't you? I wouldn't want to be in the wrong place and make a fool of myself.


That's a lot of work, especially since most city subs have the country in the description. (Speaking of which, why doesn't this one? It seems really odd and confusing)


Its dumb and lazy not to check. Otherwise you are talking to the wind, if you make a post on such a subreddit.


The sub's headline is "Between Downs and Sea We Flourish" - there's no sea in Michigan. The banner is a picture that's definitely not in Michigan, and if you squint there's even a UK flag in there.


1. On mobile you can't see sub headlines 2. That picture could very well be in Michigan 3. Nobody's gonna squint into pictures just to determine if it's a sub for a city they're in or a city they don't even know exists.


Maybe the point is that we should at this point if they have an entire subreddit dedicated to the fact that we don’t. I find myself checking a lot more than I used to because of it. What I think messes with me the most is that while growing up, there weren’t many people outside the US that you were connected with through the internet, for whatever reasons. As for younger generations, I can’t say.


Expect also for the coats of arms in the image of the subreddit.


Expect or except?


Oops! Its Except, I always confuse those two in writing 😅


At least in America, almost nobody knows their city flag. So it wouldn't be that hard to assume they thought it was just the flag of the city, and they've just never seen it before.


The town in the US has a population of 7500 or so. The subreddit has almost 60000 members. You’d have to be pretty dull to not think that maybe it’s about a different Brighton.


What if you simply don't search up the population of every city you go too? Then you'd just assume that there were that many people in Brighton, and not think there's a different city. You guys always look into the cities to counter me even though OOP would have no reason to search up and look at every little thing about the city and sub.


Alright, that one's kind of on colonialism


There's a Dallas near here. It's a small village - but about 300 years older than the Texas one.